Showing posts with label Gomez's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gomez's. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hailey Baldwin is Being Blamed for Selena Gomez"s Hospitalization Because People Suck

Selena Gomez is in need of your prayers at the moment.

But instead of wishing the singer well during an especially difficult time for her, many dumb people on the Internet are instead wishing Hailey Baldwin ill.

The dots here are not hard to connect.

But they’re still sad and upsetting to consider.

Gomez, as previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, agreed this week to another trip to rehab.

She had been hospitalized twice over the past month or so due to a low white blood cell count, which is a common ailment that results when one has Lupus.

According to TMZ, however, Gomez suffered what a source described as an “emotional breakdown” during this second hospitalization, as she was basically sick of being sick.

Shortly afterward, she checked into an East Coast psychiatric facility, at which she’s receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) meant to identify and change negative thought/behavioral patterns.

Selena, of course, has been battling mental health issues for five years.

She recently admitted as much in a moving Instagram video that announced a hiatus from social media.

Despite this well-documented history of suffering from serious illness, a handful of Internet users out there simply assume Gomez is all sad and in need of help because her ex-boyfriend is engaged.

This ex-boyfriend is Justin Bieber.

And this fiancee is Hailey Baldwin.

And the latter is now receiving death threats and hearing harsh criticism from those who blame her for Selena’s ongoing problems.

“Hey, Selena in hospitalized. Be ready Justin will drop you anytime soon for his real love Selena Gomez. Your time will coming,” wrote one angry person on Instagram.

Added another:

“So sad that youre [sic] always the second choice.”

As you can see from some other examples below, these are not isolated incidents.

Lots of dumb and cruel trolls out there really are targeting Baldwin in response to Gomez seeking a new round of professional treatment.

This is very dangerous and just plain stupid.

Selena admittedly has a mental illness.

She has Depression with a capital D.

She isn’t just sad for some short period of time because an old flame has moved on with a new woman.

Not only is the above line of thinking, as represented in these comments, mean to Baldwin and unecessarily inflammatory — they are disrespectful to those who suffer as Selena does.

Depression is a sickness.

It can maybe be triggered by outside events at some, but it is always present and it can’t be blamed on anyone; not the person who has it and not the actions of any third party.

It’s silly and ignorant to think otherwise.

Many times over the past few months, sources have said that Gomez is actually doing just fine in the wake of Bieber’s engagement. 

She hasn’t been moping all around time, thinking her life is over. She knows she can do a lot better!

So, instead of directing any wrath at Baldwin or writing cruel remarks on social media, please take a deep breath here, folks.

Dedicate your time to thinking positive thoughts and focus them entirely on Gomez. She needs all she can get right about now.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Selena Gomez"s Email Hacked Several Times in 2015 and 2016, NJ Woman Charged

Selena Gomez’s email was hacked and her identity was stolen, and the alleged culprit is a woman in New Jersey … this according to the L.A. County DA. The prosecutor claims Susan Atrach accessed Selena’s and her associate’s accounts several times…


Selena Gomez"s Email Hacked Several Times in 2015 and 2016, NJ Woman Charged

Selena Gomez’s email was hacked and her identity was stolen, and the alleged culprit is a woman in New Jersey … this according to the L.A. County DA. The prosecutor claims Susan Atrach accessed Selena’s and her associate’s accounts several times…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Selana Gomez"s Mother: What Does She Really Think of Justin Bieber?

According to a slew of recent rumors, there’s one woman in the world who does not like Justin Bieber.

But she’s a pretty important woman.

And her opinion may have a lot do with whether or not Bieber ends up with the presumptive love of his life.

As you’ve likely read about by now and grew very concerned over, Bieber and Selena Gomez are on a break.

Insiders swear this is not a break up and that the stars will eventually find their way back to each other, but this may not actually be up to Justin or Selena.

It may be up to the latter’s mother.

Indeed, multiple outlets have claimed of late that Mandy Teefy does not approve of her daughter’s rekindled romance with Bieber.

