Showing posts with label Southwest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southwest. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Southwest Flight Makes Emergency Landing Due to Non-Consensual Footsie

One of the many stresses of flying is that you don’t know if you’ll be seated beside a normal person, a talker, or maybe some creep masturbating on a Southwest flight.

We hate to refer to this airline incident as non-consensual footsie, but we’re at a loss as to what else to call this creepy assault.

After a man started rubbing his feet upon his neighbor’s and refused to stop, things escalated — and the plane was forced to make an emergency landing.

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Justin Brafford is a 29-year-old man from Texas.

He is now facing charges for simple assault and for intimidating a flight crew on his Southwest flight from Los Angeles to Dallas.

This began with, as we mentioned, non-consensual footsie as he allegedly rubbed his feet against those of the woman beside him.

Unfortunately, this peak horror scenario was only the beginning of the nightmare that forced a Southwest flight to make an emergency landing.

Not satisfied by merely using his feet to make her life a living hell, he also began verbal harassment.

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It sounds like she tried to weather this assault — and let’s be clear, rubbing your foot against someone without their permission is assault.

But when he allegedly warned her “don’t f–k with me,” she was able to persuade a flight attendant to allow her to change seats.

That should have been the end of her story of the worst flight of her life, right?

Well, Brafford then got up and confronted her at her new seat, apparently offended that he didn’t appreciate his unwanted attention.

Flight attendants tried to intervene and persuade him to return to his seat.

They were unsuccessful.

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Brafford is said to have then launched into an expletive-laden rant aimed primarily at the woman who had fled from his assault.

Apparently whatever he was saying was not only foul, but alarming.

(And, to be fair, his erratic behavior — far beyond what you’d expect from a run-of-the-mill creep who thought he could exploit social norms to cop a feel — was also alarming)

The flight crew alerted the pilot, and the plane was forced to divert and make an emergency landing in Albuquerque.

Brafford was then escorted from the plane.

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That whole incident sounds deeply harrowing and seems beyond explanation.

But police say that they know why it happened.

Authorities say that Brafford was high on methamphetamines.

We don’t mean that he was a little wired — reports say that he believed that he was hearing “calls” from God while on the illicit substances.

He had taken the methamphetamines the day before the flight, and he had apparently overdosed on heroin over the weekend.

If you’d planned on pairing that combo of drug experiences before boarding a flight, we’d advise against it.


Brafford is, of course, super in jail.

Our legal system may not make it easy for women to get justice when they are assaulted, but misbehavior on airplanes in a post-9/11 world does not go over well.

He could face as much as 20 years behind bars for his prolonged outburst.

He could also face a fine of as much as $ 250,000.

Messing with a flight crew is, after all, a federal offense.

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We’re not normally in the business of feeling sorry for major, oligopolistic corporations. Or of airlines, for that matter.

But we kind of feel for Southwest here. It sounds to us like they responded in the best way possible, but their name is still all over this story.

Officials at Southwest have affirmed for the bajillionth time that their first priority is the safety and comfort of their passengers.

The flight was then able to continue to Dallas without incident.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Southwest Passengers Sue Airline Over Engine Failure, Shattered Window

Nine passengers who survived Southwest flight 1380 — the one where shrapnel from a failed engine shattered a cabin window — are suing the airline. The passengers say they’re all suffering severe PTSD after the tragic flight. Some are also coping…


Couple Gets Married on a Southwest Airlines Flight: WATCH!

A couple decided that there was no place they"d rather get married than on an airplane.

Not a private plane. Not a plane on the ground. Just a regular, commercial aircraft full of other passengers.

It"s a strange story, but very touching, especially when you see how much everyone else played along. Take a look:

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"Airplane wedding" might sound like the premise of some god-awful romantic comedy (not all of them are, but this one would be).

Seeing it play out in real life, on the other hand, shows that it can be pretty sweet.

Michael and Renee used the airplane aisle as their, well, aisle. Renee walked towards Michael while Ed Sheeran"s "Perfect" played, because of course.

The pilot of the Southwest flight addressed the entire plane over the intercom, saying:

"They met each other four years ago," the pilot announced. "And this weekend decided to make it at least another four years,"

Everybody"s a comedian.

"They met on a date," the pilot also shared. "And yes, ladies and gentleman, it really does work."

"They were in beautiful Baltimore when they met," the pilot added. "And it’s happily ever after from there."

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Their vows were appropriately tongue-in-cheek under the circumstances.

"I, Michael, take you, Renee, to be my wife, my partner in life, and my travel companion when I become a Rapid Reward Member today, tomorrow and forever."

That"s very cute.

(They danced down the aisle to Chris Brown"s "Forever," which is gross, but it"s inclear whether they or a passanger chose that music)

Skylee Campbell was one of the many passengers who captured this precious moment on video.

