Showing posts with label Talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talks. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2019

UFC"s Anthony Smith I"m In Talks to Fight Jon Jones ... "I"m Your Guy"

Jon Jones is one step closer to his next fight … because Anthony Smith tells TMZ Sports his manager is already talking with the UFC to get a deal done. 
30-year-old Smith has clawed his way to becoming the #3 ranked light heavyweight after taking out Rashad Evans, Shogun Rua and ...
UFC"s Anthony Smith I"m In Talks to Fight Jon Jones ... "I"m Your Guy"

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Amber Rose Talks First Threesome: It Sucked!

Amber Rose often speaks openly about her sex life, and some of her fans may have assumed that the ex of both Kanye and Wiz Khalifa likes to get seriously experimental in the bedroom.

Not so, says the 32-year-old model/media personality, who’s visibility is at an all-time high these days thanks to a number of new high-profile gigs.

Back in June, The Amber Rose Show premiered on VH1.

Last month, we learned that Rose will compete on Dancing With the Stars in the show’s upcoming 23rd season.

Last night, saw the debut of the Loveline with Amber Rose podcast.

It’s hard to imagine where Rose finds the time for all these jobs, but there’s one thing that she apparently won’t be making time for at any point in the near future:

As she revealed last night, Amber is no fan of threesomes – at least of the girl-guy-girl variety.

She discussed her first and only three-way experience with co-host Dr. Chris Donaghue on last night’s Loveline.

“We kinda just got together it was a guy and a girl and it was f–king horrible,” Amber said.

“It was the worst. It was horrible. I am literally having sleepless nights,” she added.

“I felt the pressure, getting older, to experience new things and I did it against my better judgment because I talk about sex a lot.”

Rose says that the experience simply didn’t meet her intimacy standards:

I hated it. Because I feel like I am a very passionate lover and I like that one-on-one passion,” she explained. 

“With the threesome I felt like there was no passion. There was no kissing and rolling around. All those moments were not there.”

Rose maintained her sense of humor about the experience and even remarked that she’d attempt a threesome again – but only with a different configuration:

“You know what maybe I’ll call my baby daddy tonight,” she joked.

“I won’t do it again. Maybe if it’s two guys but not with another girl.”

Amber says her fans might be surprised by how traditional her tastes are in terms of sex acts:

“I feel like I’m just such a nerd in the bedroom. People really think that I have orgies all day and, like, I do these crazy sex acts,” she said.

“I’m like, ‘I’m really just a normal girl."”

Of course, Rose recently told a TV audience that she enjoyed having ex-husband Wiz Khalifa “put his babies” on her face, so we think it’s safe to say she’s no prude.

Amber Rose Talks First Threesome: It Sucked!

Amber Rose often speaks openly about her sex life, and some of her fans may have assumed that the ex of both Kanye and Wiz Khalifa likes to get seriously experimental in the bedroom.

Not so, says the 32-year-old model/media personality, who’s visibility is at an all-time high these days thanks to a number of new high-profile gigs.

Back in June, The Amber Rose Show premiered on VH1.

Last month, we learned that Rose will compete on Dancing With the Stars in the show’s upcoming 23rd season.

Last night, saw the debut of the Loveline with Amber Rose podcast.

It’s hard to imagine where Rose finds the time for all these jobs, but there’s one thing that she apparently won’t be making time for at any point in the near future:

As she revealed last night, Amber is no fan of threesomes – at least of the girl-guy-girl variety.

She discussed her first and only three-way experience with co-host Dr. Chris Donaghue on last night’s Loveline.

“We kinda just got together it was a guy and a girl and it was f–king horrible,” Amber said.

“It was the worst. It was horrible. I am literally having sleepless nights,” she added.

“I felt the pressure, getting older, to experience new things and I did it against my better judgment because I talk about sex a lot.”

Rose says that the experience simply didn’t meet her intimacy standards:

I hated it. Because I feel like I am a very passionate lover and I like that one-on-one passion,” she explained. 

“With the threesome I felt like there was no passion. There was no kissing and rolling around. All those moments were not there.”

Rose maintained her sense of humor about the experience and even remarked that she’d attempt a threesome again – but only with a different configuration:

“You know what maybe I’ll call my baby daddy tonight,” she joked.

“I won’t do it again. Maybe if it’s two guys but not with another girl.”

Amber says her fans might be surprised by how traditional her tastes are in terms of sex acts:

“I feel like I’m just such a nerd in the bedroom. People really think that I have orgies all day and, like, I do these crazy sex acts,” she said.

“I’m like, ‘I’m really just a normal girl."”

