Tuesday, August 14, 2018

David Eason"s Mom Slams Barbara Evans: He Doesn"t Beat Jenelle! Shut Yer Yap! [Exclusive]

Barbara Evans has been outspoken when it comes to her daughter Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason, who she believes is dangerous.

David’s own mother tells a different story, however, telling Barb off in a lengthy missive shared exclusively with The Hollywood Gossip.

According to Barbara, David is a violent, aggressive, hot-tempered, controlling yahoo – with a penchant for firearms, no less. 

Bit of a worrisome combination right there.

On the Teen Mom 2 reunion on Monday, August 13, Jenelle Evans didn’t show up, but Barbara did – and she didn’t hold back.

Babs openly speculated on MTV that Jenelle no-showed the reunion because her husband wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

“I don’t feel Jenelle is OK,” Barbara said.

“I’m just so so so worried.”

Due to David Eason’s aggression and love of guns, Barbara even said, “I’m going to be the first one shot cause I live closest.”

“It scares me,” she said of living in fear of him.

“He could come over and kill me any time.”

Scary stuff … but complete nonsense, according to another figure who claims she knows him – and his family – better than Barbara:

David’s mom, Mary Jo Eason.

Having heard several versions of this same, savage theme from Barb (above), Mary Jo has had just about enough, telling THG:

“I don’t like to comment on all of this because someone will be there to tell me they know more than I do about my own son!”

“My son does not beat Jenelle or boss her around! He doesn’t beat the children!” she adds, before addressing Babs directly:

“Barb you know he doesn’t! Tell the truth and shame the devil! You should be trying to help your daughter and her family.”

“You never say anything nice,” she says, pointedly directed at a woman she believes lies, manipulates and distorts the truth.

“You hated David from the start … you would rather be on that stupid show then [sic] be a loving parent and grandmother!”

(Jenelle has echoed this sentiment recently, accusing her mom of using her for fame and alleging that Barbara is the real child abuser.

The younger Evans also called 911 on Babs last winter, claiming that her mom had harmed or was going to harm son Jace.)

Mary Jo, she says, is “there every week,” while Ensley, David and Jenelle’s young daughter, “doesn’t even know [Barbara].” 

“How can you keep right on saying horrible things about my son? They are happy and you can’t stand it! I’m so sick of so many lies!” 

“Our children and grandchildren don’t deserve to be pawns in your nasty games!” Mary Jo continues, pleading with Barbara to stop.

“I’ve always been nice to you and your daughter and your grandchildren. How about try to put love and understanding and help in their lives.”

“Family and love for your family is all that matters,” Mary Jo pleads. “Please be honest and stop your vendetta.”

“You are only a year older than me. Don’t you know with each passing day our time in this Earth gets shorter.”

Damn. Now she’s getting deep.

In closing, David’s mother wants Barbara – and everyone else – to think before they repeat what they think is true.

There are usually multiple sides to a story, but she implies that Barb (and the media) only follow one narrative.

“All of you that keep saying things because you just think them should search your heart and soul and stop,” she concludes.

“David is my son and I know him better than all of you that don’t! I’m sure I’ll have to delete this but I have to speak up for my son.”

“He loves his family.”

Well, there you have his side of the story. Do you believe her? Or is David every bit the dangerous person Barbara alleges?

