Showing posts with label Hooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hooking. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Dallas Mavericks Hooking Up 120 Wounded Soldiers With Courtside Seats

The Mavs are goin’ ALL OUT to honor wounded U.S. troops Wednesday night … ‘cause they’re flying in 120 soldiers and hookin’ them up with courtside seats AND a fancy 4-course meal!! The team announced it’ll host its 14th annual Seats for Soldiers…


Sunday, October 21, 2018

"Cat Daddy" Rapper Arrested on Outstanding Warrant Just as He Was Hooking Up

One of the guys behind the “Cat Daddy” dance craze got busted in L.A. — but, the ONLY thing on his mind at the time of his arrest was getting some action from a chick he’d just met … at 2 AM. TMZ obtained this video of Jovan “Pee Wee” Clayton –…


Monday, September 3, 2018

Kendall Jenner Could Be Hooking Up with Anwar Hadid

When the dots get connected … it seems like Ben Simmons is in Kendall Jenner’s rear view and she’s fully hooked up with Anwar Hadid. Kendall and Anwar showed up in Malibu. There are no shots of them together, but they were both at the Malibu Chili…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Scheana Marie Hooking Up with "Bachelor in Paradise" Guy

“Vanderpump Rules” star Scheana Marie’s bathing suit says it best — now that she’s hooking up with another hot reality TV star … in Hawaii — yeah, “Living My Best Life” definitely applies here. Scheana and “Bachelor in Paradise” star Robby…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tristan Thompson: STILL Hooking Up With Lani Blair?

When news first broke that Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe, before the other videos and stories of other women came out, the world saw Tristan with a woman in D.C.

That woman was later identified as Lani Blair.

Disturbingly, even as Tristan is supposedly begging Khloe’s forgiveness, it’s reported that he hasn’t broken things off with Lani.

A source tells InTouch Weekly that, despite their exposure and the ensuing scandal, Tristan and Lani haven’t gone their separate ways.

“Lani and Tristan are still talking.”

That is worrisome, since the first thing that you should do if you want to save your relationship is dump your side pieces once it’s revealed that you’re a no-good dirty cheater.

And this same source divulges that the two are doing more — worse — than just maintaining a dialogue.

Allegedly, Tristan and Lani are “still sexting.”

Yeah, that’s worse. Sexting, if you don’t know by now and at this point are frankly afraid to ask, is essentially having phone sex without talking out loud.

You exchange erotic text messages, you exchange photos in various states of undress, and you may even exchange short, salacious videos of yourself.

This is not something that a man trying to stay with the mother of his child should be doing.

But it gets worse.

The source has more to reveal about Tristan and Lani.

They “are still hooking up!”

One thing has changed — as they say that Tristan is being much more careful to hide his activities than he was when Khloe was pregnant.

“Only this time, it’s behind the scenes.”

Disturbingly, Tristan is allegedly responding to being caught by only growing sneakier.

Despite the ongoing adventures of his duplicitous penis, Tristan is “desperately trying to win back Khloe’s trust.”

Guy, this is not the way to do it.

Apparently, Tristan has one reason in particular for needing to continue his illicit affair with Lani Blair.

“Tristan’s got a lot going on and needs his mental state to be on point.”

The source goes on to list those reasons.

“He just had a new baby.”

While that’s a major life event, most would see it as yet another reason to not cheat.

“He’s in the playoffs.”

Tristan plays sports for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and some say that the real reason he’s been benched is because of this huge cheating scandal.

Allegedly, Tristan is treating Lani like some sort of therapist.

“He’s trying to stay focused right now and it’s like Lani’s the only woman who gets him.”

Apparently, Lani has all of the qualities that help him to decompress after the stresses of his life.

“She’s definitely being a calm, warm and loving person to him.”

This source asserts that this is not the time for Tristan to go cold turkey on cheating.

“Tristan needs that right now!”

Yeah. We’re sure that her big butt has nothing to do with it.

Maybe it’s true that Tristan uses sex and cheating as some sort of crutch to reduce stress.

A lot of people do. On its own, using sex for stress relief is fine.

