Showing posts with label Lani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lani. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tristan Thompson to Lani Blair: I"m Gonna Need You to Stop Being a Stripper

Back in April, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian while she was pregnant with his child.

Obviously, it was a painful situation for Khloe and her loved ones involved, but if you ask Tristan, he’s the real victim here.

Thompson took a good deal of flak online in the weeks after news of the scandal broke.

As it turns out, cheating on a pregnant girlfriend isn’t great for one’s public image. Who knew?!

Anyway, instead of admitting fault and vowing to do better, Thompson begged for compassion from the public, because clearly, no one has suffered like he has.

Now that his team’s run in the NBA playoffs has come to an end, Tristan is able to commit himself full-time to repairing his relationship with Khloe.

But instead, he’s devoting himself to repairing his reputation by ushering his side-pieces away from the spotlight.

Lani Blair is a well-known exotic dancer in the D.C. area who participated in a tryst with Tristan while he was in the city with his team.

Obviously, Blair is more in-demand than ever since being exposed as one of Tristan’s cheating partners, and she’s wisely decided to cash in on her sudden fame.’

(Tristan’s the one who’s at fault here, folks. Lani has every right to capitalize on the mess he made.)

But apparently, Thompson not only wants Blair to stop making money off of his name, he wants her to give up her livelihood entirely.

“Lani thinks Tristan is crazy because he asked her to stop dancing for money,” a source close to the situation tells In Touch

“She thinks he’s lost his mind. He told her she’s ruining his imagine by being in the club scene, hosting parties, and letting everyone throw cash on her.”

Understandably, Lani has no interest in granting Tristan’s wish: 

“Lani thinks his request is too possessive, especially since she’s not his main girl,” the insider claims.

“She told him she’s going to continue to do her unless he’s ready to step up and give her the world.”

Wait … not his main girl?!

Does that mean Tristan is still in contact with Lani?

Well, based on her latest comments … probably.

Asked by In Touch if Tristan acknowledged her recent birthday in any way, Lani cryptically replied:

“A lot of people wished me a happy birthday.”

We’re sure Khloe just loved that remark.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Lani Blair Texts Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian FLIPS OUT

While even Kanye is calling out Tristan Thompson for his cheating scandal, Khloe has been doing her best to ignore it.

Unfortunately, one of Tristan’s “ex” side chicks apparently sent him a message. Recently.

And Khloe was absolutely enraged.

If you pretend like your relationship problems never happened, they just go away and never come back … right?

That seems to be Khloe’s response to Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, at any rate.

HollywoodLife reports that Lani Blair texted Tristan, sending Khloe into a rage.

“Khloe became furious when she found out that Lani had reached out to Tristan with a simple text message wishing him good luck in the finals.”

Tristan, like so many of the men in Khloe’s disastrous romantic entanglements, is a professional athlete. He plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

“Khloe and Tristan have been working on their trust issues.”

Yep. Khloe apparently believes that the man who cheated on her with multiple women while she was pregnant can be redeemed.

“So he thought it would be best to let her know that Lani had hit him up and that he did not respond.”

That sounds very honest of him.

Apparently, it didn’t go so well.

“Khloe has little trust in Tristan.”

That is very understandable and, quite frankly, a relief to fans who worried that Khloe had lost her mind.

“So knowing that Lani continues to text him was a real punch in the gut.”

Knowing that your baby daddy used to slip it to a model and bartender on the side while you were cultivating his child in your womb is one thing.

Hearing that she had the audacity to send him a text message … that’s something else.

It’s hard to be in denial about cheating when the guy is still getting messages from his mistress.

Apparently, the whole incident left Khloe feeling rattled and confused.

“Khloe believed Tristan when he promised he would be loyal and faithful after getting caught cheating.”

We have no idea how he convinced her, since he wasn’t the first time.

“But now she doesn’t know what to think.”

We’d point out that Tristan was honest in this story. That should count for something.

But it sounds like Khloe just hated to be reminded of something that she’d rather forget.

“She is shocked Lani is still lingering and can’t wait for the season to be over.”

This season of Tristan’s sport, which is basketball.

We can’t confirm that any of that took place, but the report is intriguing.

But Lani is definitely still out there, and her pics are still getting hate from Khloe fans.

One commented on Instagram.

“You really think people are about to mind their own business while you out in public with a NBA player who’s dating a Kardashian?! You’re a stripper you should be used to people being all up in your business and then some.”

That commenter then accuses Lani of being a homewrecker, which has always been a stupid term. Except for, like, arsonists.

Lani clapped back, hard.

“First of all I️m not a stripper. I️’m a bartender.”

Good correction.

“Second you are another one writing me essays about s–t you know nothing about. If you were busy taking care of yourself you wouldn’t have time to be writing me and reading my comments waiting to pounce.”

That sounds reasonable.

“I’d never fix my fingers to write about anyone else’s life. You should reflect on this very low point in your life.”