It’s not exactly hard to see why, either, considering all the ways in which Justin has broken Selena’s heart over the years.

It would be almost weird if Mandy was totally cool with her child and Bieber bumping uglies again, wouldn’t it?

“Justin’s family loves Selena, but Selena’s family has put her in a very conflicting spot because they still don’t trust Justin,” Us Weekly reported about three weeks ago, adding at the time:

“Selena and Justin decided to take a break mainly because of Selena’s mom and her disapproval of Justin.”

Is this really accurate?

And, if so, how does Teefy feel about Bieber in the wake of Selena and Justin trying to appease her via various conversations and promises?

E! News caught up to Mandy on Wednesday evening at the Alliance for Children’s Rights 26th Annual Dinner in Beverly Hills, where she at first told the website/network why this organization means a lot to her.

“I really love what they do,” Mandy said, adding:

“I was adopted and to have that support and everybody coming together to support getting people out of the foster system, I think is really important.”

Okay, great, fine.

It’s definitely a great cause.

But let’s get to what’s truly important here, shall we?

What is going on with Jelena, pictured above from one of their first attempts at a relationship many years ago?

“You would know before I did,” Teefy said in response. “We don’t talk about it.”

Doesn’t sound like an endorsement, does it?

Doesn’t sound as if Many and Selena have had the kind of in-depth chats about her love life that we had thought, either.

We really can’t say what this means for the future of Bieber and Gomez as a couple, but it doesn’t sound as if they have Mandy’s mother’s blessing, that’s for sure.

Will they simply not worry about it? Will the tension be too much for Selena to bear?

Will Bieber make some grand gesture to win Teefy over?

Stay tuned, celebrity gossip fans. Maybe we’ll find out!


Monday, March 19, 2018

Selena Gomez"s Transplant Scars Visible As She Soaks Up Sun in Sydney

Selena Gomez put on a bikini and hopped on a boat in Sydney Harbor over the weekend and you can clearly see some of the scarring from her kidney transplant. Gomez soaked up the sun Sunday with some friends — and no Bieber.  The scar is not…


Selena Gomez"s Transplant Scars Visible As She Soaks Up Sun in Sydney

Selena Gomez put on a bikini and hopped on a boat in Sydney Harbor over the weekend and you can clearly see some of the scarring from her kidney transplant. Gomez soaked up the sun Sunday with some friends — and no Bieber.  The scar is not…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Selena Gomez"s Mom Transported to Hospital Over Selena Dating Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez’s mom got so worked up when she found out how serious things are between Selena and Justin Bieber, she had to be taken to a hospital … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us police went to an L.A. area hotel last week…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Throwing Shade at Taylor Swift on Selena Gomez"s Instagram Page?!

When confronted with unnecessary drama, we often remark that the situation is “like something out of high school.”

The sad truth that we don’t want to admit to ourselves is that the adult world is frequently characterized by pettiness, backstabbing, grudges, and rumors, and high school is just our earliest exposure to it.

Take the the three-way shade-fest between Kim Kardashian Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, for example.

As you may recall, the Kim vs. Taylor feud began last year, when Swift got upset over some lyrics on Kanye West’s album, and Kim busted out the receipts proving that Taylor had (as Kanye claimed) given him permission to record the offending line.

It was a mess, and Swift came away from it looking shady AF, but until recently, it looked as though Kim and Taylor had put their beef behind them.

Considering they’re two of the world’s most influential women, they’re 36 and 27 years old, respectively, and one of them is soon to be a mother of three, letting bygones be bygones seemed like the most appropriate course of action.

That’s where Selena Gomez enters the equation.

Selena, as you may know, has a lot on her plate these days, what with being the recipient of a life-saving kidney transplant and rekindling her romance with arguably the world’s most famous recording artist.

So these days, Selena probably has very little time for Mean Girl drama, but the same can’t be said of Kim “Cool Mom” Kardashian.

