Showing posts with label Staub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Staub. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Danielle Staub I Want My Ex Gone for Good!!! Sorry I Was a Bitch to "Housewives"


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Danielle Staub I Want My Ex Gone for Good!!! Sorry I Was a Bitch to "Housewives"

"RHONJ" Star Danielle Staub Cops Respond to NJ Home Remove Estranged Hubby Marty

Exclusive Details
‘Real Housewives’ star Danielle Staub just got her estranged husband, Marty Caffrey, the hell outta the house … TMZ has learned.
Sources familiar with the situation tell us police in Englewood, NJ responded to Danielle’s home Thursday for a domestic...
"RHONJ" Star Danielle Staub Cops Respond to NJ Home Remove Estranged Hubby Marty

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Danielle Staub Blindsided to Learn Estranged Husband Put Their Home Up for Sale

Imagine finding out your estranged spouse put your house up for sale without telling you, and if not for a friend’s phone call … you’d never know it — well that’s exactly what happened to Danielle Staub.  Sources tell TMZ … the ‘Real…


The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Danielle Staub Stirs the Pot

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back!

Wednesday’s season premiere of the Bravo hit started the process of filling in the blanks for fans and set up the season’s big villain: Danielle Staub. 

Teresa Giudice, in particular, was all about switching up her look for a bikini fitness competition and that meant doing some exercising and clean eating. 

“With Joe being away right now, there is a lot of stress raising four daughters on my own, and working out is a great stress relief for me,” she explained to viewers, adding:

“So I definitely kicked it up a notch and entered a bikini fitness competition.”

Teresa was visibly more toned than she was when we last saw her, so she’s definitely doing something right. 

And while many have been quick to claim Teresa’s relationship with Joe is on thin ice, then the premiere may have proven just that. 

“I wanted to do this when Joe was home, and he always said to me, ‘You’re not doing that.’ He was like, ‘You’re not going on stage in a bikini,"” she said to her personal trainer. 

“It’s another year until he comes home, so I was just like, ‘I’m just doing it. I don’t care what he says."”

“So have we told him yet?” her trainer questioned.

“No,” Teresa responded with a grin. 

“Since Joe’s been away, I have gotten used to my independence. I haven’t been independent like this — I don’t think ever, but I am doing this fitness competition for me,” Teresa said in a confessional.

“I don’t care what anybody thinks — my husband or anyone. Sorry, Joe!”

It’s certainly intriguing that Teresa managed to adapt without her husband, and her wording does seem to imply that it’s her way or no way going forward. 

Now that we know Joe is facing deportation from the United States, it certainly raises questions about whether Teresa would go to Italy with him. 

This is all assuming the appeal is denied, of course, but still, there’s going to be a lot of drama on the new season of this series if it chronicles Teresa continuing to veer away from married life. 

Teresa is the woman who is prone to lash out when her buttons are pushed, but this new iteration of her was sober and very empowering. 

How long will that last? We give it a handful of episodes. 

Elsewhere, we finally got some much-needed insight into Dolores Catania’s relationship with her ex-husband, Frank, who was allegedly disbarred as an attorney. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that Andy Cohen quizzed Dolores on the most recent reunion episode, and Dolores had no clue what he was talking about. 

“Frank broke my trust 20 years ago when he cheated on me, and over the past 20 years, Frank and I have built that trust again,” Dolores dished in a confessional.

“But now it’s gone, because when Frank was disbarred, Frank didn’t tell me about it, and I found out in the most public way possible,” she continued. 

“I was embarrassed, and I looked like a liar. And that’s what pissed me off the most.”

“Since Frank lost his law license, I worry. Are we financially okay? Because we have two kids in college,” she added.

And while Dolores is still mad at Frank, they have a new business venture that’s helping them out. 

“Our gyms do great, but that’s not stable. So now, Frank and I are flipping houses together. We’ve done this in the past.”

“Frank hires the people to do the construction, and I would sell them. I was the realtor. Right now, we’re on our second flip. The first one sold, and the money’s good!”

