Showing posts with label Housewives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housewives. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Lisa Vanderpump: If I Were Leaving The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I"d Say It!

It’s finally happening — for better or for worse.

Reports surfaced earlier this week that Lisa Vanderpump is leaving The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Now, Lisa herself is speaking out and looking to set the record straight.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Lisa Vanderpump mostly denies the report that she’s leaving the franchise.

“I am in the season, obviously,” Lisa says.

That, at least, we already knew — because there was a controversy over her refusing to film certain scenes with her castmates.

“There are some parts I missed,” Lisa admits. “And you’ll see why.”

We already heard that Lisa ghosted the other Housewives because they were bullying her in some form or another.

“And,” Lisa says. “I think maybe we’ll have a better understanding when you watch the show.”

“There’s a plethora of stories that say I’m quitting,” Lisa acknowledges.

She says that there are also many stories “that say I’m trying to get Jax [Taylor] off [Vanderpump Rules].”

“If I had quit,” she promises. “I would have said it.”

She expresses frustration that people think that she would sit on the story if it were true.

“Can we just trust that I would … I’ve never had a problem with kind of coming forward speaking my mind,” Lisa says.

That said … she isn’t promising that she’s going to come back to the show, either.

Reports make it very clear that Lisa Vanderpump would never be fired.

But Lisa says that she can’t make any assurances about her future with the franchise.

“It’s like saying am I going to a Christmas party next year,” Lisa says. “You know, you don’t know, do you?”

“You don’t know if you’re going to be invited back,” she explains.

Lisa even mentions the possibility of cancelation: “You don’t know if they’re going to do the show.”

“So that’s a little hypothetical, really,” Lisa characterizes.

She really seems determined to dance around this topic.

Lisa has very clearly not been getting along with her co-stars on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

She’s been refusing to film with them, and even missed Camille’s wedding.

Despite their heated arguments in Season 9, Kyle Richards told Us Weekly earlier this month that she loves Lisa.

Lisa has now responded to that claim, saying that words are not enough.

“Don’t tell me,” Lisa says. “Show me!”

That’s great advice for storytelling and for friendship, folks.

“I have talked to Camille, yes, absolutely,” Lisa affirms.

“She was actually asking me about her little dog because he wasn’t feeling so well,” she explains.

Lisa Vanderpump is a dog-lover. Like, almost everyone is, but Lisa even more than most.

Camilla, of course, was one of many people to lose her home in the wildfires that are spreading through Southern California.

“I think it’s, you know, it’s a huge loss,” Lisa says. “It’s just not, it’s just not a house, it’s the memories, but you know, it is very difficult for her.”

“But then again, she just got married so maybe it’s a new life, a new beginning,” Lisa says, trying to paint a silver lining.

“She seemed upbeat,” Lisa says of Camille. “But I know it’s a very sad, very sad situation to lose so much.”

Earlier this year, Lisa lost her brother.

But she says that she is very much in touch with his children.

“They live in England, but you know, I’m close with them,” she shares. 

“Obviously I think we hold onto each other,” Lisa concludes. “It’s been very difficult.”

So … she’s at least mostly denying that she’s leaving the show, but it feels like she’s playing word games and dancing around her answers.

What isn’t Lisa telling us?


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Joe Giudice: The Real Housewives of New Jersey Ruined My Family!

Teresa Giudice is having a tough time with husband Joe’s impending deportation.

Now, Joe is making things worse in a way that could cut into her livelihood.

According to a report, Joe is demanding that their four daughters stop appearing on The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

RadarOnline reports that Joe Giudice wants his daughters to end their reality careers now.

“Joe no longer wants his kids to appear on the RHONJ,” an insider reveals.

Apparently, he lays the blame for his family’s troubles in recent years on their reality stardom.

According to the source: “He feels the show has destroyed his family.”

Teresa is the Real Housewife of the group, but they’ve all risen to fame.

All four of their children, Gia, 17, Gabriella, 14, Milania, 13, and Audriana, 9, are young.

Will Joe’s objections mean that they have to stop filming?

“His wife’s team is doing all they can to talk him off his position,” an insider reports.

