Showing posts with label Biel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biel. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Jessica Biel Teaches 2-Year Old About Sex. But Should She?

Jessica Biel believes in being open and very honest with her young son.

And this belief system has now gotten the actress in trouble with some critics on the Internet.

Speaking at the 2018 MAKERS Conference on Tuesday, Biel sat on a panel with CEO of WCG and CEO of Evofem Biosciences Saundra Pelletier and ex-Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Elaine Welteroth.

At one point in their candid conversation, the topics turned to kids, sex and relationships.

“How do parents…pick up where sex education leaves off in the school system?” Welteroth asked the other two women, which prompted some interesting comments from Biel.

“In my household, I have a two and a half year old and we’re starting now,” the actress explained, referencing her husband (someone named Justin Timberlake) and their son, Silas.

She continued:

“We shower together, and [we say], ‘This is what I’ve got. This is what you’ve got.

“We just talk about it. I know it’s really young, but I really believe that if you start this early, there’s no shame.

“I don’t want to tell him, ‘Keep your private parts,’ and this and that. It’s a beautiful thing. You have it and mine is different and it’s cool, man.

“We have to respect ourselves and respect each other.”

Biel also said that she and Timberlake don’t sugar coat the names of their private parts with any silly terms for the sake of their child.

They went him to understand how everything works and what everything is really called.

“I think I still go back to this idea that it doesn’t have to be so serious,” Biel said of sex education, adding:

“If you want to laugh and say vagina and laugh or say penis or whatever, well do it! Laugh and get it out, get the giggles out and then ask the real question that you know you have.

“I think that’s always what happened to me when I was young… you could barely get past the giggles to ask the real question, which was a really probably important question that as a young person you needed to know.”

It’s a fair point.

If parents are not open with their children about this topic, the kids may very well try to find out certain answers on their own.

And it’s not hard to imagine this going very poorly.

However, some trolls out there are aghast that Biel would go anywhere near the subject of sex with her two-year old son.

She’s being called “stupid” and “disgusting” and lots of other mean words.

To wit:

gross comments

As if these remarks weren’t cruel enough, someone else suggested Biel and Timberlake should not even be allowed to have children.

For real:

gross comments

It’s a pretty interesting debate, right?

Not whether Jessica and Justin ought to be parents. That’s unfair, close-minded and downright absurd.

But at what age do you talk sex with your kids? At what age do you give them an idea of what’s going on with their bodies and how they came into the world?

Is Biel being a responsible mother here?

Or is she getting too far ahead of things with young and impressionable Silas?


Friday, October 20, 2017

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel Post Cute Anniversary Tributes

Not every start or hearthrob from the turn of the century remains a star or gets their happily ever after. For proof, look no further than Aaron Carter’s many, many problems.

But, as so many of us hoped back in the late ’90s, both Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are now living their best lives. Just … not with each other. And that’s okay.

In fact, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are immensely precious and adorable together. Look at what they each wrote for their 5-year anniversary!

It’s weird, thinking back on it.

Some celebrity couples, like Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, seem almost preordained.

(One could argue that the writers from That ’70s Show set the couple up)

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, who are thankfully no longer together (although they’re talking again), both rose to fame around the same time. It was sort of a natural fit.

Other couples aren’t quite what you would have expected, back when they first became famous.

Justin Timberlake was on The All-New Micky Mouse Club and then skyrocked the fame as the most thirsted after member of NSYNC when they launched in the ’90s.

He’s been an enduring sex symbol ever since, though he’s definitely more in the “DILF” category now. That’s how time works, but it’s been kinder to him than to many of his former bandmates.

And then there’s Jessica Biel, who might still be best known for her role on that old Christian family drama, Seventh Heaven.

But in 2007, they met at the Golden Globe Awards. That, according to witnesses, is when “sparks flew.”

We don’t believe in love at first sight, exactly, but overpowering thirst at first sight can absolutely blossom into genuine love.

Because just look at them now.

On October 19th, 2012, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel got married.

And that means that, yes, yesterday was the beautiful couple’s 5 year wedding anniversary.

Justin Timberlake left 

“#TBT to a late night freestyle session on a break in the studio — YES I’ve been back in the studio cooking!”

So he’s back in the studio for real, but he shared some black-and-white throwbacks of himself in the studio.

“But, today is even more special for me because five years ago, on this day, I became the luckiest man in the world when I exchanged vows with my best friend. This song was our first dance.”

Awwww! That is so cute, you guys!

“To my beautiful @jessicabiel : You have taught me so much about what a true love means.”

