Showing posts with label Fellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fellow. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Shannon Beador Attacks Fellow Housewife in Cryptic Post

It looks like not everyone has made nice since Shannon Beador flipped out on her castmates in Jamaica.

Shannon has taken to social media to condemn people who cause drama — without naming any names.

One fellow Housewife saw it … and may have implied that they’re no longer friends.

Shannon Beador apologized to her co-stars following her big blow-up in Jamaica.

But there are clearly some lingering issues and conflicts.

At least, that’s what Shannon implied with her recent post.

She shared one of those messages designed for older moms to share on social media (which is exactly her demographic, we’re not being shady).

The post reads: “For those of you who like to stir the pot, make sure you have a tight grip on the handle.”

Shannon captioned the photo with a simple tag: “#verytightgrip.”

Shannon Beador shares mombait post about those who stir the pot

Shannon didn’t name any names, but Tamra Judge saw fit to comment under the post.

“Love you my friend,” Tamra’s comment begins.

“We were good,” she writes.

(Really interesting use of the past tense, there)

“No,” Tamra continues. “I should have not talked about my frustrations.”

“But,” she points out. “I’m pretty sure Gina & Kelly called you mental.”

Shannon may have flipped out on a number of her co-stars while in Jamaica, but we all remember Tamra screaming in response.

Commenters remember the role that Tamra played, even if they didn’t always spell her name correctly.

“Gina definitely stirred it,” one commenter wrote, keeping with the pot-stirring metaphor. “But Tamara supplied the ingredients.”

Tamra saw this and responded: “No I didn’t.”

“Pretty sure the other girls said shannon had mental problems,” Tamra insisted. “I was coming from place of concern.”

Tamra may have taken Shannon’s vaguepost personally, but many asssumed that Gina Kirschenheiter was the one being vagued.

(Remember, if it’s not a tweet, it can’t be a subtweet — it’s a vague)

Gina did go around saying that “everyone” was talking about Shannon’s mental state.

And Vicki Gunvalson slammed her new castmates for being “obsessed” with Shannon.

Neither Gina nor Emily made fast friends with Shannon.

At the end of the day, pot-stirring aside, Shannon’s big blow-up on camera may have been as much from the heat in Jamaica as anything else.

They were staying at a hotel that had no air conditioning. It was summer.

These Housewives are made of sterner stuff than I am — I would have quit the show to flee from that heat.

Some fans openly suggested that Shannon’s conflict with co-stars arose because she envied the younger, newer Housewives.

After all, Emily is happy with her life, and Gina is going through her divorce with dignity and even contentment.

But Kelly Dodd insists that Shannon isn’t jealous of the new women.

She says that Shannon just takes a while to warm up to new people, and that she doesn’t handle change very well.

(Who among us does handle change well? I don’t even like when other people rearrange the furniture in their homes)

Combine Shannon’s resistance to change with the stress of her messy, contentious divorce from David, and you can see why she’s on edge.

But Shannon didn’t really spell out the intended target of her post.

It could mean Gina — but it could also mean Tamra.

(It seems more likely that Tamra just assumed that it was about her, because Tamra can be a little tightly wound)

This may be one of those “You’re So Vain” situations where, if you think it’s about you, it’s about you.

But we will say that Shannon and Gina seem to have mended fences. Social media has shown them hanging out.

The peril of vague posts is that they’re always vague, and you risk upsetting people you didn’t mean to offend.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Henry Levy: Demi Lovato Is Dating a Fellow Addict and Fans Are Concerned

As we reported earlier today, Demi Lovato is out of rehab, and she’s not allowing her sobriety to interfere with her social life.

It looks as though Demi already has a new boyfriend, and while it’s nice to see her smile after such a difficult year, there may be cause for concern.

Typically, those who are new to recovery are discouraged from embarking on new romantic relationships.

But Demi’s new companion reportedly checks two boxes, as he’s both a source of emotional support and an expert on sobriety.

His name is Henry Levy, and he’s a clothing designer who’s been to rehab several times, having first sought treatment when he was 15 years old.