The source says that they’re emphasizing that a reality career is vital “for the sake of putting food on their table.”

According to online sources, Teresa’s net worth is estimated to be in the negative — by millions of dollars.

Those hefty The Real Housewives of New Jersey paychecks should keep them afloat and may secure them more opportunities in the future.

“Teresa can’t even speak to him,” an insider characterizes.

The source explains that Teresa is reluctant to discuss this with Joe because “she’s so pissed off.”

“The Court finds that the underlying offenses for Respondent’s conspiracy conviction, mail and wire fraud…are aggravated felonies,” the court ruled.

The October 10 ruling came as a shock to the Giudice family.

“As both convictions contain elements that necessarily entail fraudulent or deceitful conduct,” the judge wrote.

“In addition, Giudice’s crimes constitute morally turpitudinous behavior [because he] failed to pay his taxes,” the court noted.

It came because Joe didn’t pay taxes “for the purpose of misleading or concealing.”

All of this, the court decided, is why Joe will be expelled from the only country he has ever known and sent to Italy, which he left as a baby.

Joe was truly taken aback.

“I don’t understand how I can be deported on this case,” he protested.

“If you will,” he reportedly implored the court. “I’ll tell you my side.”

In Joe’s assessment: “I shouldn’t even be here right now.”

Unfortunately, that’s what the court thought, too — and he is slated for deportation in 2019.

He will be released from prison in March. If his appeal is before then and he loses, he could also be deported in March.

If his appeal happens after his release from prison, it may buy him a little more time in the States.

His family is really shaken up about it.

Of course, the fact that Joe is reportedly insisting that his daughters cut short their reality careers is odd.

He’s talking about risking his wife’s paycheck.

And let’s not pretend that a check from Bravo is the only perk of being a Real Housewife.

Whether you’re promoting your own products or endorsing someone else’s, reality stars can make bank on social media.

If this report about Joe is true, he’s talking about taking that away from his family in their moment of need.

Most perplexing is his reason.

Is Joe seriously blaming The Real Housewives of New Jersey for his family’s troubles?

A lot of people like to blame Andy Cohen for things, but this might be the wildest accusation yet.

Joe and Teresa both went to prison for fraud.

The court very reasonably allowed them to serve separate sentences in order for at least one of them to always be there for their children.

If Joe is trying to shift the blame to external forces, he needs to take a good, hard look in the mirror.

His deportation is tragic and frankly sounds unjust.

But going to prison for fraud? That was of his own making.


The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: Teresa Giudice Reignites Her Feud With Joe & Melissa Gorga

Wednesday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reignited the feud between Teresa Giudice and her brother, Joe Gorga, and it looks like we’re in for a season of backstabs between the brother and sister. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know the season premiere found Teresa opening up about Joe steering clear of their father in recent months, signaling that things were going south for the family. 

“My brother used to be around more when my mom first passed away, and I’m really nervous to say anything to him because when I brought this up in the past, it got ugly,” Teresa explained of the situation in a confessional.

“My brother and I have been doing really well for a while now, and I definitely don’t want history to repeat itself. Life is short. I just don’t want my brother to have any regrets.”

In true Teresa fashion, she brought it up during a family gathering. Thankfully, she did not throw some tables. She’s learned from her mistakes. 

Things started to get heated during the dinner party, with Joe’s father Giacinto yelling about his son not calling him, going as far as saying “F–k you” to him. 

“Are you going to be around more for this one? He wants you around more,” she said. “The kid that’s not around the most, that’s the kid you always want.”

Melissa who has feuded with Teresa in the past because of her association with her brother took to a confessional to complain about the whole thing. 

“Who brings up a super sensitive, going-to-cause-a-problem conversation on Easter Sunday? Especially in front of my father-in-law, who is super upset as it is,” she asked.

“This is definitely not the day, the time, the place. Like, your timing sucks.”

“Not on Easter,” Melissa added.

“This conversation gets my skin crawling because I get instant flashbacks of the pain that Joe went through years ago over conversations that were similar.”

“I know my husband. When you push him, and you constantly say the same thing to him over and over again, I know he’s going to explode. Joe is a ticking time bomb. It’s going to happen.”

