Showing posts with label NUTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUTS. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Rapper NBA Youngboy Goes Nuts Fighting Fan At Concert

Rapper NBA Youngboy got so pissed off at a “fan” he beat the crap of him.   Youngboy had just finished performing Friday night at The National in Richmond, Virginia when he jumped off the stage and beelined it toward a fan. The fan…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: You"re Totally Nuts!

Kourtney Kardashian is about to get a break.

But it will be a short-lived one.

Due to Labor Day, there will not be a new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! this Sunday night, which means Kpurtney won"t need to play the role of human pinata for one evening.

As any veteran viewer of this series knows well, Kourtney has been picked up throughout Season 15 by sisters Kim and Khloe.

The trio has been at odds over Kourtney seemingly NOT making them a priority, while allegedly not understanding how hard they work at their jobs.

At one point last episode, Khloe and Kim worried that Kourtney was turning into Rob, pretty much the biggest insult possible.

At another point in another episode, Khloe said she wanted to punch Kourtney in the path.

Things have gotten so ugly that a new rumor claims Kourtney will peace out ot California after her E! contract is up next year, move to New York and leave her siblings behind.

We don"t exactly believe this chatter.

We"re not sure if we believe anything about this feud is real; and, even if it were, Season 15 was filmed way back in December.

It"s all water way down deep under the bridge at this juncture.

In the sneak peek at the September 9 installment featured here, however, Kourtney does not get into an argument with Kim or Khloe, but with another old foe instead:

Scott Disick.

It looks as if the exes, who share three adorable kids together and try to remain calm in public for the sake of their health and happiness, will have it out over Kourtney being "controlling."

Disick will even question her sanity at one point.

What is this fight about? One never knows when it comes to Scott and Kourtney.

But you can click PLAY to see parts of it play out and then tune into E! at 9/8c on September 9 to see A LOT more.

Scott disick to kourtney kardashian youre totally nuts

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Christian Bale and Family Ride Boats at Disneyland, Fan Goes Nuts

A super slim Christian Bale and his family got their amusement park on … but nobody was more amused than the woman who finally saw her “love” in real life. Christian, his wife and kids were getting off the Storybook Land Canal Boats at Disneyland…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Wendy Williams: Kanye West Is Nuts and Kim Is Pathetic for Defending Him!

Kanye West is praising Trump on social media and claiming that they both have "dragon energy," leaving fans feeling betrayed and wondering if Kanye is losing his mind … or if he"s just not the man they thought he was.

But Kim Kardashian has been pulling out all of the stops to defend her husband, even as his outlandish statements elicit more and more scorn.

As you"ll see in the video below, Wendy Williams is referring to Kanye as a "cuckoo." As for Kim? Wendy thinks that she"s just pathetic.

On her show on Wednesday, Wendy Williams, who has built her brand by delighting in the misery of others, laid into Kanye for his recent behavior.

"I believe that Kanye is helping ruin the [Kardashian] brand and his own, as well."

Kanye"s bizarre tweets and other statements reflect poorly upon himself, but many fear that he is tainting Kim"s brand.

"It’s just another loose nut in the tree, in the empire."

The Empire that Kris Jenner has worked so hard to build for herself, her children, her grandchildren, and future generations.

(For what it"s worth, Kris has denied that she and Kanye have been fighting)

Wendy continues:

"And then here goes Kim."

"I don’t know whether this is just a boring day in her life or whether she’s purposely doing this to draw attention from the Kanye debacle, which has exploded."

We actually suspect that Kim may have planned these photos some time ago, to promote her new fragrance line.

"But yesterday she posts this picture — nude."

Kim has posted a lot of hilariously naked photos recently, including her entire naked figure.

The specific photo to which Wendy is referring is this one.

Wendy then goes on to sing Kim"s praises.

"Totally nude. Totally done, no razor bumps, no ingrown hairs, no nothing."

Well … surely Kim"s had laser hair removal, right? She"s rich. Why would anyone ever want to shave again when they can just have doctors laser off those unwanted body hairs?

"You know what, even if there is a little bit of airbrushing, you gotta’s still good."

After that compliment, however, Wendy quickly changes her tune.

"But how pathetic is she? How pathetic!"

It seems that Wendy really doesn"t think much of Kim pulling out all of the stops to distract the world from Kanye"s bad behavior.

