Showing posts with label Hurls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurls. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Gucci Mane Security Violently Hurls Stage-Jumping Fan into Crowd During Concert

Gucci Mane fans beware … there will be no questions asked, if you jump on stage during his concert … you’re gonna regret it. Check out the video, where a fan stage-crashes during the rapper’s concert Friday night at Brooklyn Mirage. Security is…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Hurls Insensitive Slurs on Instagram, Gets Schooled By Fans

Well, let no one say that Khloe Kardashian isn’t big enough to admit when she’s made a mistake.

Of course, her latest blunder is the sort of mistake that Khloe really shouldn’t be making in 2018 …

Over the weekend, Khloe posted an Instagram story and quickly caught a lot of flak for using some offensive language.

The short video clip shows Khloe helping her sister Kourtney configure her smartphone before her workout.

“Yes, you can, you f-cking r-tard,” Kourtney was heard saying off-camera.

“Are you f-cking r-tarded?” Khloe replied.

Yes, Kourtney and Khloe both casually tossed out slurs, but since the clip was posted to Khloe’s Insgaram, the majority of the criticism was directed at her.

Khloe quickly deleted the story, but not before many fans took note of the offensive faux pas.

One fan went straight to Twitter to call Khloe out directly.

“I was watching your livestream on Instagram until you said the “r” word,” the follower wrote.

“You should pay more attention to your word choices especially since you have a huge following&don’t know who you could be offending.”

The fan concluded the tweet with a poignant reminder that as a new mom, Khloe should demonsgtrate greater sensitivity.

“If True had a disability you would use a different word,” she tweeted.

Thankfully, Khloe was quick to respond and fully agreed with the fan’s assessmemt.

“Ugh I hate that word! Why did I even say that?” she wrote.

“You are a million percent right and I actually greatly dislike when people use that word! I will do better! I am sorry! much love today.”

Yes, Khloe messed up pretty bad, but her apology is basically a master class in how to express remorse without making excuses.

She simply admitted that she was wrong and promised to try and do better in the future.

Of course, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that she’s so skilled in this regard.

Khloe has been hearing so many apologies lately that we suppose it makes sense she’s gotten so good at delivering them herself.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Gym Member Hurls Equipment Due to Dispute Over Tootsie Rolls

Planet Fitness bills itself as a Judgment Free Zone.

But we feel pretty comfortable passing judgment on the woman featured in the video below.

It comes to use from the underrated city of Grand Rapids, Michigan and it features someone entering a Planet Fitness at 1:30 a.m.

This is already a questionable sign.

But it"s more than just the unusual hour at which she entered the facility that has folks on Facebook talking; it"s her behavior!

The woman is clearly very angry from the outset, threatening an employee behind the desk by screaming "I"ll kill you!"

She then hurts computer monitors allover the place and causes serious damage to a phone, all whilc arguing with and cursing at everyone around her.

Another gym-goer filmed the incident, which allegedly stemmed from a disagreement over Tootsie Rolls.

We can only presume the woman wanted to eat some Tootsie Rolls, assumed she would find some at the front desk and lost every ounce of her proverbial $ hit upon being denied these delicious chocolate treats.

Police says the 20-year-old is being charged with malicious destruction of property and will likely pay a fine as high as $ 1,000.

No charges have been filed against her, however.

But check out the video above anyway.

Because it"s totally bananas!

Outraged planet fitness member hurls equipment after dispute ove

Friday, March 16, 2018

Younes Bendjima Hurls ALL the Shade at Scott Disick

As it turns out, Younes Bendjima has more than just a pretty face.

(And rock hard abs… and strong biceps… and thick legs… and a butt that refuses to quit…)

He also has a mouth that spits red hot fire.

The surprisingly long-term boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian shared a few words on Snapchat this week that simply had to be directed at Scott Disick.

Bendjima did not call Disick out by name in the post, but he did write the following:

“Sometimes those who don’t socialize much aren’t actually anti-social. They just have no tolerance for drama, stupidity and fake people.”

Whoa there! Clear shot fired, right?

