Showing posts with label Memoir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memoir. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Beastie Boys" Mike D Says Upcoming Book Isn"t a Typical Memoir

Mike D says the highly anticipated book about the Beastie Boys isn’t exactly a memoir — it’s not sexually explicit enough — but if the charts are any indication … it’s gonna make some noise. We got the rapper at LAX Friday and asked if he could…


Beastie Boys" Mike D Says Upcoming Book Isn"t a Typical Memoir

Mike D says the highly anticipated book about the Beastie Boys isn’t exactly a memoir — it’s not sexually explicit enough — but if the charts are any indication … it’s gonna make some noise. We got the rapper at LAX Friday and asked if he could…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans Bashes Siblings in New Memoir

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you probably already know about Jenelle Evans’ new memoir, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom.

Half of that title is completely accurate:

The book is largely made up of excerpts from the diary that Jenelle kept during her teen years.

The other half is a bit more misleading, as there’s really no need to read between the lines.

Just like on TV, Jenelle is nothing if not blunt on the page, and she lays out pretty much every traumatic episode from her adolescence in thorough detail.

You may have known that Jenelle struggled with substance abuse, but were you aware she once popped dozens of decongestant pills to get high and almost overdosed in the process?

You were probably aware that she’s struggled with emotional issues, but did you know that Jenelle contemplated suicide in her teens?

It’s all in the book, and it may cause you to come away with a more sympathetic view of one of the Teen Mom franchise’s most controversial figures.

But because this is Jenelle we’re talking about, she couldn’t hold court for the length of an entire book without slipping in some jabs at her dysfunctional family.

“We never had vacations or cozy holidays,” Jenelle writes of her experiences growing up.

“There wasn’t a gathering that didn’t end in a screaming match.”

We’ve known for some time that Jenelle’s father left the family when she was young and her relationship with her mother has always been either messy of non-existent.

In an excerpt from the book made public for the first time today, Jenelle goes in on her siblings, explaining that they contributed to her unhappy childhood as much as her mother or father did.

“I have no memories of my older sister comforting me in times of trouble or my older brother sticking up for me,” Jenelle writes.

“Ashleigh is older than both of us and she made sure we remembered it. She was snobby and b-tchy, and she no time for either Colin or me.”

She adds:

“I only wanted to hang out with my cool older sister, but no. Between her words and actions, she pushed me away as hard as she could.”

Jenelle describes Ashleigh as a “real stressed-out kid” who went through a lengthy “goth phase.”

“She also dabbled in witchcraft and other weird stuff,” Jenelle writes, adding that after her divorce, Ashleigh had a child with her ex-husband’s best friend.

She also recollects her brother’s “bursts of rage” and the time he started a fire in the attic that nearly burned down the entire house.

She adds that Colin later spent time in a “special group home” due to his emotional issues.

Sounds like Jenelle has a deeply troubled relationship with each of her two siblings.

We’re gonna go out on a limb and guess that publicly tearing them apart in a memoir probably won’t help.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s tumultuous past. 


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

14 Stunning Caitlyn Jenner Quotes from Her Memoir

Caitlyn Jenner says she doesn"t really talk to the Kardashians anymore.

And the Kardashians have said they don"t really want to talk to Caitlyn, either, mostly due to things she wrote about herself and her family in her new memoir, "The Secrets of My Life."

With this book making many headlines and stirring up quite a few controversies, we bought ourselves a copy and jotted down the most revealing Caitlyn Jenner quotes, stories and revelations.

Scroll through each below…

1. She tried on her mom’s dresses as a child

She tried on her moms dresses as a child

“Even then, I felt the sense of freedom that I would experience 30 or 40 years later in hotel rooms and lobbies.”

2. Following the 1976 Olympics, Jenner dressed in drag for a skit on a Bob Hope special

Following the 1976 olympics jenner dressed in drag for a skit on

“I have to be careful not to show too much enthusiasm, so I play it cool, guy’s guys dressing up like a woman… Our wigs and dresses are purposely ridiculous. But the red heels I think not only look good on me but also fit, so I steal them after the show.”

