Showing posts with label Shia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shia. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Shia LaBeouf Dumps Mia Goth for FKA Twigs

Folks, get ready for a twisty tale with some strange names and even stranger hairstyles.

It’s been a while since we checked in with our old friend Shia LaBeouf, and in news that should surprise absolutely no one, things are still very weird in the Beef’s corner of the world.

Thankfully, Shia no longer thinks he’s Tupac, and as far as we can tell, he hasn’t been arrested for groping any strangers in a while.

But that doesn’t mean he’s finally found a modicum of stability in his life.

In fact, quite the opposite is true.

If you haven’t been keeping track of the Lynchian soap opera that is Shia’s life, you may have been under the impression that he’s still married to Mia Goth.

Sadly, that’s no longer the case.

In fact, no one is quite sure if Shia and Mia were ever legally wed, as they were married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator.

In any event, the Beef-Goth union is no longer, and Shia has moved on with none other than FKA Twigs.

You might be familiar with Twigs’ music, or you might remember her from when she dated Robert Pattinson.

There was a time when it was rumored that Pattinson and Twigs were engaged, but these days, she and LaBeouf are officially dating. 

Apparently, The Daily Mail recently conducted a brief interview with Twigs “through the intercom of her home” (?!?!?), and the songstress confirmed that she and LaBeouf are indeed an item:

“We’re very happy, we’re having a nice time,” said the disembodied voice of Twigs.

Apparently, Mia is the last to know about the relationship, and she’s still under the impression that she and Shia are on a break:

“Everybody in their circle knows that Mia and Shia are separating,” an anonymous friend tells the Mail.

“She’s spending her time between London and New York while he’s currently in London. Mia had been having some problems with Shia. It was a very crazy relationship and he is very fiery.

“She has told her friends that she can’t take any more. When he was preparing for a part, Mia would keep away from him and move out because his rehearsals were so intense.”

It’s anyone’s guess as to where this is all headed, but one thing is for sure — unless you’re reading about Game of Thrones or the NFL, you’re not gonna see this many bonkers names in one article.

We’ll keep an eye out and let you know if Barkevious Mingo and Equanimeous St. Brown start hooking up.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Shia LaBeouf: I Saw God... and Boy Did I F-ck Up!

Shia LaBeouf is here to say he’s sorry.

Okay, he’s here to say A LOT of other stuff as well.

The actor, who has become as well-known for his outbursts these days as for his IMDB resume, opens way up in the latest issue of Esquire, talking about his recent arrests… how he now views them… and what he thinks of God.

Last July, LaBeouf was taken into custody in Savannah, Georgia on charges of disorderly conduct, obstruction and public drunkenness.

In a humiliating escapade, the star got angry at an undercover police officer after the man refused to give him a cigarette, growing so angry that he had to be hauled away in handcuffs.

TMZ eventually obtained and published the police footage, which featured LaBeouf bragging about his “millionaire lawyers.”

Not a good look.

But that wasn’t his worst look of last year.

In another clip that went viral, the former Transformers star went off on a racist rant, screaming at his arresting officer:

You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f-ck about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f-ck about you, and you wanna do what?

Arrest white people?

In this extended interview with Esquire, LaBeouf takes responsibility for this incident, talking about it in detail for the first time.

“What went on in Georgia was mortifying,” he tells the magazine, adding of what prompted him to flip out:

“White privilege and desperation and disaster…It came from a place of self-centered delusion…It was me trying to absolve myself of guilt for getting arrested.”

In short, LaBeouf confesses:

“I f–ked up.”

That’s for sure.

But it’s refreshing to hear him admit as much.

The morning after he was released from jail last summer, LaBeouf went to a party for the cast and crew of The Peanut Butter Falcon.

Most people associated with the film avoided talking about what transpired… except for co-star Zachary Gottsagen.

This up-and-coming 32-year-old actor basically laid into LaBeouf.

At one point, Shia recalls Gottsagen telling him: “You’re already famous. This is my chance. And you’re ruining it."”

The speech was exactly what LaBeouf needed to hear.