Now, that may sound like a recipe for disaster at first, as Demi’s latest relapse is so recent that she probably shouldn’t involve herself with another addict at the moment.

But those who know Henry best say he’s been sober for over a year and may actually be a good influence on Demi

His latest stint in rehab–where he reportedly re-connected with Demi–was apparently just a tune-up.

Although it can’t be that long since Levy’s last relapse, as here he is pouring himself a glass of whiskey in 2016. 

Henry Levy Photo

Sources close to the situation say Henry and Demi have been friends for years, but their romance is a recent development.

Though not exactly a household name, Levy is no slouch in the fashion world, and his clothing has been worn by Sophie Turner, Kanye West, Sophia Richie and, of course, Demi.

So Henry’s successful in his own right … but that doesn’t mean he’s stable.

As head of Enfants Riches Deprimes (which translates to “rich depressed children”) Henry has stirred up a good deal of controversy over the years.

“If I wasn’t Jewish I would kill myself. Because I wouldn’t be rich,” Levy wrote on Facebook last year, much to the chagrin of customers and employees.

In the Complex magazine interview that accompanied the whiskey photo, Levy said that one of his primary artistic motivations is the rage he feels toward his parents for sending him to rehab.

Asked by the interviewer at that time if he was sober, Levy answered simply, “No.”

Now, close friendships and romantic relationships are common among rehab patients, but experts generally caution against them for a number of reasons.

Every addict and every recovery is different, but fans are already troubled by the fact that Demi left rehab months ahead of schedule.

The fact that the new man in her life is relatively newly sober himself is likely to be greeted with even greater concern.

After all, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Demi’s overdose in July nearly claimed her life.

With the help of family, friends, fans, and an army of specialists, Demi recently celebrated 90 days of sobriety.

But just like every other addict, she’s always just one bad decision from throwing it all away.

Here’s hoping Henry is equipped to help her remain on the right path.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bill Cosby Impresses Fellow Inmates, Earns Prison Nickname

Well, folks, it’s been about 24 hours since Bill Cosby was sentenced to prison and taken into custody.

It’s a positive development for just about everyone in the world, with the exceptions of Cosby himself and maybe a handful of wacky sweater enthusiasts.

Considering he appears to have raped scores of women over the course of several decades, Cosby’s 3-10 year sentence is appallingly light, but on the plus side, he’s 81, so there’s a good chance he’s tasted the sweet pudding pop of freedom for the last time.

Anyway, millions are rightly celebrating Cosby’s incarceration today, and we salute his victims for their bravery in coming forward and their persistence in seeing that this monster was brought to justice.

Another group that’s rightly jazzed (Get it? Because he likes jazz?) about the Cos being locked away are his fellow inmates.

Despite what Orange Is the New Black might have led you to believe, minimum security prisons are actually rather boring places where amusingly topical monologues are few and far between.

So the arrival of a celebrity inmate — particularly one as famous as Bill Cosby — is highly anticipated occasion.

“Prisoners are excited that Cosby is there,” a source close to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections tells Radar Online.

“Even the toughest cellblocks showed respect for him.”

And it seems they’ve even done the disgraced comic the honor of granting him a prison nickname.

“They’re calling him the ‘OG’ — lingo for ‘original gangster,’” the insider claims.

We’re hoping that nickname is delivered with a healthy dose of irony, as Cosby spent the past 50 years chiding black men for the way they dress by day and drugging and raping women by night.

There’s nothing remotely gangster about either of those activities.

Earlier today, we reported that Cosby is trying to beg his way out of prison by claiming that he’s in danger due to his celebrity status.

Fortunately, prison authorities anticipated that argument, and they essentially shot it down with a statement issued moments ago:

“We are taking all of the necessary precautions to ensure Mr. Cosby’s safety and general welfare in our institution,” Corrections Secretary John Wetzel said.

“The long-term goal is for him to be placed in the general population to receive the programming required during his incarceration.”

Sounds like you may want to get comfortable, Mr. Cosby.

You’re gonna be in there longer than Theo got grounded when he took the car without permission. Zab-zippity!