3. He came out to his first wife by accident

He came out to his first wife by accident

“I told Chrystie in 1973 about my gender issues. It wasn’t by choice: she was putting clothes away and noticed a rubber band on one of the hooks of her bra. When she asked me about it, my first response was noncommittal.”

4. Her marriage to second wife, Linda, ended when she caught him in women’s clothing

Caitlyn jenner on the couch

“In that room I felt she was revolted by me. I know she did not mean to, but her reaction was my greatest fear realized.”

5. A friend once spotted Caitlyn, dressed in drag while driving his Porsche, forcing Jenner to say he was wearing a costume for Halloween

Caitlyn jenner in golf cart

“I’m driving on Santa Monica Boulevard… and am at a stoplight when my next-door neighbor pulls up to me. I can tell he is surprised… it was a close call.”

6. She uses households items to help her look more feminine, such as when it comes to sticking her wig on tightly

Caitlyn jenner for america

“There is only one drawback to Krazy Glue: it can sometimes stick to your skin so much that it takes a little piece of skin with it when you pull it off.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kris Jenner Goes OFF on Caitlyn Jenner Over Memoir! WATCH!

As you may have heard, Caitlyn Jenner"s memoir, Secrets of My Life, is due to hit bookstores next week.

Numerous excerpts from the book have already been published in order to drum up publicity before the release, and while Caitlyn"s truthfulness has been questioned by many, there"s no doubt that the former Olympian knows how to bring the drama.

One of the most explosive claims is that Kris Jenner knew Caitlyn was transgender throughout their 18-year marriage.

Kris had previously claimed that she was just as shocked as the rest of the world when her ex-husband came out, but Caitlyn maintains that Kris "forced her into the closet" with strict rules about when and where she was permitted to present as a woman.

Catilyn"s family is reportedly mortified by the revelations in her memoir, none more so than Kris, who feels that she"s been reduced to the role of a one-note villain.

In a preview from Sunday"s Keeping Up With the Kardashians, we see Kris open up to her daughters about the book for the first time:

"I read it and basically the only nice thing she had to say was that I was great socially at a party one time," Kris says in the clip.

"None of it makes sense," the 61-year-old momager continues.

"Everything she says is all made up. Why does everything have to be that Kris is such a bitch and an a–hole?"

Fortunately for Kris, it seems she"s not alone in being fed up with Caitlyn"s exploitative ways.

“Cait’s talking about the family but didn’t speak to them first, just like she did with the Vanity Fair interview,” a source tells Us Weekly. "This is the last straw."

Watch the clip below to see Kris" initial reaction to Caitlyn"s book.

Kris jenner goes off on caitlyn jenner over memoir watch

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Painful Childhood in New Memoir

Jenelle Evans has long been the preferred punching bag of angry Teen Mom 2 fans.

To a large segment of the show’s audience, Jenelle embodies the recklessness, negligence, and sense of entitlement that’s put the show at the center of so many critical thinkpieces over the years.

But while Evans claims that her abhorrent behavior is created in the cutting room by crafty Teen Mom 2 editors are clearly BS, obsessive Jenelle haters might do well to listen to her side of things before continuing to devote their lives to seething over the behavior of someone they’ve never met.

Evans has opened up about her difficult childhood and her absentee father before, but now, sources say she’s ready to delve into greater detail in a forthcoming memoir.

Those closest to Jenelle say her troubled past helps to shed light on her current demons, and they believe fans will see the mother of three in a different light following the July 25 release of her memoir, Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mother.

While Jenelle is far from the first Teen Mom to add “author” to her resume (Kailyn Lowry and Farrah Abraham have each been credited with penning multiple books.), her literary is different in that it  

“The book shares raw emotional stories of Jenelle’s youth that have helped shape the woman she has become, all drawn from her childhood diary,” a source close to Evans tells Radar Online

“My book will put into perspective how I was brought up and raised,” Evans recently tweeted.

“Gives everyone my point of view. Everyone will understand me now!”

Insiders say much of the book deals with Jenelle’s father, Robert Evans, and his alleged abandonment of his children when Jenelle was just four years old.

