Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Britney Spears Vegas Show on Hold .. After Dad"s Near-Death Medical Emergency

Breaking News
Britney Spears is going on an indefinite work hiatus to help care for her dad while he recovers from major health issues … meaning her new Las Vegas show will be put on ice.
Britney announced her decision Friday, saying she’s going to “devote all of her time to...
Britney Spears Vegas Show on Hold .. After Dad"s Near-Death Medical Emergency

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Joe Perry Released From Hospital After Medical Emergency at MSG

Joe Perry is back in the saddle again … because we’ve learned the famed Aerosmith guitarist is finally home after being hospitalized following a scary scene at a concert.  Sources close to Joe tell TMZ … Perry was released from…


Monday, October 22, 2018

Southwest Flight Makes Emergency Landing Due to Non-Consensual Footsie

One of the many stresses of flying is that you don’t know if you’ll be seated beside a normal person, a talker, or maybe some creep masturbating on a Southwest flight.

We hate to refer to this airline incident as non-consensual footsie, but we’re at a loss as to what else to call this creepy assault.

After a man started rubbing his feet upon his neighbor’s and refused to stop, things escalated — and the plane was forced to make an emergency landing.

Southwest 02

Justin Brafford is a 29-year-old man from Texas.

He is now facing charges for simple assault and for intimidating a flight crew on his Southwest flight from Los Angeles to Dallas.

This began with, as we mentioned, non-consensual footsie as he allegedly rubbed his feet against those of the woman beside him.

Unfortunately, this peak horror scenario was only the beginning of the nightmare that forced a Southwest flight to make an emergency landing.

Not satisfied by merely using his feet to make her life a living hell, he also began verbal harassment.

Southwest 01

It sounds like she tried to weather this assault — and let’s be clear, rubbing your foot against someone without their permission is assault.

But when he allegedly warned her “don’t f–k with me,” she was able to persuade a flight attendant to allow her to change seats.

That should have been the end of her story of the worst flight of her life, right?

Well, Brafford then got up and confronted her at her new seat, apparently offended that he didn’t appreciate his unwanted attention.

Flight attendants tried to intervene and persuade him to return to his seat.

They were unsuccessful.

Southwest 04

Brafford is said to have then launched into an expletive-laden rant aimed primarily at the woman who had fled from his assault.

Apparently whatever he was saying was not only foul, but alarming.

(And, to be fair, his erratic behavior — far beyond what you’d expect from a run-of-the-mill creep who thought he could exploit social norms to cop a feel — was also alarming)

The flight crew alerted the pilot, and the plane was forced to divert and make an emergency landing in Albuquerque.

Brafford was then escorted from the plane.

Southwest 03

That whole incident sounds deeply harrowing and seems beyond explanation.

But police say that they know why it happened.

Authorities say that Brafford was high on methamphetamines.

We don’t mean that he was a little wired — reports say that he believed that he was hearing “calls” from God while on the illicit substances.

He had taken the methamphetamines the day before the flight, and he had apparently overdosed on heroin over the weekend.

If you’d planned on pairing that combo of drug experiences before boarding a flight, we’d advise against it.


Brafford is, of course, super in jail.

Our legal system may not make it easy for women to get justice when they are assaulted, but misbehavior on airplanes in a post-9/11 world does not go over well.

He could face as much as 20 years behind bars for his prolonged outburst.

He could also face a fine of as much as $ 250,000.

Messing with a flight crew is, after all, a federal offense.

Southwest 05

We’re not normally in the business of feeling sorry for major, oligopolistic corporations. Or of airlines, for that matter.

But we kind of feel for Southwest here. It sounds to us like they responded in the best way possible, but their name is still all over this story.

Officials at Southwest have affirmed for the bajillionth time that their first priority is the safety and comfort of their passengers.

The flight was then able to continue to Dallas without incident.


Friday, August 31, 2018

Meghan Markle: In Crisis Mode! Planning Emergency Trip Home!

Meghan Markle has had it, folks.

She doesn’t know what to do with herself, almost literally.

In this time of desperate need, anger and confusion – as she gets attacked by her awful father left, right and in between – The Duchess of Sussex can only think place to go…

… home.

According to the latest issue of Life & Style, Markle is planning an emergency trip home to Los Angeles to spend time with her mother, Doria Ragland.

She remains very tight with this parent, even while the other parent speaks to every news outlet he can find about how terrible and ungrateful Meghan is as a daughter.

“She’s at a breaking point. She needs to escape from the craziness,” an insider explains to this tabloid, adding of Prince Harry’s better half:

“Meghan is living in fear of what her father is going to do next.”

Can you blame her for thinking this way?

Thomas Markle has often said that he has no way of contacting his daughter.