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Winnie Harlow Hangs with Fellow Models on Dave Grutman"s Yacht in Miami

The dude with the hat is one lucky guy … hangin’ with Winnie Harlow and her fellow models on a yacht in Miami. Winnie, her best friend Cindy Bruna and 4 of their comrades in arms hopped aboard the yacht of Dave Grutman — the King of…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Texas Woman Arrested for Biting Off Fellow Party Goer"s Nose

Attention, Florida Woman:

You suddenly are facing some stiff competition from Texas Woman, something that would have seemed unimaginable just a few days ago.

But then the following story hit…

According to an ABC affiliate in Texas, a woman named Jessica Collins was arrested last Wednesday night after she got very drunk at a party and then bit off a fellow attendee’s nose because she was asked to leave.

The incident took place in the town of Conroe, where authorities explain that Collins, a woman with whom she was staying and the neighbor of this second woman all went out to a bar.

Later, they continued their little party at the third woman’s house.

In the police report, this third woman is simply identified as “Tatiana.”

Once the trio were at Tatiana’s home, Collins reportedly asked for more alcohol.

But she was denied and then asked to leave, as Tatiana determined Collins had already had plenty to drink.

This, authorities say, is when Collins grew angry, beligerant and violent, attacking Tatiana and actually biting off her nose.

Tatiana said Collins grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to the ground and that it all happened too quickly for her to fight back.

“All I [can] remember is the taste of blood in my mouth,” Tatiana, told KTRK-TV, adding:

“I was screaming, like, ‘I don’t have a nose! I’m 28 years old and I don’t have a nose anymore!”

Tatiana added to ABC that she passed out numerous times and didn’t realize her nose was injured until she was in the ambulance.

This entire scenario may seem funny to some readers, but it’s actually quite sad and disturbing.

Tatiana needs plastic surgery, within two weeks if she wants her nose to look the same, but she does not have health insurance.

As a result, some friends have started a GoFundMe page; and it has already raised $ 17,000 to help Tatiana afford the procedure.

My friend was attacked by a mentally unstable person last week, when me friend asked her to leave her property, instead of leaving, the lady lunged at my friend, biting off her nose and swallowing it, reads the page, continuing:

Because of the missing piece was never recovered, my friend now needs reconstructive plastic surgery. But if she doesn’t have it within 2 weeks, the wound would start to heal and the surgery would be more complicated (according to the doctor).

Unfortunately, my friend doesn’t have medical insurance and the doctor is requesting payment upfront. The surgery costs $ 12,000, but there isn’t a price for the emotional and bodily damage my friend is enduring.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Collins, 41, has been charged with assault-bodily injury.

She was released on bond on Monday.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Terrell Owens Gifts Custom Shoes to Fellow HOF Class Members

Terrell Owens is trying to make nice with the rest of his Pro Football Hall of Fame class — gifting Ray Lewis, Randy Moss and company with some dope custom Vans … and helping out kids in the process!  T.O. was showing off his…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Audrey Roloff Sends Inspiring Message to Fellow Moms

Audrey Roloff recently ran through a list of seven things she loved about her daughter.

But while we’re sure the Little People, Big World star could come up with an even longer list, she’s actually here to talk about the one thing she hates about being a parent:


You know what she means, don’t you, fellow parents around the Internet?

This is a topic Audrey has touched on in the past, writing to her Instagram followers at one point:

“I feel guilty sometimes for not being able to just stay in bed and play with [my daughter], or for putting her in the play gym to be entertained by the dangling animals instead of me.”

That’s silly, of course.

It’s understandable and relatable, but still silly… because of course we cannot be with our kids at all times, tending to their every need 24/7.

In her latest Instagram post, Roloff again brings up the subject of guilt, but she does so in different manner.

The reality star tries to help other parents feel better about any one of a number of reasons why they may feel at the moment as if they messed something up with their child.

“Moms,” Audrey opens simply, adding:

“You’re not the only one who cut your baby’s nail too shoot. You’re not the only one who had to watch countless YouTube tutorials to figure out how to properly baby wrap.

“You’re not the only one who didn’t know what to do when your baby smacked her head on the hardwood for the first time.”