But if you want to happily engage in a loving monogamous relationship, which is absolutely what he’ll need to do if he wants to stay with Khloe (if she’ll even have him back), you need to find a new coping strategy.

In the mean time, Khloe reportedly has people looking into Tristan’s activities so that she can pin down exactly how many side pieces he has.

Staying connected to Lani or to any other woman who isn’t Khloe is likely to come out … and it’s not going to go over well with his baby mama.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"American Idol" Alum Jackie Tohn Knows How Producers Know Contestants Are Hooking Up

“American Idol” producers have a tricky way of keeping tabs on contestants looking to sneak out of their rooms to bang other contestants … according to former ‘Idol’ contestant Jackie Tohn. We got Jackie, who was on season 8, Monday…


"American Idol" Alum Jackie Tohn Knows How Producers Know Contestants Are Hooking Up

“American Idol” producers have a tricky way of keeping tabs on contestants looking to sneak out of their rooms to bang other contestants … according to former ‘Idol’ contestant Jackie Tohn. We got Jackie, who was on season 8, Monday…


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"American Idol" Contestants Hooking Up Like Crazy for New Season

“American Idol” contestants have all been staying in an L.A. hotel together and it’s a good bet they’re keeping other hotel guests up late at night … because there’s been a lot of banging.  Production sources tell us this season is…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Leonardo DiCaprio: Hooking Up With Engaged Beauty Queen?

As you may have heard, the 2018 Oscars were held last night, and while the event was met with a collective shrug and record low ratings, it was an interesting ceremony for a number of reasons.

Change was the theme of the evening, with stars speaking out on issues ranging from the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals to the plight of the young “dreamers” impacted by DACA legislation.

But while one could sense a turning of the tide at the ceremony, it sounds like it was business as usual at the raucous after-parties, where Leonardo DiCaprio was doing what he does best.

To be clear, no one’s ever accused Leo of being anything but a gentleman, and we have no reason to believe he has a #MeToo moment in his future.

In some ways, however, he represents the Hollywood old guard that took a step away from the spotlight last night.

But it sounds like Leo was happily filling the role he was born to play as he party-hopped last night.

According to Radar Online, DiCaprio was spotted getting friendly with recently-corwned Miss California, Kelley Johnson.

“Leo’s head turned the minute he saw her, everyone knows he has a thing for blondes,” a witness tells the outlet.

“They were in a group together talking for quite some time and he told her he was ditching to go for dinner at Delilah,”

Now, Leonardo DiCaprio hooking up with blondes is like the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.

For decades, Americans have comforted themselves with the knowledge that no matter how turbulent their lives may seem, they can rest easy knowing that Leo is probably banging a blonde at that very moment.

It’s a source of stability in an increasingly unstable world.

This time, however, the situation is a little different.

Apparently, Kelley is happily engaged.

Now, to be fair, no one knows for sure if Leo and Kelley hooked up.

But they were spotted talking closely at a party and he invited her to dinner … and this is Leonardo DiCapro we’re talking about.

Kelley took to Instagram last night to gush about how much she enjoyed herself at Hollywood’s biggest night:

“At one point last night I was *literally* standing between Usher, Toby McGuire, and Leonardo DiCaprio looking across the room at The Weeknd, Robert Pattinson, Drake, Dana White, Emma Stone, Vince Vaughn, Ashley Graham, Brittany Snow, John Mayer, Andy Bravo, and sooooo many more incredibly talented people in Paul McCartney’s house.

I know. It’s crazy to me, too. Meeting you all was a dream, it simply could not have been real.

Thank you, WME and Miss Universe, for inviting me to your Oscar Nomination party. And thank you, Leonardo DiCaprio for letting us sit at your table at Delilah afterwards. Last night was one of the best nights of my entire life.”

Some states get all the luck.

Somewhere, Miss Idaho is pinning a ribbon on some farmer who grew a 40-poind potato.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Leah Messer: Yes, I"m Still Hooking Up With Jeremy Calvert!

Way back in 2015, Teen Mom stars Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert got divorced.

Fortunately, it seems that in the years since, they’ve been able to work out an amicable arrangement that works for both of them.

By which we mean, not only are they co-parents, they’ve also been friends with benefits for quite some time.

