Showing posts with label Gonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gonna. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bam Margera Friends Worried He"s Gonna Die ... Despite AA Meetings

Bam Margera‘s friends are seriously worried about his ongoing battle with alcoholism, even though he’s clearing the legal hurdles stemming from his DUI case.  
On the same day fellow ‘Jackass’ star Brandon Novak told us he’s concerned over his buddy...
Bam Margera Friends Worried He"s Gonna Die ... Despite AA Meetings

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Bam Margera I"m Worried He"s Gonna Die ... Says "Jackass" Pal Novak

Bam Margera insists he doesn’t need professional help when it comes to booze, but one of his closest friends believes Bam’s very life is at stake after he prematurely left rehab.
“Jackass” star Brandon Novak — who used to appear on the stunt show with Bam...
Bam Margera I"m Worried He"s Gonna Die ... Says "Jackass" Pal Novak

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Elon Musk Can You Dig It? Check Out How I"m Gonna Unsnarl Traffic!!!

Elon Musk made his grand reveal Tuesday night … what he once envisioned as a “weird little Disney ride in the middle of L.A.” became a reality with the unveiling of his underground tunnel.
The billionaire entrepreneur gave a preview of what future traffic in L.A. might look ...
Elon Musk Can You Dig It? Check Out How I"m Gonna Unsnarl Traffic!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Nicki Minaj I"m Gonna Sue Jesse Palmer I Never Supported My Rapist Brother

Nicki Minaj is threatening to sic her lawyers on Jesse Palmer for falsely claiming she supported her brother, who was found guilty of raping an 11-year-old. 
The rapper went off on the “Daily Mail TV” host Tuesday for a segment that aired on the show. In talking about Minaj’s ne...
Nicki Minaj I"m Gonna Sue Jesse Palmer I Never Supported My Rapist Brother

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Roy Jones Jr. Floyd"s Gonna Beat Tenshin"s Ass


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Roy Jones Jr. Floyd"s Gonna Beat Tenshin"s Ass

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Says Tokyo Fight"s Back On, "We"re Gonna Make It Happen"

Floyd Mayweather says the Tokyo fight that was on and then off … is back on — and he’s telling TMZ Sports exactly how it’s gonna go down.   Remember, Floyd was supposed to fight 20-year-old kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa on New Year’s Eve…


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Billy Corben to A-Rod, You Ain"t Gonna Like My New Movie About You

Billy Corben — the acclaimed director behind “Cocaine Cowboys” and “The U” — is about to debut his new film about Alex Rodriguez … and warns the MLB star he ain’t gonna like it.  The movie is called “Screwball” — a no-holds-barred look at…


Friday, November 2, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Your Baby Shower"s Gonna Be a Rager!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan Markle is expecting her first child.

This means, of course, that her loved ones will be hosting a baby shower — and by “loved ones,” we’re referring to her Meghan’s in-laws and not the awful members of the Markle family.

Granted, a Markle shower would be quite the amusing trainwreck, especially the part where everyone reads their top one hundred complaints about the way Meghan has chosen to live her life.

But at the end of the day, the Windsor clan will probably host a more enjoyable soiree for the guest of honor.

Not surprisingly, Kate Middleton has reportedly been placed in charge of the festivities.

“[Kate]’s a complete perfectionist and has already begun planning the celebration months in advance,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Duchess Kate considered having the shower at Soho Farmhouse, but thinks it’ll be easier to host it at her Kensington Palace apartment.”

The insider goes on to describe Kate and Meghan’s relationship as “togetherness at its finest,” noting that Middleton “has been Meghan’s rock during the pregnancy.

“[Meghan] has been turning to Kate for all kinds of baby advice,” says the insider. 

“It’ll mean the world to Meghan — and Prince Harry — once they find out that Kate’s gone out of her way to organize the shower.”

We’re guessing it’s sort of assumed that Kate is gonna go all out.

She’s literally a duchess who used to be a professional party planner.

