Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Talks Getting Over an Ex, Hints About Lamar??

Khloe Kardashian is once again dishing out her thoughts on love.

Because if anyone is qualified to be giving relationship advice, it’s Khloe. Haha, not really.

To recap the prominent events in her love life, she married Lamar Odom after 30 days of dating, left him after she couldn’t take his cheating and substance abuse then canceled divorce proceedings after an overdose in a brothel left him comatose.

And now, we’re not sure where they stand. 

As far as we know, she has not re-filed for divorce and the two have been seen together several times.

But she’s also hinted strongly that they are not back together and that he continues to disappoint her.

Today on her app, Khloe shares with fans the best way to get over an ex.

“The busier you are the less you are going to think about something,” she said in a video posted to her app and website.

“So try to consume your thoughts with really productive things. Try to find a hobby and keep yourself busy in a really positive way.”

“Or surround yourself by friends and family that you love that really occupy your mind—I think that is super important,” she added.

“The more alone you are the more you think about something. You’re just going to overthink and our brains play tricks on us, which is never healthy. And eventually everyday it will get better and better.”

It’s essentially the same advice that’s been passed down from generation to generation that everyone who has ever gone through a breakup has heard.

But then she shared some words that sound like she could actually be talking about herself.

“It’s okay to move on from them but you could still love them from a distance,” she said. “If people are destructive to you emotionally, that doesn’t mean you can still love them. You just have to learn to take better care of yourself.”

She shared similar thoughts earlier this year in a lengthy Instagram post about loving a “broken” person, which she posted shortly after reports surfaced of Lamar drinking again.

“‘Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore,"” she wrote in the post. “‘It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself."”

However, she does leave us with one piece of salient advice this go-around.

“I do know that if you find another guy to flirt with it’s a little easier.”