Oh, and if you’re wondering, Dolores is still dating her boyfriend, and he’s totally not concerned about Frank. 

If the boyfriend were not part of the equation, one would think that Dolores and Frank were still an item. They live together, have a lot of chemistry, and still have the arguments people in love have every other day. 

Hell, even someone as wild as Danielle Staub picked up on it last season and used it to her advantage multiple times. 

Danielle is the type of person to cling to a storyline for dear life in order to get her face back on the small screen again. 

Her antics last season never landed her the regular cast member status, so look for her to amp up the crazy a few notches this year. 

The good thing here is that everyone seems to be picking up on Danielle’s stirring. Teresa and Margaret were open and honest with Dolores about Danielle quizzing them about Frank being disbarred. 

Dolores seemed like she was going to flip the eff out at Melissa Gorga’s 39th birthday party, but the new house flipper left the situation entirely and stood at another part of the room. 

Oh yes, this feud is going to be fun!

What are your thoughts on the premiere?

RHONJ Continues Wednesdays on Bravo!


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Danielle Staub: My Marriage Was Doomed From the Start ...

Though The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub was granted a restraining order against her ex, that relationship continues to haunt her.

In this clip, she is speaking out about the difficult split.

As she tells Wendy Williams, her husband"s alcohol use played a major role in their breakup.

Danielle staub on wendy williams

Danielle, who has been engaged twenty entire times, is opening up about the hard lessons that this marriage has taught her.

"It’s funny how I saw certain things happening," Staub admits about her husband, Marty Caffrey.

She says that she saw these red flags when they were just dating, but unfortunately ignored them.

"But you just believe, especially with the perception around us, getting engaged would make it better," she explains.

She says that social messages gave her the impression that "getting married would make it better."

Marty caffrey and danielle staub

"It doesn’t get better, ladies," she cautions Wendy Williams" audience.

"If it’s falling apart," Staub admits. "It’s broken."

She is absolutely right.

If anything, the honeymoon phase of a relationship should have the least problems.

Those struggles aren"t likely to evaporate just because you put a ring on it.

Danielle staub husband

As she explains, Caffrey"s drinking played a huge role in their split.

"He does hit cocktail hour a little bit heavily," she says. "And it does change things."

"I think all of us it changes," Staub acknowledges.

People don"t change into a new person when they drink, but other sides of them come out when alcohol is involved.

Not all of those sides are pleasant.

"I just don’t think it changes him for the better," Staub says. "Or his ability to maneuver through what’s going on."

Danielle staub smiles

Staub doesn"t place all of the blame for their split at his feet, however.

She is the first to admit that she is "not the easiest person to live with."

Caffrey accused Staub of emotional and verbal abuse during their marriage.

"I’m to blame for it as well," Staub explains.

"But," she says. "I feel like I’m always the person who wants to fix people and it’s not fixable."

If a person has a substance abuse problem, they"re the only ones who can fix it.

Danielle staub all business

Wendy then asks her if she thinks that she and Caffrey might ever get back together.

"I don’t have a crystal ball," Staub says cautiously.

"But," Staub continues. "You can’t go into the public and be tweeting and Instagraming about your wife or your spouse."

"You just don’t do that," she says simply.

When your relationship troubles are spilling over onto social media, that is a huge warning sign that things may end soon.

It is usually a sign that things should end soon.

Danielle staub on et

Staub"s role on the Real Housewives franchise was apparently a huge source of appeal for Caffrey.

Wendy asks: "So he really liked being a ‘House husband?""

"I think that that was what I’m most disappointed about,” Staub admits.

Staub was saddened by “His want for this attention."

Well, half of all marriages end in divorce. We"re just sorry that some life lessons are so painful to learn.

Perhaps others can learn from Danielle Staub"s experience.

Danielle staub my marriage was doomed from the start

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Danielle Staub Granted Restraining Order Against Husband After Weird Garage Incident

It is official, and also a tad bit frightening:

Danielle Staub and Marty Caffrey have the most dysfunctional relationship in all of Hollywood.

Sorry, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley. But it’s true.