Would be a bit of a disappointment if she just hung some streamers and picked up a veggie platter from whatever the London equivalent of Wegman’s is.

As for the details, the insider says it’ll be a star-studded affair that should make Meghan feel right at home:

“It’ll be a daytime event,” says the source.

“Guests, including Meghan’s pals Jessica Mulroney, Priyanka Chopra, Serena Williams and Amal Clooney, will be treated to an American-style feast.” 

American-style? So a buffet line of steam trays filled with sandwiches and tacos in which the bread and tortillas have been replaced with fried chicken?

Sounds effing delicious. How do we score an invite?


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Nick Diaz Calls Out Canelo Alvarez, "You Ain"t Gonna Win"

Nick Diaz says Canelo Alvraez is fighting BUMS — and if he wants a REAL superfight, Oscar De La Hoya needs to call him, ASAP.  He’s not joking — telling TMZ Sports, “Let’s be real. Canelo moving up to my weight? You ain’t gonna win that…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jim Bellino to Tamra Judge: Turn Over Those Secret Text Messages or You"re GONNA PAY!

The newly divorced Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

He clames that they deiiberately and maliciously spread lies about him in a diabolical plot to ruin his reputation and his business.

Now, he’s insisting that Tamra surrender her text messages to the court, which he says will expose this alleged scheme.

According to new court documents that The Blast obtained this week, Jim Bellino believes that he can prove malicious forethought.

How? Because Tamra and Shannon’s interview that launched this whole thing featured a visual aid.

“The premeditated nature of the Defendants vicious personal attack is reflected in the visual backdrop of the videotaped interview,” his attorneys argue.

The backdrop is one “which consists of a photo of Mr. Bellino and his ex-wife Alexis Bellino edited into two pieces, with a rip between them.”

The suggestion here is that Tamra and Shannon had planned in advance to roast him, and that the edited photo is proof of that.

More to the point, Jim’s team argues that Tamra’s body language betrays her allegedly sinister intent.

Tamra, his attorneys note, “grins and pumps her shoulders” when the Bellino divorce comes up.

They write in court documents that she is “unable to contain her excitement and eagerness to tear into Mr. Bellino and his reputation.”

That sounds like a bit of a stretch.

Being excited to discuss a topic isn’t the same thing as being eager to defame someone.

It’s hard for attorneys to claim to know exactly what someone was thinking.

Speculation about Tamra’s intentions will be moot, however, if her text messaging history contains what Jim thinks that it contains.

In court documents, Jim’s team demands that Tamra surrender her text messaging history.

It is their belief that this will yield “substantial direct or circumstantial evidence” of malicious forethought.

So, in other words, he believes that Tamra and Shannon plotted to ruin his good name, and that they texted about it beforehand.

That is quite a claim. And text messages are very personal.

This whole thing got started this summer when Tamra and Shannon sat down to talk about the Bellino divorce.

Alexis Bellino was, of course, their co-star. For a time, she was even friends with Tamra.

Shannon and Tamra discussed — we’ll be a little careful when we talk about this, but one might say that they gossiped — about Jim’s business.

At one point, they discussed the allegation that someone had been seriously injured at one of his trampoline parks.

It is normal to discuss things that you have heard. But when you’re a public figure, your words carry more weight.

Did Tamra and Shannon really conspire to drag Jim’s name through the mud and destroy his business? That … could be hard to prove.

Even if it’s true, it’s not clear if he’ll be awarded the $ 1 million that he is seeking.

Tamra’s attorneys have already hit back at some of Jim’s claims, saying that her characterization that Jim Bellino is “shady’ is demonstrably true.

Her team mentions that Jim agreed to a deal with the FBI over counterfeit sports memorabilia.sales.

They also note that he’s been sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, and breach of written contract over his company’s activities.

In other words, she stands by her assertion that he is a “shady motherf–ker” and says that it’s not slander because it’s true.

The lawsuit has another hearing schedules in December.