The affair between Tristan Thompson and Lani Blair was wrong, but the report about Khloe’s reaction to the call makes it sound like Khloe is blaming Tristan’s side pieces for his actions.

Tristan is a grown man.

And we can only guess at what he may have told Lani, but her clapback seems to hint that Tristan may have told her things — true or false — about his relationship with Khloe.

It’s shameful that so many in society are willing to blame “the other woman” instead of the cheater.

It sounds like Khloe has a lot of processing to do. We hope that spending time with her family, who love and support her, will help her to do that.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Lani Blair Attempts to Apologize to Khloe Kardashian, Gets Brutally Shut Down

It’s been over a month since the world first learned that Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian.

At first, it looked as though some of Tristan’s cheating partners might attempt to cash in on their newfound fame.

Hell, one of them even took to Instagram to imply that Tristan got her pregnant.

But all these weeks later, Tristan’s companions haven’t given any interviews or inked any reality show deals.

Part of the reason for this might be lack of interest in their side of the story.

Sure, the media was foaming at the mouth to talk to Tiger Woods’ porn stares, but Tristan Thompson is not Tiger Woods.

The public is interested in Khloe’s story, and no one really wants to hear from the basketball groupies who spent the night with Tristan – including Khloe.

Tristan’s most high-profile side-piece was a stripper named Lani Blair, who’s apparently something of a big deal in the D.C. area.

At first, Lani seemed to be enjoying the attention, but she later had a change of heart and made her Instagram account private.

Now, it seems she’s experiencing a crisis of conscience and feels genuinely remorseful about hooking up with Tristan.

“Lani reached out and apologized to Khloe,” a source tells In Touch Weekly.

“She got her number from Tristan. Before she could finish, Khloe hung up,” the insider adds.

“Lani called back, left a message, and told Khloé she feels awful, won’t do it again, and basically left an honest, genuine. and heartfelt apology.”

Lani reportedly wasn’t surprised when Khloe failed to call her back, but still stands by her decision to reach out and apologize.

“She really feels bad for what she’s caused both Khloe and Tristan,” says the source.

Um … she feels bad for what she did to Tristan?!

We’re pretty sure you can rest easy on that score, Lani.

He wasn’t making those noises out of pain.

Anyway, we suppose it was nice of Lani to try and make things right, but you really can’t blame Khloe for her reaction.

Sometimes, you’re just not in the mood to chat with your husband’s mistress.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Lani Blair: Banging Tristan Thompson During the Playoffs?!?

Earlier this week, Tristan Thompson broke his social media silence.

The professional basketball player shared his first message on Instagram Sunday night, but he didn’t issue any sort of apology for stepping out on Khloe Kardashian multiple times over the past few months.

And perhaps we now know why.

Perhaps Thompson isn’t actually sorry for his duplicitous actions.

These actions, of course, include allegedly sleeping with women when Khloe was three months pregnant and then again when she was eight months pregnant.

There’s a very good chance he slept with others, as well, but these instances were the ones actually documented on surveillance video footage obtained by The Daily Mail and TMZ.

But none of this is news any longer.

If you’re a fan of celebrity gossip, you’ve very well aware at this point that Thompson has been cheating regularly on Kardashian.

Did you know the following, however:

He STILL may be cheating!

We mentioned above that Thompson likely doesn’t regret his dishonest behavior of late because a new tabloid report alleges that he hasn’t changed it one bit.

According to In Touch Weekly, Thompson asked Khloe before round one of the playoffs whether she wanted the four box seats Cleveland allocated to him for home playoff games.

She said no (because, d’uh!), a source tells this tabloid, prompting Thompson to give the tickets instead to … Lani Brown!

Yes, that Lani Brown!

The same Lani Brown who is among the women Tristan has been slipping his penis to at various points over the past year or so.

Now, just because Brown accepted these tickets, does that mean she also accepted Tristan into her bed after he played in the aforementioned playoffs games?

Yes. We’re just gonna go ahead and say yes, that is exactly what it means.

We’d ask Brown whether this rumor is true, but she isn’t speaking to The Hollywood Gossip at the moment.

Or any website or person connected to the Internet.

The Instagram model has disabled comments on her social media account after a variety of users left vicious remarks on her photos.

One example read: “Hope your next man does the same thing to you as you did to her.

And another: “She just wants to get famous off the Kardashians… just because she has nothing else going for her so being a mistress was her key to fame.”

Aggressive, right?

Thompson, meanwhile, will be in Toronto most of this week, as the Cavs tip-off round two of the playoffs against the Raptors.

He’ll return to Cleveland for game three on Saturday, but it remains unclear if he’ll even go back to a home also occupied by his baby mama and daughter.

Recent reports state that Khloe is still living in Cleveland, but not under Tristan’s roof.

Will she finally end the romance after all of Thompson’s cheating?

Sources say she’s torn, but she’s feeling pressure from her relatives to do so.