His solution, therefore, is to give one disgusting sound bite after another, saying that Markle will “deprive” her future kid of time with the kid’s grandfather, for example…

… and taking full credit for all Markle has become.

“She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her,” Thomashas said.

“Did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?”

Markle, as you might expect, can scarcely handle such attacks any longer.

Writes the Life & Style source:

“Apart from Harry, Doria is the only person Meghan feels she can trust.

“She’s holding a crisis meeting with her mom, who has some insight into her ex-husband’s behavior and is hoping to help Meghan figure out how to handle him.”

At this point, though, let’s be honest:

Who knows how to handle an off-the-rails Thomas Markle?

Thomas has lived a quiet and secluded life in Mexico.

He didn’t attend the Royal Wedding due to heart problems and Markle responded in an understanding manner.

But he’s decided to turn on his child in the months since for some reason, leaving Meghan confounded and heartbroken.

“She’s really struggling to come to terms with the fact that the man she once adored and looked up to has stabbed her in the back,” the insider says, adding that Meghan’s husband supports the trip home:

“Harry and Doria have spoken on the phone about their concerns for Meghan’s well-being.

“Harry agrees that Meghan needs some quality time with her mom.”


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Post Malone Enjoys Yacht Life after Jet Emergency

Post Malone made it clear to us … he “f**king hate(s) flying,” but it sure looks like he enjoys the hell out of yachts and jet skis. Post and gf Ashlen Diaz had no trouble on the high seas as they spent the day in St.-Tropez, France ……


Monday, August 27, 2018

Ray J and Princess Love"s Private Plane Makes Emergency Landing

If Ray J had one wish, it might be for a private plane that actually works. Another week, another emergency landing for a private jet carrying celebs … this time, Ray J and Princess Love had their travel plans grounded. Ray J, Princess and…


Ray J and Princess Love"s Private Plane Makes Emergency Landing

If Ray J had one wish, it might be for a private plane that actually works. Another week, another emergency landing for a private jet carrying celebs … this time, Ray J and Princess Love had their travel plans grounded. Ray J, Princess and…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Post Malone"s Thankful, Happy and in Party Mode After Emergency Plane Landing

Post Malone’s on cloud nine and beyond appreciative of the people who kept him safe during a frightening flight … and now he’s ready to party. We got the rapper shortly after his plane made an emergency landing at the Stewart International…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Post Malone"s Private Plane Circling for Emergency Landing After Tires Blow

Post Malone is currently onboard a plane that’s set to perform an emergency landing after two of the plane’s tires allegedly blew out after takeoff. Malone and his team left from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey Tuesday headed to London. A law…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Matthew Perry on "Death"s Door" Following Emergency Operation

Matthew Perry is fighting for his life, according to a troubling new report.

The former Friends star “recently underwent surgery in a Los Angeles hospital to repair a gastrointestinal perforation,” his rep has confirmed to multiple outlets.

This statement concludes as follows:

“He is grateful for the concern and asks for continued privacy as he heals.”

For the record, a gastrointestinal perforation takes place when a hole develops in the lining of the throat to rectum area; it can be caused by a multitude of factors — such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and appendicitis.

We got this information from the Mayo Clinic.

But we’ve also gleaned some intel from Radar Online, which is not treating Perry’s condition in a casual manner.

This website claims that Perry may not even survive as a result of the “severe stomach pains” that led to his hospitalization and subsequent surgery this week.

“He was in bad shape, and only recently has shown signs of improvement,” a source tells Radar of Perry. “But he’s still not well.”

Perry had battled substance abuse problems over the years, occasionally speaking to the press and the public about these personal obstacles and hiccups.

Drinking too much, it should be noted here, can contribute to digestive health issues.

“I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life and a lot of wonderful accolades,” Perry said three years ago, adding:

“But the best thing about me is that if an alcoholic comes up to me and says, ‘Will you help me stop drinking?’ I will say, ‘Yes. I know how to do that."”

This same year, Perry opened up a sober-living facility named the Perry House.

He has done all he can to educate folks on alcoholism and to assist others in his same situation.

This is why we hope Radar’s headline, which really does clam that Perry is on “death’s door,” is nothing but click bait-based hyperbole.

The site also alleges that Perry has been on a “downward spiral” since 2016, despite personal claims that he’s been safely on the wagon.

“I had a big problem with pills and alcohol, and I couldn’t stop,” the star told People Magazine in 2013, boasting at the time about his newfound sobriety.

Around this same time, Perry received a Champion of Recovery award from the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Two years later, after leaving a treatment center called The Phoenix House, Perry told The Hollywood Reporter:

“I’m an award-winning alcoholic. I shouldn’t be getting an award; Phoenix House should be getting an award.