"Can’t think of a better way to spend a late-night, 5 hour flight," Skylee wrote. "Other than watching a wedding happen on the plane!"

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It makes sense that the airlines are happy to oblige.

First of all, it gives flight attendants and pilots a break from, you know, the mundane agony of just doing their jobs like they do on every other flight.

Second of all, it gives new, free good press for the airline. Do you know how rare that is, these days?

How many videos have we all seen of people getting dragged off of airplanes?

Earlier this month, there were overlapping horror stories from airplanes. One was of a man removed for his foul body odor.

Another was of a man who, according to the woman who was seated beside him, was allegedly masturbating during the flight.

So, yes, a heartwarming story that takes place on an airplane is clearly welcome. From their perspective.

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There are ethical concerns to getting marred in a plane in this manner.

The ceremony is sweet, sure. But … the passengers didn"t sign up for this.

These two were effectively tying the knot in front of a captive audience who, rather than being invited to a wedding ceremony between strangers, found themselves immersed in it against their will.

Sometimes public proposals happen like this, but it usually only monopolizes a minute or two of people"s time.

This was a whole wedding ceremony, and the captain was speaking over the intercom. That"s not exactly easy to avoid.

On top of that … imagine having to go to the bathroom while on the flight. That"s an unpleasant prospect at any point, because the process of flying is an exercise in misery.

But interrupting a wedding that you never asked to attend adds extra unpleasantness to being squeezed into a small nightmare bathroom while hurtling through the clouds in a metal tube.

Still … we haven"t actually heard any complaints.

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The flight crew reportedly had all of the passengers activate their overhead lights to illuminate the aisle.

It"s such a cute story.

Apparently, the crew was happy to comply.

This couple is hardly the first to get married on a flight, and they won"t be the last.

Honestly, airplane tickets might be expensive considering the conditions that people endure on flights, but they can"t compare to the price of a more traditional wedding.

Good for these two for thinking outside of the box.

And good for the flight crew and passengers for indulging them.

Couple gets married on a southwest airlines flight

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Southwest Airlines Investigating Alleged In-Flight Masturbater

There was a possible hijacking on-board a Southwest Airlines flight … and by that we mean some dude allegedly whacked off to porn on a plane.  Southwest was alerted by a female passenger who says she spent her entire flight from Las Vegas to…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Southwest Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Window Breaks Mid-Flight

Southwest Airlines had to make another emergency landing when a window tore open during a flight from Chicago to Newark — but this time the plane got down without any fatalities. Flight 957 was diverted Wednesday to Cleveland after the window…


Southwest Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Window Breaks Mid-Flight

Southwest Airlines had to make another emergency landing when a window tore open during a flight from Chicago to Newark — but this time the plane got down without any fatalities. Flight 957 was diverted Wednesday to Cleveland after the window…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Southwest Flight Makes Emergency Landing, Passenger Tweets CRAZY Details


You may not want to read the rest of this post if you ever want to fly in an airplane ever again…

sw plane

On Tuesday afternoon, a Southwest Airlines flight en route from LaGuardia Airport in New York to Dallas made an emergency landing in Philadelphia after one of the engines blew and a passenger got nearly sucked out of a window as a result.

As confirmed by a map via FlightAware, Southwest Flight 1380 was headed west/southwest when it took a sharp turn east, back towards Philadelphia.

Accounts from passengers on board have confirmed that an engine on the left side of the plane exploded mid-flight, causing shrapnel to fly across the aisle.

Incredibly, only one person was injured from the blast and he/she was tended to by medical personnel aboard the aircraft.

“We are aware that Southwest flight #1380 from New York La Guardia (LGA) to Dallas Love Field (DAL) has diverted to Philadelphia International Airport (PHL),” said Southwest in a statement, adding:

“We are in the process of transporting Customers and Crew into the terminal. The aircraft, a Boeing 737-700, has 143 Customers and five Crewmembers onboard.

“We are in the process of gathering more information.

“Safety is always our top priority at Southwest Airlines, and we are working diligently to support our Customers and Crews at this time.”

sw statement

As news continues to break regarding exactly what happened, passengers have started to share photos from the plane on social media.

For example, Kristopher Johnson snapped the picture below and shared it to Twitter, thanking the Southwest crew “for a great job getting us to the ground safely after losing in engine.”

Marty Martinez, meanwhile, shared a Facebook live video that depicts him with an oxygen mask on.

“Something is wrong with our plane! It appears we are going down! Emergency landing!!” he says in the footage.

blown engine

Martinez later talked to CBS News after the plane had landed in Philadelphia, explaining something went wrong about a half hour into the trip.

“All of a sudden, we heard an explosion and I come to find out that the engine exploded on the left side of the plane,” he said.