Joe made it clear that he was getting sick of the way Teresa was acting. 

“You gotta cut that out,” he snapped at Teresa.

“You always bring that up in front of Daddy. ‘Oh you work too much, you’re not around.’ Listen to me, if I was sitting in a bar all day, if I was sitting in restaurants, that’s a different story. But what am I going to do? When you put in 15 hours a day, hard work? I’m exhausted.”

“You know my life. You know the business, it’s crazy. I work hardcore, all day, every day, nonstop. Unbelievable stresses,” Joe added.

“My business takes all my freakin time. Is he going to pay my bills? No one pays my bills. What am I going to do, just give it all up?”

That was not all Teresa had to say, however. 

“I’m just saying, he bitches to me all the time,” she complained. “I got to hear him! ‘Your brother don’t call me. It’s been five days.’“

“Since I’ve lost my mom, holidays are more emotional. I’m just trying to make the holiday as best as I can for my dad. I just want to make him happy. He needs that,” Teresa said, addressing the cameras.

“Before I went away, I spent a lot of time with my mom. And right now all I can think about is how when I came home, I wished I spent more time with my mom. So it’s frustrating that my brother makes the effort to see my dad just on a holiday.”

Teresa’s daughter, Gia, turned to her uncle Joe with her take on what was going on. 

“It’s not fair,” said the teenager. “We get it so much from Nonno, you don’t even know. I know you have work, trust me, I know. But if you don’t call him for a day, he says something. … At least just try, in a week, just one designated day for Nonno.”

But there was no getting through to Joe who maintained that he was a busy man. 

“I don’t give a s—,” yelled Teresa. “You have to make time. In life, that’s how it is. Capeesh?”

While the fighting simmered down and everyone enjoyed the rest of the day, Joe confirmed in a confessional that he was mad at his sister. 

“Teresa was always like this when we were kids,” Joe admitted. “When it came to me, she would rat me out. Why are you still doing this? It’s going to cause a big problem again, which we don’t need.”

As if that wasn’t enough drama, Margaret informed Danielle that she was going to an event hosted by Dolores and things got a little bit crazy. 

“She invited me to this thing–,” said Margaret BUT Danielle butted in. 

“And you coulda said, ‘No, I’m not coming because that will make Danielle very upset and very hurt. It’ll hurt her!’ Because you coulda said, ‘This would hurt me if the tables were turned.’ You coulda said anything but, ‘Yes, I’ll come."”

As Margaret tried to calm Danielle down, the former main cast member decided to storm off, but she came back with a parting shot:

“What is it that you two really have in common? You cheated on your husband, and she got cheated on?”

That has got to be one of the best one-liners in the history of the series, and just like that, it looks like another friendship is over. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Lisa Vanderpump: Leaving The Real Housewives For Good?!

Will she stay or will she go?

That is the question that has been following around Lisa Vanderpump for weeks.

There was talk in late September that Vanderpump is no longer having fun as a cast member on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills…

… and Lisa Rinna told Us Weekly that the veteran Bravo star simply vanished for long periods of time during filming of the latest season.

This has all led to speculation about Vanderpump’s future on the series, especially in the wake of her brother’s tragic passing.

(As previously detailed, Mark Vanderpump died of a suspected drug overdose in May. He was 59 years old.)

Might she actually leave the franchise? Despite all the money it has made for her and all the name recognition it has helped her achieve?

We now have an answer — and that answer is yes.

According to a network insider, per Radar Online, the drama between Lisa and the other ladies, specifically former best friends Kyle Richards and Dorit Kemsley, have become “too much” for Vanderpump to deal with.

This may not have been the case in the past.

But combine Mark’s passing with the many other projects that consume her time and Vanderpump is ready to leave the Housewives behind.

“She was dealing with grief, filming Vanderpump Rules, opening [new restaurant] TomTom and running the Vanderpump Dog Foundation,” explains this Radar inside, adding:

“She was not equipped to handle Housewives, even before the drama happened.”