Roberts admits to having little to no contact with his kids over the years, but he maintains that he was forced to leave due to abuse from Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans.

“They don’t call me,” Robert recently told Radar.

“They don’t get in touch with me. And I have no idea how to get in touch with them.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s ups and downs over the years.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex to Pen Tell-All Memoir?

The Duggar courting process always starts with one acceptable destination in mind: marriage.

Thus far, the Duggar children have been successful in that goal on their first efforts – with one notable exception.

Back in 2015, Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson, but the relationship quickly unraveled.

The former couple confirmed their courtship in April of that year, and by May they appeared to have gone their separate ways.

The Josiah and Marjorie breakup was confirmed by family sources in August.

The cause of the split remains unknown, but it’s widely believed to have had something to do with the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which at the time, were still the stuff of daily tabloid headlines.

Sources close to the couple insisted that the split was amicable and that Josiah and Marjorie planned to remain friends.

That didn’t appear to be the case, however, as Josiah deleted every photo of Marjorie from his Instagram page within days of the breakup.

Nearly two years later, we still don’t know exactly what caused these two to call it quits, but that may be soon to change.

Sources close to the young Christian blogger have confirmed that Marjorie Jackson will publish her first book in May.

The Duggars have reportedly lived in fear of a tell-all memoir from Jackson ever since she and Josiah parted ways.

Insiders tall Radar Online that the family is sweating bullets these days, terrified that Jackson’s book will contain damaging details about how the family went into crisis mode in the months after news of Josh’s sex crimes went public.

Fortunately for Jim Bob, Michelle and company, the official publisher’s description makes it sound as though they’re in the clear.

Marjorie’s people say the book, entitled Devoted, will focus primarily on Marjorie’s religious beliefs and crises of faith.

Of course there is one line from a press release touting the book that probably has Josiah’s parents and siblings concerned.

According to the description, her essays will cover topics related to “relationships, decisions, standards, convictions, priorities…everything,”

We’re guessing the Duggars don’t like the sound of that “everything.”

Josiah may be one of the lesser-known Duggars, and his courtship may not have lasted very long, but the potential for disaster remains huge.

And Marjorie likely knows that a few juicy details could help sell a lot of books.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: 13 Heartbreaking Details from Her New Memoir

Every single one of the ladies on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 have gone through hard times — that"s kind of the whole point of the show — but Kailyn Lowry has had more than her fair share of struggles.

Kailyn"s been open about the things she"s been through on the show, but in her new memoir, Heart & Hustle, she gets real personal about it all.

Check out the most heartbreaking tidbits below.

1. She came from a broken home.

Kailyn lowry crying

“It sure as hell seemed like my own parents couldn’t muster up any love to send my way. My own parents!”

2. Her parents never taught her how to love.

Kailyn lowry image

“If I couldn’t look to them for an example of what it means to be loved, how could I imagine what it was like? If my parents couldn’t love me, how could I be sure anyone would?”

3. She feels like her mom didn’t love her enough.

A kailyn lowry picture

“Not enough to numb the embarrassment when she showed up at my elementary school reeking of Jack Daniels. Not enough to dull my hurt and anger when she disappeared and left me on my own for long, long stretches of time. By the time I was a teenager, no one had to tell me to follow my heart.”

4. Her mother was an alcoholic.

Kailyn lowry twitpic

“The best of my mom’s love went into the bottles she drowned herself in day in and day out. The love that should have been mine went into bottles and empty cans that were tossed in the trash and carried away. I was left with whatever spilled, and it wasn’t enough.”

5. She had a rough childhood.

Kailyn lowry at star magazines scene stealers

“I acted up in school, smoked too much weed, had sex too young—the list goes on.”

6. She still tried to be a good daughter.

Kailyn lowry vmas 2016

“No one can ever say I didn’t try to have a relationship with my mother. I spent the most vulnerable years of my childhood working to hide her drinking from teachers, classmates and neighbors while trying to earn her love.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie Memoir to Reveal Sordid Sex and Drug Tales?

It’s all happening. 