Of course, Rose recently told a TV audience that she enjoyed having ex-husband Wiz Khalifa “put his babies” on her face, so we think it’s safe to say she’s no prude.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jill Duggar FINALLY Talks Pregnancy Plans!

Last week, after months of rumors and speculation, Jessa Duggar announced that she’s pregnant with her second child.

Duggar fans were overjoyed by the news (Procreation is what made this family famous, after all.), but some still suspected the family was withholding information.

We can see why they were suspicious, as Jessa and Jill Duggar had talked about getting pregnant at the same time on several occasions.

And with Jill freshly back from Central America (where she wisely refrained from getting knocked up, presumably due to concerns over the Zika virus), the time seemed right for a double Duggar pregnancy.

Fortunately, on last night’s episode of Counting On, Jill finally addressed the rumors that she and Derick are expecting a second child.

Unfortunately, she did so in the most vague way possible.

Check out this clip from Jill and Derick Dillard’s date night, on which they were joined by their toddler son, Israel.

We guess when you don’t drink and you live in a foreign country, it’s easier to just include your child when you’re going out to eat.

Hey, whatever works:

“It’s been a while since I got to get dressed up and go on a dinner date with my hubby,” Jill tells producers.

“Jill looks great,” Derick remarks, still looking very much like an extra from a movie about the grunge era in Seattle.

Cementing their relationship as reality TV’s most boring couple, Jill and Der proceed to fill us in on why they enjoy buffets.

(For one thing, you don’t have to “clean and wash all the vegetables” yourself!)

They then move on to their “goals for the year.”

“Have another baby? Israel definitely needs a sibling – so he doesn’t think the world revolves around him.”

Jill later tells the camera:

“Israel is definitely ready to be a big brother. I think it’ll be good for him, too.”

Finally, a producer asks Jill point-blank if she’s already knocked up, as so many fans suspect.

She evasively answers:

“Lots of people ask. We are looking forward to having another baby soon.”

Back at dinner, Derick speculates that he and Jill will expand their family in the next year.

So is the couple already expecting and simply playing coy?

Is Jill pregnant but she hasn’t told Derick yet?

Watch Counting On online to find out!

Hopefully, there will be more talk of salad preferences!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kanye West Talks Politics, Might Sound More Presidential Than Donald Trump

At last year’s VMAs, Kanye West announced that he plans to run for president, and we all had a good laugh.

Then we found out who our actual candidates would be, and the whole thing seemed considerably less funny.

Suddenly, the idea of a President Yeezy doesn’t seem quite so ridiculous.

Alright, fine – it still seems like the lunatic ambition of a cartoon supervillain.

But remarkably, the rapper actually made some level-headed, well-reasoned comments about the current political climate when asked about his designs on the White House in a recent interview.

Kanye says he’s given up on his political dreams (our loss, America. Our loss.), but he still has “a view on humanity, on people, on the truth.”

“If there is anything that I can do with my time and my day, to somehow make a difference while I’m alive, I’m going to try to do it,” sayeth Yeezus.

Nothing earth-shattering, but hey, at least it’s not plagiarized, right?!

Seriously, though it’s like we’re seeing a different side of Kanye these days.

Last time the rapper talked politics, he wound up just going on one of his signature rants about how “sweatshirts are the future.” Seriously.

Maybe he’s been chastened by accusations that he posted Taylor Swift revenge porn on the Internet for millions to see.

Or maybe the 39-year-old father of two is just finally starting to grow up.

Either way, we could get used to the idea of a mellower, less erratic Kanye.

Sadly, we don’t imagine it’ll last.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Demi Lovato Talks Mental Illness at DNC, Stands with Her

On Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, Sarah Silverman told off a handful of Bernie Sanders.

Michelle Obama talked about how we need to elect a President who will help do the most important job of all, raise our children.

And Demi Lovato spoke, too!

To some, it may have seemed out of place that the young singer and actress would take the stage at this kind of political event.

But Eva Longoria spoke at the 2012 DNC… and Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. both spoke at the Republican National Convention last week.

Moreover, Lovato has a personal story to tell, one she hopes will help others in her situation.

"Like millions of Americans, I’m living with mental illness," Lovato said before the crowd in Philadelphia, adding:

"But I’m lucky. I had the resources and support to get treatment at a top facility. Unfortunately, too many Americans from all walks of life don"t get help, either because they fear the stigma or cannot afford treatment.

"Untreated mental illness can lead to devastating consequences, including suicide, substance abuse and long-term medical issues.”

Lovato didn"t speak for long, but she did get her pressing point across very well.

“We can do better. Every one of us can make a difference,” she proclaimed.