These harsh words were preceded by “YOU FEEL ME” in all capital letters.

benjamin note

Disick, of course, has become as well known as this point for partying and for being extremely social as he has for nearly anything else.

It’s the reason Kourtney finally pulled the plug on their romance years ago: Disick was off in France, drinking and spending time with an ex-girlfriend and it was all too much for Kardashian to handle.

So it seems rather apparent to us that when Bendjima brings up socializing as he does above, he’s pointing his finger right at Disick and calling him out for being “stupid” and “fake.

And we love it!

Bendjima has been dating Kardashian now for over a year.

No one really thought this relationship would be more than a fling when the two first got together… but here they are.

And there was Kourtney on an episode of her family’s reality show, actually admitting she might one day want to have kids with Younes.

Still, this is an unusual step for Bendjima to have taken.

He’s mostly gone the strong and silent route when it comes to Disick, who insiders have said is beyond angry that this hot model is still banging his three-time baby mama.

Scott is insanely jealous of Younes,” a source told E! News last month, adding:

“He just can’t come to terms with the fact that Kourtney has found true happiness with someone else.”

If this were anyone else but Scott Disick, we’d feel bad for the guy.

We all can relate to how difficult it often is to watch an ex-lover move on.

Truth be told, though, this is Scott Disick.

He’s never come across as particularly nice or caring or un-douche-like.

Moreover, he’s dating Sofia Richie! It’s not like he’s sitting at home, trying to be a better person, pining over Kourtney.

We don’t know that prompted this trash talk from Bendjima, but we are so very much here for it.

There have been too many babies and not nearly enough drama in Kardashian world these days. We need a lot more of the former.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Vin Diesel Hurls Cake At Steve Aoki"s Face

Vin Diesel put his massive arms to work Friday night in L.A. but he wasn’t pumping iron … he caked Steve Aoki in the face! Steve had a show at The Shrine in L.A. Friday night and a ton of celebs were in the house, including Rage Against The…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Fifth Harmony Hurls "Camila Cabello" Off Stage at VMAs

Heading into the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, many fans were wondering whether Taylor Swift would show up and bury the hatchet with host Katy Perry.

The answer in the end was no, she did not.

But it was actually a different rivalry that captured the attention of viewers of this event on Sunday night, as Fifth Harmony took to the stage at one point and most definitely did NOT bury the hatchet with Camila Cabello, either.

The singer announced her decision to leave Fifth Harmony back in December.

She claimed at the time that she had given her colleagues the proper heads-up regarding this choice, but remaining members Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen, Lauren Jauregui and Normani Hamilton have said otherwise.

They alleged Cabello just up and walked away with basically no warning… and that she did so via a note from her representative.

And it"s clear they remain angry over this move.

At the very beginning of the quartet"s performance of “Down” yesterday, the artists appeared with five members – before one appeared to be thrown off the stage.

The gasp-inducing shocker was considered by many to the highlight of the broadcast.

It certainly has left the Internet abuzz.

These reactions basically sum up Twitter"s feelings on what went down:

“We’re extremely excited,” Jauregui said prior to the show, adding:

"This is definitely one of the biggest moments of our careers – something we’ve worked so hard for to get to a place where people would want us on the stage, so we’re excited as heck for it… there are so many surprises.”

Check out the performance (and don"t blink through the beginning) below!

Fifth harmony hurls camila cabello off stage at mtv vmas

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Kate Major Praises White Supremacy During Arrest, Hurls Homophobic Slurs at Police

Less than a year ago, Michael Lohan"s wife Kate Major was arrested for assaulting a police officer and being a menace, which is pretty consistent with her history of arrests.

So it"s no surprise that, once again, Kate Major has been placed under arrest.

This time, there"s video (which we have for you, below) and, be warned, she combines racist and homophobic epithets into a perfect storm of awful. She even brings up white supremacy, so … yikes.

Kate major in a car

We suppose that we should be thankful that this wasn"t another incident of Kate Major getting arrested for attacking Michael Lohan.

Maybe thankful isn"t the right word … we don"t exactly lose any sleep over bad things happening to Michael Lohan.