Angelina Jolie is allegedly penning a tell-all memoir about her life with Brad Pitt, reportedly calling it a “nightmare” … among other things. 

Radar Online reported that Angelina’s already holed up in her mansion, sans Brad Pitt, and plotting her next PR move. 

The insider claimed that Jolie is furious over the way “she’s being painted as wicked witch” in the divorce. 

Except for how, you know, she’s not being painted as anything but regular, ol’ St. Angelina, with Pitt taking all of the heat for the demise of their marriage. 


The source revealed, “All she’s done is try and protect the kids.”

“She feels she’s been made out to be the bad guy in this whole thing,” the insider continued.

“It’s not right.”  

About the memoir – which absolutely sounds forthcoming – the source said, “You can be sure that she will come out like roses in the memoir, while [Pitt’s] drinking, smoking, and clashes with the kids will be addressed in a very unflattering way.” 

And on that topic, we’re positive the insider is right if, indeed, Jolie is penning that book.  

She’s been a PR nightmare for Pitt ever since news of the divorce broke, so why not make money off of it, too? 

Stick with what you’re good at and all that. 

Another source told Radar that Jolie is poised to make 5 million dollars off a memoir, should she decide to pursue it. 

The insider claims that the book will be rife with upsetting incidents, including “shocking sexual threesomes” during their “ugly” marriage. 

The book will absolutely destroy Brad’s character, which would likely be its intent. 

Radar’s insider said, “[Pitt’s] insecurities were also becoming an issue.”

“[He is] a very insecure guy, who was constantly paranoid about her cheating, and used weed and booze as a crutch for his self-esteem.”

Somehow, we doubt that.

The book would also go after Pitt’s A-list friends, apparently. 

“Brad’s pot-smoking buddies have also been a problem as they encourage him to misbehave all the time,” it was revealed. 

“She’s tried to lure him away from his bad circle of friends, which included George [Clooney], Jonah [Hill], and even Quentin [Tarantino].” 

Yeah, bad dudes. Totally the baddest of dudes. 

Welp, dunno about y’all, but this whole entire thing sounds pretty terrible. 

And that just about sums things up. 

Angelina Jolie is an evil beast of a woman.  


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Michael Strahan to Pen Scathing Memoir About Kelly Ripa?

Michael Strahan has already left Live! for Good Morning America.

But that doesn’t mean the talk show host is done with Kelly Ripa, not according to a new tabloid cover story.

The latest issue of Star claims that Strahan has a $ 10 million offer on the table to pen a memoir that will reveal endless secrets about his former colleague.

An anonymous insider tells the magazine that Strahan would “relish telling his side of the story” of why he ditched one ABC program for another.

Strahan, of course, announced in mid-April that he would depart Live! in September in order to become a full-time part of Good Morning America.

But Ripa felt disrespected enough by the way in which ABC handled this announcement to stage a mini-boycott of her own show.

She eventually returned… talked about the need for respect in the workplace… and then awkwardly sat next to Strahan for the next few weeks until he ended up leaving on May 13.

What might a Strahan memoir include?

Details on how Live! employees supposedly dislike Ripa, and “how icy-cold she can be toward anyone she deems beneath her.”

The magazine writes that Ripa would also tell Strahan “very private, intimate stuff” about her marriage to Mark Consuelos… all of which Strahan is now prepared to spill to the public!

Michael has “seen the worst side of Kelly, and he could blow apart her carefully constructed image and ultimately humiliate her,” the bombshell report claims.

Ever since Strahan confirmed his job change, there’s been talk that he and Ripa have hated each other for years.

And this may very well be true.

But Strahan has still carved out a reputation as one of television’s most beloved morning personalities. It seems very hard to believe that he’d risk that for a few million bucks.

The guy has raked in plenty already from his professional football career and his new GMA gig.

Ripa, meanwhile, has possibly gone rogue.

She has also lined up a number of guest co-hosts, with no decision about a permanent fellow anchor expected any time soon.

We have a few suggestions, however…

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jimmy Fallon to Admit to Drinking Problem in New Memoir?

