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Deontay Wilder"s GF We Ain"t Superstitious ... We Bang Before AND After Fights!
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Deontay Wilder"s GF We Ain"t Superstitious ... We Bang Before AND After Fights!
Monday, November 19, 2018
90 Day Fiance: Two Sneak Peeks, Two HUGE Fights
This week’s 90 Day Fiance news has been dominated by Larissa’s arrest as we’ve learned more and more about what happened.
But now we have not one but two new sneak peeks for this weekend’s episode.
Which two couples had huge fights? Take a look:
First, let...
90 Day Fiance: Two Sneak Peeks, Two HUGE Fights
90 Day Fiance: Two Sneak Peeks, Two HUGE Fights
This week’s 90 Day Fiance news has been dominated by Larissa’s arrest as we’ve learned more and more about what happened.
But now we have not one but two new sneak peeks for this weekend’s episode.
Which two couples had huge fights? Take a look:

First, let’s start with Jonathan and Fernanda.
After Fernanda exits the bathroom to find Jonathan seemingly dancing with another woman, she goes ballistic.
She confronts them (that’s a bit of an understatement) and storms out.
Jonathan is clearly, visibly intoxicated but upset that she’s upset. She demands the keys to the car.
“Do you want to get married with me?” Fernanda asks.
His behavior has, just as when she found another woman’s thong in his apartment, made her second-guess everything.

Jonathan tries to address her doubts and insecurities.
“Of course I do,” he insists, assuring her that he wants to marry her.
We’re not shaming anyone for drinking, and we don’t doubt his sincerety, but he would have sounded more convincing if he’d been less under the influence.
“Well show me!” Fernanda suggests. “Because I don’t feel that!”
Fernanda is clearly feeling hurt and angry and cannot help but wonder, once again, if she uprooted her entire life for nothing.
Jonathan is clearly distressed, but in his current state, isn’t exactly helping his case.
“She’s not even my type,” he protests.
He means to sound sweet, but it totally misses the point. And Fernanda wants to leave — but she’s not ready to talk about it.
Jonathan shares with the 90 Day Fiance cameras that this is caused by Fernanda’s immaturity.
He admits that this sort of thing is exactly what they had warned him about.
He, too, is beginning to second guess their plans to marry.
Real talk: Fernanda is 19 years old. Jonathan is in his early 30s.
Of course there is a maturity gap. They’re both adults, but they’re at different points in their lives.
Did Fernanda overreact? Yes. That’s not super surprising coming from a teenager.
That said, the two of them met in a club in Maxico in the first place.
Maybe Jonathan should be more sensitive of his fiancee’s feelings and take a proactive approach to addressing her insecurities.
That said, the nice thing about these two is that neither of them is the bad guy.

Kalani and Asuelu’s engagement is complicated by a baby and by Kalani’s family.
Their fight, however, comes from a place of misunderstanding about baby safety.
Maybe it’s a cultural difference, as Kalani suggests, or maybe Asuelu is just newer to being a parent.
But their precious baby begins crying while Kalani is driving.
(Also she’s eating cheetos with her hands while she drives which makes me recoil; I use chopsticks for those)
Asuelu responds by wanting to comfort the baby, who is clearly in distress, but he does it in the wrong way.