Interestingly, Wendy seems to think that Kanye"s fall from grace is Kim"s fault.

"He hasn’t been the same since he married Kim. What ever happened to the thought-provoking Kanye?"

Honestly … a lot of people feel that Kanye was always like this on some level.

"We knew he was slightly nutty, but we’re all a little nutty. When he got with that family, number one, he should’ve stayed… in the back."

By which she means that he should have kept doing his own thing — and doing Kim — without blending his brand with the Kardashians.

"He should not have participated in that reality show."

Wendy seems less focused on Kanye"s outlandish Trump support, which is causing him to hemorrhage followers whose concern has turned to disgust, and more focused on his business decisions.

She says that he reportedly parted ways with so many people because he issued a demand to each of them that they fire all of their other clients and only work with him.

This is absurd, and that"s clearly what Scooter Braun and the others thought. Wendy agrees.

"If I were Scooter, I wouldn’t fire Grande and all those other girls for a cuckoo."

She apologizes. Sort of.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry — he’s going through things."

"So…for him. I think this demand is unreasonable, but so is he under present conditions, this Kanye."

She lays into Kanye.

"When you hired Scooter, you knew he had other clients, and now that you want him to split with them, you (Kanye) are being very, very unreasonable."

Watch the clip below and decide if Wendy"s being fair — or close enough — to Kanye.

Wendy williams kanye west is nuts and kim is pathetic for defend

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Steve Aoki"s Nuts Get Slapped By UFC Legend Ken Shamrock

Here’s video of UFC Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock schoolin’ Steve Aoki on the finer points of being a fighter — like taking shots STRAIGHT TO THE BALL BAG. The painful intro-to-MMA sesh went down at the UFC Performance Center in Vegas…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

WWE"s The Miz Goes Nuts on Middle East Tour, "My Balls Are In My Throat"

The Miz had an AWESOME Christmas in the Middle East — singing carols, shooting semis and SLINGSHOTTING OFF A FRICKIN’ AIRCRAFT CARRIER … and he documented all the action. That’s right … while the rest of us were getting cozy by the fire, the…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Simon Cowell"s Neighbor Goes Nuts On Mogul about Parking, Threats Caught on Video

Simon Cowell’s London neighbor went ballistic outside Simon’s home Tuesday night, threatening to smash cars with a golf club. The neighbor was apparently pissed off at Simon for parking in front of his house. The neighbor came out of his home…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is Driving Me NUTS!!!

The new season of Teen Mom OG is almost here! And that means another glimpse into the everyday life of "production puppet" Amber Portwood.

We know how things go for Amber — she ends up pregnant with her second child, and not by Matt Baier. Their engagement is over.

But it won"t be until we actually watch Season 7 that we see exactly how she got to where she is. But here"s a sneak peek into Amber and Matt"s crumbling relationship.

Amber portwood a photo

Whether you need to set your DVRs or you just watch Teen Mom OG online, folks, the new season is nearly upon us.

That means a lot.

Big highlights are going to include seeing Farrah Abraham get up to her usual nonsense … in what might be her final season.

Remember, Farrah Abraham announced that MTV had fired her over her sex work.

Other reports suggested that perhaps the real problem was that no one likes Farrah.

Farrah walked it back later, saying that she had learned that she was not fired, but … we don"t know what to make of all of that.

Farrah isn"t exactly considered to be a reliable source.

Regardless, we don"t know if we"ll see her on MTV again or not, so we"ll have to "treasure" these last moments with Farrah.

(Or maybe just plan a party for her final episode)

But let"s not allow that to distract us from Amber Portwood.

Remember, she goes from an engagement to Matt Baier to seeing a new man — Andrew Glennon.

Who is also her baby daddy.

So we"re eager to see every step that she took in going from point A to point B.

Amber portwood at 2017 vmas

In the clip below, Amber Portwood is struggling in her relationship with Matt Baier.

And she"s clearly stressing about things.

Between a need to pamper herself a little and the realities of being a celebrity — that she"s filmed and photographed and wants to look her best — Amber goes in to get her eyelashes done by an esthetician named Beth.

But there"s no rest for the famous, so she gets asked how things are going.

And the short answer is that they"re … not great.

"I feel like with Matt a bunch of different stuff," Amber says.