We can see what Audrey is doing here and we admire the effort.

We’d just like to point out that she could have written this note to Moms AND Dads — because there are plenty of men out there who take parenting very seriously and who feel all the the feelings Roloff is describing in this caption.

Which continues as follows:

You’re not the only one who didn’t know it’s not safe to put your baby in a puffy coat in the car seat.

You’re not the only one who didn’t know you’re supposed to start brushing your baby’s teeth from the moment you see them emerge.

You’re not the only one who is constantly googling what foods to give your baby, and how much they should be eating or how much they should be sleeping.

It’s all so very true.

Being a parent is like trying to avoid one landmine after another, on a near daily basis.

It’s impossible to ever relax, to ever feel as though you have a full grasp on what is best for your son(s) or daughter(s) because a new challenge or obstacle is always just around the corner.

Scroll down to see how Roloff concluded her post…

You’re not the only one who has been criticized or glared at for doing something wrong. I have too. You’re not the only one. You’re not alone. Even though you might feel like it sometimes, we are all figuring out this motherhood thing as we go.

So I’ll be here.

Sharing what I’ve learned, where I’ve failed and how the Lord is encouraging, empowering, and equipping me as I embrace all that it means to be a mother.

Tag a mom friend that you want to encourage.

Audrey and husband Jeremy welcomed Ember Jean into the world last September.

Both have been open about how difficult it was at first, especially for Audrey, who suffered a great deal of pain while breastfeeding.

But here they are, having overcome those initial fears and tears and confident enough to pass along all they’ve learned to other new parents across the world.

Once again, we appreciate Audrey’s intention here.

Next time, though, she can just go ahead and address both genders.


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Ronda Rousey, The Miz Join Fellow Wrestlers Before Wrestlemania 34

The biggest wrestling stars in the world are gearing up for Sunday’s epic Wrestlemania 34 … which is goin’ down in the Big Easy. Check out the pics … Ronda Rousey,The Miz, The Bella Twins, Roman Reigns, Shane McMahon, Jeff Hardy, Stephanie…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Southwest Airlines Woman Smokes, Threatens to Kill Fellow Passengers

There are a lot of rules on airplanes, but most of them are fairly common sense. You know, don"t smoke, don"t shove the flight attendants, and definitely don"t threaten to murder everyone onboard.

Unfortunately, one woman apparently didn"t get the memo, as she managed to do all three in a very short amount of time.

It doesn"t sound like anybody actually got hurt, but she"s obviously in major trouble. And yes, folks. There"s video.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 1

As you"re about to see in the video below, a woman named Valerie Curbelo seemed to lose her mind on a Southwest Airlines flight.

Now, plenty of people feel like they"re "gonna lose it" on a flight.

Maybe a kid keeps kicking their seat. Maybe they"re sitting beside someone with poor boundaries or who won"t stop talking or who snores loudly.

(There are other potential complaints that one might have — airplanes are metal tubes that cram as many humans into them as possible for hours at a time)

But feeling irritated by circumstances is very, very different from what happened to Valerie.

She"s in jail, folks.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 2

Apparently, Valerie Curbelo went into the bathroom, tampered with the smoke detector, and smoked.

On an airplane.

Like it"s the 1960s or something.

That is, to be clear, absolutely inexcusable. The do-not-smoke signs are impossible to miss, and it"s been more or less understood in society for years and years that you don"t just start smoking in an enclosed public place like it"s The Purge.

As bad as that is, though, it"s what Valerie did next that got her into so much more trouble.

And that"s the part that was captured on video.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 4

Valerie can be seen irate, having apparently grabbed her belongings and even donned a hat.

Angrily, she yells:

"I have a destination for myself!"

That"s a worrisome and also very strange thing to say, let alone yell while dressed as though you"re about to try to leap out of the plane with the expectation that you"ll suddenly learn how to fly.

"I swear, if you don’t … land."

Oh boy, threats.

"I will f—ing kill everybody on this f—ing plane!"

She reportedly then shoved an airline attendant and had to be restrained for the rest of the flight.

Upon landing, she was arrested on a felony charge of making a death threat. Obviously.