Asuelu removes their baby from the car seat.
Car seats for babies are not optional or suggestions. Babies are small and delicate.
If you’re going to have a baby hurtling along at 80 miles per hour, neither a seatbelt nor a parent’s arms are sufficient protection.
Kalani tells him this — actually, she yells this at him. All the time, their baby is crying.
Kalani is eventually able to pull over, still very frustrated with Asuelu.
Asuelu says that he didn’t know about that, and feels hurt that Kalani was less than gentle about educating him on it.
Once again, there’s no real bad guy here — but it looks like Asuelu needs ot learn some more if he’s serious about being a father.
Friday, November 16, 2018
90 Day Fiance: Two Sneak Peeks Show Two HUGE Fights
This week"s 90 Day Fiance news has been dominated by Larissa"s arrest as we"ve learned more and more about what happened.
But now we have not one but two new sneak peeks for this weekend"s episode.
Which two couples had huge fights? Take a look:
First, let"s start with Jonathan and Fernanda.
After Fernanda exits the bathroom to find Jonathan seemingly dancing with another woman, she goes ballistic.
She confronts them (that"s a bit of an understatement) and storms out.
Jonathan is clearly, visibly intoxicated but upset that she"s upset. She demands the keys to the car.
"Do you want to get married with me?" Fernanda asks.
His behavior has, just as when she found another woman"s thong in his apartment, made her second-guess everything.
Jonathan tries to address her doubts and insecurities.
"Of course I do," he insists, assuring her that he wants to marry her.
We"re not shaming anyone for drinking, and we don"t doubt his sincerety, but he would have sounded more convincing if he"d been less under the influence.
"Well show me!" Fernanda suggests. "Because I don’t feel that!"
Fernanda is clearly feeling hurt and angry and cannot help but wonder, once again, if she uprooted her entire life for nothing.
Jonathan is clearly distressed, but in his current state, isn"t exactly helping his case.
"She"s not even my type," he protests.
He means to sound sweet, but it totally misses the point. And Fernanda wants to leave — but she"s not ready to talk about it.
Jonathan shares with the 90 Day Fiance cameras that this is caused by Fernanda"s immaturity.
He admits that this sort of thing is exactly what they had warned him about.
He, too, is beginning to second guess their plans to marry.
Real talk: Fernanda is 19 years old. Jonathan is in his early 30s.
Of course there is a maturity gap. They"re both adults, but they"re at different points in their lives.
Did Fernanda overreact? Yes. That"s not super surprising coming from a teenager.
That said, the two of them met in a club in Maxico in the first place.
Maybe Jonathan should be more sensitive of his fiancee"s feelings and take a proactive approach to addressing her insecurities.
That said, the nice thing about these two is that neither of them is the bad guy.
Kalani and Asuelu"s engagement is complicated by a baby and by Kalani"s family.
Their fight, however, comes from a place of misunderstanding about baby safety.
Maybe it"s a cultural difference, as Kalani suggests, or maybe Asuelu is just newer to being a parent.
But their precious baby begins crying while Kalani is driving.
(Also she"s eating cheetos with her hands while she drives which makes me recoil; I use chopsticks for those)
Asuelu responds by wanting to comfort the baby, who is clearly in distress, but he does it in the wrong way.
Asuelu removes their baby from the car seat.
Car seats for babies are not optional or suggestions. Babies are small and delicate.
If you"re going to have a baby hurtling along at 80 miles per hour, neither a seatbelt nor a parent"s arms are sufficient protection.
Kalani tells him this — actually, she yells this at him. All the time, their baby is crying.
Kalani is eventually able to pull over, still very frustrated with Asuelu.
Asuelu says that he didn"t know about that, and feels hurt that Kalani was less than gentle about educating him on it.
Once again, there"s no real bad guy here — but it looks like Asuelu needs ot learn some more if he"s serious about being a father.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Floyd Mayweather Says Tokyo Fight"s Back On, "We"re Gonna Make It Happen"