"I don’t know what is real, what’s not real."

That can happen a lot in rocky relationships, especially when celebrity status is involved. You hear so much — but what do you believe?

Amber lists the things that she"s fed up with:

"With all the women bulls–t, the kid s–t, him, just the way he was sometimes."

She"s already saying "was." Foreshadowing their eventual split?

Amber on teen mom

Of course, Amber"s mother, Tonya, has her own opinion about Matt Baier.

And she"s not being subtle about it.

"He’s just being a horrible person."

Amber doesn"t quite see it that way, countering:

"He"s not a horrible person," she says calmly while Beth works on her eyelashes.

But Tonya"s sticking to her point of view, describing Matt Baier as "a con."

And this is what prompts Amber to back down from badmouthing Baier because she says that she does love him and they have great times together.

Clearly, in the long run, those "great times" weren"t enough.

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Amber and her mother also mention what they have planned to try to fix things.

Their appearance on Marriage Boot Camp, of course!

(Has there ever been a series that treats its title as just a suggestion to this degree?)

As we all know, this doesn"t quite work out the way that they"d imagined, since Amber Portwood"s baby daddy is a Marriage Boot Camp producer.

And yes, the two of them met while Amber and Matt were filming that series.

Life comes at you fast, as they say.

Watch the clip below to get into Amber"s headspace before she and Matt tried to patch things up:

Amber portwood matt baier is driving me nuts

Friday, November 3, 2017

El Chapo, I Need a Doctor, I"m Going Nuts in Jail

El Chapo can’t remember a damn thing and is depressed as hell … and that’s why his lawyers are begging a judge to let a doc take a look at him in jail. Lawyers for the drug lord want the judge to allow for a neuropsychological evaluation at…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Albert Haynesworth Police Video: Baby Mama "Kicked Me In the Nuts"

TMZ Sports obtained video of ex-NFL superstar Albert Haynesworth calmly explaining to police how his baby mama repeatedly “kicked me in the nuts” during an alleged domestic violence incident … even the cop is shocked.  We broke the story ……


Albert Haynesworth Police Video: Baby Mama "Kicked Me In the Nuts"

TMZ Sports obtained video of ex-NFL superstar Albert Haynesworth calmly explaining to police how his baby mama repeatedly “kicked me in the nuts” during an alleged domestic violence incident … even the cop is shocked.  We broke the story ……


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Weeknd Concert Celebrating Grey Goose Cancelled and Fans Go Nuts

The Weeknd had a rough start to the weekend after his concert was shut down before it even started. Weekend was supposed to perform at a downtown L.A. warehouse Friday night for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of Grey Goose. Along comes the…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Game says Nosy People Need to Get off Usher"s Nuts

The Game wants everyone to get off Usher’s back nuts. The rapper was leaving Ace of Diamonds Monday night when we asked his take on Usher’s mounting legal drama stemming from allegations he exposed several women to herpes. Game gets downright…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trey Songz Arrested for Going Nuts on Stage in Detroit (VIDEO)

Trey Songz made good on a threat during a Detroit concert Wednesday night … and it landed him in jail. Someone at the Joe Louis Arena apparently told Trey his set was going too long, but he wasn’t near ready to leave.  In fact, he dared them…


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: Joe Goes Nuts

On The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 8, tensions continued to linger and tempers continued to flare in the Garden State.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that Joe Giudice has been preparing to begin his prison sentence on the series.

This may be the one storyline in show history that was actually NOT scripted by producers.

On Monday’s special Labor Day installment, the reality of his situation smacked Joe in the face.

And he responded by tossing a lot of alcohol down his throat.

And by going after his wife… verbally, that is. Not like Chris Brown or anything.

After Teresa Giudice made a comment that she needed to file bills, Joe simple snapped.

“Why don’t you pay it again like you normally do?” he said, adding: “That’s why you’ll never survive without me.”

Teresa mumbled something about how she had survived before he came along, to which he hilariously replied:

“I had a lot of money before I married you.”

You’re being just like your dad, Teresa said to him.

And this was clearly the wrong path to go down with Joe.

“Don’t bring my dad up, or I’ll smack your head up against the wall!” he screamed “Shut the f-ck up, please! Stop talking. You and your stupid mother.”

