Showing posts with label Flips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flips. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Prince Philip Flips SUV in Crash!!! But Escapes Unharmed

Breaking News
Queen Elizabeth‘s husband, Prince Philip, just dodged a huge bullet, because he survived a car crash in England … and the 97-year-old Duke of Edinburgh was behind the wheel!
Buckingham Palace tells TMZ … the Duke of Edinburgh was seen by a doctor as a precaution ...
Prince Philip Flips SUV in Crash!!! But Escapes Unharmed

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Shannon Beador Flips Out

Shannon Beador has been battling to stay in control of her emotions throughout the most recent season of The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

With a messy divorce dragging her down, she’s been taking it out on her friends, and things went nuclear on Monday’s episode of the Bravo hit thanks to claims that her attitude, well, stinks. 

When the episode got underway, the ladies were still in Jamaica, and Gina Kirschenheiter was still going on about how Beador did not give their friendship a chance. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Shannon has been distant from the new additions to the cast, and despite their best efforts to make friends with her, she’s shut them down at every turn. 

Tamra Judge, Vicki Gunvalson, Kelly Dodd, and Emily Simpson started to chat about Shannon’s wellbeing in her company, and things quickly got heated. 

“Are you serious? So we’re going to do a goddamn f—— straight-jacket intervention right now? Are you kidding me?” Beador yelled in her defense after being accused of turning to alcohol to cope with everything that’s going on. 

“I feel blindsided,” a clearly irate Beador complained as she tried to get away from the situation, and she did not want to be filmed.

“I just need a minute. Stop, I mean it. Stop following me, I swear to God, I will take the mic off. You guys need to stop. … I need a minute, and I deserve it,” she continued to yell. 

As we’ve reported on several times, Judge felt like Shannon was neglecting her friendships as she has become absorbed by all the things going in her personal life. 

“I love Shannon, but the constant negativity and dwelling on things that really don’t matter is tiresome to me,” Judge explained in a confessional, adding:

“We all have a hard time when we’re getting divorced. We all have outbursts, I did. But it’s been six months. She can’t keep treating people badly because she’s getting divorced.”

“This has been months of buildup. She wants to bitch and complain all the time and not fix anything,” Judge continued.

“In her head, she’s the busiest person in the world, and she doesn’t get it. She’s never worked. David took care of everything. … She cries every single night. … I’m legit 100 percent worried about her.”

Always one to throw in her two cents, Vicki was there to stick the knife into her pal. 

“That was a big red flag for me … it just masks the pain,” Gunvalson stated when the others claimed she was using alcohol to mask her pain.

“I think she needs us. … She should get on something because sometimes you can’t handle your feelings,” she continued.

“When Don and I were going through our separation and divorce, I did go on an anti-depressant because I couldn’t function, I was crying so much. It got me through the bumps.”

“It’s depression, she’s depressed,” added Dodd.

“David must have been kind of a saint to stay up with that. She’s a good girl, and I think the world of her. But to have to deal with that day in and day out? It’s got to be draining,” she continued.

“I only have to deal with Shannon on a friendship level. I couldn’t imagine being married to that and having to live with that every single day. It affects everybody.”

When Tamra and Shannon actually got to chat about how they felt, Shannon was not willing to accept what happened. 

“I am so beyond hurt, Tamra,” Beador admitted after hearing that Gina and her friend were talking smack about her.

“I drop everything to answer the phone. … I’m a kind friend, and I always want to help,” Shannon said in defense of her actions.

“You have no idea what I go through on a daily basis; I don’t even share half the s— with you. Half.”

“I hurt. I’m sensitive,” she said. “But I’m excited about my life, and I’ve let you guys know that, so don’t sit there and say I’m goddamn crying every night, ’cause I’m not.”

Dodd chimed in, telling her friend to go on medication to help her, but that caused even more problems. 

“I’m not going on medication! I’m not doing it,” she shouted.

“I am entitled to feel what I’ve been feeling. I’m entitled to feel my pain. … I am who I am, and I’m going through a lot of pain.” 

“And I get it; everybody’s going through a lot of pain. …[But] stop acting like I’m some goddamn mental case.”

