Showing posts with label Goers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Texas Woman Arrested for Biting Off Fellow Party Goer"s Nose

Attention, Florida Woman:

You suddenly are facing some stiff competition from Texas Woman, something that would have seemed unimaginable just a few days ago.

But then the following story hit…

According to an ABC affiliate in Texas, a woman named Jessica Collins was arrested last Wednesday night after she got very drunk at a party and then bit off a fellow attendee’s nose because she was asked to leave.

The incident took place in the town of Conroe, where authorities explain that Collins, a woman with whom she was staying and the neighbor of this second woman all went out to a bar.

Later, they continued their little party at the third woman’s house.

In the police report, this third woman is simply identified as “Tatiana.”

Once the trio were at Tatiana’s home, Collins reportedly asked for more alcohol.

But she was denied and then asked to leave, as Tatiana determined Collins had already had plenty to drink.

This, authorities say, is when Collins grew angry, beligerant and violent, attacking Tatiana and actually biting off her nose.

Tatiana said Collins grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to the ground and that it all happened too quickly for her to fight back.

“All I [can] remember is the taste of blood in my mouth,” Tatiana, told KTRK-TV, adding:

“I was screaming, like, ‘I don’t have a nose! I’m 28 years old and I don’t have a nose anymore!”

Tatiana added to ABC that she passed out numerous times and didn’t realize her nose was injured until she was in the ambulance.

This entire scenario may seem funny to some readers, but it’s actually quite sad and disturbing.

Tatiana needs plastic surgery, within two weeks if she wants her nose to look the same, but she does not have health insurance.

As a result, some friends have started a GoFundMe page; and it has already raised $ 17,000 to help Tatiana afford the procedure.

My friend was attacked by a mentally unstable person last week, when me friend asked her to leave her property, instead of leaving, the lady lunged at my friend, biting off her nose and swallowing it, reads the page, continuing:

Because of the missing piece was never recovered, my friend now needs reconstructive plastic surgery. But if she doesn’t have it within 2 weeks, the wound would start to heal and the surgery would be more complicated (according to the doctor).

Unfortunately, my friend doesn’t have medical insurance and the doctor is requesting payment upfront. The surgery costs $ 12,000, but there isn’t a price for the emotional and bodily damage my friend is enduring.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Collins, 41, has been charged with assault-bodily injury.

She was released on bond on Monday.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Chimp Hurls Feces at Zoo Goers, Nails Grandma in the Face

You know what they say:

It"s all fun and games until someone gets clobbered in the face with a chunk of money feces.

Visitors to John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids, Michigan now have a better understanding of this classic saying, following an incident on Sunday that has since gone viral.

As you can see below, a strong crowd had gathered around the second-story viewing area of the chimpanzee enclosure when one animal in particular got really excited to see everyone.

He made a lot of sounds. He jumped all around. He entertained everyone who had paid to see pretty much this exact thing.

Until he proceeded to wind up and hurl his own excrement at those gawking over his every utterance and gesture!

“It got Grandma!” a boy hilariously yells in the video below, as a woman sitting in an electric scooter turns to face her family in absolute horror, poop smeared across her nose.

She is NOT amused.

Erin Vargo, an employee of John Ball Zoo, captured the whole thing on camera.

“So Jake and I thought we were going to have an average day at the zoo… turns out it would be the day of the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Vargo posted on Facebook Sunday afternoon, adding:

“I’m seriously dying of laughter. And I can’t believe I got it on video."

And now you can watch it all unfold on said video! Click PLAY!

Chimp hurls feces at zoo goes nails grandma in the face