Floyd Mayweather says the Tokyo fight that was on and then off … is back on — and he’s telling TMZ Sports exactly how it’s gonna go down. Remember, Floyd was supposed to fight 20-year-old kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa on New Year’s Eve…
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Kris Jenner Fights to Stop Keeping Up With The Kardashians Cancelation
15 seasons isn’t enough for Kris Jenner. She wants 25 or more.
But she may be in for a rude awakening, because Keeping Up With The Kardashians‘ ratings have been getting stomped.
Is the show that made her family a household name on its last leg? Or will it go on forever?
RadarOnline reports that Kris is prepared to fight for Keeping Up With The Kardashians to continue.
“Kris says all the time she wants the show to go on for ten more seasons,” an insider reports.
Can you imagine?
“And,” the source continues. “If she had her way she’d do the show until she dies.”
Bold of this insider to imply that Kris Jenner is capable of dying.
Kris is eternal.
Kris is reportedly looking to secure a new contract that guarantees multiple seasons.
In the mean time, however, it looks like her brood has grown too successful for the show that made them stars.
“Kim is already moving on to produce new projects of her own,” the insider notes.
Kim has her own products, her video game from a few years ago was massively lucrative.
She’s a model and a mogul.
“And,” the source says. “The rest of the girls have terrific footholds in modeling and merchandising.”
Kylie Jenner is poised to become a billionaire, but none of Kris’ daughters are hurting for cash.
And it doesn’t look like they care about KUWTK as much as they once did.
“Of the family,” the insider reports. “Only Kris is for keeping the show on the air the #1 priority.”
Well, all of her children except for Kendall are parents, now. Priorities change.
“And the network has already given up on their once lucrative business of creating spinoffs of the show,” the source adds.
Yeah. No more Kocktails with Khloe for us.
“Even Ryan Seacrest, who is still as involved as he can be, has other things he’s working on”
“and leaves Kim to her own devices in terms of keeping the show relevant”
We would joke that Ryan Seacrest is too busy dealing with the serious accusations of sexual assault from his former stylist.
The woman had multiple witnesses to her allegations.
But it doesn’t look like Seacrest is too bothered. Like too many others, his career seems unscathed by the horrible #MeToo story about him.
Unfortunately, Kris has felt discouraged by some of those closest to her.
“It doesn’t help that pretty much the only advice people give Kris about all this,” the insider begins.
The source continues: “Is that she — and the kids — should quit ‘KUWTK’ before they get fired!”
It’s understandable that friends would suggest something like this.
Better to cancel a show with dignity, they reason, than to end up getting canceled.
But the insider says: “That’s just not where her heart is at all!”
It’s true that Season 15’s ratings weren’t as good as Season 14’s, and were certainly worse than what KUWTK saw years ago.
But isn’t part of that just a result of people changing how they watch television?
The Kardashians still rake in a sizable share of the market — enough that Kris can probably talk her way into renewal for years to come.
Maybe her friends are right. Maybe she should quit with her head held high before, one day, E! makes that choice for her.
But we kind of hope that she doesn’t. We’d miss the show.
And so would a lot of people.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Nate Diaz, "Khabib Fights Like a Bitch," I Hope They Both Lose
Nate Diaz is rooting for Khabib and Conor to BOTH lose at UFC 229 — saying he already “slapped the sh*t out of both of ‘em” … and neither one deserves to be champ! That said, Nate also believes Conor is the favorite to win … because…
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Jennifer Aniston Finally Fights Back Against All the BS
Jennifer Aniston is a childless spinster who is destined for a life of sadness and loneliness.
This is more or less what you"d believe if you read stories about the actress online, many of which focus on her failed relationships and inability to become a mother.
With this in mind, Aniston would like your attention.
She"s featured on the cover of InStyle"s September 2018 issue and she has something to say about your preconceived notions regarding her existence.
Ready to be blown away by the truth?
Take it away, Jen…
1. The Tease