Perhaps we should take back that part about Joe not being like Chris Brown, huh?

Teresa replied to this rant by telling her husband to leave, which he was only too happy to do.

The only thing I’m going to miss are my kids!” he yelled upon stomping away.

Teresa tried to brush off the incident by saying it was just the alcohol talking.

“He needs to go. It would be good for him,” 15-year old Gia told her mom about her dad’s impending prison time. “I think he needs to realize what he has so he can get his sh-t together.”

He also needs to go because he broke many laws when lying about his income and falsifying bankruptcy documents.

“We only have a few weeks left together. I know Joe is unraveling. I see it. He is drinking a lot more. He’s having mood swings. He’s just not dealing with it well,” Teresa said later on.

“Before I went away, I was able to cope with it better than Joe is. I was about making memories because I felt like I was dying. I wanted my kids to remember, Mommy’s happy, Mommy’s smiling.

“Joe’s just different. I feel like saying to him, ‘Joe, wake up. Let’s just make the next few weeks count."”

Elsewhere, in events unrelated to a family that makes the Kardashians seem lovable, Melissa Gorga was overwhelmed by her responsibilities running a business and being a mother.

Could she really have it all?

“I did think it was going to be a little more fun,” she told the camera of her new boutique, Envy. “I’m sacrificing all this time with my family. I’m arguing with my husband, and for what?”

Couldn’t she just delegate more, suggested her business partner?

Sure, maybe, Melissa replied. But she wanted to set an example for her kids.

So she’s forging ahead with the business. For now, anyway.

Finally, Chris and Jacqueline Laurita figured they would host a poker night.

It was meant to be comprised of Chris, Joe Gorga and Joe Giudice… but Rosie Wakile showed up because she felt bad about comments she made about the Giuidices on New Year’s Eve.

She wanted to make things right.

But Joe didn’t show up because he was hungover, prompting Rose to say “I don’t need this bullshit anymore” and adding that was was “f-cking done” before storming out.

(She did eventually return, however.)

When Joe Gorga asked Teresa what was truly going on with her husband, she sighed and replied: “He’s going through a lot right now.”

Yeah. That happens when you’re an awful person who breaks the law.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Rock Instagrams Monstrous Thighs, Internet Goes Nuts


I take great pride in the fact that I’ve followed Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson since his days with the WWE.  This dude created the original stink eye.

The Rock GIF

Yesterday, Mr. Rock hit the gym for what we can only assume was leg day.  

After his reps, The Rock showed his Instagram followers what lies beneath those pants.

“Tonight we trained ‘the beefs’ aka legs,” he wrote.  “I passed out after we took this pic from holding my breath and trying to look cool.”

Some of the best reactions to his photo:

“All hail the beefs!”

“HUBBA-BUUBA!!!! … Sweet Mother of Sexiness!! “

“Dang nice caves [sic] bro”

“LOOK AT IT…now respect it. Go and get it! “

“Outstanding example of being dedicated!! Stay Strong!!!

The Rock and his girlfriend, Lauren Hashian welcomed a daughter, Jasmine on December 17th.  This is the couple’s first child together.

In another amazing news, The Rock is making an appearance at Wrestlemania in Dallas this coming April.

Please see below for his magical announcement via Instagram:

“IT’S OFFICIAL: People’s Champ is coming home to do 3 things with THE PEOPLE: Set an ALL-TIME attendance record, ELECTRIFY Dallas like never before & make all time #WRESTLEMANIA history. And we have FUN. Ok that’s four things but you know what the hell The Rock’s sayin’… THANK YOU #WWEUniverse! It’s always an honor coming home and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. #PeoplesChamp4L #MakingElectrifyingHistory #SmackethLaidDownOnThyCandyAsses”

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Amy Schumer Goes Makeup-Free; Internet Goes Nuts

Any comedian who’s around long enough will eventually perform a joke that’s similar to another comic’s material. As such, joke stealing controversies are common to the world of standup.

Following her recent HBO special, Amy Schumer was accused of stealing a routine from the late comedian Patrice O’Neil. TMZ recently caught up with Amy and asked her about the allegations, but not surprisingly, the Internet has chosen to fixate on the fact that she wasn’t wearing any makeup while she defended herself:

“I would never take anyone’s joke,” Amy assured the cameraman when asked about the O’Neil situation. “Patrice was my really good friends…I never saw him do those jokes.”