Some things you have to do in order to properly understand them. Like computer programming. Or true love. Or surgery.

“I can’t put into words what these last five years have meant to me, so… ‘Listen to the melody ‘cause my love is in there hiding…"”

Hey, artistic expression is sometimes the best kind of expression.

He finished with the tags:

“#Happy5thAnniversaryWifey #ASongForYou”

That’s so sweet! Corny, but sweet.

It has to be surreal to be married to a sex symbol, even if you yourself are also a big-name actress and major Hollywood hottie.

Their son, Silas Randall Timberlake, is only two years old.

One day, he’s going to watch the Shrek movies — all 9,000 of them, by that point. Before he gets to the one where his father provides a guest voice, he’ll see Princess Fiona sleep in her childhood bedroom where a poster reads “Sir Justin.”

Like … that level of cultural impact that Justin Timberlake has had … it just has to be a little weird for the people who know him best.

Cool, but weird.

Jessica Biel, however, just counts herself lucky.

Her message of love and adoration for Justin was much more succinct.

“How lucky am I? Even if he’s initially skeptical, he always gets extra for me. #5”

She’s talking about him dancing goofily along to music with her, but it sounds like he’s like that all of the time.

And that’s so good to hear.

It sounds like Justin Timberlake might be playing the Superbowl Halftime Show this year.

You know, the musical performance that happens to have some sort of sporting event before and after it. The Halftime show is where the action is. And it’s where stars are born — remember Left Shark?

Well, Justin Timberlake has already been part of a similarly memorable Halftime Show … when he and Janet Jackson and an alleged ‘wardrobe malfunction” shocked audiences with Janet’s bare breast.

That was back in 2004. And we’re pretty sure that it was the origin of the term “wardrobe malfunction.”

Many people feel that, because Janet was blacklisted from so many networks in retaliation, Justin shouldn’t get to come back unless she can.

While that sounds fair to Janet, it sounds unfair to JT, you know?

We don’t know whether Justin should play the Halftime Show, but we think that Jessica Biel would be all for it.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Justin Timberlake Jessica Biel, Love Set at U.S. Open

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel took a break from some awesome tennis Saturday to suck face. J.T. and Jessica hit up the U.S. Open at the Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, NY but Federer vs. Lopez was no match for them. They got married in 2012, so…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Jessica Biel: Pregnant with Baby #2?!?

Just under a year ago, Justin Timberlake wrote that Jessica Biel was a Mother He Would Like to… You Know.

And now a new report suggests that the singer has gone ahead and You Know’d his wife right into a second pregnancy!

Yes, Jessica Biel is expecting her second baby.


If the latest Life & Style cover is to be believed, that is.

“She only just found out,” an insider tells the not-always-reliable tabloid, adding of this tremendous twosome:

“Jess and Justin are both so excited because they have been talking about expanding their family for the last year.”

The artist and the actress are already the adorable parents of son Silas, who will turn two years old on April 8.

Timberlake and Biel have taken great care to keep their little one mostly out of the spotlight, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t posed for the occasional Instagram photo with young Silas.

How could they resist when he’s THIS cute?!?

“Jessica and Justin have always said they want a large family,” the source also said, teasing a future of many beautiful kids by adding:

“This is really just the beginning.”

Timberlake and Biel often go unnoticed as one of Hollywood’s most stable couples.

You never read any divorce rumors involving the pair and you don’t even see them out and about too often.

When you do, however, it’s clear how much they are in love.

Remember when Justin stopped during his opening performance at the 2017 Academy Awards, for example, and planted a kiss on his wife’s smiling lips?

In honor of Biel’s birthday last March, Timberlake wrote the following note to his prettier half:

Happy BAE-DAY, baby!! I can’t put into words what you mean to me… You are the GREATEST Mommy and Wife a man could ever ask for. I love you to the MOON AND BACK!!! –Your Huz

He later warned of a “M.I.L.F. Alert!!!!” on Mother’s Day as part of a caption to a photo featuring Biel and Silas, prior to adding:

And, to all of the Mother’s out there… You keep the World turning!! Hope every single one of you has an amazing day!

Really, it’s not enough for JT to be as good looking and as talented as they come.

He must also be the sweetest and most charming? Sheesh!

“They have both been very hands-on parents, and they pitch in and share most of the childcare duties,” Life & Style writes in this report.

The insider concluded that if Biel really is pregnant again, Timberlake will take a “hiatus” from work to help out in any way he can, both now and when the child is born.

“Justin and Jessica both say parenthood is their greatest gift,” the source explained, saying how having Silas “changed everything for the stars.