“By getting educated on this epidemic and its frightening statistics and by breaking the stigma. I urge every politician to support laws that will provide access to better health care and support for everyone. This is not about politics. It’s simply the right thing to do.”

The 23-year old star went on to explain that she’s doing what she can by having staff from the treatment center that helped with her recovery come on her tour to provide services to those who need support.

Lovato spent several weeks in rehab toward the end of 2010 and has never been afraid to discuss this issue in public.

"I stand here today as proof you can live a normal and empowered life with mental illness," she said.

"I’m proud to support a presidential candidate who will fight to ensure all people living with mental health conditions get the care they need to lead fulfilling lives. That candidate is Hillary Clinton. Let’s make her the next president of the United States of America.”

From there, Lovato broke into a rendition of her track "Confident."

Watch the speech and the performance below:

Demi lovato talks mental illness at democratic national conventi

Demi Lovato Talks Mental Illness at DNC, Stands with Her

On Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, Sarah Silverman told off a handful of Bernie Sanders.

Michelle Obama talked about how we need to elect a President who will help do the most important job of all, raise our children.

And Demi Lovato spoke, too!

To some, it may have seemed out of place that the young singer and actress would take the stage at this kind of political event.

But Eva Longoria spoke at the 2012 DNC… and Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. both spoke at the Republican National Convention last week.

Moreover, Lovato has a personal story to tell, one she hopes will help others in her situation.

"Like millions of Americans, I’m living with mental illness," Lovato said before the crowd in Philadelphia, adding:

"But I’m lucky. I had the resources and support to get treatment at a top facility. Unfortunately, too many Americans from all walks of life don"t get help, either because they fear the stigma or cannot afford treatment.

"Untreated mental illness can lead to devastating consequences, including suicide, substance abuse and long-term medical issues.”

Lovato didn"t speak for long, but she did get her pressing point across very well.

“We can do better. Every one of us can make a difference,” she proclaimed.

“By getting educated on this epidemic and its frightening statistics and by breaking the stigma. I urge every politician to support laws that will provide access to better health care and support for everyone. This is not about politics. It’s simply the right thing to do.”

The 23-year old star went on to explain that she’s doing what she can by having staff from the treatment center that helped with her recovery come on her tour to provide services to those who need support.

Lovato spent several weeks in rehab toward the end of 2010 and has never been afraid to discuss this issue in public.

"I stand here today as proof you can live a normal and empowered life with mental illness," she said.

"I’m proud to support a presidential candidate who will fight to ensure all people living with mental health conditions get the care they need to lead fulfilling lives. That candidate is Hillary Clinton. Let’s make her the next president of the United States of America.”

From there, Lovato broke into a rendition of her track "Confident."

Watch the speech and the performance below:

Demi lovato talks mental illness at democratic national conventi

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Teresa Giudice Talks About Juicy Joe In Prison, Starts To Cry

The thing that"s tough about interviewing Teresa Giudice is that she isn"t forthright.  

Everything is positive, everyone is moving forward, life is a blessing.

It"s almost as if Teresa is trying to convince herself that everything is fine, when in reality, everything is still very much up in the air.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star gave an interview to Good Morning America on July 5th, and when ABC News correspondent Mara Schiavocampo asked what advice she could give her husband, who is currently serving a 41-month prison sentence, Teresa started to tear up

"Well, he lived through the whole thing.  I"m just…I"m getting emotional."

Schiavocampo offered a break, which Teresa took advantage of.  She blew her nose, wiped away the tears and sat back down on the couch.

The question must have hit a nerve, since Joe raised the girls while Teresa served her 11.5 of her 15 month sentence at a minimum security prison in Danbury, CT for offenses that included "conspiracy to commit wire fraud" and" bankruptcy fraud."

Now, it"s Teresa"s turn to be strong.

"It"s hard. We e-mail every day," Teresa told Schiavocamp before getting emotional. "We talk every day, and I see him every week."

When asked about their future as a family, and whether or not she"s worried about Joe possibly facing deportation back to Italy, Teresa balked at any kind of uncertainty

"No, I think our future is not uncertain," she said confidently

"He"s gonna be home, we"re gonna be together, and that"s that I"m looking forward to."

Teresa"s return home will air on the new season of New Jersey (premiering July 10th at 8 p.m. on Bravo).  She"s also repaired her relationship with sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga.

"I feel like it"s like how it used to be," Teresa told Schiavocampo of her relationship with Melissa, who added, "We have like a funny banter together and we have fun together.

"I just think that she"s calmer, just a little bit calmer."

Teresa, who"s working to become a certified yoga teacher since taking up the exercise in prison, plans to open her own studio and design a line of yoga wear.

"You do grow, and you learn from your experiences," she said.

"And that"s obviously what happened to me."