If Tamra really does have to turn over her text messages, well, that will be unpleasant. Text messages are very private.

If these were medical records, they mgiht be turned over to a Special Master for review so that only the relevant materials, if any, would be entered into evidence.

We’re no legal experts, but text messages probably won’t get the same sacrosanct treatment.

So even if there’s no merit to Jim’s claims, Tamra might not want to air her personal business, especially when celebrity court documents have a habit of leaking.

This whole lawsuit is a messy affair.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bill Cosby: I"m Gonna Escape from Prison! This is How!

As proven over the years by all the times he slept with other women (occasionally even with their consent) , Bill Cosby is not very happy with his wife.

But a new report claims this evaluation doesn’t merely apply to how Cosby feels about Camille as a partner in the bedroom.

It also applies to how Cosby feels about Camille as a partner in crime.

Indeed, just days after we heard Cosby was begging his wife to do everything in her power to free him from prison, a source now tells Radar Online that the disgraced comedian has moved on.

He’s found someone else to take over this role.

And that someone else has an amazing nickname.

About a week after Cosby was sentenced to at least three years in jail for drugging and assaulting a woman named Andrea Constand in 2004, the terrible human being has gone ahead and hired someone called the “Googler,” Radar writes.

Explains the website, in apparent seriousness:

Though the man was introduced a a “personal security guard” to Cosby’s team during the court battle, the disgraced comic’s entourage soon discovered his role was much bigger – and the “Googler” now lives on the star’s Pennsylvania estate, where he plots his release!

How, exactly?

Cosby was found guilty in April by a jury of his peers and then a judge decided upon his punishment.

Short of a map of tattoos across his body that illustrates the best escape route from jail, how can Cosby be plotting any kind of release?

Per this article, the 81-year old “literally pays one man to sit on Google all day long in the guesthouse, in complete darkness, to Google and research successful methods other prisoners used in the past.”

(Editor’s note: Why is this individual sitting in complete darkness? Is it illegal for him to search the Internet or something?)

“The man is literally a Googler from New York … that’s what we call him,” the insider tells Radar, adding:

“We don’t know what he does, who he knows, what his past is like or even his real name. All we know is that he’s here to stay.”

Cosby has allegedly hired two doctors and a prison expert to assist with this goal, which is just a little weird.

We’re pretty sure it’s the job of any decent lawyer to file appeals for his client and/or find these precise sort of legal loopholes to reduce sentences or get verdicts thrown out entirely.

“During a phone  call with Mr. Cosby, the ‘Googler’ told him he found case law that allows him to stay housed in the infirmary throughout his sentence to avoid being placed in general population,” the source says.

“He found a number of cases in Pennsylvania where people at Mr. Cosby’s age died due to lack of healthcare and medical attention – this prison doesn’t want to be the prison doesn’t want to go down in history as the prison Bill Cosby died in.”

OJ Simpson is on record as sharing a similar concern.

The disgraced star ideally wants to be moved back to his residence and to serve his time under house arrest.

He figures this will keep him safe and happy, two emotions not shared by any of the 60 women he reportedly drugged and then raped over the years.

“He believes he’ll be home in no time,” the Radar source concludes. “He thinks the court won the battle, but he will win the war.”

He’s an awful, awful person.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kroy Biermann to Kim Zolciak: I"m Gonna Miss Those Big, Floppy Titties!

Months after polling fans on their opinion, Kim Zolciak got a breast reduction.

She’s currently recovering, but has already declared herself part of the esteemed office of the “itty bitty titty committee.”

Now, she’s opening up about her recovery — and her husband Kroy is sharing what he thinks of her new, small boobs.

Speaking on her podcast, House of Kim, Kim Zolciak reiturates why she got her breasts reduced from their previously massive size.

“It’s like you know what, I’m 40, I’m tired,” she explains.

We’re all tired in 2018 no matter our age, but she explains that her boobs were literally weighing her down.

“My back,” she says. “Is a little sore” from carrying the extra burden.