But Judge was not prepared to listen anymore. There’s only so many times you can try help someone who does not want to accept there’s something wrong. 

“Then cry every night, I don’t care anymore because nobody can help you,” Judge shrieked.

“You don’t want to take any help. I’m trying to help you. Just listen. Stop screaming for one f—— time in your life and listen. Listen! You won’t listen!”

“I can’t do this anymore,” Judge yelled at Beador.

“You want to be sad your whole life, be sad your whole life. You don’t want any help, don’t get any help. I don’t give a s— anymore. … Nobody can help you. Nobody can give you any criticism. I’m trying to help you.”

That was enough for Beador to realize the trip was a bust and she was done trying with the ladies, so she disappeared. 

“There’s nothing worse than to feel abandoned and hurt by your friends,” said a deeply concerned Vicki. “I want Shannon to know that I love her and that I’m there for her and she’s going to get through this.”

Who knew Vicki was so friendly?

But Gina did not seem to care about Shannon at all. 

“Why do we feel sad for Shannon?” she asked. “She’s got a lot of money. She’s got business deals. She’s got best friends. Okay, you’re 10 lbs. Overweight. Get over it; you’re not bed-ridden!”

What are your thoughts on the big blow up?

Hit the comments below. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo. 


Monday, October 1, 2018

Seahawks" Earl Thomas Flips Off Seattle Sideline While Carted Off Field

Earl Thomas just flipped off the Seattle Seahawks — his OWN team – after suffering serious injury … and with no new contract to show for it. The All-Pro safety jacked up his leg Sunday during a defensive play against…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

David Eason FLIPS OUT Following Child Porn Allegation: What"s Wrong With You People!

We probably don"t need to tell you that David Eason is not a good guy.

He"s a bigot and a shameless opportunist, and there"s very good reason to believe he"s guilty of child abuse.

But despite his many, many flaws, as far as anyone can tell, David is not guilty of viewing, producing, or distributing child porn.

So for once, the former Teen Mom 2 star"s latest temper tantrum might actually be justified …


1. Bad Dad Dave

David eason eff you

David isn’t winning any Father of the Year awards anytime soon. In fact, CPS has been called to his house 20 times in less than a year.

2. Problem Parents

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

David and his wife, Jenelle Evans, have both been accused of mistreating and neglecting their children, but the latest allegation is really a case of fans being overly sensitive.

3. Jenelle and Ensley

Jenelle evans and daughter on instagram

Both David and Jenelle posted this pic on Instagram earlier this week. It was removed from the site along with another photo after several users reported it as child porn.

4. One Mad Dad

Jenelle evans with ensley

“My beautiful family! Why would you stupid people report these pictures as child pornography?” David captioned the photos after he re-posted them.

5. Angry Eason

David eason allergic to shirts

F-ck you Instagram, f-ck all of you b-tches that reported these pictures,” he continued.

6. How Did This Happen?

David eason kaden

It’s hard to imagine how something like this could be allowed to take place. Fortunately, David was happy to explain the situation …

View Slideshow

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Vicki Gunvalson Flips Out

Vicki Gunvalson and Kelly Dodd’s friendship might never be the same again. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County picked up in the aftermath of the fight that found new housewife, Emily Simpson, threatening to kill Kelly. 

But Vicki wanted to know how her boyfriend, Steve Lodge, wound up being put on blast. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly was livid to learn that Steve was friends with her ex-husband. 

For Kelly, it was like a betrayal, and it was made worse that her then-BFF Vicki failed to see the issue with all of it. 

Gunvalson unpacked what went down with Tamra Judge and Emily. 

“Kelly thinks Steve’s mad at her, and I don’t know what’s going on,” Gunvalson solemnly said to her friends. “And now, Steve doesn’t want anything to do with her.”

“Shane neither,” said Simpson as though anybody cared whether her pot stirrer husband would be friends with the newest cougar in Orange County, adding “he doesn’t have time for it.”

In all honesty, Shane was the one who butted in when Dodd was trying to get the answers from Steve, so if anything, he should be apologizing to Kelly for trying to sink her storyline to get one of his own. 

Emily then went on to say that she was wrong about the way she reacted to Kelly. 

