Showing posts with label Baldwin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baldwin. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Stephen Baldwin I"m Just Like Justin ... We"re Both Big Kids!!!


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Stephen Baldwin I"m Just Like Justin ... We"re Both Big Kids!!!

Alec Baldwin Prosecution Blinks ... Cuts Deal

Alec Baldwin just got a great result in his criminal assault and harassment case, after prosecutors realized the surveillance video created huge problems for them.
Baldwin appeared in an NYC courtroom Tuesday and prosecutors revealed they were willing to not only lower the charge to harassment...
Alec Baldwin Prosecution Blinks ... Cuts Deal

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

TMZ Live Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Postpone Wedding


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TMZ Live Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Postpone Wedding

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Justin Bieber to Hailey Baldwin: U Make Me So Horny!

Hailey Baldwin just gave Justin Bieber a major erection.

Sorry. We don’t mean to be lewd or inappropriate here.

We’re just quoting the singer himself.

Late last week, Baldwin posted a new photo on Instagram of her as the face of Canadian designer Nicole Benisti’s new clothing line.

In the snapshot, Hailey is donning a black puffy jacket, skin-tight pants and heels. She looks great, there’s no denying as much.

And while this may be a subjective statement, it’s one shared by the man who wants to spend the rest of his life with Baldwin, as Bieber couldn’t help but jump into Hailey’s Comments section…

… and basically say he wanted to jump her bones right then and there.

“Back again as the face of @nicolebenisti wearing my favorite coat,” Baldwin wrote in the caption, raving about the $ 2,900 (!!!!!) garment, to which Bieber replied:

Ur just too much. U turn me on.

lovin hailey

Well… okay then!

Thanks for telling the entire world that, JB!

Multiple fans remarked that the artist’s admission in response to this photo made “uncomfortable” or were “too much.”

Heck, Gwyneth Paltrow even wrote “TMI,” which stands for Too Much Information.

And she makes a fair point, right? Justin could easily have just waited until Baldwin got home that night and shown her how he was turned on.

We didn’t need to read all about it.

But Bieber and Baldwin have often been all over each other on Instagram ever since they got back together earlier this year.

The singer and the model have been unafraid to share very racu pictures – such as THIS ONE – of kissing, fondling and general public displays of affection.

It’s quite clear they are quitte attracted to each other.

But, hey, at least they’re married!

We’re pretty sure they’re married, at least.

Justin and Hailey exchanged vows in a New York City courthouse in September, although they have been hesitant to confirm their husband and wife status until they have a bigger and more religious ceremony down the line.

We’re not sure when that will take place.

But Baldwin did recently confirm her marital status — and what better source could there be than one of the two people involved here?

Just a few weeks ago, a source told Us Weekly that Baldwin “would do anything” for her husband, adding:

“He was her first love.”

What about Selena Gomez?

“For Justin, there’s always going to be a soft spot in his heart for Selena because you don’t just stop loving someone and caring about someone, especially when they’re going through a difficult time like she is,” another Us Weekly insider said.

He was referring to Selena checking into a mental health clinic a little while back and he added:

“[Bieber] sees his romantic life going forward with Hailey, and he has to separate himself from feeling guilty or bad about Selena because it wouldn’t be fair to his current relationship.

“Hailey is still feeling secure in their relationship because of that.”

And it probably also helps her feel secure that Bieber wants to give it to her at pretty much all times.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hailey Baldwin Takes Justin Bieber"s Last Name on Instagram

Hailey Baldwin is dunzo! Instead, Hailey Bieber is taking her place in the most meaningful way possible … on social media.  Justin Bieber’s wife just changed her Instagram handle to @HaileyBieber, a move Biebs himself put in motion. Our…


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Have Matching Face Tattoos: Report

According to a surprising new report, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have something in common aside from undying affection for one another.

They also have matching face tattoos.

For real!


Tattoo artist Keith McCurdy, better known by his nickname “Bang Bang,” tells Page Six that he can confirm the so-called works of art himself…

… because he’s the one who drew them on the singer and his midel wife.