Valerie curbelo plane threatener 3

As you"ll also see in the video, she is now at a loss to explain her behavior on the plane, saying only that it was brought about by anxiety.

Having a hankering for a cigarette is not an excuse for anything, but … what if there"s something more?

Everyone"s brain is a little different. If this is an isolated incident, it may be that this woman"s body responds to a change in air pressure in a dramatic way that made her behavior beyond her control.

If there"s an identifiable and treatable mental illness behind this, she could go on to live a fairly normal life.

But we don"t imagine that she"ll be welcome on many airplanes in the near future.

Those No-Fly lists are not a laughing matter.

Southwest airlines woman smokes threatens to kill fellow passeng

Friday, November 17, 2017

Jeffrey Tambor Accused of Sexual Harassment by Fellow "Transparent" Actor Trace Lysette

Jeffrey Tambor is once again facing allegations of sexual harassment … and once again by a person who happens to be transgender. Fellow “Transparent” actor Trace Lysette — who plays Shea on the Amazon TV series — claims Tambor made lewd,…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Jenelle Evans and David Eason SLAMMED by Fellow Teen Mom Stars!

It’s been three days now since Jenelle Evans went a little bit crazy at the filming of the Teen Mom 2 reunion, and people still can’t stop talking about it.

Because why would you stop talking about such a beautiful, trashy mess?

According to witness on the scene of the meltdown, Jenelle flipped out because she saw Nathan Griffith’s new girlfriend, Ashley Landhardt, give her mother a hug.

Sure, Jenelle won’t hug her mother because she feels like she wronged her somehow by taking care of her son when she decided partying was more important than parenting.

But that doesn’t mean that good ol’ Barbara Evans can just go around, hugging anyone she pleases.

Jenelle started yelling at Ashley for the transgression, not paying any mind to all the kids that were running around nearby or, you know, the fact that she was at a work event.

In Nathan’s version of events, Jenelle chased Ashley down a hallway in the studio, screaming at her and cussing at her in classic Jenelle fashion.

He asked for security, but no one ever came — though eventually Chelsea Houska stepped in to take poor Kaiser to a safer place.

He said that he and Ashley were trying to calm the situation for the sake of the children, but Jenelle just couldn’t drop the drama, but in Jenelle’s story, she was the innocent victim in all of this.

According to her version of how things went down, Ashley attacked her so viciously that security had to pin her against the wall, and all she was trying to do was give Kaiser a hug.

The two stories are pretty different, right? Which is weird when you consider that cameras were rolling, so one of their stories can easily be proven false.

Also, there were lots of people around — MTV reality stars with active social media accounts and the willingness to dive into the fray.

And that’s exactly what Randy Houska did.

Randy, Chelsea’s father, likes to gossip about the show, which is fair — who doesn’t? And last weekend’s shenanigans were very, very easy to gossip about.

He kicked things off by throwing out some sass about David Eason’s great balloon fiasco. You remember, that time at the filmed party Friday night when he took out a pocket knife and stabbed a bunch of balloons.

After tweeting about how he missed a connecting flight home, someone replied with a joke about how he probably missed the flight because of balloons blocking his way.

“I left my knife at the party,” Randy wrote. “I loaned it out and it was not returned.”

Beautiful, right? And it only gets better.

Once the news of the fight really started making the rounds, he tweeted that he watched both Nathan and Jenelle’s videos, and that everything happened exactly as Nathan described it.

“Not that I am going to spill stuff out,” he said, “but I just want people to know what is truth and what is not to help prevent rumors.”

He probably also wanted to get back at Jenelle, who’s been pretty cruel to both Randy and Chelsea recently. Remember when she called him a “fat f-ck”?

Randy’s statement was pretty tame, but David still felt the need to lash out at him on Instagram.

See, according to Jenelle, MTV refused to serve alcohol to David at that party. That’s why he got mad and stabbed all those poor balloons.

To hold up this story, David posted a video on Instagram of himself playing beer pong at the party — he called it a “fake game” because there was “no beer.”