For those unfamiliar with the drama being referenced above:

A source has said that Vanderpump got into a major argument with Kemsley after the latter adopted a puppy from Vanderpump Dogs — only to then drop it off at a shelter after the canine “nipped” at her young kids.

Lisa stopped filming episodes of The Real Housewives soon after this went down, although Tom Schwartz told Us Weekly that his friend just needed a “mini sabbatical” after the death of her brother.

Vanderpump has mostly mourned this loss in private, although she did issue a simple statement on Instagram shortly after Mark died.

It read:

“It’s been a devastating couple of weeks… one day at a time… I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support. Love Lisa xo.”

Radar, however, writes that Vanderpump’s absence from shooting isn’t just some little break.

It’s a full-fledged break-up.

“She has no plans to return to the show,” the insider tells this website. “But who knows what the future holds.”

Lisa, though, WILL return to Vanderpump Rules in the future and she also just announced a partnership with Caesars Palace to open Vanderpump Cocktail Garden in Las Vegas next year.

She’s doing pretty darn well for herself.


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Hits Sobriety Milestone, Making "Housewives" Comeback

Luann de Lesseps is making a strong comeback to close out 2018 … nearly a year after spiraling out of control and getting arrested in Florida. We’ve learned Luann recently celebrated more than 100 days of being clean and sober, and it’s…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kenya Moore Gloats as The Real Housewives of Atlanta Ratings Plummet Without Her

The Real Housewives of Atlanta is back for Season 11.

Unfortunately, ratings at the season premiere are lower than they’ve been in several years.

Meanwhile, former Housewife Kenya Moore welcomed her first child … and she can’t help but smile.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you know that the show has been going on as before.

Kandi and Porsha are struggling to approximate friendship after previously feuding.

NeNe is grappling with Gregg’s cancer battle.

But Kenya Moore is missing. She’s no longer on the show.

In real life, however, she recently gave birth to a precious preemie baby, Brooklyn Doris Daly.

And on Sunday, Kenya shared this precious photo for the world to see:

Kenya Moore Hand with Baby Hand

Kenya hasn’t shown her adorable baby’s face yet, but a precious baby hand is more than enough to tide over her fans.

Following being diagnosed with preeclampsia, which caused her feet to swell, Kenya was given a C-section.

Kenya, though certainly not old by any reasonable metric, is considered “old” for pregnancy, so she always knew that there would be risks.

Fortunately, it seems that the C-section was a success.

Kenya is recovering, and was even feeling healthy enough to go on a Target run (in a motorized scooter, to be clear).

And at 5 pounds and 12 ounces, baby Brooklyn was technically within the “normal” range for baby weights, if very close to the low end of the spectrum.

But one person did not find Kenya’s sweet mother-daughter hand photo endearing in the least.

“I can’t wit the calculations on Sunday’s,” NeNe Leakes wrote on Instagram.

She tagged her vague post: “#thethirstisreal #weseeyou #wacks–t”

The implication that NeNe seemed to be making was that Kenya timed her photo in a shady manner.

Perhaps, for example, Kenya showed off her baby’s hand to distract fans from her former show.

Or maybe she did it to remind Bravo of the kind of content that they’re missing out on since she’s no longer on the show.

Whatever it is that NeNe believes that Kenya is up to … it’s unclear why NeNe felt the need to comment.

Some might suspect that NeNe is feeling insecure because of what some tabloids have described as a “ratings crash.”

The season premiere of The Real Housewives of Atlanta brought in 1.93 million viewers.

That made it the lowest rated season opener since Season 5.

That said, relatively low ratings for a premiere aren’t necessarily a huge crash.

it’s not good news, but they had about the same number of viewers as recently as April 1 of 2018.

Bravo may be concerned, but we can’t imagine that they’re panicking.

That said, NeNe may be worried — because she’s the show’s highest paid star.

That said, some people can’t help but connect the dots.

Kenya’s firing was certainly the biggest change between last season and this season.

Now, Kenya has everything she wanted — a loving husband and a precious newborn baby.

In the mean time, The Real Housewives of Atlanta has taken a downward turn from being Bravo’s highest rated show.

It may not have been Kenya’s choice to go overboard, but it’s looking like she may have jumped ship at a smart time.