Or at least that’s what Leah allegedly said during her recent appearance on co-star Kailyn Lowry’s podcast.

The episode hasn’t been released to the public yet, but a source who was on hand for the taping has already spilled some details about Leah’s comments regarding her ex:

“She revealed she and Jeremy have been hooking up, and that it is not going to stop anytime soon,” the insider tells Radar Online.

When Kailyn expressed concern, Leah reportedly put her mind at ease:

“She says that they are just having fun and she’s got it all under control,” says the insider.

Rumors of Leah and Jeremy getting back together have been circulating for months, but this is the first time that either of them has publicly admitted to being more than friends.

Of course, from the sound of Leah’s comments, it doesn’t seem that she and Jeremy will be embarking on a relationship anytime soon.

They seem to be sticking with a “no strings attached” arrangement, which is fine as both of them are single these days.

In fact, as far as we know, Leah hasn’t been in a serious relationship in quite some time.

Jeremy, on the other hand, broke up with Brooke Wehr for the 47th time back in September and has been quite busy in the months since.

In November, he announced that he had broken up with a girlfriend that we weren’t even aware of!

(Pro tip: If you never went public with your relationship, you don’t have to publicly announce your breakup.)

So Leah and Jeremy are both free to mingle as they see fit.

Of course, Leah seems to get attached easily, and when there’s a kid involved, there’s always the potential that things could get very messy.

But hey, we guess Leah wouldn’t be entering her second decade as a reality star if she weren’t a magnet for drama.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Ms. Messer’s messy existence.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Wiz Khalifa, T.I. and Josh Smith Honored for Hooking Up Kids with Gear, Cash

Wiz Khalifa, T.I. and Josh Smith have some shiny new hardware after an award ceremony where the nominees have way more impact on the public than your average Golden Globe winner. The rappers and former NBA star attended the…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Scott Disick: Hooking Up With Teen Models Was SO Rough!

In the preview for the upcoming episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Scott Disick and Kim Kardashian have a heart-to-heart about Scott"s … activities.

Basically, Scott spends some time whining about his time spent having sex with teen models, and how "unfulfilling" that was.

Considering that Scott Disick is now seriously dating one of those teen models, we"d say that the new sneak peek video below has not aged well since it was filmed. What will Sofia Richie think?

Scott disick is flummoxed

There"s a new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians coming out on Sunday, folks.

(It"s also Kris Jenner"s birthday — November 5th! Long live the queen!)

So, we all remember Scott Disick"s misadventures during the spring and summer of 2017.

His long downward spiral eventually put him in the hospital.

Of Scott"s many, many activities, he was mostly associated with two things in 2017:

Booze and Bella Thorne.

Neither of those are inherently bad things, but Scott seemed determined to self-destruct, and they were his weapon of choice.

Scott"s seemingly mellowed since then and isn"t acting out quite as much, but at the time there were genuine fears that he might die.

What some people may have forgotten is that, way back when, Scott Disick was spotted with Sofia Richie. At Cannes.

This is going to be important as you listen to what Scott Disick has to say about what he thought about the young women there.

Kim kardashian listens to scott disick

This Keeping Up With The Kardashians sneak peek shows Scott and Kim having a heart-to-heart about his various flings.

Kim describes what it looked like to her, the Kardashian clan, and the rest of the world when Scott was living it up at Cannes:

"It just looked like it was some big soap opera going on. It was a fun show."

Scott tries to refute that:

"Look at it in my perspective. She was on vacation with one man, a whole trip."

He"s referring, of course, to Kourtney and Younes.

Scott disick kuwtk confessional

Scott continues: 

"That looks like a happier scenario than me, jumping around, trying to find happiness and these girls are not fulfilling that."

One, he seems to be putting it forward that boozing it up and having sex with various 19-year-old models was really some sort of chore and that he deserve sympathy for that.

That"s how it comes across.

Scott then laments:

"I’m just not happy with anybody."

Kim might deserve some sort of award for listening to him complain about that with a straight face.

Scott then tries to explain to the confessional that his activities this year look bad because he"s a man and he"s a bit younger than Kourtney (just by several years) and so his coping mechanisms are a little different.