Michael Lohan and charges of domestic battery aren"t exactly strangers to each other. Like, at all.

(And we cannot help but wonder how much better Lindsay Lohan"s life and mental state would be if she had never had Michael Lohan in her life — maybe she"d have the life that she deserves, you know?)

But speaking of criminal charges that Michael Lohan and his estranged wife Kate Major have faced, Kate"s very latest arrest features both of them.

Kate made a call to 911 that we"d describe as semi-coherent, at best.

TMZ obtained the call, though honestly it"s mostly just upsetting and managed to not even be the focus of this story.

In it, Kate Major says that her husband kidnapped her young children and punched her in the face that day.

(Obviously horrible, if true — though her words and actions later cast doubt on the whole thing)

Though she"s not exactly coming across as, uh, a woman in a healthy mental state or necessarily a sober person, she describes dire circumstances that, if true, totally warrant a police call and a very serious response.

And then … Kate Major very clearly threatens to murder "you" (the 911 operator but probably the police) if they fail to bring back her children.

Kate major lohan mugshot picture

That"s a threat.

Potentially a terrorist threat.

The sort of thing that warrants an arrest while simultaneously the sort of crazy person talk that makes people dismiss everything that you"ve said previously.

But, yeah, she was placed under arrest.

(She might be able to mitigate it, legally speaking, by claiming extreme emotional disturbance, but that will be in a courtroom if it comes to that)

Kate Major didn"t go quietly at all, as you"ll see in the video below.

But, because she"s slurring her words, we can go ahead and tell you the upsetting things that she said to the arresting officers.

Kate major and michael lohan photo

As we mentioned, Kate is bending over backwards to be offensive. 

A lot of that is just referring to the black man there as a "monkey" and to the woman there as a "d-ke."

The first is not something to call a black person as it was a hateful term and caricature used for decades.

The second is a homophobic slur directed as lesbians (and sometimes at bisexual women).

And then, likely inspired by recent news such as the Nazi activity and terrorist attack in Charlottesville and the ensuing media coverage, Kate Major starts talking about white supremacy.

Like, she seems to think that it"s a good thing.

"Part of white supremacy is that you f–king monkeys don"t know how to do your jobs."


"I"d love to be more of part of white supremacy because you"re all part of f–king monkeys."

As for the female officer, who is white, Kate calls her a "d-ke" repeatedly and demands that she stop touching her breasts.

Kate major mugshot 2014

By the way, Kate Major has a bag over her head throughout this — yes, really — because officers claim that she was spitting on them.

It"s good that they have such a ready solution to that.

It"s not so good that this happens so regularly to police that they have bags designed to prevent it.

(Seriously, what is wrong with people?)

We"re sure that there will be more on this ridiculous, sensational story.

Remember, there are slurs in this video, so you may want to watch your volume or even put on some headphones:

Kate major praises white supremacy during arrest uses homophobic

Mel B Hurls Water at Simon Cowell, Storms Off AGT Set

America"s Got Talent? Yes, often each week on NBC.

But America had a fight on its hands Tuesday night after two of the judges on this beloved reality show got into a pretty big tiff on live television.

The altercation took place after host Tyra Banks asked Simon Cowell for his take on an act that just performed on stage.

Pretty much out of nowhere, Cowell used the opportunity to take a jab at co-panelist Mel B, her failed marriage and her sex life.

“I kind of imagine this would be like Mel B’s wedding night,” Cowell quipped. “A lot of anticipation, not much promise or delivery.”

Before he could even finish his thought, the ex-Spice Girls member jumped out of her seat and tossed a cup of water on Cowell.

She then stormed off set.

“Mel B is out,” Banks told the audience with enthusiasm. “This is live TV, y’all. Live TV.”

Could this have been staged for attention and ratings? Absolutely, you never know with reality programs.

However, Brown and Stephen Belafonte are engaged in a VERY ugly divorce battle at the moment.

The singer has filed for a restraining order amidst claims that Belafonte abused her and threatened her life on many occasions.

There"s talk of beatings, sex tapes, bribery and threesomes.

