Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petition. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Be Fired In Response to Petition From Thousands of Teen Mom 2 Fans?

Jenelle Evans" time at MTV may soon be coming to an end.

Jenelle"s been a controversial figure from the very beginning of her time in the spotlight, but in recent months, the Carolina Hurricane has hit rock bottom in previously unimaginable ways.

While there may have been a time when the constant drama was regarded as a source of amusement by Teen Mom 2 fans, no one is laughing these days.

And tens of thousands of fans are now circulating a petition urging the show"s producers to take action before someone gets seriously injured — or worse.

Take a look:

1. The Carolina Hurricane

Jenelle evans and a green screen

Jenelle has always been an agent of chaos, but these days, there’s more evidence than ever that her reckless behavior is creating an unsafe environment for her children.

2. Beyond Rock Bottom

Jenelle instagram

The situation has gotten so bad that many fans are convinced this is nothing less than a matter of life and death.

3. Taking Action

Jenelle evans in glasses

Now, more than 20,000 Teen Mom 2 viewers have sent a message to MTV that by continuing to employ Jenelle Evans, the network is condoning child abuse and endangerment.

4. Join the Fight

Jenelle is missing teeth

Click the link above in order to sign the petition to have Jenelle fired.

5. Dangerous Dave

Jenelle and david eason

Much of the concern among fans, of course, has to do with Jenelle’s husband, David Eason.

6. Weird Flex

David eason in confederate flag

David recently boasted that the Department of Child and Family Sevices had been called to the Easons’ home more than 20 times in the span of a single year.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trump Starts Petition for "Spineless" ESPN to Play Anthem On "MNF"

Donald Trump is taking his beef with ESPN to the masses — he’s launched a petition to try and get the “spineless” network to play the national anthem during the “Monday Night Football” broadcast.  ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro had said last week…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Petition to Prevent Cam Girl From Killing Another Dog Circulates Online

Farrah Abraham is many things — a former reality star, an adult film actress, an aspiring celebrity boxer, a peddler of plastic vibrating molds of her own vagina. 

And now, some believe “dog killer” should be added to that list.

As you may recall, Farrah’s dog, Blue, died last month, and the circumstances surrounding the pooch’s passing were … a bit strange.

For one thing, just days earlier, Farrah encouraged her daughter, Sophia, to “prank” a friend by telling the poor girl her dog died.

On top of that, there was reason to believe that Sophia may have killed her own dog.

We sincerely hope that’s not the case, but regardless of what sort of event ushered Blue from this mortal coil, it’s quite clear the dog wasn’t properly cared for during his tragically foreshortened life.

And it’s for this reason that Teen Mom OG fans hope to stop Farrah from ever owning another dog.

Yes, as In Touch Weekly reports, folks have been signing a petition to “Stop animal ownership by Sophia Abraham & her mother.”

“Sophia Abraham had a little dog named Blue and because the dog didn’t wanna go outside, she viciously grabbed his throat and threw him outside and he died as a result,” the petition reads

“Sophia and Farrah Abraham do not need to own any more animals and have their horse and current puppy removed from care.” 

So far, the petition only has 240 signatures of the 1,000 needed, and even if it reached that goal, it’s unclear who would enforce the new rule, but it’ll still be interesting to see where this thing goes.

Earlier this week, Sophia posted the above photo of herself holding a dog (yes, the girl has her own Instagram page), along with a caption implying that she’d like to adopt it.

As you might expect, the comments section quickly became a war zone.

“Please don’t kill this dog, too,” one person wrote.

“Dogs deserve love. Not to die because you didn’t want to let your last dog go to the bathroom.”

Another added, “OMG the last thing you need is another dog, if anything happens to this one there should be extreme measures taken because you tossed Blue out the window, no child just no! Hope y’all do right by this one.”

“Oh f–k!!!! Devil child put the dog DOWN,” a third remarked.

Shortly after Blue’s death, Sophia attempted to clear the air with an explanatory social media post:

“I miss Blue super super much, but he is in good hands now in doggy heaven,” she wrote on Instagram.

“He went into shock and then 30 seconds later, he past away the emergency room note said the little doggy was found with no heartbeat. I miss him so so so much and he was my favorite dog and I always played tag with him and I’d always give him love and his kong and he’d go crazy over it.

“I miss you Blue very very much!” 

So this is either a sad story about a little girl losing her dog to a freak accident, or Sophia is covering her tracks following a vicious murder.

Honestly, the girl’s being raised by Farrah freakin’ Abraham, so there’s really nothing she could do that would surprise us.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Eric Dane Responds to Rebecca Gayheart"s Petition for Divorce

Eric Dane has filed his response to Rebecca Gayheart’s divorce, and it’s a mirror image of his estranged wife’s petition. Dane is on board with Rebecca’s custody and spousal support requests. Gayheart asked in her divorce petition for spousal…


Friday, December 29, 2017

Nick Cassavetes, Judge Denies Emergency Custody Petition

Nick Cassavetes was just denied an emergency custody petition he’d requested in hopes of getting his daughter back. A judge in Oklahoma ruled Friday that there was insufficient evidence to justify Nick’s daughter was in danger … and therefore no…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Meek Mill Wants Judge Off His Case as Fans Sign Petition for His Release

Meek Mill’s going after the judge he believes locked him up because of a personal vendetta … TMZ has learned. Meek’s attorney, Joe Tacopina, tells us … he’s filing a motion for the judge to remove herself from his case, and will also be filing…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Prime Minister Theresa May Will Host UK Trump Visit Despite Petition

Theresa May is unfazed by an anti-Trump petition that has swelled in size … the Prime Minister’s Office tells TMZ the U.S. President is more than welcome to visit. The petition — circulating in England — calls out the prospective State visit as…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Eugenia Cooney: Petition Circulating to Ban "Anorexic" Vlogger

Eugenia Cooney, a 22-year-old YouTube vlogger, is under serious fire for what people are considering “promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.” 