“They each got a tattoo,” McCurdy says. “Justin’s tattoo is on his face, and I haven’t seen any photos of it — so he’s doing a good job of laying low.”

Added Mr. Bang:

“It’s really thin and delicate. And [it’s] also not a traditional couples’ tattoo . . . I don’t want to give away what it is until press gets a hold of it.”

How interesting, right?

That’s one word for it at least.

Bieber is apparently changing his look all over the place these days, considering he recently shaved all the hair off his head as well.

The tattoo artist, who is responsible for many other designs across Bieber’s body, added to the aforementioned outlet that this face tattoo is near Justin’s eyebrow and is comprised of “little words.”

Perhaps it’s an ode or a reference of some kind to Baldwin?

Gotta imagine some paparazzo will get close enough soon to give us all a solid glimpse.

Bieber and Baldwin shocked the world by getting engaged this summer

They then shocked the world once again a few weeks ago by getting married in a courthouse in New York City.

There was some debate at the time over whether or not Hailey and Justin actually tied the knot or merely obtained a marriage license — but Baldwin told a fan last month that it was the former.

She confirmed she is married to Bieber.

We can still expect the famous couple to hold a larger ceremony and reception at some point in the future, however.

For the most part, however, Bieber and Baldwin have remained pretty quiet ever since they got back together.

There are some questions over whether Bieber will even record any music ever again — or if he’ll just dedicate himself to his religion and his relationship.

We suppose time will tell.

In the meantime, let’s all speculate and wonder:

What the heck could this face tattoo be?

And is there any chance at all it looks good?!?


Alec Baldwin Denies Punching Man in Fight Over Parking Spot

7:11 PM PT – Alec has denied the allegations on Twitter, stating, “Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is…


Friday, November 2, 2018

Alec Baldwin Punches Guy in Face Over Parking Spot, Gets Arrested

Alec Baldwin has spent the past two years or so punching back at Donald Trump by portraying the President on Saturday Night Live.

But now the actor has been arrested for a different sort of punch back.

As in: Baldwin has been arrested for punching some dude in the face.

According to TMZ and NBC News, the veteran actor got into an altercation with his alleged unnamed victim around 10th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City on Friday.

Insiders tell the aforementioned celebrity gossip website that Baldwin had a friend holding a parking spot for him…

… but that this other fella dared to swoop in and take it.

(It’s unclear at the moment just how the friend was holding the spot for Baldwin.)

Baldwin took exception to what he saw as a parking spot heist, screamed at the perpetrator and then slugged him in the face.

The victim, reportedly a 49-year old male, was then taken to a nearby hospital.

And Baldwin was placed under arrest.

The actor lives in the area and has a well-earned reputation for being a hothead.

The only real surprise in this story is that the man on the receiving end of Baldwin’s fist was not a photographer.

Over the past few years, Alec has mixed it up several times with paparazzi members in the streets of the Big Apple.

He was arrested in May of 2014 for confronting a police officer…

… he verbally abused a Daily Mail writer the year before.

… and he hurled gay slurs at a different photographer in between these incidents, stirring up understandable controversy and drama in the process.

Accompanied by his wife and his daughter during this latter confrontation, which took place almost exactly four years ago, Baldwin referred to his then-nemesis as a “c-cksucking f-g.”

It was a very low moment for the outspoken Liberal.

He apologized afterward and has remained relatively calm ever since. Until now, that is.

Not long after news of Baldwin’s arrest went public, President Trump was asked about the incident and showed surprising restraint by responding with a simple:

“I wish him luck.”

Neither Baldwin nor anyone on his team has spoken out yet about the arrest.

The actor has four children under the age of five with his wife Hilaria, as well as an adult daughter with first wife, Kim Basinger.

He once labeled that daughter, Ireland, as a “pig” in an infamous voicemail he left for her as a child.

But Ireland and her dad have since made up and the former has even defended her dad on Twitter, saying he deserved credit for dealing with what she called “anger management issues.”