After 10 years of marriage, Mel B has asked for joint legal and physical custody of the former couple’s 5-year-old daughter, Madison.

She also requested to terminate the court’s ability to award spousal support in her filing.

Would she really agree to let Cowell joke about this kind of relationship?

Just so the following crack and reaction can go viral?

Watch and decide for yourself:

Mel b hurls water at simon cowell storms off americas got talent

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bill Maher Hurls N-Word During Interview with Senator on "Real Time" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher jokingly used a racial slur during an interview on his TV show, but as expected — lots of people aren’t laughing. But really, @BillMaher has got to go. There are no explanations that make this acceptable.…


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Conrad Hilton Hurls Homophobic Slur in Court, Agrees to Hospitalization (VIDEO)

Conrad Hilton exploded in anger during his arraignment Wednesday, saying in the courtroom, “So f***ing gay.” Hilton did not enter a plea to violating a restraining order by trying to break into the home of his ex-girlfriend over the weekend.…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Chimp Hurls Feces at Zoo Goers, Nails Grandma in the Face

You know what they say:

It"s all fun and games until someone gets clobbered in the face with a chunk of money feces.

Visitors to John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids, Michigan now have a better understanding of this classic saying, following an incident on Sunday that has since gone viral.

As you can see below, a strong crowd had gathered around the second-story viewing area of the chimpanzee enclosure when one animal in particular got really excited to see everyone.

He made a lot of sounds. He jumped all around. He entertained everyone who had paid to see pretty much this exact thing.

Until he proceeded to wind up and hurl his own excrement at those gawking over his every utterance and gesture!

“It got Grandma!” a boy hilariously yells in the video below, as a woman sitting in an electric scooter turns to face her family in absolute horror, poop smeared across her nose.

She is NOT amused.

Erin Vargo, an employee of John Ball Zoo, captured the whole thing on camera.

“So Jake and I thought we were going to have an average day at the zoo… turns out it would be the day of the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Vargo posted on Facebook Sunday afternoon, adding:

“I’m seriously dying of laughter. And I can’t believe I got it on video."

And now you can watch it all unfold on said video! Click PLAY!

Chimp hurls feces at zoo goes nails grandma in the face

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chris Brown Hurls Guns, Weapons at Police Amidst Dramatic Standoff

Chris Brown is not having the best day of his life. 

We reported earlier today that the cops were called on the singer after he waved a gun at a female. 

The female, who we’re now hearing is a beauty pageant winner, called the cops on Brown. 

Sadly, things only got more sinister from there and more details are gradually being released about what went down. 

There were a group of people at the home in L.A, but things went awry while Ray J was getting a tattoo. 

Some uninvited guests appeared and refused to leave. This caused Brown to wave a gun around as the police were called. 

Ray J then tried to leave, but was stopped at the edge of the driveway by police, who cuffed him. Upon checking his identification, he was set released, but his car was detained. 

Poor Ray had to get an Uber away from the scene. Does it get any classier than that?

The police have been at the scene since 3 AM, but they’re struggling to get in contact with Chris, who is not answering the door. 

He did throw a duffel bag out a window, which reportedly had weapons and drugs. 

There’s even reports he taunted the officers on the scene, telling them to go and get him. 

Brown has been active on Instagram throughout the standoff, but he doesn’t look as though he is in the best frame of mind. 

Police are allegedly trying to get a search warrant for the home, so they can go in and search it. 

All of these developments are pretty crazy. 

It’s went from waving a gun to a full blown and standoff.

What do you think of all the latest information on this?

Hit the comments. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Hailey Baldwin Hurls Shade at Justin Bieber: What Did She Say?

Perhaps Justin Bieber should have seen this coming.

Perhaps he should have known that bragging about his new girlfriend would royally piss off two of his ex-girlfriends.

Over the weekend, Bieber went very public with Sofia Richie.

He and the 17-year old shared a number of photos together from their trip to Tokyo, where Bieber is currently on tour and where Richie is clearly enjoying the company of the artist.

Look. Here’s an example of one:

Based on how intimate Bieber and Richie seemed, along with the heart emojis used in some captions, it’s pretty clear the two are dating.

