Showing posts with label Silly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silly. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Acts All Silly with Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Hillary Clinton was in good spirits and, we presume, good health on Tuesday night.

She was definitely in good company.

The front-runner to be elected President of the United States in November attended a fundraiser at the Los Angeles home of Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, stopping at various point to pose with the well-known guests there.

The snapshots on Clinton and her two famous hosts inside a photo booth have gone viral, for example because…

… well, just look at them!

There’s Hillary, Justin and Jessica smiling as a trio.

There they are looking all shocked and surprised.

There’s Hillary and Jessica exchanging stunned expressions.

And there’s all three of them looking cute and cozy together.

“Look who came over for lunch… #imwithher,” Biel wrote on Instagram after making this hilarious set of photos live.

Timberlake them chimed in with: “Look WHO DID come over for lunch… Wow. #ImWithHer.”

Jennifer Meyer, meanwhile, snapped a selfie with Hillary and Jennifer Aniston at the event.

“We’re with her,” the jewelry designer and wife of Tobey Maguire wrote on Instagram. “[Love] us @hillaryclinton.”

According to guest Maya Henry’s social media updates, Timberlake and Biel hosted the event and also made a speech in front of about 100 guests, a list that included Jamie Foxx.

Earlier in the week, Clinton made other stops in California that included a fundraiser at Magic Johnson’s home.

She also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live in order to answer questions about both Donald Trump and her health.

In response to ridiculous accusations over the declining state of her physical well-being, Clinton was up to a challenge that Kimmel laid in front of her:

Could she open a jar of pickles? To quote a former Vice Presidential nominee… you betcha!

See Hillary do exactly that below:

For whatever it’s worth, Clinton appears to have the A-List celebrity vote all wrapped up.

At the Republican National Convention in July, Scott Baio and Antonio Sabato Jr. spoke.

At the Democratic National Convention a week later, Demi Lovato, Meryl Streep and Eva Longoria were among the featured speakers.

Will these endorsement actually make a difference come the election?

It’s impossible to say, but Clinton’s list of enthusiastic celebrity supporters certainly can’t hurt.

Here’s an updated rundown of the many stars with whom Clinton has stopped to pose over the past several months of her campaign.

They are most definitely with her.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Shia LaBeouf Called Cops "Silly," Claimed to Be in the National Guard

As you may have heard, Shia LaBeouf was arrested again on Friday night.

At this point, the troubled actor’s antics are more sad than funny, but every time The Beef f–ks up, some amusing details emerge shortly thereafter, so it kinda balances out.

In fact, you might say we’re…even Stevens. Sorry.

Anyway, just like the time Shia freestyle rapped or began screaming about America during his infamous visit to Mt. Rushmore, LaBeouf’s latest brush with the law was loaded with enough WTF? moments to assure the Gary Buseys and Nicolas Cages of the world that the psycho torch has been passed.

Shia kicked things off by alleging that the LAPD had plotted to kill a friend of his. In order to appreciate the full batsh-ttery of this claim, it’s important to know that Shia was arrested in Austin, roughly 1,400 miles from LA.

As they often do with Shia, things got weirder from there.

The cops who had observed his erratic behavior asked him not to jaywalk through a busy intersection. He did so, and then proceeded to taunt the officers, repeatedly calling one of them “silly.”

Despite the fact that the officers almost certainly recognized him (if not, the assembled crowd surely alerted them that this was someone famous), LaBeouf claimed to be a decorated National Guardsman, for reasons that we’re sure made perfect sense to him at the time.

Despite his long history of similarly odd run-ins with the law, Shia will probably get off with a fine and some community service.

We kid the guy, but in all seriousness, we hope he manages to get the help he clearly needs.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez Are Besties Again! This Silly Selfie Is Their First Photo Together Since 2014!


We’ve been waiting and hoping for Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez to go back to their old BFF ways, and it looks like it’s finally happening!

On Thursday, the Cool For The Summer singer took to Instagram to snap this silly selfie with her long lost friend, marking the moment as the first time the two have been photographed together since early 2014!

[ Photo: Demi Shows Off Her Legs In A Tight Pencil Skirt! ]

Dannnnnng, that’s quite a while!

But when you think about it, these two have been on quite the relationship roller coaster in recent years! In January of 2014, the two grabbed dinner together in LA — which was pretty much the first time they had hung out since their massive falling out four years earlier.

Then, they seemed all buddy-buddy at the unite4:good gala the next month, where they were caught on camera smiling and sitting together.

And that was the last of their friendship on film until Thursday! Wow!

Things only seemed to take a turn for the worse after the gala. That July, DemDem unfollowed Selena on Twitter, later explaining to Andy Cohen that it was because sometimes people grow apart.

But now, it looks like their sisterhood could be on the mend. Last month, Demi began following the Good For You singer once again, who responded by wishing the pop princess a happy birthday!

And FINALLY we have photographic evidence that their feud is finished… at least for now! Demi captioned this new goofy shot:

“Look at how #coolforthesummer we are. Friends for years, #sameoldlove.”

Awwww! She’s so punny! LOL!

What do U think, Perezcious readers! Are they reunited for good? Or is this just temporary? SOUND OFF in the comments!

[Image via Demi Lovato/Instagram.]