He may now need to have that credit revoked, however.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Hailey Baldwin Files for Husband Justin Bieber"s Last Name

Hailey Baldwin is taking getting “wifed up” to a whole new level … filing legal docs to possibly cash in on her hubby’s famous last name. Baldwin submitted an application — obtained by TMZ — to register the trademark for the name Hailey Bieber.…


daily-celebrities: Hailey Baldwin


Hailey Baldwin


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber: Yes, We"re Married!

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have reportedly put an end to one of the weirder controversies in recent memory.

Simply put: Yes, the stars are married.

We never thought we’d have to clarify such a thing about such a famous couple.

But Bieber and Baldwin have remained oddly coy ever since entering a New York City courthouse a few weeks ago and… maybe tying the knot?

Maybe just obtainining a marriage license?

This has been the question ever since: Are they actually husband and wife or not?!?

On Wednesday, a woman named Nona Melkoni told Us Weekly that she sat next to Bieber and Baldwin at the restaurant at Joan’s on Third in Studio City.

And she evidently took it upon herself to play investigative reporter.

“I asked them if they were married and they simultaneously said yes!” Melkoni explained to this tabloid, adding:

“They were both very happy and kind. He told me that she’s his angel. They were super sweet!”

Wow. So there we have it, we guess.

Earlier this month, we reported that the pair had, indeed, exchanged vows inside the aforementioned courthouse and even that Baldwin was pregnant with Justin’s child.

We now stand by the first half of that sentence, but we cannot verify the second half.

Previously, insiders have claimed that Baldwin and Bieber did not want to acknowledge their status until they had a religious marriage ceremony.

They almost didn’t even view the legal side of their arrangement as “counting,” if that makes any sense.

At some point down the line, Hailey and Justin will have a far bigger ceremony and reception.

They will be married by a priest, presumably, and celebrate with all their family members and loved ones.

It’s simply unclear exactly when this will happen and exactly why they went the courthouse route to begin with.

What’s crystal clear, however, is how in love the singer is with the model.

Sorry, ladies, but it’s true.

After rekindling their romance in June, Bieber and Baldwin stunned the world when they got engaged in July.

They’ve been pretty open about their feelings for each other in the months since. To wit:

“He is incredible,” Baldwin gushed in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar published Tuesday. “He crushes everything. Every song, every feature.”

In this same interview, Hailey didn’t hesitate when it came to having children with The Biebs, bringing up the topic herself in a sort of roundabout way by remarking:

“I want more (tattoos), but I’m keeping space for my kids’ names, and certain sentimental things, and I don’t want to fill all the cute spots before … I get there.”

Due to the witness account outlined above, the question no longer seems to be whether Baldwin and Bieber are married.

Instead, attention now turns to whether the latter will make the former sign a postnuptial agreement in order to protect his giant fortune.

It’s been estimated at $ 250 million.

We know Justin is head over heels over head again in love with Hailey and everything… but we’ve simply seen too many celebrity marriages fall apart.

Make her sigh the document, dude.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin House Hunt at Demi Lovato"s OD Pad

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin appear ready to become L.A. homeowners — but one of the houses they’re checking out has some ominous vibes … ‘cause it’s the one in which Demi Lovato nearly died. The newlyweds were seen leaving Demi’s old…


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hailey Baldwin is Being Blamed for Selena Gomez"s Hospitalization Because People Suck

Selena Gomez is in need of your prayers at the moment.

But instead of wishing the singer well during an especially difficult time for her, many dumb people on the Internet are instead wishing Hailey Baldwin ill.

The dots here are not hard to connect.

But they’re still sad and upsetting to consider.

Gomez, as previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, agreed this week to another trip to rehab.

She had been hospitalized twice over the past month or so due to a low white blood cell count, which is a common ailment that results when one has Lupus.

According to TMZ, however, Gomez suffered what a source described as an “emotional breakdown” during this second hospitalization, as she was basically sick of being sick.