Or maybe people are less interested now that she’s off the show.

Not every Real Housewives series is going to last or click with all viewers.

But we don’t think that it’s time to start singing RHOA‘s funeral dirge just yet.

This season’s ratings may pick up.

If not, there’s always next season.


Bravo would likely be reluctant to cancel, for a host of reasons.


The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Another Friendship Bites the Dust

The ladies of Orange County have been battling it out like never before on The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

Monday’s episode of chronicled the fraught friendship between Tamra Judge and Gina Kirschenheiter. 

The pair were still at odds over Gina dishing the goodies to Shannon about what was being said about her. 

But Gina wanted to let bygones be bygones and wanted Tamra to attend her birthday bash, but Judge had an agenda of her own. 

Tamra made her way over to Vicki’s house and revealed all about the growing tension between her and Gina. 

“So I got a call from Shannon who said that Gina told her that I was talking all this stuff about her in Jamaica,” Tamra told Vicki. 

But Vicki was so over what happened in Jamaica, saying:

“Hello! Jamaica why are we still talking about Jamaica. We are done we are home now. I told Shannon if she has to get on anti-depressants than do it. But Shannon is not mentally ill.”

In a hilarious segment, the two women decided against attending Gina’s party, and while it seemed more about Shannon being there, it was still pretty rude. 

As for Gina, she was moving out of her family home and into her own bachelorette pad following her decision to divorce her husband.

“I am realizing that Mrs. Kirschenheiter is no more,” Gina said before claiming this would be her first birthday as a single woman. 

Gina then told her new BFF Kelly Dodd that she was keeping her divorce on the down low from her children. 

The ladies subsequently met up at Emily Simpson’s for a fortune reading party, and things quickly got out of hand. 

“I have texted Shannon to ask how her surgery went. She did not answer, but I just wanted her to know how it went,” Emily said. “Hopefully you are on the up and up,” Tamra said to Emily about Shannon.

“I feel bad, but I am honestly over Shannon at this point,” said Gina who was still in hot water with Tamra.

“I am trying to help, and you are trying to help her, and now this whole thing is about me and you and do I think you are a sh***y friend.”  

All seemed to go quiet on the Shannon front until the fortune reader told the ladies that a “woman with an S in her name needed help.”

Okay then, Bravo to the producers for this random twist. 

The episode’s final moments focused on Gina questioning where Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki were after everyone but them arrived at her birthday party. 

We cut away to a scene with Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon together having a party of their own. 

“So I told you both what happened. The one thing that kind of upset me was that Emily said, ‘Because I grew up with a mentally ill mom, I saw some similarities with Shannon,’” Tamra said. 

That’s when Shannon lost it. 

“This is a person that threatened to kill Kelly! How dare she? Mentally ill? F**k her,” Shannon yelled as the episode faded to black. 

Oh yes, it’s on!

What are your thoughts on the latest big twist?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo!


Monday, November 12, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: South Peach

It was only a matter of time.

Porsha continued to gush over her new man on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but Kandi Burruss had some intel on Dennis that she kept very private from her frenemy. 

When Porsha started talking about Dennis during a meeting, she was adamant that she was not all about waiting for a long time to get married. 

“We don’t have to wait forever!” Porsha said regarding marriage. “The whole two years, you wait a year, you’re engaged a year — I will do it.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you know that Kandi and Porsha have been at odds for over a year, and while they’ve made a peace treaty, they’re still dragging each other behind the scenes. 

It makes sense then that Kandi would insert herself into Porsha’s Dennis drama. 

“Is he already talking about marriage?” the Xscape hitmaker quipped. 

“Well,” Porsha replied with a stern look. “A little here and there.”

“Okay, I know we ain’t been tight, but I’ll just say, don’t always put out how badly you wanna be married,” Kandi said to her former BFF. “Kinda let him put it out there.”

“I think the advice that Kandi’s giving me is pretty general,” Porsha said to the Bravo cameras. “She probably would say that to anybody, but thank you.”

Kandi later intrigued viewers in a confessional by saying the following:

“Keep him under wraps, honey — if you can!”