For whatever reason, late night hosts generally don’t find their names mentioned in celebrity gossip circles very often.

Maybe it’s because every single one that currently occupies a network time slot is a middle-aged family man.

Maybe it’s because the work ethic required to reach such a lofty point in one’s career doesn’t jibe with a hard-partying lifestyle.

Whatever the case, Jimmy Fallon has become the exception to one of television’s most longest-standing rules in recent months.

It all started when Fallon severely injured his hand twice in less than five months. 

The second incident occurred when the Tonight Show host fell while holding a bottle of Jagermeister at a party:

Shortly thereafter, the 41-year-old chipped his tooth in an accident at home.

For obvious reasons, the succession of strange mishaps has raised concerns about Fallon’s drinking habits.

NBC execs issued a statement claiming that they weren’t concerned about Fallon’s alleged binges, but insiders have insisted that there’s been an ongoing effort to keep his boozing under wraps since well before the beloved comic took over for Jay Leno at 11:30.

“It’s gone from being a whisper to a chatter,” says one industry insider when asked about the rumors of Fallon’s heavy boozing.

“He’s a mess” confirms a Manhattan bartender who claims Fallon’s been a regular customer of hers for several years. “Everything you’ve heard [about his behavior] is true.”

Now, sources claim that Fallon has been offered a staggering sum (some say as high as $ 15 million) to pen a memoir.

And there are additional reports that Jimmy will take the opportunity to finally come clean about his boozing habits.

Friends of Fallon’s who prefer to remain anonymous say that he plans to confirm that he occasionally gets out of hand while partying, but firmly believes that he is not an alcoholic, as he abstains for long periods of time.

Some would argue that if Fallon frequently injures himself while drinking, then it’s clear that he does have a problem, but hopefully those folks will withhold judgment – at least until Jimmy gets to tell his side of the story.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Memoir: Will It Ruin The Kardashians For Good?

Everyone is waiting for it, but what exactly will this book reveal?

Tabloids are having a field day speculating about Caitlyn Jenner’s upcoming memoir.  What will it cover?  What secrets will she spill about the Kardashians?

Life & Style claims that Caitlyn will sell her family out, especially ex-wife, Kris Jenner, whom Caitlyn will explain how she was the one to release Kim Kardashian’s sex tape with ex-boyfriend, Ray J.

What’s more, sources allege that Cailtyn will go into detail about Khloe Kardashian’s marriage to Lamar Odom, and how it was riddled with infidelity.

“Kris Jenner is reportedly very, very worried about what Caitlyn Jenner plans to write in her no holds barred tell-all,” according to Celebrity Dirty Laundry.

“The insider divulged that Kim Kardashian is actually losing sleep worrying about what Caitlyn has left to say about her, Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian. Should be interesting to read what Cait has to say about Kourt’s baby daddy Scott Disick – Kayne West will probably get his own chapter!”

Kris Jenner already has a memoir (or “memwah,” as she calls it) out, which opened old wounds in regards to her own marital infidelity, so she knows first-hand that a tell-all won’t sell unless it contains very juicy information.

Caitlyn’s book will be co-written by Buzz Bissinger, who interviewed the Olympian for her July 2015 Vanity Fair cover.

“Things have been moving so quickly that it will be nice to slow things down a bit and take the proper time to reflect on this journey,” Jenner said in a press release.

“I couldn’t pick a better team, in [Grand Central Publishing] and Buzz, to make sure this story is told with a lot of honesty and care.”

Friday, January 29, 2016

Teresa Giudice Talks Strip Searches & Girl-on-Girl Inmate Action in New Memoir

From the moment she was sentenced to 15 months in prison for bankruptcy fraud, it was widely assumed that Teresa Giudice would release a lurid tell-all about her time behind bars.

As it turns out, Teresa’s memoir is finished and ready to hit stores months earlier than anyone expected.

The reason, it seems, is that Teresa worked at a furious pace while she was locked up.

According to Radar Online, one source who has read the book and is familiar with the circumstances behind its publication says Teresa pounded out pages under tremendously difficult conditions:

“There were concerns inmates would try and steal the book as it was being written,” the source said, adding that Teresa would write 20 or 30 pages at a time and then pass the book off to her lawyer for safekeeping.