“I probably shouldn’t have said, ‘I’m going to kill you, but obviously it’s a figure of speech,” she said, trying to defend her actions. 

“[Kelly] said the entire time, ‘I just wanna go talk to Steve and fix it,"” added Tamra of the whole scenario. 

“She doesn’t give a rat’s a— about Steve, and I guarantee you she wants to see our relationship fold because she doesn’t want anyone happy,” Gunvalson balked, adding:

“Miserable people like miserable people. I was there.”

That’s when Tamra opted to light the fuse on the dynamite and secure her contract with the show for another season. 

“She said that Steve is only with you for your money,” she said while acting like it was not going to cause another war between the housewives. 

“I thought it appropriate to tell Vicki about what’s being said because the worst thing in this group is a rumor going to another person, another person, another person and not the person who’s directly involved,” Tamra said in defense of her actions. 

“Of course Kelly says that!” Gunvalson screamed as she stopping chopping vegetables.

“Shame on her for talking about my relationship. It’s bulls— that everybody’s always after what I have! Leave me alone! And by the way, I don’t have that much money.”

For what it’s worth, we did get to see Kelly and Tamra have that conversation earlier in the episode. 

“Do you think that guy is hitting it and quitting it?” Kelly asked, of Steve to Tamra.

“My friend was dating the girl that Steve was dating. He told the girlfriend that he’s only using Vicki for money. Swear to God. Dinero! Money talks and bulls— walks.”

“In my book, Steve’s a bad guy,” she added. “He’s hiding something. And everyone should know what kind of a person he is.”

While Tamra was trying to imply she was being nice to Vicki by telling her about the earlier comments, there was also footage that suggested she, too, was not taken in by Steve. 

“She doesn’t love him,” Judge said during a group dinner sans Gunvalson. “I’m sorry, she does not love that man.”

Never one to come to a party without some proof, she reminded the ladies of Shannon’s matchmaker.

“When I was talking with the matchmaker with her, she was like ‘Maybe I should go to him too?’” Judge recalled.

While everyone seemed to be against Gunvalson’s relationship, it was all playing out swimmingly for the cameras. 

“You better not let me down,” she told Lodge as they celebrated her birthday.

“I feel great at 56. It’s been a bumpy couple last three years, but now that Steve’s in my life, I finally feel like I’m at peace.”

 “I don’t need a man for money, and he doesn’t need me for money,” she continued. “I don’t care about stuff. I care about the person.“

“I would date a trash collector if that’s who I fell in love with.”

Lodge seemed to agree. “I think in her mind she feels, ‘I’m successful I don’t need another man’s money, so I’m going to fall in love not because he has money,’ ” he said. “Unlike some other people we know.”

That last little bit of word salad was very likely a jab at Kelly. 

Oh yes, it’s on. 

What are your thoughts on the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Monday on Bravo.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Michael Cohen Flips on Donald Trump, Accuses the President of Federal Crimes

Michael Cohen, who worked for two decades as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, reached a plea deal today with federal prosecutors in court.

In doing so, the man who has often been referred to as the President’s “fixer” implicated the Commander-in-Chief in two major crimes.

Michael Cohen in a Suit


Cohen is now on record as saying “in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office” he acted to keep information that would have been harmful to the candidate and the campaign from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.


Cohen has flipped on his long-time client.

The “candidate” referenced above is very obviously Trump (no one is arguing against this) and the coordinated effort about which Cohen is talking has to do with payments made on Trump’s behalf to a pair of women:

1. Karen McDougal.

2. Stormy Daniels.

Trump allegedly carried on affairs with both of these women and, with Cohen’s assistance, arranged for each to be paid off in order to keep them quiet about the sexual intercourse.

Under regular circumstances, this might not be illegal.

A woman is allowed to sign a contract in which she agrees not to disclose details about nearly anything in exchange for a sum of money.

HOWEVER, Cohen says he was instructed by Trump to make these payments specifically so that news of his affairs would not affect the Presidential election.

The deals were made with the explicit cause of influencing the minds of votes and THAT is what makes them potentially against the law.

“I participated in the conduct for the purposes of influencing the election,” Cohen said about his payments to porn star Daniels and ex-Playboy model McDougal.

