Showing posts with label Sex'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex'. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Sex and the City" Porn Spoof Goes Virtual Reality

Get ready for a “Sex and the City” reboot where there’s wayyy more sex, more than just talk about vibrators, and you can bang the stars … or at least virtually experience it. Not sure what the hell took so long for this to happen … but the porn…


"Sex and the City" Porn Spoof Goes Virtual Reality

Get ready for a “Sex and the City” reboot where there’s wayyy more sex, more than just talk about vibrators, and you can bang the stars … or at least virtually experience it. Not sure what the hell took so long for this to happen … but the porn…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham"s Really Happy About "Sex Shaming" Lawsuit Settlement

Farrah Abraham is quite pleased with the way her “sex shaming” lawsuit against MTV’s parent company ended … but sounds uncertain about working with them in the future. We got the former ‘Teen Mom’ star Wednesday at E. Baldi in Bev Hills, and…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham Settles "Sex Shaming" Lawsuit with MTV/Viacom

Farrah Abraham’s calling off the dogs in her $ 5 million lawsuit over a tongue lashing she says she got on “Teen Mom OG.” Farrah and Viacom, MTV’s parent company, reached a settlement … according to docs she filed Tuesday, requesting the lawsuit be…


Monday, March 19, 2018

"Sex and the City" Star Cynthia Nixon Announces New York Governor Candidacy

The girls are back in town — at least Miranda Hobbes is … ‘cause she’s running for Governor of New York. “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon — who starred on the hit HBO series for six seasons — announced her candidacy Monday for NY Gov with…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

TMZ Live: Ed Westwick Fights "Sex Slave" Allegations

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tommy Lee: At War With Son O.J. Simpson Describes His Anger Towards Nicole  Kris Jenner & Khloe K: Baby Shopping Spree!  Usher Split: The Shocking Twist


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham Sues Viacom for "Sex Shaming" Her

Farrah Abraham says a ‘Teen Mom’ honcho ridiculed her for her adult film work, and she’s not gonna take it laying down … she’s taking the whole company to court. Farrah says she met with Morgan J. Freeman (no relation), an executive producer on…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Jessica Biel Teaches 2-Year Old About Sex. But Should She?

Jessica Biel believes in being open and very honest with her young son.

And this belief system has now gotten the actress in trouble with some critics on the Internet.

Speaking at the 2018 MAKERS Conference on Tuesday, Biel sat on a panel with CEO of WCG and CEO of Evofem Biosciences Saundra Pelletier and ex-Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Elaine Welteroth.

At one point in their candid conversation, the topics turned to kids, sex and relationships.

“How do parents…pick up where sex education leaves off in the school system?” Welteroth asked the other two women, which prompted some interesting comments from Biel.

“In my household, I have a two and a half year old and we’re starting now,” the actress explained, referencing her husband (someone named Justin Timberlake) and their son, Silas.

She continued:

“We shower together, and [we say], ‘This is what I’ve got. This is what you’ve got.

“We just talk about it. I know it’s really young, but I really believe that if you start this early, there’s no shame.

“I don’t want to tell him, ‘Keep your private parts,’ and this and that. It’s a beautiful thing. You have it and mine is different and it’s cool, man.

“We have to respect ourselves and respect each other.”

Biel also said that she and Timberlake don’t sugar coat the names of their private parts with any silly terms for the sake of their child.

They went him to understand how everything works and what everything is really called.

“I think I still go back to this idea that it doesn’t have to be so serious,” Biel said of sex education, adding:

“If you want to laugh and say vagina and laugh or say penis or whatever, well do it! Laugh and get it out, get the giggles out and then ask the real question that you know you have.

“I think that’s always what happened to me when I was young… you could barely get past the giggles to ask the real question, which was a really probably important question that as a young person you needed to know.”

It’s a fair point.

If parents are not open with their children about this topic, the kids may very well try to find out certain answers on their own.

And it’s not hard to imagine this going very poorly.

However, some trolls out there are aghast that Biel would go anywhere near the subject of sex with her two-year old son.

She’s being called “stupid” and “disgusting” and lots of other mean words.

To wit:

gross comments

As if these remarks weren’t cruel enough, someone else suggested Biel and Timberlake should not even be allowed to have children.

For real:

gross comments

It’s a pretty interesting debate, right?

Not whether Jessica and Justin ought to be parents. That’s unfair, close-minded and downright absurd.

But at what age do you talk sex with your kids? At what age do you give them an idea of what’s going on with their bodies and how they came into the world?

Is Biel being a responsible mother here?

Or is she getting too far ahead of things with young and impressionable Silas?


Monday, July 24, 2017

This Couple Was Having Hot Sex. Then, Its Toddler Walked In.

The following story does not require much set-up.

A woman and her husband were recently going at it, tearing each other"s clothes off and set to engage in some very hot and extremely heavy intercourse…

… when the couple"s three-year old daughter walked in the bedroom.


We"ll let the wife/mother explain in hilarious detail, courtesy of her viral Facebook post, where things went from there:

1. Say Hello to Emma Lou Harris and Her Husband

Say hello to emma lou harris and her husband

This was the photo Emma Lou Harris, a native of Ireland, posted along with the following tale of eroticism and embarassment.

2. First, The Build-Up…

First the build up

“There’s an inevitable moment in every parents life when your children catch a glimpse of something you’d much rather they didn’t,” she wrote to open her Facebook post. “Something that the retinas of any grown adult human would need a full lifetime and then some to erase from their traumatised memory boxes but your own child? Fortnightly shrink sessions for life and replacement eyes are a must. And I would give serious consideration to hypnosis.”

3. Alcohol and This Husband-Executed Task?!?

Alcohol and this husband executed task

I’d had two full beers that night and Joe had emptied the dishwasher without having to be asked. I knew right then and there it was game on. Pants . Off!

4. We’re Off to Sexy Town!

Were off to sexy town

We shipped the kids to bed as quick as lightening and the very moment they slipped into a slumber, Mission slipping into other things commences for us as we hopped on straight down to sexy town.

5. We are DOING This… and We’re Doing It Well!

We are doing this and were doing it well

Things were getting heated. We were just getting to the bit of the act about half way through where you actually consider going professional and you wonder why you ain’t teaching these kinda moves on some sort of intense weekend course for beginners. Ye know, your about 2 mins in and all of a sudden bitches be thinking they some sort of Christian and Anastasia yoga instructors.

6. Right. So THIS is Why We’re Married.

Right so this is why were married

It was getting hotter then Satan’s ball sack and I was trying to hold in the noises . There was nails digging and hair pulling and and headboards knocking and we were JUST about to be reminded whyyyyyyyyy the HELL I ever put up with this bollox leaving his crap all over the house when suddenly… Mammmmmmmmy??????????

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Gareon Conley Admits "Brief Oral Sex" with Accuser, Not Intercourse

Oakland Raiders draft pick Gareon Conley is telling investigators he did receive “brief oral sex” from his accuser on the night of the alleged sexual assault … but insists it was consensual.  We’re told Conley says he was the recipient and…