That"s an excuse easily ridiculed by a classic Tumblr meme:

Some people?? Bang teen models and damage their livers?? To cope!??!

Again, his sexual activity and even the drinking would have been mostly fine if he weren"t a dad, embarrassing his whole family and endangering his own life — which would in turn impact his children.

Scott disick shares break in news

Kim gave Scott some advice:

"I think it’s beyond the girls at this point. I think if you found someone that you were happy with, I think Kourtney would be happy for you, but she sees you out and really drinking and really going through it"

Scott appeared shocked at that news, even though this was fairly obvious to most people, right?

It does seem like Scott has taken that advice, as things are getting serious with Sofia Richie. But how will she respond to hearing him say that she wasn"t fulfilling and didn"t make him happy?

We have a sneaking suspicion that this was filmed before the two of them connected this fall.

Will this be their end?

Scott disick hooking up with teen models was so rough

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber: Hooking Up Again at Secret Meetings?

So, remember how Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian were allegedly boning a couple of years back? Those were simpler times.

They’ve even been rumored to be hooking again more recently, but most they’ve seemed to be busy with different things. In Kourtney’s case, with Younes Bendjima.

But now they’ve been spotted, both slipping into one of Justin Bieber’s favorite spots in L.A. People have to wonder if these two are at it again.

It’s important that we note that it was never confirmed that the newly single Kardashian and the Canadian twink were taking each other to pound town.

At the time, Calabasas insiders reported that Justin and Kourtney were spending a lot of time together.

Then, of course, there were reports that Bieber and Kourtney danced all night at Kendall Jenner’s birthday party.

Sometimes rumors are just that.

Other times, though, enough rumors are flying that you figure that at least some of it must be true.

Even sites that normally thrive on skepticism were reporting that Kourtney and the Biebs hooked up at least once.

After a while, Kourtney Kardashian was accused of “using” Justin Bieber, and it seemed like even Justin himself came to feel that way.

The accusation went that Kourtney was exploiting her relationship with Justin (even if it was just a friendship that people read as something more) for publicity or for revenge against Scott Disick. Or perhaps for both.

Or maybe she was just using him for his much-hyped penis that turned out to be more of a B+ once clear nudes came out.

Even if Kourtney was using him for revenge purposes or dong purposes or both, it doesn’t appear that Justin’s that miffed.

Because, though they arrived separately, the two were spotted entering the same spot in Hollywood.

Interestingly, that place is a church.

So, Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian were spotted entering Hillsong Church in Hollywood.

Though they would have been there at the same time, they entered separately.

Hillsong Church is a Pentacostal megachurch with locations spanning the globe. They actually originated in Australia.

Whatever you may think about naming a house of worship in such a way that it sounds like it could fight Godzilla, megachurches are a thing.

Hillsong Church is said to cater to celebrities, and both Kendall Jenner and Selena Gomez have been known to attend services at that church’s New York branch.

As for Justin and Kourtney attending … we can’t count how many times we’ve seen books, films, and television shows have people slipping into a church in order to have secret meetings.

And, yes, even affairs — though on the list of places we’d consider “sexy” locations, churches rank pretty low on the list. No offense.

It’s easy to imagine that the two of them are using the megachurch as a cover to resume an old fling.

Now, as entertaining as theories about why they’d show up together might be, we have to consider a simpler explanation.

Justin and Kourtney have more in common than both being famous, short, and super hot.

They’re also both devout Christians from very devout Christian families.

Apparently Justin Bieber canceled his tour for Jesus reasons, so we were very familiar with that.

And church and their Christian faith is a huge deal to the Kardashians, too (it may vary from person to person, but Kris is super into it).

So the simplest reality behind this might be that they’re both devout Christians attending the same very large church that cater specifically to their demographic.

But what’s the fun in that explanation?


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Usher Denies Hooking Up with Accuser at Days Inn, Claims Wife is His Alibi

Usher says there’s no way he went to a Days Inn to hook up with the woman suing him … because he was too busy falling in love with the woman who’s now his wife. Sources close to the singer tell TMZ … he says there was never a hotel hookup with…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Spotted Hooking Up in NYC!

