Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: You"re Totally Nuts!

Kourtney Kardashian is about to get a break.

But it will be a short-lived one.

Due to Labor Day, there will not be a new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! this Sunday night, which means Kpurtney won"t need to play the role of human pinata for one evening.

As any veteran viewer of this series knows well, Kourtney has been picked up throughout Season 15 by sisters Kim and Khloe.

The trio has been at odds over Kourtney seemingly NOT making them a priority, while allegedly not understanding how hard they work at their jobs.

At one point last episode, Khloe and Kim worried that Kourtney was turning into Rob, pretty much the biggest insult possible.

At another point in another episode, Khloe said she wanted to punch Kourtney in the path.

Things have gotten so ugly that a new rumor claims Kourtney will peace out ot California after her E! contract is up next year, move to New York and leave her siblings behind.

We don"t exactly believe this chatter.

We"re not sure if we believe anything about this feud is real; and, even if it were, Season 15 was filmed way back in December.

It"s all water way down deep under the bridge at this juncture.

In the sneak peek at the September 9 installment featured here, however, Kourtney does not get into an argument with Kim or Khloe, but with another old foe instead:

Scott Disick.

It looks as if the exes, who share three adorable kids together and try to remain calm in public for the sake of their health and happiness, will have it out over Kourtney being "controlling."

Disick will even question her sanity at one point.

What is this fight about? One never knows when it comes to Scott and Kourtney.

But you can click PLAY to see parts of it play out and then tune into E! at 9/8c on September 9 to see A LOT more.

Scott disick to kourtney kardashian youre totally nuts