Here"s hoping.

Teresa giudice tears up while talking about joe the future

Friday, July 1, 2016

Was Brittany Murphy Murdered? Author of Shocking New Tell-All Talks to THG

Last week, we reported on new details about the sad final days of Brittany Murphy.

The information about the scene of the 32-year-old actress’ death and the nature of her strange relationship with husband Simon Monjack comes courtesy of a shocking new tell-all, A Case For Murder: Brittany Murphy Files, by author Brynn Curt James Hammond.

Hammond spoke with us recently about the public fascination and ongoing mysteries surrounding Murphy’s death:

THG: What drew you to the case of Brittany Murphy?

Hammond: “I had the chance to interview her on two occasions and found her a delight, but on the second occasion she seemed to have lost her spark, leaving me wondering why and what the hell happened,” Hammond says of 

“Then jump to December 20, morning, I was at my desk with deadlines looming and I heard the press reports she had died, and I was dumbstruck. I went back and watched some of her early work and it reignited my fascination with her.

“Over the years I always wanted to put pen to paper and celebrate her life in some way and this led to the book.”

THG: What’s the number one thing you’d like people to know about Ms. Murphy’s life and her final days?

Hammond: “I guess I’d like people to know that above anything else she was a huge ball of talent and if you eradicate some of her final films she was a force to be reckoned with.

“The girl had some serious talent and it’s just sad that due to certain behavior and choices she made in her later years people have forgotten that.

“She wasn’t in a good place and she really needed someone to take her under there wing and say, ‘Hey, you need to cut your ties with Monjack, ditch your mom and hire a decent agent and press team.’

“Murphy had the talent and she just needed a new support network to bring her head above water and away from the piranhas. I believe she would still be here today if that had happened.

THG: You open the book with a reminder of how far Murphy’s star had fallen at the time of her passing. How big of a role do you think her declining popularity played in her death?

Hammond: “I don’t think her career played any part in her physical death. Her career didn’t kill her or allow her to become unresponsive before anyone dialed 911.

“Her career was dried up but she wasn’t. We have all seen stars who have hit rock bottom; Natasha Lyonne for example, but she’s back on top and has a healthy output of movies.

“America loves a comeback star and I believe with a bit of hard work and some damage control Brittany could have been Hollywood’s golden girl again.

“You only have to see Across the Hall, what a fantastic movie and what a great performance she turns in. She still had it in her.”

THG: You’re critical of the way Murphy’s murder was handled by the press. Do you think tabloid culture has gotten better or worse in the years since her passing?

Hammond: “I wouldn’t say I was critical, more realistic. It played a part in her career decline and no sooner she was in the ground she had been forgotten, which I found very sad.

“However, I understand it’s the industry, and journalists nowadays have more than one person to compete with to get their pay check.

“I don’t think the press industry has changed, so to speak. I feel the stories are more ‘out there’ but then the stars are doing more bizarre things so they stay in the headlines for longer.

“Out of sight, out of mind as they say, and I highlight that in my book … We are in a disposable age.” 

A Case For Murder: Brittany Murphy Files is available now on Amazon and other retailers.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Goes Pantsless, Talks Marriage on Instagram

Last time we checked in on her, Lindsay Lohan actually looked normal and happy in her latest Instagram selfies.

At first we were a bit freaked out. Then we remembered that appearances can be deceiving, and deep down, she’s still the same old Linds:

Case in point: here she is pantsless, smoking a cig, and sporting a far-off look in her eye that leads us to believe she may have recently smoked something else.

Obviously, the sight of Lindsay Lohan naked is nothing new, and we’ve seen her much more exposed than this in the past, but her recent social media activity is interesting for reasons that go beyond freckled flesh.

As you may already know, Lindsay is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov.

It was recently revealed that Egor is not as rich as Lindsay originally thought, but she seems fully smitten nonetheless.

Currently, she’s living with Egor in London and posting pics like this one:

She captioned the selfie, “Rushing around from work to lunch to work and fittings but still smiling!!” which kinda leads us to believe Lindsay doesn’t know what smiling looks like.

Anyway, in case it wasn’t already clear that she’s all about this relationship, she’s also started posting memes about marriage.

The latest features unattributed quote reading:

“She’s a badass with a good heart … She’s the type you go to war beside. The type of woman you marry.”

Pretty subtle stuff there, Linds.

We know English isn’t Egor’s first language, but we’re guessing he’ll get what you’re trying to say.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Talks Getting Over an Ex, Hints About Lamar??

Khloe Kardashian is once again dishing out her thoughts on love.

Because if anyone is qualified to be giving relationship advice, it’s Khloe. Haha, not really.