“To hear him say that he was disappointed in me probably changed the course of my life,” Shia explains, expounding at length:

“[Because] I was still fighting. I was still on my ‘Look how fast they released the videos! They don’t release these!’ Just on my defense-mechanism-fear garbage.

“And you can’t do that to him.

“He keeps it 1,000 with you, and that sh-t doesn’t even make sense to him. Zack can’t not shoot straight, and bless him for it, ‘cause in that moment, I needed a straight shooter who I couldn’t argue with.”

Their conversation continued on set – and it got pretty darn deep.

 “We were getting ready to do a scene and Zack said, ‘Do you believe in God?’

“And I thought, No f-ckin’ way are you about to explain God to me, Zack…Zack said, ‘Even if He’s not real, what does it hurt?"”

And THIS actually made an impression on the troubled star? Yes!

“I don’t believe in God,” he explains to Esquire, continuing as follows:

“But did I see God? Did I hear God? Through Zack, yeah.

“He met me with love, and at the time, love was truth, and he didn’t pull punches. And I’m grateful, not even on some cheeseball sh-t trying to sell a movie. In real life.”

Wow. Who would have guessed that the key to Shia LaBeouf salvation would be some dude named Zachary Gottsagen?!?

“That motherf-cker is magical,” Shia concludes, prior to looking ahead at a career that has hit a crossroads.

But he understands why.

“I’m a buffoon. My public outbursts are failures. They’re not strategic. They’re a struggling motherf-cker showing his ass in front of the world.

“I’ve got to look at my failures in the face for a while. I need to take ownership of my sh-t and clean up my side of the street a bit before I can go out there and work again, so I’m trying to stay creative and learn from my mistakes.

“I’ve been falling forward for a long time. Most of my life.

“The truth is, in my desperation, I lost the plot.”


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Names Suspected "HWNDU" Flag Thieves, Triggers Investigation

Shia LaBeouf took matters into his own hands by naming 2 people who he says stole his “He Will Not Divide Us” flag … which, in turn, got cops off their asses. Shia posted a statement Monday in which he ID’d Joseph and Maigann Hutchins as the folks…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Cops Plea Deal in Drunken Savannah Arrest

Shia LaBeouf entered a guilty plea for his public intoxication arrest — the one where he went off on a racist rant — and the judge is sending him to anger management. Shia entered the Savannah, GA courtroom Thursday morning, and didn’t get any…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Says It"s Fair Game to Call L.A. Bartender a Racist

Shia LaBeouf has a pretty simple response to the L.A. bartender who sued him after Shia called him a “f**king racist bitch” — tough noogies, dude. According to docs filed by Shia, and obtained by TMZ … his defense in the slander lawsuit is that…


Shia LaBeouf Says It"s Fair Game to Call L.A. Bartender a Racist

Shia LaBeouf has a pretty simple response to the L.A. bartender who sued him after Shia called him a “f**king racist bitch” — tough noogies, dude. According to docs filed by Shia, and obtained by TMZ … his defense in the slander lawsuit is that…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Makes Nice On "Peanut Butter Falcon" Set

Shia LaBeouf’s mugging for the camera, but no police involvement this time — instead, he’s spreading the love on the J-O-B. Shia’s still shooting “The Peanut Butter Falcon” in Savannah, GA … and took a bunch of selfies with fans, and hugged…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Shia LaBeouf: I"m Not An Alcoholic! I Just Can"t Stop Drinking!

Last weekend, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct and public intoxication after drunkenly freaking out on a police officer in Atlanta.

The incident didn’t do exactly do wonders for the actor’s already-damaged reputation, and things only got worse when police released footage that showed LaBeouf launching a racist tirade at the arresting officer.

LaBeouf has apologized for his appalling behavior, but it seems he’ll be skipping step two in the Racist Celebrity Rant Damage Control Handbook.

According to a statement from his lawyer today, LaBeouf will not be checking into rehab, as is customary in these situations, and will instead continue.

In the statement, obtained this morning by TMZ, the attorney explains that Shia’s not an alcoholic – he just can’t stop drinking once he starts.

Somewhere, a recovery counselor’s head exploded.