The insider says that in the book – entitled Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again – Teresa reveals that the most humiliating part of her prison experience was the routine strip searches that she was subjected to as an inmate:

“The first strip search had Teresa completely rattled. It was humiliating” the source said.

“The prison staff were professionals, and did it very quickly. But after each visit with the family, Teresa would have to go through the process all over again.

“It became routine in the end, and she understood the staff were just doing their job. That’s covered in the book.”

Teresa also goes into detail regarding the love lives of her fellow prisoners:

“Teresa was stunned at the prison romances between the women,” the insider says.

“Obviously, Teresa didn’t hook up with anyone. There were some interested vibes that Teresa got from a couple of the ladies, but Teresa just ignored it.”

Of course, there were dark, lonely moments during her almost 12 months behind bars, and the insider says Teresa delves into her emotional struggle with surprising candor:

“During the first two weeks, Teresa cried every night,” the source says. “There were moments she didn’t know if she was going to make it for almost an entire year.

“Visits from the family and Teresa’s faith got her through the darkest times.”

Teresa’s book will be available in stores and online Februrary 9.

Danielle Staub to Pen Memoir, Expose Secrets from The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Danielle Staub has announced plans to write a memoir.

In related news: Danielle Staub is a former Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member who worked as a stripper and made a sex tape and who once filed for bankruptcy and who allegedly used to snort cocaine while working as a prostitute.

We’re guessing she won’t be writing about most of these things in her upcoming book.

“I’m breaking my silence,” Staub Tweeted on Thursday night in confirming her future authorship.

“And writing my tell all including the ‘Reality of #RHONJ’ the impact on mine and my family’s life’s @Andy @bravotv.”

In other words: look out, Andy Cohen and ex-Real Housewives of New Jersey castmates. Staub is apparently planning to expose all your dirty lies and secrets.

Staub was infamously at the center of that viral “prostitution whore” 2009 table-flip scene with Teresa Giudice.

She has already written a book, 2010’s The Naked Truth, in which addressed her alleged criminal past that was discussed on the Bravo program.

A mother of two, Staub was good friends with Jacqueline Laurita when she first joined the series.

However, she quickly clashed with all the women and departed the franchise in 2012 after just two seasons, leaving many viewers with the memory of her getting her hair pulled out by Laurita’s daughter, Ashley.

“I’m way too good for this,” Staub told Us Weekly at the time of her exit. “They have used me about as much as I can be used.”

So now it’s time for Danielle Staub to use The Real Housewives of New Jersey, we guess.

Will you buy her book?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner to Write Memoir: Get the Details!

Caitlyn Jenner may be in the process of telling her transformational story via I Am Cait on E!.

But the reality show star apparently has even more of a story to tell. And she now has a new way to tell it.

Via press release, the stepfather of Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian – as well as the biological father of Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner – has confirmed plans to pen a memoir.

It will likely be available to purchase in the spring of 2017 and it will be written with the assistance of acclaimed journalist Buzz Bissinger.

The author who wrote the Vanity Fair cover story last April in which Caitlyn announced herself as Caitlyn.

“Things have been moving so quickly that it will be nice to slow things down a bit and take the proper time to reflect on this journey,” Jenner said in the press release.

“I couldn’t pick a better team, in [Grand Central Publishing] and Buzz, to make sure this story is told with a lot of honesty and care.”

Added Bissinger, who is best known to many for having written Friday Night Lights:

“I elected to do this with Caitlyn because of the opportunity to create a book that will be riveting, important and reveal all the complexities and twists and turns of her life from boyhood to transition.

We both agree that nothing can be left out in capturing this unique and unprecedented journey. This is her story and I am proud to play a role in telling it with grace and candor.”

With this release, Caitlyn will become the latest member of her famous family to come out with a book.

Let’s hope hers is a bit most substantial than these previous examples:

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Charlie Sheen to Pen Post-HIV Memoir?

According to Us Weekly, A Tale of Tiger Blood may be coming to a bookstore near you.

