Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kris Jenner to Kim Kardashian: We"re Gonna Get Canceled and It"s YOUR FAULT!

When Kim Kardashian’s sex tape made her an instant Internet celeb back in 2007, many predicted that the big-bootied celebutante would be another Paris Hilton-esque flash in the pan.

Now, nearly a decade later, not only is Kim still going strong, her siblings are so damn famous that there’s a good chance you know more about their day-to-day activities than you do about the lives of your own family members.

No one could’ve predicted that the the Kardashians would climb to the top of the reality show heap and stay there for this long – well, no one except for Kris Jenner.

If one single person can be credited with the continued success of the Kardashian empire, it’s Mama Kris.

Some have even suggested that Kim’s sex tape was Kris’ idea, part of her master plan to indelibly imprint the name “Kardashian” on the public consciousness.

If Kris really has been masterminding this thing from the start, then it’s hard to argue that she’s anything less than a marketing genius.

Unfortunately, Kris’ only clients are her own kids (and their significant others) and the public doesn’t stay fixated on any one thing for very long.

Ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians have been steadily declining for the past three years, and it’s beginning to look as though a serious case of Kardashian fatigue is setting in across the nation.

Kris’ solution? Go back to the beginning and give the people what they want:

“Kris has ordered Kim to help her save the show by bringing the drama,” a family source tells Radar Online.

“She saw how the ratings drop was tied to the fact that Kim has been largely absent from the plot this season.

“Kris has put Kim on a mission and offered her a extra million or two if she will be on every episode this upcoming season,”

The problem, Kris believes, is that viewers are just plain bored with the rest of the family, and like baby boomer fans at a rock group’s reunion tour, they just want Kim to play the old stuff.

“Kris knows that viewers are just really over and bored with all the Khloe and Lamar drama, as well as the Kylie Jenner coverage,” says the insider.

“She also knows that Kourtney cannot save it now that Scott is not an explosive asset.”

Suddenly all that talk of a new Kim Kardashian sex tape makes a lot more sense.