To recap the prominent events in her love life, she married Lamar Odom after 30 days of dating, left him after she couldn’t take his cheating and substance abuse then canceled divorce proceedings after an overdose in a brothel left him comatose.

And now, we’re not sure where they stand. 

As far as we know, she has not re-filed for divorce and the two have been seen together several times.

But she’s also hinted strongly that they are not back together and that he continues to disappoint her.

Today on her app, Khloe shares with fans the best way to get over an ex.

“The busier you are the less you are going to think about something,” she said in a video posted to her app and website.

“So try to consume your thoughts with really productive things. Try to find a hobby and keep yourself busy in a really positive way.”

“Or surround yourself by friends and family that you love that really occupy your mind—I think that is super important,” she added.

“The more alone you are the more you think about something. You’re just going to overthink and our brains play tricks on us, which is never healthy. And eventually everyday it will get better and better.”

It’s essentially the same advice that’s been passed down from generation to generation that everyone who has ever gone through a breakup has heard.

But then she shared some words that sound like she could actually be talking about herself.

“It’s okay to move on from them but you could still love them from a distance,” she said. “If people are destructive to you emotionally, that doesn’t mean you can still love them. You just have to learn to take better care of yourself.”

She shared similar thoughts earlier this year in a lengthy Instagram post about loving a “broken” person, which she posted shortly after reports surfaced of Lamar drinking again.

“‘Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore,"” she wrote in the post. “‘It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself."”

However, she does leave us with one piece of salient advice this go-around.

“I do know that if you find another guy to flirt with it’s a little easier.”  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Kailyn Talks (Lack of) Sex Life

On Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 9, sex talk was off the hook, while some of the obligatory legal and custody battles brewed as well.

At a concert with fiance Cole DeBoer, Chelsea Houska referred to her man’s “ding-dong” and vowed to have Jason Aldean “sign my vag.”

Good times. Meanwhile, her daughter Aubree Lind needed glasses and suffered a complete meltdown over getting her eye drops put in.

Poor thing. Meanwhile, Javi Marroquin arranged (from overseas) for Kailyn Lowry and her friends to go out partying, which was cool. 

Not so cool? Kailyn’s sex life, or lack thereof.

“I’m fine … that’s what toys are for,” she mused before complaining about her shower head. “I’m just pissed it doesn’t come off.”

“Javi asked me to send him naked pictures all the time. But I won’t because it’s too risky. What if I send it to the wrong person?”

These are the risks we face today, it’s true.

Meanwhile, Javi was not enjoying deployment, venting to his wife via FaceTime and showing signs of cracking from abroad.

“I can’t go anywhere,” he said. “I don’t have anything here. I have my room. I eat, and I sleep to wake up again. It’s just hard.”

Between being apart and two little kids, it’s no wonder Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin divorce rumors have run rampant lately.

Meanwhile, the drama escalated between Jenelle Evans, her mother Barbara Evans, and Jenelle’s new boyfriend David Eason.

Babs, as usual, was withholding Jenelle’s son Jace, which has been an ongoing issue and which David was very upset about. 

“She never wants you to see him, she doesn’t want you to keep him on holidays,” Eason drawled to Jenelle. “That ain’t right.”

“She’s trying to keep your own child from you.”

Barbara ended up getting into a screaming match with David after she picked Jace up, yelling at him as Jenelle hid out in the bedroom.

“Call the police! You live here, and she pays all the bills like every other guy!” Barbara yelled, to which David responded in kind.

Not at all dysfunctional down in the Carolinas.

Finally, Leah Messer and Corey Simms were at odds again, not long after they had agreed to split custody and seemed to turn a corner.

At issue? Messer’s lawyer listed the young mother of three and Corey as “joint custodians,” which was not cool with Simms’ attorney.

Corey’s take on this latest legal twist?

“If the judge says Leah’s primary custodian, [I] hope she makes some right decisions, and she don’t end up in jail for truancy or something stupid like that.”

Leah doesn’t care if Corey Simms dies.

“To do what he’s done to my kids? I don’t care if he takes another breath … All I can do is fight against it. That’s all I can do.”

Stay tuned.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Emilia Clarke Talks Game of Thrones Nude Scene: Those Weren"t Stunt Boobs!

Back in March, actor Ian McShane ruffled some feathers when he referred to Game of Thrones as a show about “t-ts and dragons.”

While some fans understandably felt that explanation was a tad simplistic, the show has gotten a lot of mileage out of both exposed breasts and fire-breathing beasts in the past.

Throughout the first third of Season 6, however, we saw very little of either, a fact the show partially made up for on last night’s episode.