Earlier this week, Bella Thorne claimed that she’s never had sex with Scott Disick, but sex is one of those things that everyone lies about.

Even non-celebs fudge the numbers when they’re talking to their doctors for fear of winding up with a cotton swab someplace uncomfortable.

It’s like how Scott blames his yellowish hue on a new spray-tan to that his very concerned physician won’t do a biopsy that reveals a Johnnie Walker Blue label somehow affixed to his liver.

The point is, just because Bella says she never laid on Scott’s mattress-and-boxspring-on-the-floor setup while he dripped sweat on her like a booze-basted rotisserie chicken, that doesn’t mean it never happened.

At first, it looked like this thing was a fling that ended prematurely, and it was totally plausible that the mismatched pseudo-couple never sealed the deal.

Scott and Bella flew to Cannes together for the city’s iconic film festival, but she returned home well ahead of schedule, telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty.

Based on her comments about Scott behaving in exactly the fashion we’ve come to expect, it seemed safe to assume she’d seen the error of her ways and kicked his midlife-crisis-having-ass to the curb.

Oh, how wrong we were.

Within days of her return to the States, Bella was posting photos of flowers sent to her by Scott.

Shortly thereafter, Scott revealed that he’s not dating Bella, just banging her.

Now, every few days, there’s a new report that Bella has come to her senses and ditched the Lord.

But they’re immediately followed by new accounts of Scott and Bella packing on the PDA.

The most recebt incident occurred on Monday, whe Scott and Bella were spotted hooking up at a release party for a new album by DJ Steve Aoki.

“They were hugging a lot,” an eyewitness tells Us Weekly. “They were very lovey-dovey.”

There are conflicting reports as to whether Scott and Bella left the club together.

So why is Bella so willing to turn a blind eye to Scott’s many, many flaws?

Well, it could be that she’s not aware of his problems.

“I’ve never seen Keeping Up with the Kardashians, I saw one episode when I first started talking to Scott, and some people were like, ‘You’ve got to see who he is,’ and I said, ‘I don’t want to,” Thorne revealed in a recent interview.

We’re gonna go ahead and call BS on that.

We live in age where people spend three hours googling their Tinder match before the date.

Bella expects us to believe she didn’t check out a few episodes of her new dude’s long-running reality series before fying to France with him?

If that’s the case, Bella needs to step up her creepin’ game.

Ignorance is no excuse for the law, girl!

And in this case, the law is “don’t catch an STD from Scott Disick.”


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Briana DeJesus: Hooking Up with Javi Marroquin?!

It"s been a few months now since we first heard the news that Briana DeJesus was going to become the fifth Teen Mom 2 cast member.

It hasn"t been an easy adjustment.

We"ve all had a lot of feelings about it, everything from depression about one of our favorite reality shows going through major changes to … well, that actually covers most of it.

It just doesn"t seem like a great idea. Why mess with the perfection that is Teen Mom 2?

Sure, Briana has a bunch of family drama, and she just gave birth to her second child, so there"s baby daddy drama, too.

But still, we"re just not psyched.

Or at least we weren"t until we saw this sneak peek.

In the clip, we see Javi Marroquin walking around a studio — but, contrary to what you might think, this isn"t one of Kailyn Lowry"s clips.

Nope, Javi and Briana are just that tight.

He goes into a greenroom reserved for Briana, her sister Brittany, and their mother, Roxanne, and Briana is waiting to give him a great big hug.

He hugs Brittany too, and he even asks Nova, Briana"s daughter, for a hug — how close are these people?

Javi recounts seeing Brittany a few months before (probably when the rumors that they were hooking up began), but says that he hasn"t seen Briana in forever.

"Your mom tried hooking me and Briana up," he tells Brittany, "but she"s pregnant now, so that"s actually kind of out the window now."

"You let me know," he says to Briana. "You got my number."

Briana, meanwhile, plays with her hair and looks pretty awkward about the whole thing — like if she wasn"t pregnant, she"d be hitting Javi up immediately.

"Let"s not start this drama up right now," Brittany laughs.

Which was the wrong thing to say — all we want is this drama right now.