According to Hollywood Life, Kim has been “liking” and “favoriting” Selena’s social media posts non-stop lately.

The site insists its Kim’s way of “taunting” Selena’s bestie, Taylor Swift.

That’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s a holiday week, and content that doesn’t include the word “grope” is hard to come by these days, so we’ll allow it.

Sure, it’s possible that Kim was liking Selena’s Instagram selfies simply because she liked the selfies, but where’s the fun in that?

Those party poopers over at Gossip Cop have taken things a step further, suggesting that all those “likes” might be Kim’s way of extending an olive branch to Taylor.

We literally can’t think of a more lame-ass, timid, roundabout way of getting back into someone’s good graces, and Kim doesn’t strike us as the shy type, so we’re gonna go ahead and toss that notion.

It’s one thing to meticulously dissect a situation in search of drama, but to squash it?

Didn’t these people to to high school?!


Monday, October 30, 2017

Selena Gomez"s Family: We Will Never Accept "Vile" Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are now in regular contact, and it has royally pissed off members of her family. A member of Selena’s family tells us many of them have never forgiven Justin for what they claim was extremely bad conduct during their…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Justin Bieber: Stolen Nude Photos Appear on Selena Gomez"s Instagram Page

Every time a new round of explicit photos stolen from a celebrity’s private collection goes public, there’s a renewed outcry to tighten security and ramp up enforcement of existing laws.

Unfortunately, most of the time, the perpertators go unpunished, and it’s not long before a new round of celebrity nudes goes public.

The latest victim is Justin Bieber, and in a bizarre twist, Bieber’s ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez was also victimized by the hackers.

According to TMZ, several nude photos of Bieber appeared on Gomez’s Instagram page Monday afternoon.

The site reports that the hackers captioned the photo with lewd comments about Bieber and boasts about their hacking abilities.

“LOOK AT THIS N-GGA LIL SHRIMPY,” they wrote, before encouraging users to follow three Instagram accounts, each of which only has a handful of posts, but several thousand followers.

“We run da scene,” they concluded.

Gomez quickly deactivated her account after the hack.

She is now back on Instagram, and has not yet publicly commented on the incident.

Bieber has also not yet commented on the situation, and it’s possible that both singers will simply refuse to acknowledge the hackers, as they seem to be seeking notoriety.

This is not the first time that Bieber has been hacked, and sadly, it looks as though it may not be the last.

There are those who have argued that like obnoxious paparazzi and over-zealous fans, a lack of digital priivacy is just a reality of life as a celebrity in the 21st century.

The problem with that argument, of course, is that sharing someone’s nude photos without their consent constitutes a sex crime, and a world where famous people are forced to come to accept being victimized by sexual predators, is surely one that none of us wants to live in.

We don’t pretend to have the answer to the growing problem, but we’re certain that a complacent shrug is not the solution.

This time, the photos were removed quickly, but both Justin and Selena have no doubt been left with lingering feelings of vulnerability.

Both celebrities and non-famous folks who have been victims of hacks are accutely aware of a reality that most of us do are best to ignore at 2017:

Each of us is more exposed than ever before, and few among of us have any real sense of what it takes to keep out personal data safe.

Today it’s Justin Bieber, but tomorrow it could be anyone.


Selena Gomez"s Instagram Gets Hacked, Justin Bieber Nudes Posted

Selena Gomez’s Instagram account just got hacked … and whoever’s behind it immediately posted nude photos of her ex, Justin Bieber. A post from Selena’s official IG account went up Monday showing 3 paparazzi pics of Bieber flashing his penis…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Weeknd Cuts Selena Gomez"s PDA Short in Argentina (VIDEO)

The Weeknd was all about Selena Gomez’s public cuddling … until he noticed paparazzi watching. Paps got the couple Tuesday showing some extreme PDA while strolling around Buenos Aires before Abel’s gig later this week. He seems down…


Friday, December 18, 2015

Christopher Mason: Who is Selena Gomez"s Mystery Man?

