The mother of Kenneka Jenkins — who was found dead in a hotel freezer — says the establishment is to blame for her daughter’s 2017 death … and now wants $ 50 million.
Teresa Martin has filed suit on behalf of her late daughter’s estate against the Crowne Plaza C...
Chicago"s Kenneka Jenkins Mother Sues Hotel for $50 Million ... Over a Year After Teen Found Dead in Freezer
Monday, December 17, 2018
Chicago"s Kenneka Jenkins Mother Sues Hotel for $50 Million ... Over a Year After Teen Found Dead in Freezer
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Kailyn Lowry Would Kick Farrah Abraham"s Ass, "Teen Mom OG" Star Says
If Farrah Abraham gets in a boxing ring with Kailyn Lowry she’s gonna get DESTROYED … at least that’s what one “Teen Mom OG” star is predicting. We got Cory Wharton – he’s Cheyenne Floyd’s baby daddy — at LAX…
Friday, November 16, 2018
"Teen Mom" Star Kailyn Lowry Challenges Farrah Abraham to Boxing Match
“Teen Mom 2” star Kailyn Lowry’s ready and willing to get in the ring with Farrah Abraham and open a can of whoop ass … but Farrah’s first gotta say yes, and she might wanna think twice. Damon Feldman — the guy who set up a charity…
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Teen Mom OG Recap: Wait, Is Amber Pregnant Again?
The newbies made the originals on Teen Mom OG this week.
On the latest installment of this MTV hit, viewers went back in time and watched as incoming stars Cheyenne Floyd and Bristol Palin met the women who have been in this spotlight forever:
Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell.
How did this interaction go? How much tension was present? And which young lady thinks she may be pregnant again?
Wait… WHAT?!?
You need to scroll down right now for our recap of storylines and developments:
1. Here. We. Go!

2. We Gotta Start with Amber…

3. No on the Pregnancy, But Yes on the Frustration

4. Where’s the R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

5. Wait, Lady, I’m Not Done!

6. Amber’s Emotions Ran High

Saturday, November 10, 2018
Tupac Shakur"s Steamy Letters to Teen Crush Hits Market for $15k
Tupac was spitting game back in high school just like everyone else … and now his steamy letters can be yours for a small fortune. The folks over at Moments in Time are selling 2 handwritten letters for a cool $ 15k. They’re from the…
Friday, November 9, 2018
Jenelle Evans to Be Fired In Response to Petition From Thousands of Teen Mom 2 Fans?
Jenelle Evans" time at MTV may soon be coming to an end.
Jenelle"s been a controversial figure from the very beginning of her time in the spotlight, but in recent months, the Carolina Hurricane has hit rock bottom in previously unimaginable ways.
While there may have been a time when the constant drama was regarded as a source of amusement by Teen Mom 2 fans, no one is laughing these days.
And tens of thousands of fans are now circulating a petition urging the show"s producers to take action before someone gets seriously injured — or worse.
Take a look:
1. The Carolina Hurricane

2. Beyond Rock Bottom

3. Taking Action

4. Join the Fight

5. Dangerous Dave

6. Weird Flex

Monday, November 5, 2018
David Eason: Harrassing Teen Mom 2 Producers? Hoping to Get Jenelle Evans Fired?!
It"s been nine months since David Eason got fired from Teen Mom 2, but it seems he"s still obsessed with his former gig.
Part of the reason, of course, is that David is still unemployed and thus has nothing else to keep him occupied.
But David"s fixation with the show also seems to have roots in his anger at producers.
For months now, he"s been ranting on social media about how unfair it was that he was axed from the show.
And it now it looks as though his anger might be creating an unsafe situation for TM2"s crew.
Take a look:
1. Dark Times on the Land