2. What Does the Internet Say About Her?

3. Huh? These Rumors are False?

4. And Another Thing!

5. Remember in July 2016?

6. Amen, Right?!?

Monday, June 25, 2018
Nate Diaz Fights In Stands at MMA Event, Again
Seems like Nate Diaz is itching for a fight … because he got in the middle of ANOTHER brawl at an MMA event and TMZ Sports has the video. It all went down Friday night in the crowd of the Fight to Win Pro 77 event at the Hyatt hotel in…
Monday, June 11, 2018
Anderson Cooper Fights Back Tears as He Honors Anthony Bourdain
Anderson Cooper is famous for his infectious laugh. At the same time, when he grieves, audiences cannot help but grieve with him.
Last week, Anthony Bourdain died of suicide. Like so many, Anderson Cooper used this platform to honor his late friend.
We"ve included the video. It is a beautiful tribute to a man who touched so many lives.
on his show"s dedication, Anderson Cooper speaks, and he is clearly still processing this heartbreaking news.
"Many of you, like many of us, are feeling a whole range of emotions: shock, sadness, confusion that a man who was seemingly having the ride of his life in the middle of his life has now suddenly reached the end of his life."
Folks, celebrities are real people, and they are left just as stunned and wounded from a sudden loss as anyone else.
"It"s hard to imagine he"s gone."
Anderson waxes poetic a little, but it"s very appropriate under the circumstances.
"[It"s] hard to imagine that he"s not just off on some far away journey, hard to imagine that he"ll not return with new stories to tell, new foods to share."
Anthony Bourdain went on many trips abroad, to sample new food and the accompanying cultures.
That is just not the case this time.
Anderson Cooper clearly struggles, getting repeatedly choked up, as he discusses his departed friend.
"Honestly, talking about him in the past tense it"s, it"s really — yeah, it"s really hard to — hard to imagine."
"Anthony loved drinking and eating, tasting the delights of the world immersing himself in other cultures and countries — bringing the rest of us along on his journey."
And through that, Anthony was able to expose countless Americans to unfamiliar cultures and to educate so many that something being different did not mean that it was frightening or bad.
"It"s impossible from the outside to every fully know what goes on in someone else"s heart or in their head."
Many people who struggle with suicidal depression are able to hide their symptoms.
"It"s impossible to fathom how quickly one"s life can change."
Or how quickly one"s life can come to an abrupt end.
Anderson Cooper, whose own brother committed suicide at 23, has tremendous empathy for Anthony Bourdain.
"But certainly, you know, the pain he must have been feeling, at least in that moment or in those moments, and the loneliness he must be feeling."
Millions are grieving this loss.
"It’s just terribly sad to think about."
Not just the loss, but the hidden pain and turmoil that must have led up to it.
"And makes me very sad for him to have — to have a succumbed to that."
Anderson discusses the impact that Anthony had on his life.
"He gave me hope for what one’s life can become, can be at 61."
Many of the moments that Anderson Cooper"s segment shares feature him and Anthony as they had appeared on past specials.
Anderson himself is one of those people who seems to "not like food," which is difficult to imagine. But he"s unlikely to photograph his meals or go out of his way to try new things.
Naturally, his time on camera with Anthony was so often spent trying particularly exotic foods, the kind that might give pause even to someone who loudly and proudly loves food.
This video shows Anderson try blood sausage, a thymus gland (which produces T-cells for the immune system), and even part of an aortic valve.
Anthony explains that he sees accepting food — no matter how strange or even potentially hazardous — to be part of a cultural contract.
In his many journeys abroad — to over 80 countries — he acted as a sort of cultural ambassador, and he brought viewers with him along for the ride.
Some truly monstrous people have tried to shame Anthony Bourdain for his death.
Obviously, someone dying from suicide is being neither selfish nor cowardly. People do not ask for suicidal depression any more than they ask for any illness.
Anthony is remembered by his loved ones, including his 11-year-old daughter.
This is a heartbreaking reminder that suicide can strike anywhere at any time.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can always call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
NY Jets CEO Fights Back Against NFL Anthem Rule, "I"ll Pay the Fines"
NY Jets chairman and CEO Christopher Johnson says to hell with the NFL’s new policy on restricting anthem protests … and vows to pay the fines HIMSELF if his players kneel! “If somebody [on the Jets] takes a knee, that fine will be…
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Ronnie Magro Fights with Girlfriend, Apologizes for Jackassery
When Jersey Shore returned after a VERY long hiatus, we figured we"d be talking about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro again.
But not like this.
The muscle-bound reality star has been making headlines all week for an extraordinarily ugly and personal spat with girlfriend Jen Harley.
Making matters especially disturbing between these two?
They welcomed a daughter into the world mere weeks before blowing up at each other.
And we mean BLOWING UP at each other.
Scroll down for a closer look at what has gone wrong between Ronnie and Jen, along with a video of the parents nearly coming to physical blows.
This is legitimately ugly stuff. That poor baby girl…
1. New Parents