“It’s humbling,” the tabloid concludes.

It’s also so precious, as you can see here!

Congrats to Justin and Jessica if this exciting report is true!


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jessica Biel -- Serving Cake Again ... Justin Calls Dibs (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jessica Biel’s got us drooling again, and wishing we were Justin Timberlake … again. Jessica’s flaunted her toned bod during a Caribbean vacay with Justin. It’s the first time we’ve seen the good her rocking the hell out of a bikini…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Donald Trump Just Called Jessica Biel Ugly

Over the course of his Presidential campaign, Donald Trump has slammed immigrants.

And women. And the parents of a dead U.S. soldier. And even that one baby.

But now the controversial real estate magnate has set his insulting sights on… Jessica Biel?!?

It certainly seems that way.

While giving a speech in Tampa on Wednesday, Trump once again praised the size of his hands crowds.

This is a popular talking point for the Republican nominee, who seems to think the number of people at his rallies are more important than the number of people responding to national polls.

Trump thinks he has a far more passionate and dedicated fan base than Hillary Clinton, saying the following in front of thousands of fans yesterday:

“The only enthusiastic supporters of her campaign are Hollywood celebrities, in many cases celebrities that aren’t very hot anymore.”

This could be a reference to nearly anyone in Hollywood, considering Clinton has a far larger base of famous followers than Trump.

(Just consider Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. as the two best known celebrities to speak on stage at the Republican National Convention… versus Meryl Streep and Eva Longoria, among others, at the DNC.)

However, Trump uttered these seemingly random words a day after Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel.

She posed there for a couple of photos that have gone viral.

In the first, Clinton is making very silly faces alongside the host and hostess:

This would indicate that Trump is specifically throwing shade at Biel, who was at one time considered to be a top Hollywood hottie.

She’s taken a few big steps away from the spotlight in recent years, partly to raise her first child.

You simply don’t see Jessica Biel posing in Maxim or in a bathroom sink anymore, which is more a sign of her maturity than of her declining looks.

But try telling that to Donald Trump.

Clinton also posed at this same event with Jennifer Aniston, as you can see below:

Aniston is another candidate for Trump’s wrath.

Similar to Biel, many idiots out there would say her most gorgeous days are behind her.

Back during her Friends prime, Aniston was among the most talked-about actresses on the planet.

Then again, Aniston was also named the Most Beautiful Woman in the universe just a few months ago.

That’s why we’re going with Biel. We think Trump was referring to Biel here.

Other famous people who have publicly thrown their support behind Clinton include Alicia Keys, Lena Dunham, Katy Perry, Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Demi Lovato Jamie Foxx, Kim Kardashian and George Clooney.

Trump is basically saying that Baio is better looking than all of them.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Acts All Silly with Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Hillary Clinton was in good spirits and, we presume, good health on Tuesday night.

She was definitely in good company.

The front-runner to be elected President of the United States in November attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, stopping at various point to pose with the well-known guests there.

The snapshots on Clinton and her two famous hosts inside a photo booth have gone viral, for example because…

… well, just look at them!

There’s Hillary, Justin and Jessica smiling as a trio.

There they are looking all shocked and surprised.

There’s Hillary and Jessica exchanging stunned expressions.

And there’s all three of them looking cute and cozy together.

“Look who came over for lunch… #imwithher,” Biel wrote on Instagram after making this hilarious set of photos live.

Timberlake them chimed in with: “Look WHO DID come over for lunch… Wow. #ImWithHer.”

Jennifer Meyer, meanwhile, snapped a selfie with Hillary and Jennifer Aniston at the event.

“We’re with her,” the jewelry designer and wife of Tobey Maguire wrote on Instagram. “[Love] us @hillaryclinton.”

According to guest Maya Henry’s social media updates, Timberlake and Biel hosted the event and also made a speech in front of about 100 guests, a list that included Jamie Foxx.

Earlier in the week, Clinton made other stops in California that included a fundraiser at Magic Johnson’s home.

She also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live in order to answer questions about both Donald Trump and her health.

In response to ridiculous accusations over the declining state of her physical well-being, Clinton was up to a challenge that Kimmel laid in front of her:

Could she open a jar of pickles? To quote a former Vice Presidential nominee… you betcha!

See Hillary do exactly that below:

For whatever it’s worth, Clinton appears to have the A-List celebrity vote all wrapped up.

At the Republican National Convention in July, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. spoke.

At the Democratic National Convention a week later, Demi Lovato, Meryl Streep and Eva Longoria were among the featured speakers.