Not only were we treated to a scene of fiery badass vengeance, we witnessed the triumphant return of Emilia Clarke’s boobs.

Given Clarke’s stance on Game of Thrones nudity, many assumed the scene was shot with the help of a body double and some CGI wizardry.

It’s a technique the show famously used during Lena Headey’s walk of shame in Season 5.

However, in this case, it seems Dany’s breasts have little in common with her dragons:

Not only are they far more reliable in a crisis, they’re real life flesh and blood.

Yes, despite seemingly swearing off nude scenes several years ago, Clarke bared her literally smoking body once again last night.

She even confirmed that what we saw was 100% her in a pre-show interview with Entertainment Weekly:

“I’d like to remind people the last time I took my clothes off was season 3,” she told the mag.

“That was a while ago. It’s now season 6. But this is all me, all proud, all strong. I’m just feeling genuinely happy I said ‘Yes.’ That ain’t no body double!”

Despite the fact that it looked as though hundreds of stunned Dothraki were looking on, Clarke said the scene was actually shot on a closed set with a skeleton crew.

“Taking off my clothes is not the easiest thing, but with the magic of the effects, I don’t have to do a season 1 and go on a cliff and do it,” she noted. “I’m in control of it.”

Last year, Clarke clarified her position on sex scenes, saying that she was comfortable disrobing on camera, but didn’t want to be defined by it:

“It’s difficult to be misquoted and it’s nice to have something like Instagram to say the truth,” Clarke says. “How many times has [Daario actor] Michiel Huisman been asked about the fact he’s taken his clothes off a bunch?

“Is that even a discussion? No. So I’m doing it this year and people can talk about it and I’m ready to answer any questions about it, basically.”

So there you have it. Maybe now that the nudity is out of the way, we can focus on the fact that Badass Dany is back, bringing foes to their knees without the help of her trusty dragons.

Watch Game of Thrones online to relive all of the show’s stunning climaxes … and yes, there’s plenty of boobs and dragons, too.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bella Thorne Flaunts Perfect Abs, Talks F--kboys

Bella Thorne and the word “f–kboy” are two of the Internet’s favorite things at the moment, so it’s to finally have them together in one convenient selfie:

For once, Bella is not wearing a bikini, but as you can see, she’s hardly covered up.

Demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of how she managed to accrue 11 million followers, Bella chose to focus on her phone case and not her flawless body for this post:

“I guess my f-ck boy repellent didn’t work,” she captioned. “#yougetme #whosthat #hescooltho #castmates.”

Probably would’ve been funnier without all the hashtags explaining the joke to death, but what are you gonna do?

Later that same day, Bella got back to focusing on what really matters – abs.

In fact, she took to the ‘Gram to reveal one of her secrets for staying so taut. (Hint: it’s not “being 18.”)

“Finally back at the gym !!! I’m so weak now this is awful!!!! Gotta get back on the grind..damn film”

Oh, Bella. If you think it’s tough to maintain those abs now, just you wait a few years.

Ms. Thorne has already taken flak for what appeared to be a bit of humble-bragging earlier this week when she complained about her flawless skin.

In all likelihood, she’s trying to seem down-to-earth and accessible to her fans, but it’s always gonna be difficult for the average social media user to identify with a gorgeous teenage millionaire. 

So just enjoy your superiority, Bella.

Jump into a pool of gold coins, swim around in it Scrooge McDuck style, and caption it something casual like, “ChillaxedSundayAtHome.”

It’s a practice we like to call Kardashianing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jessa Duggar Talks Josh Duggar Sex Scandal: It Brought Me Closer to My Husband

Despite the fact that it centered around a visit to Jill and Derick’s humble home in Central America, last night’s episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On was basically the Jessa and Ben Seewald hour.

The Seewalds recounted the history of their short relationship (Couples move fast in Duggar Land.), including how they coped with the fallout from the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

Jessa and her sister Jill have spoken about their brother’s actions in the past, but though they were both victimized by him in their youth, they mostly defended Josh last summer after it was first revealed that he molested five young girls while he was in his teens.

However, after the world learned that Josh had cheated on his wife, Anna Duggar – possibly with prostitutes and women he met online – both Jill and Jessa became far less forgiving.

On last night’s Counting On, Jessa spoke again about Josh’s misdeeds, and though she claimed that the crisis brought her closer to her husband, her outrage was still palpable:

“I stood up for him, and then there was another whole wave of things [that] were exposed about his personal life, what he was involved in,” Jessa said when asked about Josh.

“During my pregnancy, my family walked through some very difficult times. A lot of things from my oldest brother’s past were brought up and it was just really difficult for us as a family to walk through that again. Relive that.