Yes, he said this in court.

Yes, it’s safe to assume he will testify to this same charge if he must do so again.

And, yes, it’s possible Cohen has tapes of Trump making various admission and issuing certain directives, since one exchange between the attorney and his former client has already been made public.

It depicts Cohen and Trump discussing the payment that will be made to McDougal.

You can listen to it here:

Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts during his day in court on Tuesday.

The charges against Cohen include:

Tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump… including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate.

Regarding the charge linked to Daniels, Cohen said the money “was later repaid to me by the candidate.”

Trump, of course, has denied having knowledge that Cohen paid anyone off on his behalf and has certainly denied ever paying him back.

Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, didn’t shy away from directly calling out the president this afternoon.

“If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn’t they be a crime for Donald Trump?” he asked in a statement.

That’s a fair question.

Elsewhere this afternoon, Paul Manafort – President Trump’s former campaign chairman, pictured below – was found guilty on eight counts of financial crimes by a federal jury in Virginia.

This verdict came about as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Manafort faces a maximum of 80 years in jail after being found guilty on five tax fraud counts, two counts of bank fraud and one charge of hiding foreign bank accounts.

For the record now, Trump’s former national security advisor, lawyer and deputy campaign manager have all pleaded guilty to various federal crimes.

His former campaign manager has been convicted of eight felonies.

Can you imagine all that Mueller and his team would uncover if this weren’t a Rigged Witch Hunt?!?


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Priest Slaps Crying Baby, Internet Flips Its $hit

Well, this is quite disturbing.

We never thought we"d write that about a video that features a priest and a baptism… but here we are.

Footage of a priest slapping – yes, SLAPPING – a crying baby during a baptism has made its way around the Internet, sparking the sort of outrage you"d expect when, it bears repeating…

… there"s footage of a PRIEST SLAPPING A CRYING BABY.

The YouTube video was initially shared on Reddit with a caption that reads what we just wrote: “A priest slaps an infant during his baptism.”

On Reddit, the user wrote: “this happened today in France, I’m really shocked.”

Well, yeah!

Who would not be?!?

In the 43-second video that we"ve shared above, the unnamed priest is shown holding the child’s tear-filled face as the boy sits in a woman’s arms.

We assume this woman is a loved one.

The priest looks like he"s trying to comfort the young kid… until, in the middle of the video, the man of God is shown slapping the child across his cheek.

There"s certainly no other way to interpret what we"re seeing here.

The boy"s parents react to this violent act with stunned expressions, as their son starts to scream even more.

We then see the priest pulling the child closer as a woman, who appears to be a church official, briefly approaches him.

"I saw this video on Facebook and I cried," wrote one Twitter user in response, adding:

"I was filled with anger and sadness. If I was the mother of that baby I wouldn’t hesitate to push or slapped the damn priest back!! I don’t care what he is!!"

At one point, the infant struggles in the priest’s arms, prompting a man nearby to forcibly remove the kid from the priest’s arms.

It"s just weird and wild and disturbing stuff all around.

"This child will be traumatized by [priests] now," wrote another grossed-out social media user.

“This is so scary and sickening, that baby knew that’s the devil in disguise,” another added. “That’s no priest.”

Watch the controversial footage above.

Priest slaps crying baby internet flips its %24hit

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Oprah Flips Out Over Getting Her Own Exhibit at the Smithsonian

Oprah is absolutely shook about becoming an exhibit at a Smithsonian museum … as you’re about to see in this video. Seriously, it’s “everybody gets a car” level excitement! The TV queen spoke to Adam Glyn Tuesday in NYC, where he…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Lani Blair Texts Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian FLIPS OUT

While even Kanye is calling out Tristan Thompson for his cheating scandal, Khloe has been doing her best to ignore it.

Unfortunately, one of Tristan’s “ex” side chicks apparently sent him a message. Recently.

And Khloe was absolutely enraged.

If you pretend like your relationship problems never happened, they just go away and never come back … right?

That seems to be Khloe’s response to Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, at any rate.

HollywoodLife reports that Lani Blair texted Tristan, sending Khloe into a rage.