Okay then. Does this mean Dennis cannot be tamed, and will not settle down any time soon? Quite possibly. 

In any case, Kandi elaborated further when she FaceTimed her husband to let him know about the trip to Miami. 

“After all the girls came back to the hotel, Porsha was telling us about her new boo,” Kandi said.

“She’s dating that dude that owns Cru. You know what I’m talking about?”

Todd was adamant that he had never been to the place, but his wife delved deeper into the drama. 

“I mean, I already knew that she was dating him, but I didn’t wanna say that you know what I mean?” Kandi continued.

“I didn’t wanna be like, ‘I got tea on somebody!’ She’s trying to be really hush-hush about it, so I’m just gonna let her tell what she wants to tell in her due time.”

That’s when Todd confirmed she needed to stay the hell out of it. Their relationship is not in the best place, but they’re somewhat tolerable towards each other of late. 

That’s a start, we guess. 

“Yes, I’ve heard things about her new boo,” Kandi dished in a later confessional. “I just know a few different women who have — you know — dated him. Just pace yourself, girl.”

Elsewhere, NeNe Leakes started to get back to work following Gregg’s cancer diagnosis. 

Cynthia, Kandi, Eva, and Marlo all decided it was a good idea to visit NeNe in Miami to support her, but when they arrived, Gregg was open and honest. 

He was struggling to eat and hadn’t been able to keep anything down for three days. His health continued to deteriorate at the opening of NeNe’s boutique, but the ladies were on hand to help him through it. 

What are your thoughts on all the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

RHOA continues Sundays on Bravo. 


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Teddi Jo Mellencamp Hints Meg Ryan Might Appear on "Real Housewives"

Make room Charlie Sheen, ‘cause there may be another high-profile guest making an appearance on ‘Real Housewives’ … Teddi Jo Mellencamp’s future stepmom, Meg Ryan! We got Teddi, Lisa Rinna and Kyle Richards Friday at LAX. Their reaction…


Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Danielle Staub Stirs the Pot

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back!

Wednesday’s season premiere of the Bravo hit started the process of filling in the blanks for fans and set up the season’s big villain: Danielle Staub. 

Teresa Giudice, in particular, was all about switching up her look for a bikini fitness competition and that meant doing some exercising and clean eating. 

“With Joe being away right now, there is a lot of stress raising four daughters on my own, and working out is a great stress relief for me,” she explained to viewers, adding:

“So I definitely kicked it up a notch and entered a bikini fitness competition.”

Teresa was visibly more toned than she was when we last saw her, so she’s definitely doing something right. 

And while many have been quick to claim Teresa’s relationship with Joe is on thin ice, then the premiere may have proven just that. 

“I wanted to do this when Joe was home, and he always said to me, ‘You’re not doing that.’ He was like, ‘You’re not going on stage in a bikini,"” she said to her personal trainer. 

“It’s another year until he comes home, so I was just like, ‘I’m just doing it. I don’t care what he says."”

“So have we told him yet?” her trainer questioned.

“No,” Teresa responded with a grin. 

“Since Joe’s been away, I have gotten used to my independence. I haven’t been independent like this — I don’t think ever, but I am doing this fitness competition for me,” Teresa said in a confessional.

“I don’t care what anybody thinks — my husband or anyone. Sorry, Joe!”

It’s certainly intriguing that Teresa managed to adapt without her husband, and her wording does seem to imply that it’s her way or no way going forward. 

Now that we know Joe is facing deportation from the United States, it certainly raises questions about whether Teresa would go to Italy with him. 

This is all assuming the appeal is denied, of course, but still, there’s going to be a lot of drama on the new season of this series if it chronicles Teresa continuing to veer away from married life. 

Teresa is the woman who is prone to lash out when her buttons are pushed, but this new iteration of her was sober and very empowering. 

How long will that last? We give it a handful of episodes. 

Elsewhere, we finally got some much-needed insight into Dolores Catania’s relationship with her ex-husband, Frank, who was allegedly disbarred as an attorney. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that Andy Cohen quizzed Dolores on the most recent reunion episode, and Dolores had no clue what he was talking about. 