Cooney is alarmingly thin – terrifyingly, upsettingly skinny – and though a petition had over 15k signatures on it, there a few things wrong here. 

First, Cooney may or may not be anorexic

If she is, that is, unfortunately her problem, and not our problem to judge her.  

Second, what if Cooney is dying from some kind of terrible disease, but she’s, instead, decided to keep it to herself? 

Third, if we banned all of the “unhealthy behavior” on YouTube and other platforms, there’d be no overweight people on the internet, no smokers, no drinkers, no drug-takers … the list goes on and on. 

The petition on reads, “Eugenia Cooney is a big YouTuber. THOUSANDS of people notice she clearly has an eating disorder by her physical features.” 

“These THOUSANDS of people tell her to get help. Eugenia doesn’t get help for herself because people with eating disorders do not look at their bodies the way healthier people do,” it continued. 

“This effect of her diet is not only giving her a high chance of death, but will also encourage her young viewers to look up to Eugenia and follow in her footsteps.” 

“Please sign this petition to help save lives,” it read.  

“I deeply care about this loving girl who has potential to be a real role model and [has] potential to be healthy.” 

“I know other people out there [agree] that Eugenia needs help. Many people die from an eating disorder every day,” the petition read grimly. 

“It could be Eugenia or one of her followers.” 

The petition’s author claimed that the petition wasn’t designed to “hurt” or “bring down” Cooney, but to “save her.”

The first petition, titled, “Temporarily ban Eugenia Cooney Off of YouTube” was pulled down, but prior to its demise, had over 15k supporters. 

A new petition was created, and this new one now has close to 400 at the time of this writing. 

Yeah, Cooney is thin. 

She really is unhealthy-looking. We get it. 

Eugenia tweeted, “I’m really sorry to the people who want me banned of of YouTube.”

“I’m really not trying to do anything wrong,” she said. 

She wasn’t done there, though. 

“I just don’t really think it is right to try to get people banned off of YouTube unless they’ve done something really bad.” 

Cooney also doesn’t think she needs any help, though, to be fair. 

In a YouTube video, she talked about her weight, and said, “I’m just kind of naturally like that, I guess.” 

“There isn’t really a reason.” 

Girl, just be well. 

And people, stop making assumptions about something that may or may not be correct, all right? 


Friday, September 2, 2016

The Bachelor Fans Petition for Unprecedented New Season

Nick Viall continues to be at the center of the huge backlash surrounding his casting on The Bachelor Season 21

It’s pretty much all fans of the franchise are talking about right now. 

It’s even overshadowing the drama on Bachelor in Paradise. It’s all getting a bit crazy. 

If you recall, Luke Pell was long rumored to be stepping into the limelight and getting another shot at love. 

Fans were obviously pretty happy about his potential casting. He’s everything a suitor on the show should be. 

He quickly became a fan favorite on The Bachelorette Season 12 and it left a bad taste when he didn’t make it all the way with JoJo Fletcher. 

That’s probably one of the reasons he was approached by producers in the first place. 

Either way you look at it, Pell was meant to be the new bachelor and it all changed pretty quickly for him. 

Speaking to Us Weekly, Luke had a lot to say about what went down

“We were all satisfied, had agreed to the contracts and everything was moving forward. I was checked in to my flight to come to L.A.,” he explained.”

“I got a call from producers Sunday night at about 10 p.m. They said ABC had decided to quote-unquote go in a different direction. I was supposed to fly out Monday morning at 9 a.m. I had my bags packed and everything. Most dramatic Monday ever!”

“We had planned for intro filming and had planned to have my sister come on for a date and give advice as part of the show. I met with the wardrobe guys. Everything was moving forward. Everyone on the production level was expecting it to be me, as well.”

It’s pretty sad that he was pretty much guaranteed to go be the star of the show, only to have it pulled from under him. 

Perhaps ABC didn’t find his story quite as compelling as the person they inevitably chose. 

That was Nick Viall, who is arguably one of the more polarizing suitors to grace the franchise. 

When Nick’s casting was revealed, there was a lot of chatter about it on Twitter. Most of it wasn’t positive. 

This will be Nick’s fourth chance to find love after appearing in two seasons of The Bachelorette and one season of Bachelor in Paradise. 

Now, one fan has launched a petition to allow the 25 women to choose between Nick Viall and Luke Pell. 

“Let Luke Pell and Nick Viall both be the new Bachelor and let the 25 women choose who they want. Like Britt and Kaitlyn did,” wrote Patricia Ambern, who started the petition on

“There are A LOT of fans from Bachelor Nation who love Luke Pell as well,” she continued.

“Please consider this request. Thank you from a Luke Pell fan!!”

It’s really not too much to ask and ABC would get the best of both worlds. Both men obviously have different fans, so it would at least drum up some more interest for the show. 

Who would you pick?

And the Winner is?

Nick Viall will be The Bachelor in the spring of 2017. But would you prefer to have seen Luke Pell picked for this position? View Poll »

What do you think about all of this?

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