Someone asked him if the video was filmed before MTV cut him off, and he responded with “Nope they told me there was no beer the whole time and Randys fat ass is just mad I stole his jello shots lil bitch.”

One of David’s followers told him to hush because “you’ll never be half the man Randy is,” and David hit back with “Obviously … he looks like a oversized bean bag chair.”

Because you kind of have to resort to jokes about someone’s appearance when you’re a terrible human being who is constantly in the wrong, we guess.

Randy saw a screenshot of David’s remarks, and he tweeted “Good Lord. I will address this tonight since I actually have a job to tend to. I can win this sh-t all day long.”

Later, after getting some dentistry in, he explained that the jello shots in question were ones that MTV had made for a game called Jello Shot Roulette.

He was sitting by the table where the game was set up, and when David grabbed a couple of shots, he informed him that they were supposed to be saved for filming, so to be sassy, David “grabs about 8 of them.”

As always, some people called him out for gossiping, and he responded with this:

“I get that I am an ‘old man’ & should not be slinging sh-t on twitter but kids are involved so I will go there and my sh-t is true #TeamDoris”

OK, now here’s where things start to get a little complicated: there’s a Twitter account that’s supposed to belong to Jenelle’s rep, but most people think it’s just a secondary account for Jenelle herself.

That account tweeted a screenshot of a text message exchange between a producer and Jenelle in which the producer asked who leaked all the gossip from the reunion.

Jenelle answered that it was “Chelsea kail cole Leah Nathan and Ashley Nathan’s gf,” and the producer said that they “really need to get to the bottom of this” because “we can’t do a show like this with people talking sh-t.”

Sure, it’s way likely a producer said all that, Jenelle definitely didn’t put all that into a text message generator or anything.

Kailyn Lowry replied to the screenshot with “I wasn’t even there … why am I being brought into it?”

Chelsea replied too, writing “Even the thought of cole talking about drama with a tabloid makes me giggle lol I could see why they would think every1 else..but cole?! Lol.”

Randy revealed that Cole wasn’t even at the party when the balloon incident took place, he was back at the hotel with Watson and Aubree.

David asked Chelsea where he was, and when she told him, he told her “that’s what grandparents are for.”

In David and Jenelle’s world, maybe.

A little while later, Randy hopped back on Twitter to explain that David was never “cut off” from drinking, but that MTV had scheduled periodic “alcohol timeouts” so that no one would get too wasted to film.

Gary Shirley of Teen Mom OG fame tweeted that “People don’t release the blessing this show is for their personal gain hope they don’t ruin it for themselves and others. Shoot.”

Jo Rivera responded to the whole story with a series of laughing emojis, and Courtland Rogers, Jenelle’s first husband, responded with “I don’t think that I have ever disliked someone this much in my entire life,” referring to David, “so to see some funny sh-t like this …”

Leah Messer didn’t think it was all that funny though — she wrote “My friend was terrified actually. You just don’t know what to expect from anyone these days, and over alcohol??”

“Last I checked, we were there to work and film a celebration while having a few drinks. It wasn’t the time to get lit…”

So that’s Randy, Kailyn, Chelsea, Gary, Jo, Courtland, Nathan, and Leah, all coming down on Jenelle and David for their ridiculous actions.

Wonder what kind of meltdown we’re going to see over this?


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NeNe Leakes: Shunned by Fellow Housewives! Career in Jeopardy?!

We don’t say this often, but it’s a good time to be Kim Zolciak. Because it’s a bad time to be NeNe Leakes.

As it turns out, going up on stage and telling a heckler that you hope she gets raped doesn’t make other people want to be around you. 

In fact, it sounds like NeNe’s costars are now shunning her. And that means less screen time. … Is this the end of NeNe’s career?

NeNe Leakes does stand-up, which in and of itself would be surprising but not a huge story.

We’ve heard of instances in the past of once-beloved actors tanking their careers because their stabs at stand-up lead to racist or otherwise deeply offensive rants.

It turns out that NeNe Leakes can offend and horrify with the worst of them.

After she attempted to do stand-up relating to Uber drivers and sexual assault, she was heckled. That’s not polite, but audience members often do it. It unfortunately goes with the territory of stand-up.