“It was really difficult for me to just be like, ‘I stood up here, I spoke out for him,’ and yet there were some things he was hiding and wasn’t being honest about. It was very emotional through those months after that, just working through all that.” 

Despite all the grief and disillusionment that accompanied the second wave of allegations against Josh (and his eventual confession), Jessa says the whole ugly ordeal brought her closer to Ben who helped pull her through the darkest period of her life.

Though Ben has yet to display a single emotion on screen, and his mannequin-holding-a-baby routine has provided plenty of unintentional humor, Jessa says his sensitivity to her needs and ability to focus on the good in their lives (like the impending arrival of little Spurgeon) enabled her to carry on.

“It was very difficult and we cried a lot of tears. I felt like it was especially difficult for me because I had spoken out in defense of Josh and had stood up for him,” Jessa says, clearly still wounded by her brother’s infidelity.

But when the episode shifts focus to Ben and Jessa’s first kiss and the arrival of lil Spurge, it’s a reminder that the despite being forced to endure some major obstacles very early in their marriage, the Seewalds found a way to press on together.

Watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online to relive some of Ben and Jessa’s finest moments.

Monday, April 18, 2016

John-David Duggar Talks Courtship: Has He Met Someone?

For all the talk about Jana Duggar’s love life (or lack thereof), there’s been relatively little speculation about her chronically single brother John-David.

Jana and John-David are the oldest unmarried Duggars, yet JDD has somehow managed to avoid the questions about marriage and kids that have plagued his sister for years – until now:

In the above clip, John-David is finally asked point-blank about his dating (excuse us, “courting”) prospects.

His answer is evasive – yet telling. 

Questioned about his “future plans” regarding marriage, John-David replied:

“Future plans would be – if the Lord would bring the right one along, and then I’ll start a family and hopefully be able to invest in their lives and raise up a generation that will be great people for this society.”

Perhaps sensing that John-David was dancing around something, the interviewer pressed the issue, eventually asking flat-out if John-David had met someone:

“I don’t have anybody,” John-David said after a long pregnant pause. “But I am praying about. Keep watching.”

Rumors about John-David courting a “mystery brunette” circulated online back in 2014, but nothing ever came of them, and if there was a relationship, it appears to have fizzled.

The Duggars strict courtship rules don’t allow for relationships to go on for longer than a few months unless the couple makes firm plans to marry.

So we believe John-David when he says he’s currently single, but the way he says “keep watching” makes us think there’s more to his romantic situation than he’s letting on.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to get caught up in time for the inevitable “John-David goes a-courtin"” storyline.

John-David Duggar Talks Courtship: Has He Met Someone?

For all the talk about Jana Duggar’s love life (or lack thereof), there’s been relatively little speculation about her chronically single brother John-David.

Jana and John-David are the oldest unmarried Duggars, yet JDD has somehow managed to avoid the questions about marriage and kids that have plagued his sister for years – until now:

In the above clip, John-David is finally asked point-blank about his dating (excuse us, “courting”) prospects.

His answer is evasive – yet telling. 

Questioned about his “future plans” regarding marriage, John-David replied:

“Future plans would be – if the Lord would bring the right one along, and then I’ll start a family and hopefully be able to invest in their lives and raise up a generation that will be great people for this society.”

Perhaps sensing that John-David was dancing around something, the interviewer pressed the issue, eventually asking flat-out if John-David had met someone:

“I don’t have anybody,” John-David said after a long pregnant pause. “But I am praying about. Keep watching.”

Rumors about John-David courting a “mystery brunette” circulated online back in 2014, but nothing ever came of them, and if there was a relationship, it appears to have fizzled.

The Duggars strict courtship rules don’t allow for relationships to go on for longer than a few months unless the couple makes firm plans to marry.

So we believe John-David when he says he’s currently single, but the way he says “keep watching” makes us think there’s more to his romantic situation than he’s letting on.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to get caught up in time for the inevitable “John-David goes a-courtin"” storyline.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence Talks Sex, Vomiting and Body Image

Jennifer Lawrence covers the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar, opening up to the magazine about a number of very personal topics.

Except her love life. Because the Oscar winner says that would be impossible.

Because she has no love life at the moment.

“Anything I say about boys gets picked up,” she tells the magazine, adding that she doesn’t have a type. “I don’t think so because patterns are the work of the devil.

“If I think about all of my ex-boyfriends, they are all so uncomparable.”

The two most famous men on Lawrence’s dating resume are Nicholas Hoult, who she dated for a couple years; and Chris Martin, who she surprisingly got it on with soon after he split from Gwyneth Paltrow.

But both are in the distant rearview mirror. As are practically all men, she joked in this cover story.