Javi changes the subject to Briana"s pregnancy, but he gives away his feelings again when he asks her about "the lucky guy" who impregnated her.

Way to play it cool, Javi.

And with this one little sneak peek, we"re officially 100 times more excited about Briana"s inclusion on Teen Mom 2 — if only for the Kailyn drama this will surely bring.

Watch everything go down in the video below:

Briana dejesus hooking up with javi marroquin

Friday, June 23, 2017

Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Boozing and Hooking Up at Lana Del Rey"s Birthday Party!

It’s official: We’re done feeling bad for Bella Thorne for being used and bamboozled by noted user and bamboozler Scott Disick.

When Bella traveled to Cannes with Scott, we figured this was just a case of a 19-year-old getting in over her head with a 34-year-old in the midst of a premature midlife crisis.

She came home early and told the world it was because Disick drank too much and generally acted like a D-bag, we figured she’d come to her senses.

And when Scott sources told the world that Disick dumped Thorne because she smelled bad (ouch), we figured that was good insurance that she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

Oh, how wrong we were.

According to TMZ, Scott and Bella raged hard last night, this time keeping the party on their home turf of LA.

The couple hit up a birthday party for singer Lana Del Rey, where they partied until 2 am.

But this is Scott Disick and a teenager we’re talking about, so it’s not like they went home after that.

No, from there, Scott and Bella hit an after-party, where they continued to get their drink on.

Onlookers say they eventually left the party with an unidentified female friend.

We don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but Scott and Bella were reportedly trying to make a threesome happen during their time in Cannes, so …

Yeah, we actually do want to jump to conclusions.

We’re gonna go ahead and say it’s a safe bet that Scott and Bella finally got their orgy on last night.

Maybe now that she has “three-way with a depressive drunk dad” crossed off her bucket list, Bella can go back to dating guys who aren’t conducting neverending stress tests on their own livers.

Or at least guys who aren’t 15 years her senior and using her to make their exes jealous.

Like we said, it’s her life, and she can do what she pleases with it … but she shouldn’t more sympathy from the public.

Fool her once, shame on Scott.

Fool her five times, Scott wakes up still clutching a bottle of Jack, asks what her name is again, and Bella finally realizes she done effed up.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Scott Disick: STILL Hooking Up With Bella Thorne on the Down-Low!

If you’re like us, you were shocked to see Bella Thorne hooking up with Scott Disick in Cannes last month.

It wasn’t the age difference or the general randomness of the pairing that threw us off guard, but the fact that Bella would involve herself with a guy who’s caught up in one of the most high-profile downward spirals of recent years.

Ever since he learned that Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima, Scott has been publicly self-destructing, reportedly as a means of convincing his ex to take him back.

We have no way of confirming Scott’s motives, and the tabloids may be favoring that narrative simply because it’s more compelling than a 34-year-old father of three blowing up his life because he sees no other option.

Whatever the case, Disick doesn’t appear to have much interest in turning things around for himself, and it’s strange that Bella would hop on board for a ride to the bottom.

Naturally, the whole thing ended about as badly as everyone except Bella realized it would.

She returned home with tales of drunkenness and cruelty.

Disick said he dumped Thorne; she claimed to have kicked him to the curb.

Whatever the case, they were over within a matter of days.

Or were they?

Yesterday, Bella posted some bikini pics, and at first, no one thought anything of it, because she does that every day.

Then TMZ noticed something interesting:

Bella posed in her swimwear in Scott’s backyard.

We’re not saying that necessarily means they’re still hooking up … except, yeah, we’re totally saying that, because who goes to their ex’s house for a scantily-clad photoshoot?

Both Scott and Bella have been silent on the subject of their continued relationship, which is all the more reason to assume they’re stll hooking up.

And of course, we’re more confused now than we were before.

After all, when Bella went to Cannes with Scott, she was at least getting some exposure out of the deal.

Now she’s just hooking up with a self-destructive boozehound because that’s apparently what she’s into?

We know Scott’s the drunk here, but Bella might be the one who needs an intervention.


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Hooking Up with Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson?!

Oh, what a world we live in …

If you’ve been watching this season of Marriage Boot Camp, you know that both Farrah Abraham and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson have some messed up families.