NeNe fixated on a single heckler, a woman, and said this:

“I ain’t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver,” NeNe responded. “I hope he rape yo’ ass tonight when he take you home, b–ch. And steal yo’ funky hello kitty, b–ch.”

That is … an inexcusably vile response.

NeNe Leakes says that she had a breakdown and, to show that she knows how serious this was, NeNe Leakes has apologized.

Apologies are so important and they’re good, but she’s an adult and she should know that it takes a lot of time and discussion for people to be okay with you.

Apologies aren’t some sort of magical incantation that rewrites history and absolves you of your wrongdoings. Nothing can do that.

For now, NeNe Leakes sobbing and begging for forgiveness is exactly the right thing to do.

It’s not fun, but not saying terrible things isn’t actually all that hard. And it’s not like this was an old video, dredged up from years ago just to make her look bad.

She brought this on herself.

RadarOnline reports that some of the rest of the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have responded to this scandal by refusing to film with NeNe Leakes.

In a lot of ways, that makes sense — sharing a screen with someone who is disgraced can tarnish your own name and brand.

This is no surprise, but the Real Housewives protest of NeNe starts with the one costar who could conceivably share screentime with NeNe without it reflecting poorly upon her.

“Kim Zolciak refuses to film with NeNe any further, so producers scrapped the all cast scene planned for last week.”

See, Kim Zolciak is feuding with NeNe. So Kim and NeNe sharing a screen and staring daggers at each other wouldn’t hurt Kim’s brand at all.

And then the hits keep coming …

“Porsha Williams is refusing to film with NeNe and is siding with Kim.”

And coming

“Sheree [Whitfield] is also siding with Kim.”

NeNe Leakes probably shouldn’t have ranted about Brielle Biermann and accused her of being racist right before saying something inescusable on stage, huh?

We have a feeling that Kim’s conscientious objection to sharing a screen with NeNe has a lot to do with the fact that this woman has been feuding with her and with her daughter.

One thing, though … it looks like NeNe is dipping her toes into the idea of playing the victim. This could backfire catastrophically for her if she does.

But some of the posts that she’s shared on social media have seemed less apologetic and more along the lines of “well, nobody’s perfect!”

That might give her diehard fans some ammunition, but it could majorly backfire for NeNe’s career.

Wishing rape upon somebody is not the hill that you want your reality career to die on.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

O.J. Simpson Parole Hearing, His Fellow Prison Inmates Will Be Watching

O.J. Simpson will have the prisoners at Lovelock Correctional Center sitting on the edge of their seats. Law enforcement officials tell us Simpson’s fellow inmates at the Nevada prison will have TV time when the parole hearing begins. While they can…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Transgender Survivor Contestant Outed By Fellow Castaway

Fans of Survivor are accustomed to intensely dramatic moments, particularly during the show"s "tribal council" scenes.

But on last night"s episode, one castaway took things much too far and left both viewers and his fellow contestants in shock.

In an effort to save himself from elimination, cast member Jeff Varner made a last ditch appeal to the council that for some reason involved outing fellow contestant Zeke Smith.

“There is deception here. Deceptions on levels, Jeff, that these guys don’t even understand,” Varner said, addressing his teammates and the show"s host, Jeff Probst.

Varner then turned to Smith and asked, “Why haven’t you told anyone that you’re transgender?”

Not surprisingly, the disgusting move backfired spectacularly.

Varner"s own teammates condemned his actions, and he was voted off the island shortly thereafter.

Varner attempted to backtrack and justify his strategy, but thankfully, his excuses fell on deaf ears:

“I argue for the rights of transgender people every day in the state of North Carolina,” Varner said.

“I would never say or do anything to hurt anyone here. Jeff, I’m arguing for my life. I feel like I’ve got to throw everything at the wall.”

Asked about the moment that he was outed against his will on national TV, Smith told People magazine:

“I think he hoped others would believe that trans people are dangerous and fraudulent."

He added:

“[Varner"s] reasoning is infinitely worse than him outing me because it’s the same one used to discriminate against, attack and murder trans people. What’s great is that nobody bought it.”