In the latest example of their chaotic romance, Staub was granted a temporary restraining order against her husband after a serious fight in their New Jersey home ended with police intervention on Tuesday night.

Radar Online was the first to confirm these details.

According to court documents obtained by this website, Staub arrived late yesterday to see Caffrey “standing in her garage.”

That may sound fairly innocent on its own, but…

“He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, agitated and confrontational,” reads these legal papers.

“[Plaintiff] wanted to avoid any argument with [Defendant] so she proceeded to her bedroom.”

As previously detailed in frightening fashion, Staub has a number of reasons to avoid talking to Caffrey.

He recently WENT OFF on his wife, describing her as emotionally unstable and accusing of her various forms of abuse.

Yet, for some reason, Caffrey has remained in the marraige.

Here is another excerpt from the approvedrestraining order:

After hearing a disturbing noise in another part of the residence she walked downstairs and found the [Defendant].

She then realized that several of her family portraits of her children and other sentimental framed photographs had been taken down causing her to become upset and suspected that def had removed them.

Upon speaking with the responding patrol officers, the missing portraits and photographs were later located in the [Defendant’s] vehicle parked in the garage.

So… Caffrey took down some of Staub’s family portraits and put them in his car?

That’s abnormal behavior.

Staub’s husband was ordered to not “stalk, follow or threaten to harm” Staub in the wording of the restraining order, which lists Caffrey’s “criminal offense” as “verbal abuse.”

He’s been banned for now from the home he’s been sharing with Staub and may not visit her at her place of employment, either.

Moreover, Caffrey was ordered to stop all “oral, written, personal or electronic communication,” with Staub and was prohibited from “making or causing anyone else to make harassing communications.”

The estranged couple have an August 20 court date.

Staub and Caffrey got married in May.

There were reports of a split just two months later, but neither side has taken the actual step of filing any divorce papers.

Instead, they simply bash each other in the press and seek protective orders from each other in court.

“There’s just not a better feeling in the world,” Staub told People Magazine after she exchanged vows with Caffrey, adding this past spring:

“I’m still crying over it… it was beautiful.”

Now, sadly, Staub is also crying.

Just for a very different reason.

These two really need to go their separate ways. Like, NOW.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Danielle Staub Accused of "Financial & Emotional Abuse" by Husband

You may not believe this.

We hope you are sitting down for this.

Okay, here we go…

Danielle Staub – the former full-time Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member known for having a sex tape and screaming at Teresa Giudice and sort of being a criminal coke whore – is involved in more drama.

This time, the drama, involves Marty Caffrey, Staub"s husband of two months.

Who may not be her husband for very much longer.

Scroll down to discover ALL the ways in which he takes some issue with his controversial wife:

1. Wait, Danielle Staub is Married?

Danielle staub husband

Yes! She tied the knot with Marty on May 5 in the Bahamian island of Bimin. Teresa Giudice and Margaret Josephs were Matrons of Honor, while Melissa Gorga served as bridesmaid.

2. Such a Happy Bride

Marty caffrey and danielle staub

“There’s just not a better feeling in the world,” Staub told People Magazine after she exchanged these vows. “I’m still crying over it… it was beautiful.”

3. So, Where Did It Go Wrong?

Danielle staub all business

Umm….everywhere? In a three-page statement submitted to Radar Online, Marty said he has suffered “financial, verbal and emotional abuse” from his “arrogant, disrespectful, presumptuous and entitled” wife. After mere months of marriage!

4. A Not Very Happy Birthday

Danielle staub with vodka

“Her birthday party was the tipping point,” Marty tells Radar of a mid-July 2018 celebration. “I was left completely in the dark. I wasn’t allowed to know who was invited. My family and friends were left out until the last minute only because I kept pressing the issue. There was no intention of including my family or friends.”

5. Tell Us More, Marty…

Danielle staub makes a return

“I was expected to pay for it. Which I refused to do,” he says of this party, rattling on about Staub: “This arrogant, disrespectful, presumptuous and entitled attitude I find disturbing. All of this is why I did not attend. You want to throw a self-indulgence, attention seeking party for yourselves, want me to pay for it, but I’m not allowed to know anything about it or to ask any questions? What world do you live in?”