“Frank broke my trust 20 years ago when he cheated on me, and over the past 20 years, Frank and I have built that trust again,” Dolores dished in a confessional.

“But now it’s gone, because when Frank was disbarred, Frank didn’t tell me about it, and I found out in the most public way possible,” she continued. 

“I was embarrassed, and I looked like a liar. And that’s what pissed me off the most.”

“Since Frank lost his law license, I worry. Are we financially okay? Because we have two kids in college,” she added.

And while Dolores is still mad at Frank, they have a new business venture that’s helping them out. 

“Our gyms do great, but that’s not stable. So now, Frank and I are flipping houses together. We’ve done this in the past.”

“Frank hires the people to do the construction, and I would sell them. I was the realtor. Right now, we’re on our second flip. The first one sold, and the money’s good!”

Oh, and if you’re wondering, Dolores is still dating her boyfriend, and he’s totally not concerned about Frank. 

If the boyfriend were not part of the equation, one would think that Dolores and Frank were still an item. They live together, have a lot of chemistry, and still have the arguments people in love have every other day. 

Hell, even someone as wild as Danielle Staub picked up on it last season and used it to her advantage multiple times. 

Danielle is the type of person to cling to a storyline for dear life in order to get her face back on the small screen again. 

Her antics last season never landed her the regular cast member status, so look for her to amp up the crazy a few notches this year. 

The good thing here is that everyone seems to be picking up on Danielle’s stirring. Teresa and Margaret were open and honest with Dolores about Danielle quizzing them about Frank being disbarred. 

Dolores seemed like she was going to flip the eff out at Melissa Gorga’s 39th birthday party, but the new house flipper left the situation entirely and stood at another part of the room. 

Oh yes, this feud is going to be fun!

What are your thoughts on the premiere?

RHONJ Continues Wednesdays on Bravo!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Twin Tweaks

Vick Gunvalson and Shannon Beador went under the knife. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County chronicled each of the two women’s cosmetic surgery procedures.

Vicki went with a lower face and neck life, which was scheduled to last five hours. Yes, that’s a long time to go under the knife. 

There was an especially scary moment at the top of the hour when Vicki was asked if she wanted to be resuscitated if her surgery went south. 

“‘I do want to be resuscitated. I’ve got a lot of things to do this week,” she said with a grin in response. 

You can always rely on the OG of the OC to throw in some comic relief to an otherwise serious scene. 

The nurse went on to admit that the drugs could pose some side effects, and Vicki was not done making fun of it. 

“It makes your hoo-ha buzz?” she quipped.

“Because I’ve had so many surgeries, I kinda sorta know what the hoo-ha buzz is.”

If you wanted to know what procedures Vicki had in the past, then she was all too happy to dish the goodies in a confessional. 

She had work done on her chin, nose, tummy, eyes, and her breasts. We’re inclined to believe she already knew all about the side effects. 

As for Shannon, she opted for an eye procedure because she wanted to look the best as she continued her return to the dating game. 

Vicki woke up shortly after her procedure and continued to have some of the wittiest responses ever. 

“Am I pretty? Do I look like Vicki?” she questioned.

“Yeah you look like Vicki wrapped up in a towel,” Steve told her. 

“And ten years younger,” yelled a nurse. 

Steve then took the love of his life to the Monarch Beach Resort because she wanted to recover in luxury, but she was cautious that anyone laid eyes on her. 

As for Shannon, she made her way home after the surgery and was visited by Kelly Dodd and Gina Kirshenheiter when she got home. 

Things took an awkward turn when Gina started talking about the Jamaica trip, admitting that there was “a lot of talk about your mental health.”

Gina continued to talk about it, even going as far as throwing Tamra under the bus for talking smack about her supposed friend. 

Shannon seemed happy to know what was being said but admitted in a confessional that her recovery was no the time or the place to open up about it. 

In true Real Housewives fashion, it didn’t take long for Tamra to get wind of what was being said. 

“I would like to hear your side before I lose my s***,” said Tamra to Gina as she sharpened her blade. 

We are obviously kidding about the blade part, but Tamra was pissed. 