2. The Incident

3. The Call

4. The Aftermath

5. The Twist

6. Things Get Weirder …

Farrah Abraham Working on Her Own Show After "Teen Mom" Firing
Farrah Abraham is on the brink of locking down her own show after getting the boot from “Teen Mom OG” … and she’s setting up meetings with Hollywood producers to make it happen. Abraham was spotted leaving a lunch meeting Friday in Studio City…
Friday, November 2, 2018
Kailyn Lowry vs. Lauren Comeau: Teen Mom 2 Feud Alert!
Back in March, Javi Marroquin got back together with Lauren Comeau, and the couple immediately started making up for lost time.
Within a few months, the couple announced that Lauren was pregnant with Javi’s baby.
The two of them quickly got engaged, bought a house together, and set about the business of sweeping Javi’s promiscuous past under the rug.
On the outside, it looks as though Javi and Lauren are well on their way to creating an idealized white picket fence future.
The view is particularly convincing if you’re able to ignore the fact that Javi was sleeping with two other women at the time he got Lauren pregnant.
But on closer inspection, the rapid transition into quiet domesticity seems to be resulting in some serious growing pains for both Javi and Lauren.
And perhaps this is most evident in the strained relationship between Lauren and Javi’s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry.
Kail and Javi, of course, are parents to 4-year-old Lincoln, which means whether she likes it or not, soon-to-be-stepmom Lauren is now a permanent fixture in Lowry’s life.
And in a new interview with something called Teen Mom Time, Javi admitted that the arrangement is currently less than ideal.
“Co-parenting is fine,” Javi said when asked about his relationship with Kail.
“I’ve been so busy. We rarely talk. When we do, it’s, ‘Don’t forget his soccer cleats.’ That’s really it. Things are fine.”
Asked how Kail and Lauren are getting along, however, Javi was considerably less optimistic:
“I hope they eventually say hi to each other,” Marroquin said.
“If she needs anything, Lauren can help out. It will come eventually.”
Javi went on to say that he hopes his ex and future wives will be able to work out their differences someday:
“We know it will happen naturally and whenever it’s right,” he added.
“There are a lot of moving parts right now.”
Well, relationships between exes and new loves are often tense.
Of course, the situation tends to be even more fraught when you were banging both of them at the same time, but who knows — maybe these three can beat the odds and make it work.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Teen Mom OG Recap: Look Who"s Back!
Teen Mom OG featured an unexpected return on October 29, 2018.
The MTV drama also revealed something unfortunate about one of the kids featured each week, along with more fighting between Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer.
Yes, it remains ugly between the estranged former spouses.
Scroll down for a full recap of events and developments…
1. Hi There, Mackenzie Standifer

2. The 10-Year Old Should Attend Private School

3. Amen!

4. Wait a Minute…

5. Why Not Go Public?

6. What About Bristol and Dakota?

Friday, October 26, 2018
"Teen Mom" Star Jenelle Evans Says She"s Not in an Abusive Relationship
Jenelle Evans wants everyone to know she’s not in an abusive relationship with husband David Eason … insisting she’s totally fine, while trying to sweep her hysterical 911 call under the rug. Jenelle posted a confessional…
Sunny Johnston: Levi"s Wife BLASTS Bristol Palin Over Teen Mom OG Comments!
At this point, we think it’s safe to say that the addition of Bristol Palin to the cast of Teen Mom OG hasn’t panned out quite way producers expected.
Bristol was supposed to be a massive ratings magnet, a fact that’s evidenced by the fact that despite being a newcomer, she already gets paid more than any of the other moms.
But thus far, audiences have proven mostly indifferent to Palin.
There are many theories as to why this might be:
Perhaps too much of the show’s target demographic is too young to recall Bristol’s rise to fame during the 2012 presidential election.
Or perhaps they simply don’t care.
Maybe those who said there was no need to tinker with the cast or replace the fired Farrah Abraham were right all along.
Or maybe the show has simply run its course and it’s time to call it quits.
Whatever the case, producers are still hoping that the choice to add Bristol to the cast will eventually pan out — and they’re doing everything they can to make that happen.
On this week’s episode, viewers were re-introduced to Palin’s first infamous baby daddy, Levi Johnston, and drama ensued immediately.
If you’ve been watching the show, you know that Bristol has talked a mountain of trash about Levi in her first few episodes.
Bristol has described her relationship with Levi as “rocky” and accused her ex of not being a “solid” father figure in the life of their 9-year-old son, Tripp.
She even claimed that Levi never watched Tripp overnight until the boy was 4 years old.
Now, Levi’s current wife, Sunny Johnston, is coming to her husband’s defense in a major way.
Johnston says that while Bristol is technically correct in her claim that Tripp never spent the night in his first years, she claims Palin is leaving out one important detail:
The boy never spent the night with Johnston because Palin allegedly wouldn’t let him.
“I asked Levi, he said that right after Tripp was born for a while. And then he wasn’t allowed to have him overnight,” Sunny wrote on Instagram following this week’s episode.
“Then when they were engaged when Tripp was one-and-a-half [he] had a few weeks of overnights,” she added.
“As long as I’ve been in the picture: Levi was never allowed to have Tripp overnight until the court ordered it when he was around three despite trying to be there for all the years prior.”
One fan asked Johnston if she gets along with Bristol, and Levi’s bride was refreshingly candid in her response:
“Okay I’ve gotten this a lot so I’m going to answer,” Sunny wrote.
“Honestly, I never know what to expect so that’s hard to answer. I just pray for Levi and her to always keep striving to have a better co-parenting relationship for Tripp.
“It’s never her and I unless I’m alone with Tripp,” Johnston added.
“Always Levi and her, and every once in a while through a group text about Tripp.”
So it sounds like we may be in for serious conflict between Bristol and Sunny.
At this point, that’s about the only thing that could save Bristol’s career as a reality star.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Jenelle Evans: Family and Friends Beg Teen Mom 2 Star to Leave David Eason
On Saturday, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after being assaulted by her husband, David Eason.
We know this thanks to Jenelle"s 911 call, which shocked Teen Mom 2 fans when it was released this afternoon.
In the recording, Jenelle can be heard sobbing as she alleges that a drunken Eason pinned her to the floor so hard that she thought she had broken her collarbone.
Now, family and friends are reportedly pleading with Jenelle to divorce David as soon as possible.
Here"s what we know so far:
1. Hated For a Reason