6. The World of Danielle Staub?

Danielle staub in 2012

Did Marty never see the way she acted throughout her run on The Real Housewives of New Jersey? The answer is actually no, Marty says. He was unfamiliar with that part of her life when he married her.

View Slideshow

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Danielle Staub Gets Married to Marty Caffrey in the Bahamas

Danielle Staub tied the knot Saturday in the Bahamas … and gotta say, it looks pretty nice. Staub married Marty Caffrey at the Luna Beach Club.  The 55-year-old “Real Housewives of New Jersey” star chose some of her fellow housewives as…


Danielle Staub Gets Married to Marty Caffrey in the Bahamas

Danielle Staub tied the knot Saturday in the Bahamas … and gotta say, it looks pretty nice. Staub married Marty Caffrey at the Luna Beach Club.  The 55-year-old “Real Housewives of New Jersey” star chose some of her fellow housewives as…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 1 Recap: Danielle Staub is Back!

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back, and a familiar face from the past returned to the fold, and it was clear she was intent on causing some drama. 

When The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 1, we got to find that Teresa Giudice’s mother had passed away during the time between seasons. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you will remember Antonia Gorga as a fun-loving mother who loved all of her family. This death affected everyone closest to her in a big way. 

It was especially difficult on Teresa who was still trying to come to terms with her husband being behind bars and missing out on their daughters growing up and several key milestones. 

But, it was not all bad. Teresa opened up about him getting to speak to his kids all the time via the phone and email. It sure sounds like the concept of imprisonment is lost on reality TV stars.

The big positive out of this storyline is that it has brought the Giudice and Gorga family closer than ever. Seriously, there were miles between them at one point, and now, it’s almost like two warring nations have cease fired and are waving the white flag. 

It’s a surprisingly fresh dynamic, and we’re digging it. 

Teresa was not the only housewife experiencing some significant changes in her life. In fact, Dolores was very much trying to move on with her life and even had a new man. 

We did cringe a little when it was revealed that her ex-husband was moving back in with her. It did seem like they were trying to put on a united front for their children. 

We have to give a shout out to Dolores for even allowing him back in the house, but we’re totally not buying her claim that she would never get back together with him. 

Then there was Siggy, who found out the hard way that being a writer had its fair share of ups and downs. Siggy wanted to hold wine-fueled chats about what it meant to be someone with so much inspiration … or something. 

Her husband, however, wanted her to dial back on all of it because he felt like she was doing too much. In Siggy’s defense, she found something she loved to do, and that should be respected. 

On top of that, her long chats introduced her to new housewive, Margaret Josephs, and she is a complete hoot. She has pigtails and says it exactly how it is. 

Those are the type of people who are reality TV gold, so we can tell she’s going to be an exciting addition to this aging Bravo reality series. 

What worked really well was the fact that Margaret has her own fashion line and works from home. She was quick to open up about her being married to someone else when she met her current husband. 

Maybe that was a tactic so none of her fellow housewives could use it against her down the line. Let’s face it; these ladies can hold a grudge as well as the best of us. 

Then there was Melissa who was still reeling from the fact that Jackie stole all of the clothing and gave it to Kim D. Yes, that means Kim is still around causing crap for all of the women. 

Will she ever learn? 

The ladies made their way to Boca Rota for some time away, and Teresa seemed ecstatic to get some time away from New Jersey.

On the first trip, she revealed that she was mad about Joe’s crimes because it essentially took almost a year of time away from her mother. The ladies seemed shocked because of how rock-solid their relationship was before the big death. 

Could this be the beginning of Teresa and Joe? Don’t bet on it. This is all part of a storyline to throw in some jeopardy for some of the stars of the show. 

Danielle showed up on day two of the trip, and Teresa and Melissa were glad about the change of pace. In fact, Melissa only seemed happy because she had another person with her who hated Kim. 