“I said your best friends are concerned for you,” Gina countered, before saying that she wanted to make Shannon aware that she was being spoken about. 

“I didn’t expect this from Gina at all, she is New York Gina with her loyalty, and you are going to throw me under the bus? Oh no,” said Tamra.

But Gina was adamant she was not trying to cause drama, and swiftly realized that the issue here was Shannon. 

Shannon apparently took what Gina said and made it into something it wasn’t. 

While Tamra was furious with her friends, she got a little bit of good news in her home life. 

Eddie was still struggling with his heart defect but found out he was going to be treated for it. 

He was tired of not being able to do what he wanted but vowed to be back to doing normal things as soon as possible. 

“Like b**ing your wife?” laughed Tamra.

Okay, that’s all for another week.

What did you think of all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 


Monday, November 5, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: To Love and to Cherish

The Real Housewives of Atlanta returned to Bravo on Sunday night, and things took a serious turn. 

As we previously reported back in June, Gregg Leakes is battling cancer. With reality TV filmed months in advance, the hit reality series opened up with a lot of details about the diagnosis. 

NeNe wasted no time in telling viewers all about the diagnosis, explaining that Gregg was taken to hospital in May and said he needed to get prepared for surgery straight away. 

“His health these last couple of years has been a lot,” said NeNe. 

“We were not prepared to hear that,” she continued, adding that she needed to be strong for her family.

“‘I have put on a brave face, but I have had many moments in my car alone and if my car could talk it would probably say ”this b**** cries too much,"” Nene sobbed. 

Gregg opened up about it when some of their friends and family showed up to wish him well. 

“I guess the scariest part about all of this is when we got to the hospital and the doctor saying that we need to do surgery on you tonight or you ain’t going to make it,” said Gregg, adding:

“I went over and prayed to God, and I told him If it’s time, let’s go,” the reality star added of learning he had cancer. 

“I don’t fear death; I don’t want to go. If my work is finished here, take care of them, let’s go.”

That’s when the season premiere turned into a somber affair. Gregg told everyone that he had written a letter for the doctor to give his wife if he did not pull through surgery. 

“Writing that note was the hardest ever thing I did in my life, but you never know what is in you until you are at that door, I never thought I had it in me to beat cancer but know I’m going to beat cancer’s ass,” he said. 

Despite the surgery being successful, both NeNe and Gregg recognized that it could return. 

“You have been my light,” Gregg told NeNe. “I couldn’t do this without you. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t even try. So I want to thank you, baby.”

Elsewhere, Porsha’s new boyfriend made a big impression on just about everyone, and Porsha seemed ready to move the relationship to the next stage. 

“The power of the tongue is real. I said just at the beginning of this year I was going to meet the man I was going to marry, I’m going to get married this year,” she said.

“And here I am completely in love and white is going to be my new color as I am going to be Mrs McKinley.”

Porsha subsequently opened up about how her man was so rich. 

“He does really, really well. America loves hot dogs, and these hot dogs are going to put a hell of a ring on my finger,” she gushed. 

“I just never had this type of connection on this level,” she continued. “He told me he loved me the first day we met and I was like ”I love you too” it felt natural, and we just went with it.”

Porsha later met up with NeNe, and the two chatted about their lives, with NeNe revealing why she was not going sit at home and wallow in despair. 

“I’m the sort of person who would prefer to throw myself into work. I am not one to sit at home in a depression so I will continue to function,” NeNe told her.

That’s when Porsha continued to refer to Dennis as a “friend” and NeNe was quick to point that out to the cameras. 

“Porsha’s been telling me a lot about how she has a new friend, it’s a guy, okay. Porsha has puppy eyes, she’s really feeling somebody,” NeNe dished to the cameras. 

Porsha later said she wanted to keep Dennis away from her castmates, presumably because she knows there’s always some drama. 

“I am very protective over Dennis, I do not want other people in our little world right now,” she admitted. “It is important for us as our friends to show her that we are here for you as well as Gregg.”

But Porsha may have gotten her wish by the end of the episode. Dennis appeared with a box that looked a whole lot like an engagement ring. 

What are your thoughts on the premiere?

Hit the comments below. 