The explanation makes a little more sense when the lawyer explains that LaBeouf has no trouble abstaining from drinking entirely, but once het gets that Sweet Mother Booze in his belly, there’s no turning back.

Picture Will Ferrell in Old School talking about how “it’s so good, once it hits your lips!”

Apparently that’s Shia at the beginning of a bender.

For obvious reasons, a lot of people aren’t buying LaBeouf’s excuse that he’s too busy for rehab at the moment.

It probably help that the movie he’s working on is called The Peanut Butter Falcon.

We hate to judge a flick by its title, but … The Peanut Butter Falcon.

To make matters worse, Shia described himself as an addict in his public apology:

“I have been struggling with addiction publicly for far too long, and I am actively taking steps toward securing my sobriety and hope I can be forgiven for my mistakes,” he said in a press release.

Speaking of his arrest, he sounded genuinely contrite:

“It is a new low. A low I hope is a bottom,” the 31-year-old stated.

Troublingly, this is not the first time LaBeouf has been arrested for behaving erratically while drunk in public.

It’s also not the first time he’s issued a statement expressing his remorse and promising to get help.

We understand the need for LaBeouf to complete filming on his current project, but here’s hoping the once-promising star finds the help he needs soon after it wraps.


Shia LaBeouf, I Don"t Need to Drink, My Problem is When I Do

Shia LaBeouf is not an alcoholic, because he doesn’t have an uncontrollable urge to drink … his problem is when he starts drinking he can’t stop … this according to his lawyer. Savannah lawyer Doug Andrews tells TMZ Shia is resolved not to have…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

TMZ Live: Shia Labeouf: Apologizes For Racist Rant!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Beachgoer Dies From Jet Blast Jersey Shore Reunion: It’s Happening! Rob Kardashian: Chyna’s Holding Jewelry Hostage! Bachelor In Paradise: Corinne Returns!


Rich the Kid Doesn"t Think Shia LaBeouf is Racist

Shia LaBeouf isn’t racist — even though he said VERY racist things to cops — we should just pass it off as a guy who’s super high … according to Rich the Kid. We got the New York rapper Wednesday in Bev Hills, and he was clearly…


Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Being a Huge Racist

Last Saturday morning in Georgia, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for public drunkenness. 

This was not shocking, not even when we learned the actor lost his $ hit simply because a stranger refused to give him a cigarette.

However, how LaBeouf acted after he was approached by the police and taken into custody was unexpected, reprehensible and downright embarrassing…

… even for the very low bar set by Shia LaBeouf over the past several months.

First, in the arrest video below, LaBeouf grows more and more irate at arresting officers, shouting complete nonsense at the cops as they attempt to calm the troubled star down.

“I have rights! I’m an American,” he screams at one point, adding of his situation and the handcuffs on his wrists:

“You got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel for doing what, sir? … I’m a f-cking American, I pay my taxes, get these sh-ts off my f-cking arm.”

Later, the 31-year old brags about his wealth (I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch!) … flaunts a lack of logic (Why would I ask for cigarettes if I was racist?) … and condescends to the African-American officer taking him in:

You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f-ck about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f–k about you, and you wanna do what? Arrest white people?

It’s rather appalling, as you can see here:

But it actually got worse once LaBeouf made it to the police station.

In two new videos shared on Wednesday by TMZ, the star hurls racial insults and acts like a bigger, more biased and privlieged douchebag than we previously thought was possible.

First, in the following piece of footage, LaBeouf tells a black officer that he’s going to “Hell” and that he acted like a “savage,” accusing him of only arresting LaBeouf because of their difference in skin colors:

Second, in the video below, LaBeouf rants and raves against a white police officer.

He tells him that he must be ashamed because his wife prefers “black dick.”

See and listen for yourself:

Following the release of these videos, LaBeouf released a statement in which he took responsibility for his awful words and actions, while making it sound as if he recognizes he needs help.

A whole lot of help.

“I am deeply ashamed of my behavior and make no excuses for it. The severity of my behavior is not lost on me,” LaBeouf says, adding:

“My outright disrespect for authority is problematic to say the least, and completely destructive to say the worst.

“It is a new low. A low I hope is a bottom.”