“The family has given Khloe an ultimatum: ‘It’s Tristan or us,"” an insider tells In Touch Weekly, adding:

“None of the family [members] can stand to be around Tristan. Kris told him to his face that she was disgusted by his behavior.”

So are we.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tristan Thompson: STILL Hooking Up With Lani Blair?

When news first broke that Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe, before the other videos and stories of other women came out, the world saw Tristan with a woman in D.C.

That woman was later identified as Lani Blair.

Disturbingly, even as Tristan is supposedly begging Khloe’s forgiveness, it’s reported that he hasn’t broken things off with Lani.

A source tells InTouch Weekly that, despite their exposure and the ensuing scandal, Tristan and Lani haven’t gone their separate ways.

“Lani and Tristan are still talking.”

That is worrisome, since the first thing that you should do if you want to save your relationship is dump your side pieces once it’s revealed that you’re a no-good dirty cheater.

And this same source divulges that the two are doing more — worse — than just maintaining a dialogue.

Allegedly, Tristan and Lani are “still sexting.”

Yeah, that’s worse. Sexting, if you don’t know by now and at this point are frankly afraid to ask, is essentially having phone sex without talking out loud.

You exchange erotic text messages, you exchange photos in various states of undress, and you may even exchange short, salacious videos of yourself.

This is not something that a man trying to stay with the mother of his child should be doing.

But it gets worse.

The source has more to reveal about Tristan and Lani.

They “are still hooking up!”

One thing has changed — as they say that Tristan is being much more careful to hide his activities than he was when Khloe was pregnant.

“Only this time, it’s behind the scenes.”

Disturbingly, Tristan is allegedly responding to being caught by only growing sneakier.

Despite the ongoing adventures of his duplicitous penis, Tristan is “desperately trying to win back Khloe’s trust.”

Guy, this is not the way to do it.

Apparently, Tristan has one reason in particular for needing to continue his illicit affair with Lani Blair.

“Tristan’s got a lot going on and needs his mental state to be on point.”

The source goes on to list those reasons.

“He just had a new baby.”

While that’s a major life event, most would see it as yet another reason to not cheat.

“He’s in the playoffs.”

Tristan plays sports for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and some say that the real reason he’s been benched is because of this huge cheating scandal.

Allegedly, Tristan is treating Lani like some sort of therapist.

“He’s trying to stay focused right now and it’s like Lani’s the only woman who gets him.”

Apparently, Lani has all of the qualities that help him to decompress after the stresses of his life.

“She’s definitely being a calm, warm and loving person to him.”

This source asserts that this is not the time for Tristan to go cold turkey on cheating.

“Tristan needs that right now!”

Yeah. We’re sure that her big butt has nothing to do with it.

Maybe it’s true that Tristan uses sex and cheating as some sort of crutch to reduce stress.

A lot of people do. On its own, using sex for stress relief is fine.

But if you want to happily engage in a loving monogamous relationship, which is absolutely what he’ll need to do if he wants to stay with Khloe (if she’ll even have him back), you need to find a new coping strategy.

In the mean time, Khloe reportedly has people looking into Tristan’s activities so that she can pin down exactly how many side pieces he has.

Staying connected to Lani or to any other woman who isn’t Khloe is likely to come out … and it’s not going to go over well with his baby mama.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lani Brown: Meet Tristan Thompson"s Alleged Bangee!

Give Tristan Thompson credit:

He knows how to pick his mistresses!

Okay, fine, nevermind: Tristan Thompson gets no credit, not when numerous outlets are reporting that he has cheated on Khloe Kardashian multiple times.

The most recent (alleged) time took place in late March, just a week or so prior to when Khloe was scheduled to give birth.

According to Page Six, Thompson took an Instagram model named Lani Brown back to his hotel in New York City after partying with her at a rooftoop lounge in Manhattan.

What did they do inside this hotel room? You may use your imagination.

Who is Lani Brown?!? Check out some of her more provocative images below…

1. Here She Is!

Lani blair

This is a photo of Lani Blair in a bikini. We can see why Tristan Thompson wanted to do her, but he shouldn’t have when you consider he was dating Khloe Kardashian at the time.

2. A Quick Bio

Lani blair picture

Brown is 28 years old and hails from the Bronx. She has over 362,000 followers on Instagram.

3. Anything Else?

Lani brown pic

Brown allegedly works at a strip club. It’s unclear whether she actually strips or simply serves food/drinks at the establishment.

4. Who, Me?!?

Lani brown photo

After her name became associated with Thompson in this manner, Brown made her Instagram account private. Could be a coincidence. Could also NOT be.

5. On Instagram

Lani brown on instagram

Lani Brown makes a living as a model on Instagram. It’s not hard to see why she would be popular on this platform.

6. At Work Perhaps?

At work perhaps

We’re not sure where this photo of Lani Brown was taken. But it appears as if she’s working as a cocktail waitress or something.

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