2. He Actually Said This Upon Becoming a Father:

3. But Then?

4. It Started with a Sex Tape

5. Can’t Turn a Hoe Into a Housewife

6. Harley’s Comeback?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Kanye West: Having Explosive Fights With Kris Jenner Over Erratic Behavior?
Lately, fans have been concerned that Kanye West has lost his mind. Reports say that even his family fears that he’s on the verge of another mental breakdown.
But on top of the news that he’s cutting people out of his life comes something more startling.
Whatever’s going on with him has allegedly driven Kanye to do the unthinkable: clash with his momager-in-law.
People reports that Kanye and Kim’s mother are not getting along.
“He’s had huge blow-ups with Kris.”
(I absolutely cannot imagine arguing with Kris Jenner under any circumstances)
“She sees how erratic he’s acting and is most concerned about her daughter’s brand.”
That sounds very, very Kris. And she’s right — Kanye’s behavior makes Kim look bad.
“She’s also trying to be a good mother-in-law, so he’s having explosive issues with her too.”
That is alarming to hear.
“Everyone is really, really worried.”
But not everyone is worried. Another source says that his recent behavior isn’t anything out of the ordinary … for Kanye.
“A lot of this is just Kanye. He’s always been like that.”
It is true that Kanye is infamous for his lack of impulse-control.
Many of those who don’t really listen to his genre of music first heard of him in 2009, when he usurped Taylor Swift’s time at the microphone at the VMAs.
It’s that kind of nonsense on which he has built his brand.
As the source says: “He stirs the pot.”
He sure does.
“Kim is trying to control him and the situation, but he can’t be controlled.”
That much is clear.
“She’s trying her best to support him on social media and show a different side of things, but it’s just not working.”
Unfortunately, it seems that Kanye’s famous ego may be his own undoing.
“He genuinely believes he’s God and a genius and that he can do everything on his own.”
This report claims that his estimation of Kim isn’t quite as high as his estimation of himself.
“He has a great love for Kim, but in his mind he doesn’t think Kim is a genius.”
“And he’s telling her he knows what he’s doing”
Kanye’s egomania and total lack of impulse control may be reminiscent in the minds of many to Trump, whom Kanye apparently once claimed to “love.”
But Kanye is unlike Trump in a couple of major ways. For one thing, he didn’t just inherit his wealth and he’s genuinely successful. For another, he doesn’t pose a clear and present danger to the world.
But also, as a source mentions, Kanye’s wife actually loves him. That can make a huge difference.
The source says that Kim’s tweets aren’t to counter Kanye, but to signal that things are good between them.
“It’s more like [she’s saying] ‘You guys are off."”
The source emphasizes that Kim is Team!Kanye, all the way.
“She is always loving towards Kanye, always concerned with whatever he’s concerned about, always in his corner.”
“It’s very hard to deal with. He’s all over the place. If you can’t be part of his creative genius, he’ll cut you loose. That’s what he says.”
Another source disagrees, however, and asserts:
“That’s part of being Kanye. He’s willing to take risks with his public persona. He doesn’t take it as serious as the internet takes it.”
So, basically, some people are insisting that this is just business as usual for Kanye. Others worry that this is above-and-beyond what’s normal for Kanye and that he’s headed for another breakdown.
Who is right?
We may find out before too long. We just hope that he comes out of this alright.
And if that’s what he wants, too, we’d advise that he listen to the people who love him.
… And also that he not argue with Kris Jenner. Ever.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
UFC"s Aljamain Sterling Says He"s Partying His Ass Off Right After He Fights
UFC fighter Aljamain Sterling loves to rage — so once he’s done kickin’ ass inside the Octagon this weekend, he says he’s gonna TEAR UP Atlantic City with his boy, Al Iaquinta!! “Oh yeah … we’re going to be getting into some…