Will these endorsement actually make a difference come the election?

It’s impossible to say, but Clinton’s list of enthusiastic celebrity supporters certainly can’t hurt.

Here’s an updated rundown of the many stars with whom Clinton has stopped to pose over the past several months of her campaign.

They are most definitely with her.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: Expecting Twins?!

For the second time this year, the tabloids want readers to believe that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are going to be parents again.

The newest issue of Life & Style has the news plastered on its cover.

“The (Happiest) Shock Of The Lives,” the sub-headline read.  “How they’re preparing for life with three kids under three.”

The parents of Silas, 1, “couldn’t be more thrilled,” a source allegedly told the tabloid.

“They weren’t expecting it!”

The weekly alleges that Biel went through a successful round of IVF, which resulted in twins.

“Jess is doing really well right now,” the source added. “She’s glowing and happy.”

Like any couple expecting imaginary twins, the Timberlakes are a little overwhelmed by the thought.

“Their heads were spinning a little,” the source said. “But once they got used to the idea, they realized it was really the happiest shock of their lives. It’s still very new for them.” 


“They’re so happy now,” the source said, also pointing out that there will be a two-year age gap between Silas and the babies.

“They’re very excited to grow their family.” 

Back in March, OK! made a similar claim.

“They’re going to wait to find out the babies’ genders, but they both love the idea of having another boy and a girl,” yet another source said.

During an appearance on Ellen, Biel accepted congratulations for the fake news.

“I know, isn’t it exciting guys?” she joked.

Having just given birth not even a year before, Biel was feeling good about her post-baby body until she saw the headline.

“I don’t even know what to say about these things,” she told DeGeneres.

“I feel like, man, I thought I was doing good with my yoga practice. I thought I was in the gym, but no, I have a gut apparently.”

Monday, May 9, 2016

Justin Timberlake on Jessica Biel: What a MILF!

Let’s all say it together, folks?

Relationship. Goals.

In honor of Mother’s Day over the weekend, Justin Timberlake took to Instagram in order to pay tribute to a mother that he would not only like to f-ck…

… but a mother that he actually has f-cked and a mother he can pretty much f-ck any time he pleases.

What? We’re not being crude? We’re just quoting the artist himself.

“M.I.L.F. Alert!!!!” Timberlake wrote as a caption to the above image on social media, adding:

Happy Mother’s Day to this AMAZING MOM AND WIFE.

“And, to all of the Mother’s out there… You keep the World turning!! Hope every single one of you has an amazing day! –JT.”

Timberlake and Biel are one of the more private couples in Hollywood, but also one of the most cutest.

We mean… just look at that onesie on little Silar? Totes. Adorbs, no?

Earlier this month, Timberlake made headlines for professional reasons over personal ones.

He released the track “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” which many are dubbing the Song of the Summer.

Here. Take a listen and decide for yourself if that will be an accurate prediction:

Biel, meanwhile, also used Instagram to recognize Mother’s Day this year.

“Happy Mother’s Day to you, Mom,” the actress wrote.

“I only, just now, understand what you did for me.

“And to all moms everywhere, I’m having a champagne in your honor. And when I say champagne I mean seltzer water cause mama’s gotta do carpool in the am. #momlife.”

HA! We love it!

Timberlake has become known for penning heartfelt messages to Biel on special occasions and we can’t get enough of them.

Justin Timberlake on Jessica Biel: What a MILF!

Let’s all say it together, folks?

Relationship. Goals.

In honor of Mother’s Day over the weekend, Justin Timberlake took to Instagram in order to pay tribute to a mother that he would not only like to f-ck…

… but a mother that he actually has f-cked and a mother he can pretty much f-ck any time he pleases.

What? We’re not being crude? We’re just quoting the artist himself.

“M.I.L.F. Alert!!!!” Timberlake wrote as a caption to the above image on social media, adding:

Happy Mother’s Day to this AMAZING MOM AND WIFE.

“And, to all of the Mother’s out there… You keep the World turning!! Hope every single one of you has an amazing day! –JT.”

Timberlake and Biel are one of the more private couples in Hollywood, but also one of the most cutest.

We mean… just look at that onesie on little Silar? Totes. Adorbs, no?

Earlier this month, Timberlake made headlines for professional reasons over personal ones.

He released the track “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” which many are dubbing the Song of the Summer.

Here. Take a listen and decide for yourself if that will be an accurate prediction:

Biel, meanwhile, also used Instagram to recognize Mother’s Day this year.