2. The Rumors Are True

3. David’s Rage

4. A Shocking Account

5. The Truth Comes Out

6. Banding Together

Teen Bakes Grandfather"s Ashes Into Cookies for Classmates
This story has everything: teenagers, a police investigation, and cannibalism.
See, a California teen baked her late grandfather’s ashes into sugar cookies.
She then brought these cookies to school and handed them out for classmates to eat.

Someone is believed to have baked her own grandfather’s ashes into sugar cookies.
That someone was a female high school student at Da Vinci Charter Academy, a public charter school in California.
Because she is a minor, she has remained unidentified — which is good.
What is not so good is that she brought the sugar cookies in to school and handed them out to at least nine other students.
Some of the students are said to have eaten the cookies unaware of what they contained.
But some of the students apparently knew exactly what they were getting.

Davis Police Lt. Paul Doroshov confirmed that the unorthodox ingredient wasn’t a shock to all of the students.
“Some students knew beforehand and still consumed the cookies,” Doroshov confirmed to the L.A. Times.
Some who heard this story of course wondered if the cookies genuinely contained human remains, or it if was some prank.
When asked if the claim was credible, Doroshov reportedly sighed.
“Yeah,” he affirmed.

Curiously, apparently another female student was involved in bringing the cookies to school.
it’s unclear why she was involved, as the two young women are not related.
Regardless, police were at a loss to categorize what happened as a crime.
Some considered a California law regarding the improper disposal of remains.
Others suggested that some sort of public nuisance charge would be more appropriate.

Ultimately, it appears that no real harm was done and that this was the result of juvenile impulsiveness.
In light of that, police have reportedly left it up to the school to figure out how to respond to something like this happening.
As weird as this sounds to all of us, a lot of adolescent behavior is incomprehensible to adults.
The brain is still maturing and hormones are more or less in charge.
Still, multiple people have heard this story and openly wondered whatever happened to baking marijuana into food “like a normal person.”

One of the students who ate one of these yikes-worthy cookies (just in time for Halloween, no less) spoke about the experience.
He said that the cookies had visible gray flakes within them.
Apparently the act of eating the cookies reminded him of chewing on sand as a child at the beach.
He described being able to feel granules crunching against his molars.
Our only response to that is to say, in contemporary internet parlance: Thanks, I hate it!

In a letter to parents, Da Vinci Charter Academy Principal Tyler Millsap addressed the issue.
“This issue going on right now has been particularly challenging and our staff has responded appropriately,” he wrote.
He praised staff for responding “in the most respectful and dignified way possible for all the students and families involved.”
“I can say that those who were involved are remorseful,” he confirmed.
“And,” he concluded. “This is now a personal family matter and we want to respect the privacy of the families involved.”
He also pointed out that there is fortunately no health risk.

This sort of thing should not happen again. You can make seasonal cookies in October without including cremated remains.
In part, it’s about consent — people should know what they’re eating.
In part, it’s about respect for the dead and for her own family.
We know that, for centuries, powder made from Egyptian mummies was regularly consumed all across Europe as a “medicine.”
That does not mean that it was good for anyone or that it should happen again.