They wasted no time in talking about Kim D’s car being found burnt to a crisp with dead bodies inside. 

We then found ourselves at Melissa’s birthday dinner, and she and Teresa recalled some crazy family stories. They eventually started fighting with the birthday cake. 

It was all for show, of course, and Siggy was upset because she had the cake made specifically for Melissa. 

“We’re gonna have to explain to the restaurant we’re from Jersey,” Siggy says with a stern look at the women as the whole descended into chaos. 

“Take it down a notch,” says Margaret with an equally as stern look. 

“Go f–k yourself,” replies Siggy. 

Yup, we’re in for another season of crazy drama with these ladies, and we have our popcorn and wine at the ready. 

What do you think about the new season?

Sound off below!


Sunday, September 10, 2017

"RHONJ" Cast Wants "Racist" Danielle Staub Edited Out of New Season

Some of the ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ want Danielle Staub edited out of the new season because they just found out about a racist rant she went on years ago … TMZ has learned. Cast members are demanding a meeting with producers after…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Danielle Staub: Actually Returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

The exciting rumor has becoming an even more exciting reality:

Danielle Staub is on her way back to Bravo!!!!!!!

The reality star, arguably the most controversial cast member in the history of that network, will reportedly appear on the upcoming season of The Real Housewivs of New Jersey.

Both Us Weekly and E! News have confirmed that Staub will stop by for at least one episode of the popular show, which is scheduled to return with new episodes later this year.

No one at Bravo has commented on these reports, but Andy Cohen did acknowledge in December that there have been “discussions” between producers and Staub.

For those unfamiliar with Danielle Staub…

… holy Hell, are you in for a treat?!?

The Z-Lister was notorious back in the day for her feud with Teresa Giudice, a rivalry that culminated in what many believe was the most memorable moment in Bravo history:

Giudice flipping over a table and labeling Staub a “prostitution whore.”

In case you need a refresher, sit back and enjoy:

Late last year, however, Staub and Giudice reunited over yoga, sharing a photo on social media that teased the former’s return to the franchise that made her semi-famous.

“We reconnected and it has been so natural and great,” Staub said soon after the photo went viral, adding:

“Today was the first time I have seen her in all these years. She reached out to me a few weeks ago to talk and catch up on our families.”

But even if Teresa and Danielle are now best buds, have no fear:

Staub had plenty of enemies during her time in New Jersey.

Jacqueline Laurita’s daughter, Ashley Holmes, for example, once ripped out Staub’s hair extensions.   

She also worked as a stripper… starred in a sex tape… and earned the #9 spot in the THG Celebrity of the Year rankings back in 2010.

We strongly urge you to visit our friends at TV Fanatic and watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online in order to relive Staub’s fights and antics.

Staub only stuck around for two seasons on the series, telling Us Weekly the following in September of 2010, in regard to leaving:

“I think it’s time for me to move on and upward. I don’t see any interest for me to be attacked like that.”

In the seven years since she left the program, the Staub has released an autobiography, “The Naked Truth,” and appeared on the VH1 series Famous Food.

A mother of two, Staub is dating a 65-year-old businessman named Marty Caffrey.

Asked by E! News last year if she wanted to appear opposite Staub on television again, Giudice didn’t hesitate.

“I’ve never had a problem with her, I would love for her to come back,” Teresa said. “My thing is, I said what I had to say and that was it. It never went beyond that.”

Bravo is yet to announce a premiere date for The Real Housewives of New Jersey Seasn 8.

But E! News has also learned Teresa will return for the upcoming season, as will her sister-in-law Melissa Gorga and season seven additions Siggy Flicker and Dolores Catania.

Are you excited to have Danielle Staub back in your life?

Do you hope she becomes a series regular again?

Or is there only so much of her you can take at a time?