For the record, Christopher Mason is NOT dating Selena Gomez.

But he is working with Selena Gomez.

The Internet grew very curious about Mason after Selena shared a photo of the model on Instagram this week, causing many to think the singer and the hottie were an item.

Instead, however, Mason is simply starring in Selena"s "Hands to Myself" music video.

His real name is actually Chris Brown (seriously!), he’s signed to Wilhelmina Models, he lives in Los Angeles and he has a daughter.

Oh, and he"s also VERY easy on the eyes. See what we mean below:

1. Christopher Mason Picture

Christopher mason picture

Christopher Mason is a model who rose to fame after Selena Gomez shared a photo of him. The guy isn’t bad looking, is he?

2. Christopher Mason and Daughter

Christopher mason and daughter

Christopher Mason hangs out here with his daughter. The very attractive model stars in Selena Gomez’s “Hands to Myself” video.

3. Christopher Mason Pic

Christopher mason pic

HUBBA! HUBBA! We could spend a few hours staring at this Christopher Mason photo.

4. Christopher Mason Image

Christopher mason image

Christopher Mason sits here on his motorcycle. Many women around the world wish this model would sit on them… naked.

5. Christopher Mason Shirtless

Christopher mason shirtless

Selena Gomez chose Christopher Mason to star in her “Hands to Myself” music video. We think she made the right choice.

6. Hot Christopher Mason

Hot christopher mason

Christopher Mason is very easy on the eyes. He’s a model who grew to Internet fame after Selena Gomez shared a picture of him online.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Samuel Krost: Who is Selena Gomez"s New Boy Toy?

Samuel Krost is no Justin Bieber.

But that doesn"t mean Samuel Krost doesn"t now possess what Justin Bieber once had.

In mid-November of 2015, Krost was spotted out and about in New York City with Selena Gomez, holding hands with the singer and stirring up quite the online chatter.

A New York University graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Business, we can confirm that Krost graduated Cum Laude and that he works for a swimwear company as an Sales and Merchandising Executive, according to LinkedIn.

We can also confirm, thanks to Instagram, that these are photos of Samuel Krost. What do you think, ladies?

1. Samuel Krost Picture

Samuel krost picture

Samuel Krost is allegedly dating Selena Gomez. They got together in the fall of 2015. He’s not terrible looking, we guess.

2. Samuel Krost in a Tux

Samuel krost in a tux

Samuel Krost cleans up pretty well, huh? This young man made national news in the fall of 2015 for cozying up to Selena Gomez.

3. Samuel Krost Photo

Samuel krost photo

Samuel Krost is a New York University graduate. He must be doing something right because he started to date Selena Gomez in November of 2015.

4. Samuel Krost in Paris

Samuel krost in paris

Samuel Krost is a sales and merchandising executive who has at least held hands with Selena Gomez. Here he is in Paris.

5. Samuel Krost Pic

Samuel krost pic

Samuel Krost is not better looking than Justin Bieber. But he still started to date Selena Gomez toward the end of 2015.

6. Samuel Krost at the Beach

Samuel krost at the beach

Samuel Krost hangs out here with a few lady friends. He wrote as a caption to this photo that “last night was lit,” making him sort of a loser.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Daniel Tosh Recreates Selena Gomez"s "Good For You" Video in Flawless Fashion

If you"re a fan of Comedy Central"s most consistently gut-busting series (sorry, South Park), then you know Daniel Tosh is a master of using his strangely snake-like body to elicit LOLs.

We"ve seen just about every inch of Daniel"s anatomy over the course of Tosh.0"s seven seasons, but somehow he"s taken creepy, Buffalo Bill-style sexuality to a new level in his epic re-creation of Selena Gomez"s "Good For You" music video.

We won"t spoil the surprise guest who fills in for A$ AP Rocky, but we will say the man deserves major props for signing on to such an absurdly hilarious project.

And for that, we thank him.

Daniel tosh recreates selena gomezs good for you video in flawle