Perry, of course, will forever be known as Chandler Bing from Friends.

But his television resume also includes roles on The West Wing, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, The Good Wife, Go On and The Odd Couple.

We wish him the very best.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Beyonce Reveals Emergency C-Section, A Million Other Things

Beyonce is many things:

Gorgeous. Talented. Impactful. Ahead of her time.

But one thing the singer has almost never been is this: candid.

The singer has maintained a level of privacy that is nothing short of amazing, considering her global level of fame.

HOWEVER, Beyonce is featured on the cover of Vogue"s September 2018 issue, opening up like never before about various aspects of her life.

Ready to be surprised and fascinated by the most successful solo female artist of all-time?S

Scroll down now!

1. The Biggest Revelation in the Interview

Beyonce for 2018 vogue

“I was 218 pounds the day I gave birth to Rumi and Sir,” Beyonce revealed in the lengthy captions the accompany the images shot by Tyler Mitchell in the issue, speaking on this traumatic experience for the first time ever.

2. Just How Dangerous Did It Get?

Beyonce with sir and rumi carter

“I was swollen from toxemia and had been on bed rest for over a month,” she adds. “My health and my babies’ health were in danger, so I had an emergency C-section.” Wow, huh?

3. How Did Jay-Z Respond?

Jay z and beyonce together

Like. A. Boss. Beyonce said her rapper husband was “a soldier and such a strong support system for me” during this time, adding: “I am proud to have been a witness to his strength and evolution as a man, a best friend, and a father. I was in survival mode and did not grasp it all until months later.”

4. What Did She Take Away from This Scary Ordeal?

Beyonce and jay z at the game

“Today I have a connection to any parent who has been through such an experience,” the singer says. “After the C-section, my core felt different. It had been major surgery. Some of your organs are shifted temporarily, and in rare cases, removed temporarily during delivery. I am not sure everyone understands that.”

5. The New (And Awesome) Beyonce

Beyonce on coachella stage

Unlike Kim Kardashian and some other famous moms, Beyonce does NOT believe one needs to shed the baby weight ASAP. Or ever. “I needed time to heal, to recover. During my recovery, I gave myself self-love and self-care, and I embraced being curvier. I accepted what my body wanted to be … I was patient with myself and enjoyed my fuller curves. My kids and husband did, too … To this day my arms, shoulders, breasts, and thighs are fuller.”


Beyonce at coachella

“I have a little mommy pouch, and I’m in no rush to get rid of it,” the artist says. “I think it’s real. Whenever I’m ready to get a six-pack, I will go into beast zone and work my ass off until I have it. But right now, my little FUPA and I feel like we are meant to be.”

View Slideshow

Monday, July 30, 2018

Christian Ponder"s Newborn Baby Undergoes Emergency Surgery

Ex-NFL quarterback Christian Ponder and his wife, ESPN host Samantha Ponder, say their newborn is home and recovering after undergoing emergency surgery just days after she was born.  Sam — who hosts ESPN’s “Sunday NFL Countdown” — said…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Demi Lovato: Emergency Response Call Released

We have more information to pass along about Demi Lovato"s tragic hospitalization on Tuesday, July 24.

As previously reported, Lovato was discovered unconscious inside her Hollywood Hills home late on this date, as authorities responded to a call from her residence and discovered she was barely breathing.

According to multiple sources, Demi has spent the previous evening partying with friends and had been on a downward spiral for weeks.

An insider has told TMZ and Us Weekly that the singer was at one point administered Narcan, a drug which is used to treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations.

Her condition was unknown when news of her apparent overdose first went viral, but we can now confirm the artist is stable.

After saying on Facebook that her niece was "awake and responsive," Kerissa Web Dunn, the co-director of the Demi Lovato Charity Boutique in Texas added:

“PLEASE PLEASE pray for my sweet niece DEMI LOVATO. She has been hospitalized and needs everyone’s prayers desperately!!!!"

Nearly all in Hollywood, of course, have heeded this plea.

Tweeted Ellen DeGeneres upon learning what had happened:

love @DDLovato so much. It breaks my heart that she is going through this. She is a light in this world, and I am sending my love to her and her family.

And Lily Allen:

Poor beautiful spirit @ddlovato I hope she’s ok, and that she makes a full recovery soon.

And Brad Paisley:

My friend @ddlovato is one of the kindest, most talented people I’ve ever met. Praying for her right now, addiction is a terrifying disease. There is no one more honest or brave than this woman.

Lovato, as most gossip followers know, has battled addiction and eating disorders for nearly a decade now.

She has been in and out of rehab and has been as candid as one can be about this struggle over the years, aiming to serve as an inspiration for others in her situation.