On the show — this season is the Reality Stars Family Edition, remember? — we’ve seen Farrah try to work on her troubled relationship with her parents, Debra and Michael.

We’ve also seen Chad deal with his insane nightmare of a mother, Paula.

Paula has surprised us all by being the worst person on the show, which is quite the accomplishment when Farrah is involved.

And on Friday night’s new episode, both ladies got into a bit of a spat.

They’ve never gotten along, but things got heated when Paula asked Farrah if she’d graduated high school.

She said that yes, she did, and she also went through college, “and guess what, I didn’t have to leave my kid like you did!”

Which isn’t entirely correct — on Teen Mom, we saw Farrah leave little Sophia with her parents while she went to college in Florida, but we know what she means.

She never abandoned Sophia, where Paula really left some deep wounds with Chad.

Paula didn’t take kindly to Farrah’s remark and called her “trailer park trash,” to which Farrah said “When I go f-ck your son, I’ll send you a picture.”

… What now?

It’s a weird remark to make, even if Farrah was planning on sleeping with Chad at some point.

But at least now, according to some screenshots Farrah just posted, that did seem to be her plan all along.

“Paula realize your not going to treat people badly, attack people, provoke, be racist & Be an alcoholic WRONG is WRONG see ya Bye Felicia,” she wrote on Twitter yesterday.

And along with that bizarre, garbled message — classic Farrah — she gave some receipts.

In what looks to be a text message conversation between Farrah and Chad, Chad wrote “Actually we are dating I just didn’t know how to tell you. I love you.”

She responded with “So much love your too funny.”

She blocked out part of the conversation with some new text she put over the image — that charming little bit asking Paula if she wanted a sex tape next.

But then we see that Chad wanted to kiss her — but she shut it down.

In the next screenshot, it looks like these two possible lovebirds are planning a Miami vacation together since, as Chad wrote, “we are dating now.”

It does seem like they’re teasing each other, but it’s some pretty flirtatious teasing — we wouldn’t be surprised if there was a little bit of truth behind the joking.

So is Farrah really hooking up with good ol’ Ochocinco here? Is she just doing it to get back at his mother?

We don’t know, but we do know that this is a trainwreck we won’t be able to look away from anytime soon.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Tarek El Moussa on the Single Life: I"m Hooking Up Left & Right!

The ongoing drama surrounding the Tarek and Christina El Moussa divorce has made unexpected tabloid staples out of a couple of basic cable house-flippers.

The mostly negative attention threatened to sink the El Moussas careers at one point, but now they’ve reached a level of popularity that the Chumlees and Jon Taffers of the world can only dream of.

We’ll leave it you to decide whether that’s a good or bad thing, but there’s no arguing that these days, the El Moussas are more in the spotlight than ever before.

Of course, the publicity has nothing to do with their views on formica countertops and everything to do with their personal lives.

From a drama standpoint, the El Moussas breakup has everything: cheating accusations, a multi-million dollar business empire, attractive people who hate each other …

And it appears that the former couple has no qualms about sharing the messy details of their breakup with an increasingly curious public.

We’ve already been privy to such information as when the El Moussas last slept together and whether or not Christina has found someone new.

But there’s been surprisingly little talk about Tarek’s post-marriage love life.

During a recent interview, E! News asked Tarek if he’s seeing anyone these days.

The answer? No … He’s seeing EVERYONE!

“I’ve really never been single before, believe it or not,” Tarek said.

“It’s a whole new life and I am having a lot of fun. I’m just a free spirit, I’m happy, I love going on dates, I like meeting girls.”

Pressed on whether or not he’s “seeing anyone exclusively” Tarek replied:

“Not anyone specifically … Not exclusively.”

“Not specifically.”

That’s code for “I have an Uber driver waiting outside my house five nights a week.”

Without coming right out and saying it, Tarek is letting us know that he’s not spending many nights alone these days, and he’s loving every minute of it.

As for his ex, Christina dated Nate Thompson of the NHL briefly, but it looks as though she’s single these days.

Last we checked, Christina and Tarek are planning to continue hosting their popular HGTV series together for at least one more season.

Should make for some interesting convos when the cameras aren’t rolling!