Watch the jaw-dropping moment that Varner employed the worst strategy in Survivor history in the clip below:

Transgender survivor contestant outed by fellow castaway

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Eva Longoria Loves Fellow Empire Star Nia Long! (VIDEO)

Eva Longoria indirectly sided with Nia Long in the “Empire” feud, declaring her love for the actress. Eva was leaving Catch in WeHo Friday when she told our photog how she feels about Taraji P. Henson’s nemesis.  We broke the story the 2 were…


Eva Longoria Loves Fellow Empire Star Nia Long! (VIDEO)

Eva Longoria indirectly sided with Nia Long in the “Empire” feud, declaring her love for the actress. Eva was leaving Catch in WeHo Friday when she told our photog how she feels about Taraji P. Henson’s nemesis.  We broke the story the 2 were…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Lindsay Kay Hayward Thought of Fellow Giant Shaq During Ambulance Ride (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Lindsay Kay Hayward had one specific person in mind during her ambulance ride to the hospital after a health scare … fellow giant Shaquille O’Neal! We got the “My Giant Life” star and 6’9″ pro wrestler Friday in Vegas after she was hospitalized…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Devastated After Being Snubbed by Fellow Teen Moms?!

So right now, all the girls from Teen Mom OG are on a special little vacation to Puerto Rico.

Well, all the girls but Farrah Abraham, that is.

We know, we know, it’s hard to imagine, but when Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, and Catelynn Lowell decided to take their respective beaus and go on vacation together, they somehow forgot to invite Farrah.

Probably because Farrah is completely insufferable, just a total nightmare of a human being, and the last time all four ladies were in the same building together Farrah nearly caused a riot.

But hey, we don’t know the exact situation.

So, OK, we’ve got Catelynn, Amber and Maci in Puerto Rico and Farrah with her daughter, Sophia, in L.A. for the little girl’s birthday.

And we’ve also got Farrah’s sometimes boyfriend, Simon Saran, explaining how he and Farrah feel about being the only Teen Mom couple not invited on the trip.

In an interview with Radar, Simon said that “It’s really upsetting” to be snubbed in such a huge way.

“Farrah and I are really upset,” he revealed. “It’s going to take some time to get past this. It’s hard for me to sleep knowing we were not included.”

Now, we’re not exactly sure, but is that sarcasm? It sounds a little like sarcasm.

After all, Simon has ranted and raved about each and every one of those Teen Moms in the past — he’s pretty much the show’s official troll at this point.

But regardless, he added that the thought of seeing the other Teen Mom girls after what went down at the reunion show makes him “cringe,” and that’s certainly believable.

Though he does promise that “There will be a time and place” for the whole crew to get together again.

And goodness knows we’ll be eagerly awaiting that.

But you know what the irony here is?

Farrah, usually known as the worst mom out of all the moms, is currently with her daughter and her mother, doing fun little activities together and seemingly having a great, drama-free time.

But Amber, Maci, and Catelynn (along with Matt Baier, Taylor McKinney, and Tyler Baltierra) are getting ripped to shreds by Teen Mom fans.

People are taking issue with the fact that they all left their kids at home to go on vacation, and that they’re all drinking so much.

Oh, how the tables have turned

But somehow, we think that everything will turn out all right. The moms in Puerto Rico will go home, life will return to normal, Farrah will continue to believe that the entire world revolves around her.

Everything will be back to normal in no time.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Joey Boots -- Fellow "Wack Packer" Discovers Dead Body (AUDIO)

Joey Boots’ body was found by another Howard Stern ‘Wack Packer’ during a live podcast … and the audio is heartbreaking. TMZ broke the story … High Pitch Erik was sent to Joey’s apartment after he no-showed for his podcast.  When Joey…


Joey Boots -- Fellow "Wack Packer" Discovers Dead Body (AUDIO)

Joey Boots’ body was found by another Howard Stern ‘Wack Packer’ during a live podcast … and the audio is heartbreaking. TMZ broke the story … High Pitch Erik was sent to Joey’s apartment after he no-showed for his podcast.  When Joey…