Just over a month ago, Lovato confessed that she had relapsed.

Few knew it was this serious, but all worried it always could be.

We send Demi our continues thoughts and best wishes.

Listen above to the emergency response call placed on her behalf, which outlines the surroundings in which paramedics came across her allegedly overdosed body.

Demi lovato emergency response call released

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

LeSean McCoy "Home Invasion" Emergency Call, "Female Hit In the Head"

Emergency personnel were dispatched to LeSean McCoy’s Georgia house early Monday morning for a “home invasion” — and the operator says the female victim was hit in the head.  In the audio, obtained by TMZ Sports, the operator sends police and…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Max Holloway Says He"s Not Retiring After Medical Emergency

UFC star Max Holloway has broken his silence after the medical emergency that forced him to back out of his big fight at UFC 226 this weekend … and he’s vowing to return to the Octagon.  Holloway was hospitalized this week after presenting…


Max Holloway Says He"s Not Retiring After Medical Emergency

UFC star Max Holloway has broken his silence after the medical emergency that forced him to back out of his big fight at UFC 226 this weekend … and he’s vowing to return to the Octagon.  Holloway was hospitalized this week after presenting…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Shares Graphic Pic Following Second Emergency Surgery

Last month, Abby Lee Miller underwent a second emergency surgery on her spine. The once-and-future Dance Moms star’s cancer spreads quickly, and requires swift treatment.

Miller has now updated fans on how her spine is healing, sharing a graphic photo of her progress.

Be warned, folks. This photo is not for the faint of heart.

Abby Lee Miller is battling cancer. She has Burkitt lymphoma, a fast-spreading cancer that is usually only found in children, but there are adult cases.

She’s shared this new photo (below) update.

First, Miller provides a little context, writing: “After the 2nd surgery.”

The second surgery was performed after an MRI led her doctors to believe that it was necessary.

“My back,” Miller announces. “Is finally on the mend.”

Healing from surgery is zero fun, but healing from spinal surgery is worse. You cannot even rest on your back for a long time, for obvious reasons.

“I just wish,” Miller adds. “The top section & bottom would hurry along too!”

Abby Lee Miller back surgery pic 1 july 2018

There is the photo. As she mentiones, there appears to be faster healing along the center.

“I had 52 staples perfectly aligned,” Miller describes.

Surgical staples are often used to repair long incisions for certain procedures.

“And now,” Miller laments. “A bunch of crazy stitches are holding my neck & lumbar region together!”

If that thought makes you a little queasy, you’re not alone.

She ends her captions with tags, writing: “#abbyleemiller #abbylee #dancemoms @hoomanmelamedmd #aldc #aldcla #spjne #disc”

Dr. Hooman Melamed is her orthopedic spine surgeon.

Burkitt lymphoma has a 90% recovery rate in children. In adults, who are less likely to have it, the recovery rate is somewhat lower.

But not only is Miller getting necessary treatments, including chemotherapy, it sounds like she has a positive attitude.

Even so, reports say that Abby Lee Miller is prepared for the worst as she continues with her treatments. That is smart, even if it can feel a little grim.

Through a combination of surgeries, chemo, and radiation, fans hope and pray that Miller can make a full recovery.

The good news about Burkitt is that because it spreads quickly, it also tends to respond to treatments faster than slow-growing cancers.

Sometimes, you have to focus on the positives and be hopeful.

Fortunately, Miller has a lot to which she can look forward.

First of all, prison is behind her. She’s done with her time behind bars and she’s also done with her time in a halfway house.

Second of all, to the shock (and joy) of countless fans, Dance Moms is coming back.

Miller surprised fans with an informal announcement on Instagram.

But, honestly, if anyone’s going to break that news, it should really be Miller, right?

Still, people’s fingers are crossed for Miller.

Her back may still be healing from her surgery, but she’s also working hard to combat the cancer itself.

Miller is 51 years old and only got out of prison a few months ago.

She can conquer Burkitt lymphoma, but it will take a lot. Cancer always exacts its toll.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Michael Rapaport Stops Man from Opening Plane"s Emergency Door Mid-Flight

Michael Rapaport sprung to action and stopped a guy who was trying to open the emergency door on an airplane mid-flight … according to another passenger. Fox Sports director Ted Kenney says he was on a flight to L.A. from Houston early Saturday…


Michael Rapaport Stops Man from Opening Plane"s Emergency Door Mid-Flight

Michael Rapaport sprung to action and stopped a guy who was trying to open the emergency door on an airplane mid-flight … according to another passenger. Fox Sports director Ted Kenney says he was on a flight to L.A. from Houston early Saturday…