“Happy Mother’s Day to you, Mom,” the actress wrote.

“I only, just now, understand what you did for me.

“And to all moms everywhere, I’m having a champagne in your honor. And when I say champagne I mean seltzer water cause mama’s gotta do carpool in the am. #momlife.”

HA! We love it!

Timberlake has become known for penning heartfelt messages to Biel on special occasions and we can’t get enough of them.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Justin Timberlake to Jessica Biel: Happy BAE-DAY!!!

Just in case you needed another reason to fall in love with Justin Timberlake…

The wildly talented and beloved artist paid tribute to wife Jessica Biel on Instagram yesterday, sharing the above photo in honor of the actress’ 34th birthday.

Timberlake then wrote the following as an affiliated caption to the sweet snapshot:

Happy BAE-DAY, baby!! I can’t put into words what you mean to me… You are the GREATEST Mommy and Wife a man could ever ask for. I love you to the MOON AND BACK!!! –Your Huz

Okay. Your Huz is pretty lame.

But the rest of the message just made us swoon out loud.

Timberlake and Biel are a rather reclusive couple by Hollywood standards, but they did cuddle it up big time on the red carpet of a couple Academy Award after-parties late last month.

Justin also shared new baby photos of the pair’s son Silas a few weeks ago… and we’re yet to recover from that attack of cuteness overload.

Way back in 2011, this is what Timberlake told Vanity Fair about Biel:

“She is the single-handedly most significant person in my life.

“In my 30 years, she is the most special person.… I don’t want to say much more, because I have to protect things that are dear to me – for instance, her.”

Seriously… come on, JT.

You cannot be this cool, this talented, this humble AND this romantic. It’s just not fair.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jessica Biel Talks "Magical Vaginas," Vibrators

Jessica Biel has an amazing body.

This much was made clear after the actress made a public appearance about six months after giving birth to her first child with husband Justin Timberlake, a boy named Silas.

But the actress sat down this week for a Reddit AMA with Saundra Pelletier for WomanCare Global’s “Then Who Will” Campaign and wanted to focus on one aspect of her body in particular.

Her most private aspect, that is.

We’re talking about Jessica Biel’s vagina.

“Vaginas are magical things,” Biel said, after openly wondering whether she ought to be “funny” or “serious’ for this interview.

She added that she and Pelletier could also “go with the line that vaginas are weird and scary, and like bleed for seven days, so they shouldn’t be trusted!”

“THAT IS AN IMPORTANT TAKE AWAY,” Saundra said. “I think everybody should know more about vaginas – they benefit everyone!”

Sorry. Should we have added a TMI Alert to the top of this article?

At one point, however, Biel did grow serious (which is not to say that the benefit of vaginas is an un-serious topic).

“All we have left really, truly in this world that we can control is our own integrity,” Biel said.

“I don’t mean that like sexual integrity, I mean that as a human being… You choose how you live your life, what you deserve. Be good to yourself. Don’t worry about all that other sh-t.”

Sounds like little Silas, posing here with his famous father, is in pretty good hands, huh?

Also pretty funny and honest hands, as Biel concluded on a less serious note with the following.

Asked to name “something that got dramatically better over the years,” Biel replied with a single word: Vibrators!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Jessica Biel Flaunts Post-Baby Body, Confirms That Justin Timberlake is a Lucky Man

It’s only been six months since Jessica Biel welcomed her first child, but as she demonstrated last night, the 33-year-old actress is already back to peak physical condition:

Yes, we’re sure Jessica spends most of her time little Silas Randall Timberlake these days, but clearly his stroller has a lot of miles on it, because that is one insanely fit new mom.

Hard to believe that taut tummy is the same one Justin Timblerlake kissed in the couple’s pregnancy announcement just a few months back.

Aside from sharing the occasional crazy cute baby photos, Justin and Jessica have mostly been staying away from the spotlight and focusing on their new addition lately.

The Timberlakes stepped out for the Fashion Group International Night of the Stars Gala in New York last night, and while it’s not the first time they’ve been photographed in public since Silas entered the world, it is the first time that Jessica has worked the red carpet in a form-fitting number like this one.

Her incredible physique isn’t particularly shocking, as Jessica has always been a fitness nut, but it’s still pretty damn impressive.

Jessica often discusses her fondness for yoga, hiking and CrossFit, and her post-baby body is a testament to the effectiveness of her workout strategy. 

Of course, not to take anything away from her hard-work and dedication, but it’s also a testament to what you can achieve when you have a nanny to watch the kid during your 4-hour workouts. Just sayin’.