“Khloe became furious when she found out that Lani had reached out to Tristan with a simple text message wishing him good luck in the finals.”

Tristan, like so many of the men in Khloe’s disastrous romantic entanglements, is a professional athlete. He plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

“Khloe and Tristan have been working on their trust issues.”

Yep. Khloe apparently believes that the man who cheated on her with multiple women while she was pregnant can be redeemed.

“So he thought it would be best to let her know that Lani had hit him up and that he did not respond.”

That sounds very honest of him.

Apparently, it didn’t go so well.

“Khloe has little trust in Tristan.”

That is very understandable and, quite frankly, a relief to fans who worried that Khloe had lost her mind.

“So knowing that Lani continues to text him was a real punch in the gut.”

Knowing that your baby daddy used to slip it to a model and bartender on the side while you were cultivating his child in your womb is one thing.

Hearing that she had the audacity to send him a text message … that’s something else.

It’s hard to be in denial about cheating when the guy is still getting messages from his mistress.

Apparently, the whole incident left Khloe feeling rattled and confused.

“Khloe believed Tristan when he promised he would be loyal and faithful after getting caught cheating.”

We have no idea how he convinced her, since he wasn’t the first time.

“But now she doesn’t know what to think.”

We’d point out that Tristan was honest in this story. That should count for something.

But it sounds like Khloe just hated to be reminded of something that she’d rather forget.

“She is shocked Lani is still lingering and can’t wait for the season to be over.”

This season of Tristan’s sport, which is basketball.

We can’t confirm that any of that took place, but the report is intriguing.

But Lani is definitely still out there, and her pics are still getting hate from Khloe fans.

One commented on Instagram.

“You really think people are about to mind their own business while you out in public with a NBA player who’s dating a Kardashian?! You’re a stripper you should be used to people being all up in your business and then some.”

That commenter then accuses Lani of being a homewrecker, which has always been a stupid term. Except for, like, arsonists.

Lani clapped back, hard.

“First of all I️m not a stripper. I️’m a bartender.”

Good correction.

“Second you are another one writing me essays about s–t you know nothing about. If you were busy taking care of yourself you wouldn’t have time to be writing me and reading my comments waiting to pounce.”

That sounds reasonable.

“I’d never fix my fingers to write about anyone else’s life. You should reflect on this very low point in your life.”

The affair between Tristan Thompson and Lani Blair was wrong, but the report about Khloe’s reaction to the call makes it sound like Khloe is blaming Tristan’s side pieces for his actions.

Tristan is a grown man.

And we can only guess at what he may have told Lani, but her clapback seems to hint that Tristan may have told her things — true or false — about his relationship with Khloe.

It’s shameful that so many in society are willing to blame “the other woman” instead of the cheater.

It sounds like Khloe has a lot of processing to do. We hope that spending time with her family, who love and support her, will help her to do that.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jax Taylor Flips OUT, Drives Scheana Marie to Tears

Jax Taylor has had a rough year.

Granted, many of his problems are self-created, such as the drama that ensued when he was caught cheating on Brittany Cartwright.

But Taylor has also encountered some misfortunes that were not of his own doing.

In December, for example, Jax’s father died following a long battle with cancer.

Though the Vanderpump Rules star and his co-stars have had their share of ups and downs over the years, Jax’s friends, former friends, and even ex-girlfriends rallied around him in his time of need.

In fact, the entire Vanderpump cast was in attendance at one or both of the two memorial events held in the elder Taylor’s honor … with one notable exception.

Yes, Scheana Marie not only failed to attend either funeral, according to Jax she couldn’t even be bothered to offer her condolences.

Granted, Scheana had a lot on her plate what with her fixation on Rob Valletta’s ability to mount a flatscreen on the wall in seven minutes flat, but she still could’ve taken ten seconds to fire off a text.

Of course, it’s a classic he said, she said situation, with Jax claiming he never heard from Scheana, and Scheana insisting that she texted him as soon as she heard the news.

We may never know for sure who’s telling the truth (smart money is on Scheana, obvi), but the situation made for some major fireworks during the first part of this season’s Vanderpump reunion show.