“That explosion caused one of the windows to explode in row 17 of the plane, which was just two aisles over from me.”

Added Martinez:

“I thought I was cataloging the last moments of my existence. It was absolutely terrifying.”

scary flight

Then there was Todd Baur, the father of one passenger onboard, who told NBC Philadelphia that a woman was nearly sucked out of the broken window.

She “was partially … was drawn out towards the out of the plane” and “was pulled back in by other passengers,” Baur said, adding that she was taken to a hospital for evaluation.

Philadelphia Airport has Tweeted that passengers should expect delays following an order (since lifted) from the Federal Aviation Administration that had been preventing flights en route to Philadelphia from taking off.

Crazy, right?

While this near-catastrophe might scare some folks away some flying, it may actually encourage others to feel even safer in the sky.

After all… an engine actually blew up and the plane was still able to land safely, with no fatalities.

Pretty amazing, no?

down plane

UPDATE: The FAA has issued its statement on what happened to Southwest flight 1380.

It reads as follows:

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 landed at Philadelphia International Airport this morning after the crew reported damage to one of the aircraft’s engines, as well as the fuselage and at least one window.

The aircraft, which departed from New York LaGuardia Airport, diverted to Philadelphia, where it landed at 11:20 a.m. Eastern.

Passengers exited the aircraft using air stairs. Please contact local emergency response officials for information on the condition of the passengers.

The FAA is investigating the incident and the National Transportation Safety Board has been notified. The NTSB will be in charge of the investigation.


Southwest Airlines Passengers React Moments After Massive Engine Failure

Southwest Airlines passengers were remarkably calm moments after one of the plane’s engines was shredded by something — despite the fact one of them was almost sucked out of the cabin. The images from the Tuesday morning flight — which made…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Southwest Airlines Woman Smokes, Threatens to Kill Fellow Passengers

There are a lot of rules on airplanes, but most of them are fairly common sense. You know, don"t smoke, don"t shove the flight attendants, and definitely don"t threaten to murder everyone onboard.

Unfortunately, one woman apparently didn"t get the memo, as she managed to do all three in a very short amount of time.

It doesn"t sound like anybody actually got hurt, but she"s obviously in major trouble. And yes, folks. There"s video.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 1

As you"re about to see in the video below, a woman named Valerie Curbelo seemed to lose her mind on a Southwest Airlines flight.

Now, plenty of people feel like they"re "gonna lose it" on a flight.

Maybe a kid keeps kicking their seat. Maybe they"re sitting beside someone with poor boundaries or who won"t stop talking or who snores loudly.

(There are other potential complaints that one might have — airplanes are metal tubes that cram as many humans into them as possible for hours at a time)

But feeling irritated by circumstances is very, very different from what happened to Valerie.

She"s in jail, folks.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 2

Apparently, Valerie Curbelo went into the bathroom, tampered with the smoke detector, and smoked.

On an airplane.

Like it"s the 1960s or something.

That is, to be clear, absolutely inexcusable. The do-not-smoke signs are impossible to miss, and it"s been more or less understood in society for years and years that you don"t just start smoking in an enclosed public place like it"s The Purge.

As bad as that is, though, it"s what Valerie did next that got her into so much more trouble.

And that"s the part that was captured on video.

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Valerie can be seen irate, having apparently grabbed her belongings and even donned a hat.

Angrily, she yells:

"I have a destination for myself!"

That"s a worrisome and also very strange thing to say, let alone yell while dressed as though you"re about to try to leap out of the plane with the expectation that you"ll suddenly learn how to fly.

"I swear, if you don’t … land."

Oh boy, threats.

"I will f—ing kill everybody on this f—ing plane!"

She reportedly then shoved an airline attendant and had to be restrained for the rest of the flight.

Upon landing, she was arrested on a felony charge of making a death threat. Obviously.

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As you"ll also see in the video, she is now at a loss to explain her behavior on the plane, saying only that it was brought about by anxiety.

Having a hankering for a cigarette is not an excuse for anything, but … what if there"s something more?

Everyone"s brain is a little different. If this is an isolated incident, it may be that this woman"s body responds to a change in air pressure in a dramatic way that made her behavior beyond her control.

If there"s an identifiable and treatable mental illness behind this, she could go on to live a fairly normal life.

But we don"t imagine that she"ll be welcome on many airplanes in the near future.

Those No-Fly lists are not a laughing matter.

Southwest airlines woman smokes threatens to kill fellow passeng

Thursday, November 16, 2017

UFC"s Tyron Woodley: I Was On Southwest Gun Pilot Flight!

Turns out, there was a celebrity onboard the Southwest Airlines flight that was delayed due to a co-pilot WITH A GUN … and that celeb is UFC champ Tyron Woodley.  The reigning welterweight champion touched down at LAX after the incident at…