“Sex? Someone explain to me what it is,” she quipped.

Perhaps Lawrence is single these days because she labels herself a “social disappointment” and then gives some examples why.

“I don’t really stay out late. I’m kind of a bummer. I’m a nana.

“It’s hard to get me out, and when I do go out I don’t really stay out late. If I do stay out late and I’m partying hard, I will throw up. I don’t have the tolerance to black out; I just start puking.”

Lawrence even told a story about how Emma Stone once held her hair back during a vomiting incident that took place the night of an Adele concert in Los Angeles.

The very generous actress did get serious for a moment, however.

She says she wants to help the public accept a different kind of body type; she wants everyone to realize that skinny does not equate to perfect.

“I would like us to make a new normal-body type,” Lawrence explains.

“Everybody says, ‘We love that there is somebody with a normal body!’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t feel like I have a normal body.’ I do Pilates every day. I eat, but I work out a lot more than a normal person.

“I think we’ve gotten so used to underweight that when you are a normal weight it’s like, ‘Oh, my God, she’s curvy.’ Which is crazy. The bare minimum, just for me, would be to up the ante. At least so I don’t feel like the fattest one.”

On tap professionally, Lawrence will reprise her role as Mystique in Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse, starring opposite Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.

The movie hits theaters on May 27.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Emilia Clarke Talks Game of Thrones Nudity: More Penis Close-Ups!

We’re just weeks away from the season 6 premiere of Game of Thrones, and as usual, there’s a palpable level of fan excitement on social media. 

This year, the Thrones faithful might be more eager than ever, as we’ll finally get to find out if Jon Snow is really dead after months of online debate and loads of misleading BS from actor Kit Harington.

Perhaps sensing that not enough fans are on the verge of major coronary events from from the anticipation of Season 6, actress Emilia Clarke upped the ante today by discussing two of GoT fans’ favorite topics – the ongoing battle for the Iron Throne, and of course, nudity:

Specifically, Clarke talked about the, um…swords of her male co-stars in an interview with Glamour. Apparently Khal Drogo was packing some Valyrian Steel:

“I saw his member, but it was covered in a pink fluffy sock,” Emilia says of Jason Momoa, who played her husband in season one. “Showing it would make people feel bad. It’s too fabulous.” 

Spoiler alert: that marriage didn’t last long, and now the Mother of Dragons is free to hook up with men who are less powerful – but apparently no less physically impressive:

“I’d like to bring your memory back to Mr. Michiel Huisman [who plays Daenerys’ bedmate Daario Naharis] and I copulating for the first time,” she adds, “which began with me saying, ‘Take off your clothes,’ and then you got to see his perfect bottom.” 

Indeed, Huisman received an offer to pose for Playgirl based on that one scene.

Apparently he felt posing in a skin mag would be a step down after acting on one of TV’s most popular dramas. Go figure.

As for how the great Westerosi soap opera will conclude, Clarke says there’s only one way it can end – with dongs:

“I want to see Daenerys and her three dragons share the throne,” she jokes.

“And bring back all the pretty boys, get them to take their trousers down, and be like, ‘I’m now the queen of everything! I’d like close-ups of all the boys’ penises, please.’”

We’d say that’s somewhat unprofessional for a new ruler, but we think the smallfolk of the Seven Kingdoms are used to gratuitous nudity by now.

Joy-Anna Duggar Talks Courtship in Counting On Preview

If you"re a fan of the Duggar clan, you"re probably no stranger to the concept of "courtship."

As explained by Josiah Duggar when he was briefly courting Marjorie Jackson, courtship is considered a form of "pre-engagement" or "dating with a purpose."

And since in the Duggar"s world, the purpose of life is to create more life, the process usually begins at a relatively young age.

So while fans are still wondering when 26-year-old Jana will begin courting, they"re also looking to her younger sisters, such as 18-year-old former tomboy Joy-Anna.

In the clip below, some of the Duggar men get just a tad creepy while talking about the process the right partner for their sister:

"For me, he would almost have to be a perfect guy," says Jedidiah, 17. "And he would go through a lot of testing!" 

"I think if guys come around, they"re going to have to get through a few guys – I"m talking about me and Joseph," 19-year-old Josiah says.

"If a guy shows up to court Joy, there will definitely be a lot of us standing back a little bit, kind of checking him out.," adds Joseph, 21.

Relax, guys. We"re pretty Joy-Anna can take care of herself. We"ve seen the girl squat 145 pounds while wearing a skirt.

Check out the clip below for Joy-Anna"s thoughts on the possibility of a courtship, and watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to get caught up in time for tonight"s episode.

Joy anna duggar talks courtship in counting on preview