It all started when Jax aptly pointed out that it was sort of messed up of Scheana to try and set Brittany up on dates 

(Encourage your friend to dump her problematic boyfriend all you want, but don’t getting third parties involved in an already messed-up situation.)

It didn’t take long for Jax to leap from one sore subject to another, 

“You didn’t even call me when my father died,” he shouted.

Scheana became visibly upset, but as we learned earlier this season, once Jax loses his cool, it’s not easy to reign him in.

“F-ck you! You can’t even keep a boyfriend for more than five minutes,” he screamed, causing Scheana to run off stage.

Of course, Scheana’s absence didn’t bring an end to Jax’s tirade:

“Once in a while be a human being and don’t be an ‘I’m on a TV show all the time.’” he went on.

“Maybe that’s why half of her relationships have gone down the sh—ter.”

We can’t help but think there’s more going on between these two than social faux pas from six months ago.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more pasta-fueled insanity.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Don Cheadle Flips Marina del Rey Home for $2.4 Million

Don Cheadle fixed up a shack of a crib near Venice Beach into an architectural marvel in a matter of 4 years — and now he’s cleaned up unloading the place … TMZ has learned. The “House of Lies” actor’s Marina del Rey home recently sold for…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Conor McGregor Flips Off Photogs at Dublin Airport

Not exactly the homecoming Conor McGregor imagined …  The UFC star has finally returned to Ireland after that violent bus attack in Brooklyn … but instead of soaking up the spotlight (as usual), he shot photogs the 1-finger salute.  As…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jax Taylor FLIPS OUT on Lisa Vanderpump: Was He on Drugs?

When Jax Taylor appears on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live, it’s not uncommon for callers to inquire as to the quantity of cocaine that disappears up the Vanderpump Rules star’s surgically-enhanced nose on a nightly basis.

Based on what we saw last night, the answer cannot be given in terms of grams or even ounces, and instead must be envisioned as a relief map of Tony Montana’s desktop.

What we’re saying is, Jax appears to have been halfway to the moon on Colombian marching powder during his latest tirade at SUR, and the resulting sh-tshow could cost him both his fake job (bartender) and his real one (reality TV powder keg).

We joke about Jax’s consumption of booger sugar (kind of), but it’s not hard to see how he ended up so wound up during the climactic of last night’s episode.

Basically, a series of escalating conflicts had Jax’s fight or flight brain in high gear, and we doubt even Kelsey’s magic reiki rocks could have calmed him down.

First, he confronted the random SUR waiter who we’ll call Zoolander about his alleged crush on Brittany Cartwright.

Shortly thereafter, he locked horns with Scheana Marie, who tried to fix Zoolander up with Brittany.

After that, Jax got into it with James Kennedy over allegations that James hooked up with Kristen during the recent group trip to Mexico.

Unfortunately for Mr. Taylor the situation came to a head just as Lisa Vanderpump walked into SUR to check otu “See You Next Tuesday” for herself.

Lisa tried to calm Jax down, and well … it didn’t go smoothly:

“F–k you all,” shouted a wild-eyed Jax in the middle of his place of employment.

“F–k you all, you f–king lying sacks of goddamn s–t. F–k you all,” he continued, making a solid case for hinself as the most unhinged individual in the realty television landscape.

Astonishingly, he then made the baffling decision to flip Lisa off, which predicably led to him getting expelled from the restaurant.

“Of all the places that you choose to have a meltdown, why choose the place that has paid your bills for the last seven years?”

“Of hundreds of employees, I’ve never had anybody speak to me the way you speak to me,” Lisa continued after Jax refused to leave.

“You’re arrogant and you’re obnoxious. You’re acting like a little f–king baby.” 

At that point, Taylor broke the fourth wall and removed his microphone, leading some viewers to theorize that he’d quit the show, especially since all of this comes on the heels of rumors about Jax breaking up with Brittany and movin to Florida.

Needless to say, #PumpRules Twitter went wild.

“It only took 6 years, but we, the fans of #PumpRules, finally get what we deserve: a full blown Jax coke tantrum,” wrote one fan.

“Could you imagine being at SUR as Jax had that ungodly meltdown? Bc that would be a dream come true for me,” joked another.