She points out that it would be pretty ridiculous for her to close her first HBO special with stolen material (jacked from her dead friend, no less).

Like everything Amy does, the response was grounded, insightful and relatable. And, as is too often the case with Schumer, Internet jackasses chose to focus on her appearance:

“She need to steal herself some make up,” wrote one commenter.

“She may not be a thief but she is definitely looking like a crazy homeless lady in this pic,” wrote another.

We actually think it’s awesome that Amy showed no shyness about talking to TMZ even though she wasn’t all dolled up.

It’s one thing to talk about body positivity on stage, but it’s another to practice what you preach and show your true self to the world without an ounce of shame.

Just one more reason that we adore Amy Schumer:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Are You Nuts About the New Drama?

The CW has premiered a brand new drama.

It is titled Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and, no, it is not about Taylor Swift. (We kid, T.  Swizzle. And we love you!)

Instead, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 1 Episode 1 introduced viewers to Rebecca Bunch, a tightly-wound corporate lawyer whose personality has served her well at a firm in New York, but less well in her personal life.

Basically because she has no personal life.

But Rebecca takes it as some kind of sign when she runs into Josh Chan, her former summer camp crush, and then drops everything (her job, her apartment) to move to West Covina, California… where Josh happens to live!

Thanks to her impressive resume, Rebecca nabs a job at a local law firm, though the head paralegal there is suspicious of Rebecca’s basis for relocation and her boss isn’t much of an authority figure.

Settling into her new Southern California surroundings, Rebecca soon discovers something that her social media stalking somehow did not reveal:

Josh has a girlfriend! WTH is up with that?!?

Did we mention that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is sort of a musical? The main character is occasionally delusional, but always enthusiastic, a trait that rubs off on her new friends and neighbors.

It’s safe to say that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a departure from The CW’s gamut of superhero and supernatural-based offerings… but is it a welcome departure?

Sound off on the premiere below and grade Crazy Ex-Girlfriend now:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15 Recap: This is Kind of Nuts

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15 saw Brooks and Meghan have it out regarding his past – and her interest in it.

Once again, it was party time on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15, but not everyone was in a celebratory mood.

The whole debate over Brooks Ayers faking cancer – first alleged by a psychic and later Meghan King Edmonds – has cast a pall over the season.

Is Vicki Gunvalson’s controversial boyfriend really being dishonest about the disease, or obscuring some details of his Stage 3 cancer diagnosis?

Edmonds has been “scouring the Internet” for clues about Ayers’ condition, and going even further than that in a truly shameless move.

She called his doctor’s office pretending to be a patient and then texted one of his exes in order to corroborate his previous statements.

Yeah. Pretty amazing.

It all came to a head at Shannon Beador’s party, with Gunvalson and Ayers squaring off against Meghan and her husband, Jim Edmonds.

“It’s kind of nuts,” Brooks said of the speculation and motivation of his fellow cast members to “investigate” something they know nothing about.

He’s not wrong there.

Brooks added that he can’t understand motivation of a person he barely even knows – and who has no genuine interest in his well-being – to do this.

Again … not wrong.

The fact that Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks broke up just before this storyline aired is interesting, for sure, as an aside as we piece all of this together.

Still, it was Edmonds who came off looking desperate and even a bit shady on this night, not the man she set out to paint as a duplicitous liar.

Gunvalson mused if she should get a restraining order, but Meghan didn’t relent, instead hammering away at the “discrepancies” in Ayers’ story.

Her “evidence” was a list of curious details that were confusing at times, but not necessarily incriminating in the way she was making them sound.

“I don’t owe you an explanation,” Brooks said, reiterating that all of this violated his personal boundaries (and she basically had nothing).

Meghan than amazingly said that his conduct “hugely concerns” her and “I will continue to ask questions about cancer until there’s a cure.”

What. The. F–k.

Mrs. Edmonds then tried to deflect a bit, telling Tamra Barney that Brooks had called her credibility into question, setting off a new feud.

Finally, Jim Edmonds had to intervene: “You have to stop. You have to stop,” he told his wife, and it remains to be seen if she will anytime soon.

Click above or here to watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online to see all of this play out from start to finish. We can’t do it justice.