And this was made even more clear after Bieber took issue with fans giving Richie a hard time.

In response to their online vitriol, Justin wrote the following message yesterday on Instagram:

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand.

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

It seemed like a fair point at the time, like Bieber was trying to just stand up for his gal pal.

But Selena Gomez didn’t see it that way.

In a comment she left on Bieber’s Instagram page, Selena basically told her famous ex to keep his private life private… or else shut up about the consequences.

“If you can’t handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol – it should be special between you two only,” Selena allegedly wrote, adding:

“Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you.”

Selena message?

We say she allegedly wrote this because it was not a message straight from Selena’s official account.

It’s possible that someone used Photoshop to make it look as if Gomez was taking Bieber to task.

But then another screen-capture of Bieber’s account revealed a response from the singer, who appeared to fire back at Gomez by writing:

“It’s funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way. Sad. All love.”

Biebs message?

After Gomez responded to this comment by writing that Bieber cheated on her “multiple times,” Bieber strongly implied that Gomez cheated on himwith Zayn Malik!

This has all become a giant mess, made all the more confusing because it’s all based on Instagram comments.

No one is 100% certain that either Selena or Justin wrote any of these messages.

But Hailey Baldwin has decided to chime in anyway.

The model (who dated Biebs earlier this year, although she downplayed the relationship at the time) took to her own Instagram account on Sunday night to warn people not to “misplace blame.”

Was this message written in support of Selena?

Baldwin tweet

“We’ve all had our fair share of things we’ve done, both good and bad. What makes the present so powerful is when we take complete responsibility for our actions, we allow ourselves self-growth,” the cryptic message reads.

“Misplacing the blame onto someone else isn’t going to get you to the next stage in life. so try not to manipulate a situation to make yourself look better.”

Baldwin concludes:

“No matter how much better off someone may seem, we are all humanly flawed in our own ways, but also share the same endless potential to be better than we used to be.”

According to People Magazine, Baldwin’s friends believe Richie made Bieber unfollow her on Instagram.

As a result, Baldwin is “super upset,” an insider tells the publication.

Does this mean she was aiming the quote above at Bieber? Probably.

We really have no idea at this point.

We admire Justin for standing up for Richie, but in the end, there’s a message here for everyone in the social media age:

Not everything has to be shared online. We’re just saying.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Justin Bieber Hurls Argentine Flag Out Window, Loses a Fan

Justin Bieber is doing his best to lose as many fans as possible these days.

First, Bieber canceled all meet and greets, denying concert goers the chance shake his hand and pose for a photo prior to shows.

The singer apologized at the time for doing so, claiming that these events made him very tired.

Next, Bieber announced that he will no longer pose for selfies with fans, citing security concerns and a desire for privacy.

And now footage from earlier this month in New York City has surfaced… and it doesn’t paint Bieber in a very positive light.

According to The Daily Mail, it was filmed by one of the fans who had been waiting for Bieber to emerge from his hotel and it focuses on an unnamed Argentinian teenager who was desperate to meet her idol.

As you can see in two different ways below, the girl tosses an Argentine flag Bieber’s way. And he coldly hurls it out the window.

Soon after the incident took place, this is what the fan wrote on Facebook:

“Yesterday I was at the hotel at 10am and I stayed for hours outside waiting. When he was going out, guards told us to back off, so I grabbed the flag and threw it at him.

“Of course it was not my intention for it to fall close to his face, so I apologised a thousand times.

“He looked at me… grabbed the flag, threw it on the pavement and shut the window.”

Ouch. Harsh by The Biebs, isn’t it?

Especially when you see the event unfold in full via the following video and you see just how irritated he seems to be by the mere presence of his supporters:

“I’m 15 and he could have treated me better since I apologised and he could hear it,” the girl added on Facebook.

Amazingly, this is not Bieber’s first scandal involving the flag of Argentina.

Back in 2013, Bieber was banned from performing in the country after he kicked away flags that attendees hurled onstage during a performance.

He did eventually apologize for the incident, at least.

Should he also do so for the latest flag controversy featured above? You tell us!