Shortly afterward, she checked into an East Coast psychiatric facility, at which she’s receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) meant to identify and change negative thought/behavioral patterns.

Selena, of course, has been battling mental health issues for five years.

She recently admitted as much in a moving Instagram video that announced a hiatus from social media.

Despite this well-documented history of suffering from serious illness, a handful of Internet users out there simply assume Gomez is all sad and in need of help because her ex-boyfriend is engaged.

This ex-boyfriend is Justin Bieber.

And this fiancee is Hailey Baldwin.

And the latter is now receiving death threats and hearing harsh criticism from those who blame her for Selena’s ongoing problems.

“Hey, Selena in hospitalized. Be ready Justin will drop you anytime soon for his real love Selena Gomez. Your time will coming,” wrote one angry person on Instagram.

Added another:

“So sad that youre [sic] always the second choice.”

As you can see from some other examples below, these are not isolated incidents.

Lots of dumb and cruel trolls out there really are targeting Baldwin in response to Gomez seeking a new round of professional treatment.

This is very dangerous and just plain stupid.

Selena admittedly has a mental illness.

She has Depression with a capital D.

She isn’t just sad for some short period of time because an old flame has moved on with a new woman.

Not only is the above line of thinking, as represented in these comments, mean to Baldwin and unecessarily inflammatory — they are disrespectful to those who suffer as Selena does.

Depression is a sickness.

It can maybe be triggered by outside events at some, but it is always present and it can’t be blamed on anyone; not the person who has it and not the actions of any third party.

It’s silly and ignorant to think otherwise.

Many times over the past few months, sources have said that Gomez is actually doing just fine in the wake of Bieber’s engagement. 

She hasn’t been moping all around time, thinking her life is over. She knows she can do a lot better!

So, instead of directing any wrath at Baldwin or writing cruel remarks on social media, please take a deep breath here, folks.

Dedicate your time to thinking positive thoughts and focus them entirely on Gomez. She needs all she can get right about now.


Black People to Alec Baldwin: Shut the Eff Up, Dude!

Alec Baldwin is taking some heat for saying something kind of dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.

Okay, actually:

Alec Baldwin is taking A LOT of heat for saying something VERY dumb to The Hollywood Reporter.

The actor is featured on the latest cover of this publication, touching on nearly every topic of his personal and professional life in the feature story.

But it’s one story he tells in particular, along with his reaction to that story, that has nearly all of Twitter rolling its collective eyes.

At one point while speaking to Baldwin, writer Lacey Rose says that an African-American man named Tyrone approaches Baldwin and compliments him for his role of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live.

Writes Rose of the encounter:

“Though he’s waving and pointing and causing something of a scene, the often-irritable Baldwin doesn’t mind a bit.

“In fact, he calls Tyrone over and the two begin cracking each other up. It’s hard to tell who’s enjoying the other more.”

Baldwin says this sort of interaction happens “incessantly” these days, elaborating in annoying detail:

I don’t know how to say this and I don’t want to get it wrong either, because everything is a minefield of bombs going off, but ever since I played Trump, black people love me.

They love me. Everywhere I go, black people go crazy. I think it’s because they’re most afraid of Trump.

I’m not going to paint every African-American person with the same brush, but a significant number of them are sitting there going, ‘This is going to be bad for black folks."”

Almost as soon after the article was published online Wednesday, Baldwin was met with major backlash on Twitter.

He may not have wanted to paint every African-American with the same brush — but then maybe he should have tried not doing exactly that.

Alec Baldwin needs to stop talking for black people, reads one tweet, while another agrees:

When liberal white men get too comfortable <<<<<<<<<<<<<.

And another: Someone should tell him that now he sounds like he’s LITERALLY turning INTO Trump by saying this FOOLISHNESS!!

And another: Boy, if you don’t….. Alec ruins everything by opening his mouth. The reason he plays a raging, fading narcissist so well is because he is one.

And another: So he’s implying that black people love him because he made fun of someone he thinks they’re afraid of. Is that racist? That feels racist

ab tweet

Baldwin, of course, is a very outspoken Democrat and Liberal.