Granted, that’s a working title (made up by The Hollywood Gossip), but it doesn’t change the fact that Charlie Sheen is getting set to write a book.

An insider tells the aforementioned tabloid that Sheen’s manager, Mark Burg, has been “buried with offers” from publishers asking Sheen to tell his story.

This doesn’t exactly come as a surprise.

Sheen is the most famous actor or actress to ever be diagnosed as HIV positive.

He made this startling reveal Tuesday morning on The Today Show, admitting at the time that he has been extorting for millions of dollars ever since learning the news for himself four years ago.

Sheen told Matt Lauer at one point that his financial situation is not great.

He also said the following:

“I’m here to admit that I am HIV-positive… I have to put a stop to this barrage of attacks of sub-truths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about me that are threatening the health of so many others.”

Along with the HIV diagnosis, Sheen could write about his history of drug and prostitute use, the latter of which he once spent over $ 1 million on.

Over the course of a single year.

Since announcing his health status, Sheen has been hailed as courageous by some and as a coward by others.

Former sitcom co-star Jenny McCarthy, for example, finds it appalling that Sheen did not tell her about his situation back when they pretended to sleep with each other on TV.

Would you purchase a Charlie Sheen memoir?

Would you title it Two and a Half Men Minus One and a Half: The Story of One Man?

Neither would we.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Memoir: 6 Things We Learned

Khloe Kardashian has a lot to share with the world.

The reality star has come out with a memoir titled "Strong Looks Better Naked," passing along advice to fans that range from weight loss techniques to relationship goals.

What are the book"s main takeaways?

To save you time and money, we"ve already read the book and we"ve taken away the following six lessons from it…

1. Khloe Hated Kris Humphries

Khloe hated kris humphries

At one point, she references her “least favorite” ex of sister Kim and writes of how this person started “started complaining about life at home,” adding: ‘Why don’t you cook for me?’ he told Kim. ‘Khloe cooks for Lamar all the time.’ This happened in front of me, and it really upset me. I told him, ‘That is so rude! How dare you compare our relationships? And why are you being so aggressive? The right thing to do is to ask Kim if she’d consider cooking for you from time to time.’ He didn’t treat Kim with respect; he wasn’t kind, and unfortunately, he didn’t get my point, which I guess is one of the many reasons he is an ex.”

2. She Couldn’t Accept Her Father’s Death

She couldnt accept her fathers death

She was in denial about her dad’s death: “At the funeral, though, when I saw my father in his casket, I completely fell apart. I don’t remember the details, but apparently I was an emotional wreck, and I’m told that I was so distraught I actually passed out. At one point I fell to the floor kick and screaming, and I had to be sedated. It was really intense. I refused to believe my father was gone. I just wanted to believe it was all just a bad dream.”

3. She Went Through a Wild Phase

Khloe kardashian cleavage on the red carpet

Following the previously-listed entry, Khloe wrote: “That’s when the partying started.” She goes into detail about her hard-drinking ways not long after her dad’s passing.

4. She Loves Rob, But…

Khloe kardashian and rob kardashian pic

“I love him and he knows I love him, but he fell into a deep, dark place and couldn’t find his way back. I’ve tried to help him, as has the entire family, but our efforts have largely been in vain. From time to time, though, he decides he’s going to fix things his way, and he plunges in headfirst. Inevitably, it doesn’t work.”

5. She Sympathized with Her Stepfather, But…

She sympathized with her stepfather but

Upon learning Bruce wanted to become CAITLYN Jenner, Khloe struggled to accept the change: “I had lost my father, and now I was losing Bruce. Bruce wanted to be a woman and I could only imagine the battle raging inside of his soul. My heart went out to him. But, I saw the transformation as a huge loss.”

6. She Will Always Love Lamar Odom

Khloe and lamar on the red carpet

We all know ups and major downs she’s been through with Lamar Odom, but she ended the book with this acknowledgement: “Thank you to Lamar for giving me some of the best years of my life and for everything you taught me about being strong. Before I met you I felt invisible, and after I felt seen.”

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