Monday, April 2, 2018
Ed Sheeran Fights Back in Copyright Lawsuit Over Tim McGraw Hit
Ed Sheeran’s not taking another lawsuit accusing him of ripping off music without fighting back … and he insists there’s ZERO evidence he stole when he wrote a hit for Tim McGraw. In January, Ed got sued over “The Rest of Our Life” … the…
Thursday, March 8, 2018
TMZ Live: Ed Westwick Fights "Sex Slave" Allegations
ON TODAY’S SHOW Tommy Lee: At War With Son O.J. Simpson Describes His Anger Towards Nicole Kris Jenner & Khloe K: Baby Shopping Spree! Usher Split: The Shocking Twist
Sunday, February 25, 2018
UFC"s Brendan Schaub: Floyd"s Done But "I Guarantee" Conor Fights Nate Again
Dana White says a Conor McGregor-Floyd Mayweather rematch in the UFC is MORE likely than Conor vs. Nate Diaz 3 … but ex-UFC star Brendan Schaub is calling BS. We got Brendan — an analyst on the MayMac media tour — to break down…
Friday, February 23, 2018
Tekashi69 Fights Like a Bitch, Says UFC Champ Tyron Woodley
If Tekashi69 wants more static in the streets, dude’s gotta learn how to REALLY fight — because UFC champ Tyron Woodley says the brawl at LAX was straight up “embarrassing.” Woodley broke down the fight on “The Hollywood Beatdown” — with special…
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Twista Fights Drunk Guy During NBA All-Star Weekend
Twista rendered a man helpless while his friend repeated pounded away at the guy. It went down after Twista left the Michael Jordan party in Bel Air during NBA All-Star Weekend. A shuttle took party-goers from a parking lot to the home where…
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Jennifer Garner Fights With Ben Affleck in Public, Debuts New Boyfriend!
Rare is the Hollywood actor whose personal life is more dramatic than the roles he plays onscreen.
In the case of Ben Affleck, the gap is so wide that we wish he’d put this Batman nonsense to rest and focus on producing a livestreaming, 24-hour, Truman Show-esque documentary about his day-to-day existence.
Last week, Ben was in a motorcycle accident while rushing to meet his family at church.
(If that doesn’t sound like a superhero origin story, we don’t know what does.)
Now, it seems Jennifer Garner is deeply concerned about her ex’s safety and has strongly encouraged her ex to put the bike on blocks.
And by “strongly encouraged,” we mean she went off on him in front of the other soccer moms.
Yes, it seems the exes were watching their 5-year-old son Samuel on the field when Jen flipped on Ben seemingly out of nowhere.
“She doesn’t want her kids to grow up without a dad,” one insider tells Radar Online.
“Jen believes he’s being incredibly childish and selfish,” the source adds.
“She believes he needs to start acting more like a dad and less like a kid.”
The source adds that the battle of Jen vs. Ben was a mostly one-sided affair.
“Jen emptied out on Ben, and he seemed to be on the offensive,” the onlooker claims.
“She only seemed to calm down when Samuel got close to them.”
It seems part of the reason Garner was so upset is the fact she simply doesn’t approve of Affleck’s relationship with Lindsay Shookus, the SNL producer whom he’s been dating for over a year.
“Jen’s fed up with Ben’s behavior – especially since they agreed to divorce,” one insider tells Radar.
“She doesn’t like Lindsay and says she’s a bad influence on him.”
There’s no word on why Jen doesn’t approve of Lindsay, but it’s not hard to guess.
After all, shortly after Affleck and Shookus were spotted drinking together, he checked into rehab for the third time in a year.
Apparently, Garner recently went so far as to issue an ultimatum:
“She told him to clean up his act or stay away from the kids,” says the source.
But just because Jen doesn’t approve of Ben’s new girlfriend, that doesn’t mean she’s not ready to move on herself.
Radar recently published photos of Jen on what apears to be a date with an unidentified mystery man.
No one seems to have any information on who Jen’s new love interest is, but she certainly seems to be into him!
So these days, Ben and Jen have both moved on with someone new … but it doesn’t seem like they’ll be easing up on one another anytime soon.