“Next season. Jax: the intervention,” a third remarked.

But the tweet of the night belongs to Ira Madison III wh threw it all the way back to James’ “it’s not about the pasta” comments from earlier this season:

“How much pasta did Jax have tonight?”

We think it’s time for Mr. Taylor to put down the grated parm and stick to oregano.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more troubling behavior from the man we like to call the West Coast Situation.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Amber Portwood: FLIPS OUT on Marriage Boot Camp! Watch!

Amber Portwood has never been known as the most rational of the Teen Moms.

Sure, she might look downright level-headed compared to the likes of Jenelle Evans or Farrah Abraham or any of the losers that she"s dated in recent years, but deep down, Amber is a violent nutjob.

And she reminded us of that fact in a big way recently.

You see, back when Amber was still engaged to Matt Baier, the couple appeared on We TV"s Marriage Boot Camp.

We knew it didn"t end well for them (Matt fled for Vegas before filming was finished, and Amber got pregnant by Andrew Glennon, a producer on the show.), but until today, we didn"t know just how ugly things got.

In a preview clip released this morning, we see Amber absolutely lose it on rapper Jim Jones, who had the audacity to state that maybe "reality TV star" isn"t the most promising career path.

“Especially when you look at the whole overall scheme of reality TV, it’s pretty much bullsh-t to make some money,” Jones said in a conversation that had nothing to do with Portwood.

This simple and 100 percent true statement was enough to make Amber fly off the handle:

"Get the f-ck out of her. Let me tell you something right now," Portwood interrupted.

"I"ve been on reality television for 10 f-cking years. I"ve been real since day one. That"s not true. Not all reality television stars are like that."

She went to attack Jones" fiancee, Chrissy Lampkin, as well as pretty much the entire cast.

It"s anyone"s guess as to why Amber was even more temperamental than usual, but this may serve as confirmation of Brandi Glanville"s claims.

The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star says that while Amber claimed to be sober during filming, she often far from it.

Check out Amber"s full meltdown below:

Amber portwood flips out on marriage boot camp watch

Thursday, March 8, 2018

McDonald"s Flips Its Arches Upside Down for International Women"s Day

Today is International Women"s Day!

If you"ve noticed a McDonald"s sign where its famous golden arches are turned upside-down to form what looks like a yellow "W," no, it"s not an elaborate prank.

McDonald"s has simply chosen this as a symbolic gesture to celebrate International Women"s Day.

Mcdonalds sign for international womens day

Obviously, the yellow "M" doesn"t stand for "men" the other 364 days of the year.

But, as McDonald"s announced via Twitter, they wanted to celebrate the role that women play in the world and in their company.

"Today, we flip our Golden Arches to celebrate the women who have chosen McDonald"s to be a part of their story."

And here"s a dazzling statistic that some may find surprising.

"In the U.S. we’re proud to share that 6 out of 10 restaurant managers are women."

Managers aren"t the same as owners or board members, but that"s not nothing, folks.

Mcdonalds twitter banner for international womens day

Not all restaurants flipped their signs, but a number have.

(You can see some of those in the video below)

Apparently 100 different McDonald"s restaurants have the upside-down "packaging, crew shirts and hats, and bag stuffers" to celebrate on Thursday.

Responses have varied, and the move is certainly getting a lot of attention and free publicity.

Some who aren"t on social media might have forgotten that Thursday was International Women"s Day at all if the story weren"t getting so much buzz.

Mcdonalds upside down

Wendy Lewis, McDonald"s Chief Diversity Officer, elaborated on the company"s motives behind the gesture.

"In celebration of women everywhere, and for the first time in our brand history, we flipped our iconic arches for International Women"s Day in honor of the extraordinary accomplishments of women everywhere and especially in our restaurants."

She continues:

"From restaurant crew and management to our C-suite of senior leadership, women play invaluable roles at all levels, and together with our independent franchise owners, we"re committed to their success."

That"s … a very corporate-sounding message, but there"s nothing wrong with that.

Mcdonalds for international womens day 2018

Entertainingly, for copyright purposes, a lot of Japanese animation has, for years, featured characters attending unnamed fast food restaurants to eat burgers and fries.