But she shares that her plans for a reduction weren’t universally popular, because “Kroy the whole time has not been that happy about it.”

Her husband Kroy Biermann also speaks on the podcast.

“I’m not against it,” he clarifies.

Obviously any person is more than their body, and anyone who is fixated on one physical trait of their spouse instead of who their spouse is as a person shouldn’t be married.

That said … sexual attraction is a huge part of many, though not all, relationships. It’s not surprising for Kim’s husband to have his own thoughts about her boobs.

Kim says that Kroy loved her “big floppy titties” and will miss them. That’s … quite an image. Good or bad, we suppose, depending upon your personal tastes.

Kroy isn’t shy about being head over heels for Kim’s bazongas.

“I loved them,” Kroy admits.

That said, he’s not in a huff about her surgery or feeling disenchanted with Kim because she’s no longer smuggling a pair of fleshy watermelons wherever they go.

“And,” Kroy shares. “I’m sure I’m gonna love these too.”

We do not doubt that he will. Boobs are great, generally speaking. Size is only one facet of their qualities.

Kim explains some hard truths about how boobs change with time.

“I felt like as I kind of got older, my boobs went from being down under my throat to being by my belly button,” Kim admits.

Throat is an odd term. maybe she means her chest or sternum? When she says “throat,” we’re getting a very upsetting image that resembles Mitch McConnell.

“So now,” she says, she’s had the surgery and “they’re back up at my throat.”

“I’m good,” Kim reveals. “And they are so cute girl, and so perky!”

Kim shares that she’s had some recovery time, but not nearly as much as someone might expect.

“I was only on the [pain] meds for three days,” she reveals.

“Then,” Kim continues. “I was on Advil for two days and I haven’t taken anything for a day and a half,”

It sounds like she’s having a very easy recovery! Good for her.

We hope that she — and Kroy — get a lot of enjoyment out of her brand new D-cups.

Though, for the record, in no universe is a D-cup “itty” or “bitty.”


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Khabib Blasts Conor McGregor, I"m Gonna Embarrass You!

Khabib Nurmagomedov has landed in New York — and says he’s not worried about Conor McGregor going crazy at today’s press conference … Khabib’s focused on going crazy on Oct. 6!! The UFC superstar admits he’s tired from the long flight to the…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Cardi B: I"m Gonna Whup Nicki Minaj"s Ass When I See Her!

If you’ve been anywhere near social media the past couple days, then you’re probably already aware that Cardi B threw a shoe at Nicki Minaj at a New York Fashion Week event over the weekend.

Cardi left with a sizable bump on her forehead, and many hoped that would be the end of the matter.

It may be a while before we find out exactly what transpired between these two icons, but the conflict has the hip-hop world divided.

When queens go to war, it’s the peasants who suffer, and most are calling for a truce.

But of course, there are those who are still thoroughly enjoying the drama.

And sadly, it seems Cardi falls into the latter category.

According to a new report from TMZ, Cardi is spoiling for round two.

In fact, she’s reportedly told friends that she would happily whip a Louboutin at Nicki’s head again if given another chance.

Cardi says she was merely defending her family’s honor after Nicki questioned her parenting ability and spoke ill of her daughter.

On one of her “Queen Radio” broadcasts, Nicki flat-out denied after making such comments.

Of course, she also said Cardi would “die” if she continued talking trash, so that probably didn’t help the situation.

But it doesn’t really seem to matter what Nicki has to say at this point, anyway.

Cardi has made up her mind that Nicki is her enemy based on comments that were made before the Fashion Week altercation.

According to TMZ, Cardi was especially pissed off by Nicki’s comments that she needs an intervention.

Apparently, Cardi finds it hilariously ironic that Nicki — whose temper, she claims, is well-known within in the industry — would encourage her to seek help for anger issues.

Cardi cops to being the aggressor this time around, but she says Nicki is a notorious bully who finally got what was coming to her.

It’s anyone’s guess as to where things will lead from here.