He likely meant no harm by this statement.

He likely meant to simply criticize President Trump’s treatment of black people and attitude toward that race.

But he comes across like a pretty huge and conceited moron here and he should probably stop talking for a little while. He needs a timeout.

Baldwin won an Emmy Award last year for his portrayal of Trump.

He has clashed often with the Commander-in-Chief on social media.

Neither the actor nor anyone from his camp has responded yet to this line of criticism from his Hollywood Reporter interview, but it may be worthwhile for Baldwin to issue some kind of apology.

This was not a good look for the star.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Justin Bieber: MAKING Hailey Baldwin Have a Boring Bachelorette Party?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged and they’ve been piling on the PDA as they race to the altar.

Unlike their public outings, however, it sounds like Hailey’s bachelorette party plans are going to be decidedly less wild and steamy.

Is Justin the one insisting that Hailey tone down her last night as an umarried woman?

Life & Style reports that Hailey Baldwin’s bachelorette party is going to be a pretty tame affair despite the celebrity guests.

Hailey and her guests “will play games about the groom,” their insider reports.

She and the likes of Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner will do that “and take tons of pictures in a photo booth,” the source describes.

“Hailey and Justin want it to be a classy and fun-filled celebration,” the insider explains.

In other words, there are some things that Hailey will not be doing.

Allegedly, it’s Justin who insists that the event be dialed down a little.

“So,” the source continues. “What you won’t see are any of the girls wearing wedding veils and playing beer pong,”

And they certainly won’t be “getting a five-minute lap dance from complete strangers,” the insider says.

(We get the feeling that they won’t be getting lapdances from close friends, either)

The source says that there will be no wild antics “or doing any of the other things young brides usually do.”

It sounds like a very PG-13 affair.

Now, this is pretty believable, even though most wouldn’t considering beer pong to be especially out-of-control.

Hailey may be a young, hot model, but she’s also a pretty hardcore Christian.

That is one of the things that she and Justin have in common. You know, aside from fame and terrible dads.

A lot of their “dates” have been to attend Hillsong Church together.

Maybe this super-tame bachelorette was Hailey’s idea.

But … maybe it’s true that this is at Justin’s insistence.

We should also acknowledge something else.

This recent photo of Justin looking very nurturing had an interesting caption.

Justin’s formerly deadbeat dad, Jeremy Bieber, wrote: “To be Father.”

This led some to believe that the man was hinting that Justin and Hailey have their own bun in the oven.

If so, the insistence on a low-key bachelorette party could simply be a cover for why a secretly preggo Hailey might avoid alcohol.

If Justin’s the one laying down the law in this respect, it sounds … very hypocritical.

It seems that he doesn’t trust Hailey and that he might be a little controlling.

But more to the point, he’s done all of this stuff.

This is the guy whose own manager was worried that he’d die from his substance abuse issues just a couple of years ago.

And the guy worried about his fiancee getting a lapdance has reportedly slept with sex workers while touring in different countries.

This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen signs that Justin might be a little jealous or even controlling.

Remember Hailey’s close personal friendship with the oh-so-desirable Shawn Mendes?

Hold on to that memory, because Hailey purged every photo of Shawn from her entire Instagram account.

The two of them went to the Met Gala together earlier this year. Now, from her IG, you’d think they’d never even met.

Shawn is a Canadian singer and heartthrob. He’s younger and hotter than the Biebs.

Did Justin demand that Hailey do that out of jealousy?

There is just so much here that we don’t know.

There is so much here that we cannot know, really.

If Hailey wants her bachelorette party to just be having a nice dinner and then playing scrabble with some of the (other) hottest models on the planet, that’s fine.

Not every bachelorette party needs a stripper or a sexy pillowfight or a human sacrifice.

We just hope that it’s her choice — and that Justin respects her enough to make his own party toned down to match.

Surely the Biebs has sown enough wild oats for a dozen lifetimes.