These restaurants are represented by giant yellow "W" signs, clearly representative of McDonald"s without directly infringing upon their trademark.

This ongoing workaround trope has led a number of anime fans to refer to such restaurants as "WacDonald"s."

As a result, some people have joked on social media that anime McDonald"s franchises had been celebrating International Women"s Day for years.

Some on social media have joked that McDonald"s now has grounds to sue "every anime ever made," though we don"t know that the legal argument would hold up in court.

It is strongly unlikely that corporate leadership of McDonald"s had this in mind when they decided on this gesture.

Mcdonalds exterior

Overall, responses have varied.

Some suggest that this symbolic move is "reductive," akin to offering pink things to "celebrate" women in an empty gesture that is almost insulting.

Some have pointed to the "W" signs as seeming like something out of a The Onion article.

And then some put the restaurant on blast, writing: "Instead of empty gestures like flipping your arches, how about improving working conditions for your women workers?"

Others, however, point out that International Women"s Day is a holiday and that McDonald"s putting up decorations is a nice reminder.

Take a look at this short video showing a few examples of the fast food franchise"s transformed signs.

Mcdonalds flips its arches upside down for international womens

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

JuJu Smith-Schuster Flips Off Pats Fan In Tom Brady Jersey

JuJu Smith-Schuster is playin’ with fire!!! The Pittsburgh Steelers rookie WR was asked to take a pic with a fan who happened to be wearing a Tom Brady jersey … and he obliged.  BUT, HE SNUCK IN A MIDDLE FINGER AIMED RIGHT AT #12!! JuJu…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Scott Disick FLIPS OUT Over Sofia Richie"s Ex on New Year"s Eve!

Ah, Scott Disick.

Just when you think the Kardashian family’s resident douche bro has reached his long-anticipated rock bottom, the Lord manages to find a new low.

Or perhaps the problem isn’t that Disick keeps getting worse, but that he continually finds new and bizarre ways to set fire to his wildly privileged existence.

These days Scott’s epic international bender seems to have come to end.

That’s objectively a good thing, as those who know him best believe Disick was on the verge of drinking himself to death.

Just because the father of three is no longer reenacting Leaving Las Vegas, that doesn’t mean he isn’t royally pissing off his loved ones left and right.

These days Scott is dating Sofia Richie, and as though the idea of a 34-year-old drunk dad hooking up with a teenager isn’t repellant enough, the situation is made worse by the fact that Scott is apparently the immature one in the relationship.

According to Page Six, Scott and Sofia were in Aspen to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and they received quite a shock when they stopped by some random rich people party (as though there’s any other kind in Aspen) and encountered Sofia’s ex-boyfriend Lewis Hamilton.

Hamilton is a Formula One racer, whom you might remember for a recent controversy in which he criticized his nephew for wearing a dress, because clearly Sofia only dates the classiest of men.

Hamilton also dated Kendall Jenner, so this situation was all kinds of awkward from the get-go.

To make matters worse, it seems Hamilton was involved in a billiards game with $ 100,000 on the line, because apparently dude is basically homophobic James Bond.

It’s bad enough to unexpectedly run into one of your new girlfriend’s exes, but it’s even worse when he’s something awesome, like betting $ 100,000 on a billiards game.

Shockingly, Disick had been imbibing, and he reportedly lost it when he saw Hamilton and Richie conversing.

“Sofia started talking to Lewis during the [pool] game,” says the source.

“When Scott saw them talking, he went ballistic, crazy. He was very jealous. He insisted they leave the party immediately.”

As is always the case with this sort of thing, reps who weren’t even there for the incident have stepped in to assure us that there’s no issue:

“Although Mr. Hamilton was in Aspen for the holiday, there was no jealousy, no fight, and no issue; rather, as Ms. Richie has herself confirmed, there was a perfectly friendly, polite exchange and any claim to the contrary is simply false,” a source for Hamilton claims.

So we’ll put the question to you, dear reader:

What’s more likely, that Scott handled the situation like an adult, or that he flipped out like the petulant drunk toddler that he is?

We rest our case.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

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University of Tennessee Player Flips Double Bird at Alabama Fans

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Monday, October 9, 2017

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