But we think it’s safe to say this conflict will get worse before it gets better.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation and bring you updates as new information becomes available.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Tyron Woodley to Logan Paul, "You Ain"t Gonna Beat CM Punk"

With Logan Paul saying he wants a real UFC fight — here’s a reality check from one of the best in the game … YOU WILL LOSE! UFC welterweight champ Tyron Woodley says he’s been impressed with Logan’s training sessions as he gears up for his…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Taylor Swift Signed Broncos Jersey Hits Auction Block, Haters Gonna Hate

Forget Von Miller and Case Keenum … the hottest autographed Denver Broncos jersey is TAYLOR SWIFT! The singer signed a #13 jersey for the NFL team’s big Kickoff Luncheon charity auction  — and it’s already getting more heat than some of the…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Siblings: She"s Gonna Die Young AND She"s Gonna kill Our Father!

Generally, when someone is being a bit too dramatic, we say something along the lines of “they’ve been watching too many soap operas.”

But in the case of Meghan Markle’s bonkers siblings and their weird conception of royal life, we guess … they’ve been reading too much Shakespeare?

Yes, apparently, the Markle family is convinced that all royal marriages result in bloodshed and premature death.

Why do they feel that way?

Well, the short answer is that they’re certifiably batsh-t psychotic.

The long answer has to do with Princess Di, Nelson Mandela, and Meghan’s complicated relationship with her father, Thomas Markle.

Buckle in, because it looks like Samantha Grant and Thomas Markle Jr. may have achieved the impossible and found a way to outdo themselves in the insanity department.

The latest round of craziness began with a letter that Tom Jr. wrote to Queen Elizabeth II … as though she hasn’t had to deal with enough Americans blowhards this week.

Obviously, 92-year-old monarchs have nothing better to do than read letters from unemployed nobodies, but amazingly, it seems QE2 has no intention of responding to Thomas’ ridiculous ravings.

“Meghan’s dream was to be a princess someday like Diana,” reads the bizarre missive obtained by Radar Online.

“It would also be sad to see Meg’s dreams broken if she were to fail in her new position and disappear from the royal family.”

Yes, Thomas went full “veiled Mafioso threat” right out of the gate:

That’s a nice childhood dream you have. Would be a shame if it were to … result in your untimely death.

“Diana died because she refused to toe the royal line,” Thomas continued.

“Meghan is another loose cannon who keeps thumbing her nose at royal protocol … We fear this can only end in heartbreak and disaster — just like Diana!”

The exclamation point really drives the point home and makes Thomas seem like a very stable individual.

But hey, at least Thomas is (pretending to be) concerned for Meghan’s safety.

Sister Samantha Grant (who goes by Samantha Markle these days because she now has dollar signs for pupils), is just openly filled with seething rage toward Meghan.

In case you haven’t heard, today marks what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday.

Meghan participated in a ceremony paying tribute to the iconic South African leader, and now Samantha is pissed, because apparently Meghan should be more focused on paying tribute to her own father, who is totally still alive and recently skipped the royal wedding.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Markle wrote in one tweet.

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Obviously, Sam was just getting warmed up, and she went on to proclaim that she “was right” about Harry:

“Glad you have so much time to gallivant around paying tribute to others while ignoring your own father!” Grant tweeted.

“How cold can you be and look in the mirror? Harry? I guess I was right.” 

Serious question: Has the word “gallivant” ever been used by someone who’s not awful?

Samantha, as you may recall, has been trying to cash in on Meghan’s fame ever since the world learned that the former actress was dating Prince Harry.

Sam planned to pen a tell-all memoir about Meghan, but publishers lost interest when they realized she hasn’t had any contact with Meghan in over a decade, and is completely unhinged.

So apparently, Sam has decided to vent her feelings for free on Twitter.

There are times when we think everyone should just ignore her crazy ass until she goes away.

But then we’re honest with ourselves, and we admit that there’s no way we can look away from such an amusing trainwreck.