He also expresses gratitude for the “restraint” showed by the cops in light of his outbursts and concludes as follows:

“I have been struggling with addiction publicly for far too long, and I am actively taking steps toward securing my sobriety and hope I can be forgiven for my mistakes.”

LaBeouf has a long way to go.

But anything is possible if he takes the proper steps.


Shia LaBeouf Was Model Actor on Set Before and After Drunk Arrest

Shia LaBeouf was “incredibly professional,” “well-prepared,” “so nice” and “says hello to everyone on set” … and that’s why everyone connected with the production of the movie he’s shooting in Savannah is shocked by Shia’s arrest and police…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Arrest, Racist Comments, Says He"s An Addict Who"s Hit Bottom

Shia LaBeouf just apologized for the events leading to his arrest and the racist rant at the police station, saying he believes he’s hit bottom and is taking steps to get his addiction under control. Shia says, “I am deeply ashamed of my behavior…


Shia LaBeouf Tells White Cop His Wife Prefers Black "D***"

Shia LaBeouf verbally assaulted a white officer, telling him his wife watches porn and fantasizes about African-American male genitals. Shia was off the rails this weekend when he was arrested by Savannah cops for public drunkenness and disorderly…


Shia LaBeouf Tells Black Cop "You"re Going to Hell" Cause You"re Black

Shia LaBeouf went full racist at the Savannah Police Dept. where he was arrested this past weekend, telling a black officer he would go to hell because of his skin color. In newly released video, while Shia was being fingerprinted he looked at a…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Ryan Phillippe Raps for Sway, It"s Great News for Shia LaBeouf

Ryan Phillippe proved he’s not just an actor … he’s an actor who can also rap! Although, not necessarily well. Ryan was a guest on “Sway’s Universe” Tuesday on SiriusXM, and wrapped up the interview by spitting a few bars. It’s something a lot of…


Shia LaBeouf Threatens to Kill Cop with Gun in Bodycam Footage

Shia LaBeouf went on a racist, violent rant in the police car after being arrested early Saturday morning in Georgia. Shia screamed at the cop, “If I had my gun I’ll blow your s*** up.” And that wasn’t all. He said, “You put your own kind in the…


Shia LaBeouf FLIPS OUT on Cop in Shocking Arrest Video: Watch!

Over the weekend, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness at an Atlanta hotel.

Details of the incident were initially scarce, but TMZ reported that LaBeouf lost his temper after asking a stranger for a cigarette and getting refused.

As new arrest video reveals, the stranger LaBeouf butted heads with was a police officer.

Footage from the incident shows an appparently intoxicated LaBeouf becoming increasingly irate with the arresting officer, who repeatedly attempts to calm him down.

Portions of Shia’s rant are downright hilarious in their absurdity:

“I have rights! I’m an American,” he shouts at one point.

“You got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel for doing what, sir? … I’m a f–king American, I pay my taxes, get these sh-ts off my f–king arm,” he added, seemingly referring to the fact that he was handcuffed.

Other times, the situation gets even uglier, as LaBeouf decides to play the race card with the black officer.

“You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f–k about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f–k about you, and you wanna do what? Arrest white people?” he asked the cop.

“Why would I ask for cigarettes if I was racist?” LaBeouf continued, demonstrating some seriously questionable logic.

The 31-year-old actor continued to berate the officer, becoming increasingly hostile as he was loaded into the back of a police car.

“I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch!” he shouted at one point.

This isn’t the first time that LaBeouf has been arrested in similar situations.

Most recently, the actor was taken into custody at an anti-Trump protest. 

Prior to that, LaBeouf was arrested in New York for public intoxication in New York in 2014 after behaving erratically and disruptively while in the audience at a Broadway show.

The actor has yet to speak out on his latest legal woes, but he returned to work on a Georgia film set on Monday.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Shia LaBeouf Arrest Bodycam Footage Shows Drunken Rant, Calls Cop a "Stupid Bitch"

Shia LaBeouf unleashed an epic drunken rant at Savannah, GA police as they took him into custody — and bodycam footage shows him repeatedly calling one cop a “dumb f**k” and a “stupid bitch.” As we reported … cops tracked down Shia at his hotel…