Monday, October 24, 2016

Models Yasmine Staub & Lauren Carter -- Tide-Tangled and Wet (PHOTO GALLERY)

Models Yasmine Staub and Lauren Carter are finally covering up after getting their last lingerie spread 86’d from Facebook. Yasmine and Lauren own the lingerie and swimwear brand The Summer of Love, so their pics can get racy. TMZ crashed their…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Teresa Giudice and Danielle Staub Actually Hang Out, Tables Remain Unflipped

Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice had a crazy friendship throughout their time together on The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Their feud still stands as one of the craziest on the history of the series. When you think about it, no feud has come close to the craziness of Danielle Staub and Teresa Giudice. 

They just couldn’t play nice with each other and that’s probably why Danielle made a quick getaway from the series in Season 2. 

The pair just could not shut up about each other. It was pretty sad. 

There was pretty much a new allegation about the other every other day. 

Teresa seemed to think that it was okay to claim that Danielle was a prostitute. 

Staub countered all of it by saying that Teresa’s mansion was in foreclosure. 

It was all pretty petty, but it made for some great scenes for the hit reality series. 

Have a look at the one below:

Teresa was clearly filled with rage as everything with Danielle reached a terrifying conclusion. That was far from their final argument, but it was their most iconic. 

Heck, the title of Teresa’s memoir even has a link to the table flip. 

It’s crazy to think that the ladies have now put their differences aside

Yes, you read that correctly. 

“It was a long time coming. I think there’s a good chance we shocked the whole world today — and definitely the whole yoga class! We reconnected and it has been so natural and great,” Staub explained to Us of their hangout session, which was documented via social media.

“Today was the first time I have seen her in all these years. She reached out to me a few weeks ago to talk and catch up on our families.”

In the years since the ladies stopped talking, Teresa’s life has probably changed the most. 

it sure seems like her stint in prison has given her a new approach. 

“She asked me if I’m into yoga while we were talking, and she said she would take a class with me,” Staub revealed.

“So I invited her to meet me at my regular class today. We hugged and it was very good to see her. Everyone in the class was like, ‘Did I just witness that?’”

That’s probably what the whole world are thinking right about now, Danielle!

The ladies then took their make-up session to a smoothie store. 

“Afterwards, we went to Jamba Juice together and had a nice long talk. I’ll let her tell you what we talked about, but it would be fair to say we discussed our old cast,” Staub said.

“She and I have been treated the same way by the rest of the OGs in the cast so we have a lot to bond over … I think now both of our intentions is to leave the past in the past.”

All of this is pretty crazy. 

Who would have thought these two would ever be able to be friends again?

Naturally, people on social media have been clamoring to find out whether this means Danielle could be booking a return visit to the show that made her a household name. 

“That’s an Andy Cohen question,” she teased.

“But when he saw the photo, his tweet shows he never expected that.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Friday, January 29, 2016

Danielle Staub to Pen Memoir, Expose Secrets from The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Danielle Staub has announced plans to write a memoir.

In related news: Danielle Staub is a former Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member who worked as a stripper and made a sex tape and who once filed for bankruptcy and who allegedly used to snort cocaine while working as a prostitute.

We’re guessing she won’t be writing about most of these things in her upcoming book.

“I’m breaking my silence,” Staub Tweeted on Thursday night in confirming her future authorship.

“And writing my tell all including the ‘Reality of #RHONJ’ the impact on mine and my family’s life’s @Andy @bravotv.”

In other words: look out, Andy Cohen and ex-Real Housewives of New Jersey castmates. Staub is apparently planning to expose all your dirty lies and secrets.

Staub was infamously at the center of that viral “prostitution whore” 2009 table-flip scene with Teresa Giudice.

She has already written a book, 2010’s The Naked Truth, in which addressed her alleged criminal past that was discussed on the Bravo program.

A mother of two, Staub was good friends with Jacqueline Laurita when she first joined the series.

However, she quickly clashed with all the women and departed the franchise in 2012 after just two seasons, leaving many viewers with the memory of her getting her hair pulled out by Laurita’s daughter, Ashley.

“I’m way too good for this,” Staub told Us Weekly at the time of her exit. “They have used me about as much as I can be used.”

So now it’s time for Danielle Staub to use The Real Housewives of New Jersey, we guess.

Will you buy her book?