Showing posts with label Mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

"Surviving R. Kelly" Doc Shows Mother Tracking Down Daughter

R. Kelly allegedly kept a mother from seeing her daughter for years — and the mother went on a hunt to track her down — and it all happens on video for Friday’s episode of Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly.”

"Surviving R. Kelly" Doc Shows Mother Tracking Down Daughter

Monday, December 17, 2018

Chicago"s Kenneka Jenkins Mother Sues Hotel for $50 Million ... Over a Year After Teen Found Dead in Freezer

The mother of Kenneka Jenkins — who was found dead in a hotel freezer — says the establishment is to blame for her daughter’s 2017 death … and now wants $ 50 million.
Teresa Martin has filed suit on behalf of her late daughter’s estate against the Crowne Plaza C...
Chicago"s Kenneka Jenkins Mother Sues Hotel for $50 Million ... Over a Year After Teen Found Dead in Freezer

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Kim Porter, Mother of Diddy"s Kids, Dead at 47

Kim Porter, the very serious ex-girlfriend of Diddy and the mother of three of the rapper’s kids, was found dead at her home in Los Angeles on Thursday.

She was 47 years old.

According to various outlets, Porter had been suffering from pneumonia is recent weeks, but her exact cause of death is unknown at this time.

And we do not want to speculate.

Per TMZ, the police received a call to Porter’s Toluca Lake resident around noon today. The patient was described as being in cardiac arrest at the time of this call.

Also per TMZ, Porter had contacted her doctor on Wednesday because she was feeling ill, but we again wish to stress:

We do not know the cause of her death at this time.

Porter worked off and on as an actress and a model.

She and Diddy started dating in 1994 and went through many ups and downs over the course of approximately 13 years, splitting for good in 2007.

The former couple remained in each other’s lives, however, because they share three children together:

Twin daughters who were born in 2006, Jessie James and D’Lila; along with a son named Christian, who was born in 1998.

Porter was also mother to a son named Quincy from a previous relationship.

Said rep Cindi Berger to TMZ shortly after the website learned Porter had passed away:

“Sadly, I can confirm the passing of Kim Porter. I ask that you give the families privacy at this time.”

Diddy has not yet responded to a request for comment, but we cannot imagine what he must be going through right now.

Porter had only just shared a photo of Diddy and their kids (below) on her Instagram page, simply writing “LOVE” as the caption.

It’s clear the exes remained close long after their break-up.

In honor of the musician’s birthday on November 4, she also posted a close-up of Diddy and wrote online:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @diddy on this day a GENIUS was born ,may you continue to be the Driving Force of ENERGY that GOD created you to be !!

Thank you for giving me the best gifts of life our CHILDREN.

As word of Porter’s passing makes it way around the Internet, meanwhile, many social media users continue to post notes of sorrow and shock.

“This is awful! Praying so hard for her children and her lover ones!! #RIPKimPorter sending so much love to her babies. My God!” wrote Gabrielle Union, for example.

And rapper Mase took to Instagram, posted a beautiful photo of Kim and captioned it as follows:

“Can’t Believe Someone So Special and Contributed So Much… IM SPEECHLESS you were one of the first to believe in me as artist and believer. YOU EVEN VISITED ME IN CHURCH.”

And then there was this from singer Tevin Campbell:

“Totally shocked. Kim Porter has left us. Too young…. Heartfelt prayers/condolences to the family especially the kids. Sad.”

An autopsy to determine the cause of death will soon be conducted, Page Six reports.

May Kim Porter rest in peace.


Diddy"s Ex-Girlfriend, Mother of His Kids, Kim Porter Dead at 47

Kim Porter, the model and actress who dated Diddy for 13 years, was found dead Thursday at her L.A. area home … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us they got a call to Porter’s Toluca Lake home around noon. According to emergency…


Monday, November 12, 2018

Security Guard Jemel Roberson"s Mother Sues Cop Who Shot Him in Fatal Bar Incident

10:21 AM PT — Jemel’s mother, Beatrice Roberson, filed a lawsuit Monday morning against the police officer who killed her son. In the suit, she says the shooting was unprovoked, unjustified and “excessive and unreasonable.”  She’s suing the…


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Dead USC Student"s Mother Sues Fraternity, Claims Hazing Accident Led to Suicide

USC student and model Alasdair Russell killed himself after suffering head injuries while pledging a fraternity, and now his mother wants the frat to pay up … TMZ has learned. Alasdair attended an October 2016 party at the Phi Kappa Psi frat…


Monday, October 22, 2018

Hannah Gosselin Reunites with Annoying Mother, Siblings

Hannah Gosselin is back home.

At least we think she’s back home.

It’s sort of unclear just where the 14-year old considers to be home these days.

Over the past several weeks, Hannah has found herself once again caught in the middle of a never-ending feud between her loser father and irritating mother.

She has posed on countless occasions with Jon Gosselin, making it clear that she’s over the beef that existed for so many years between dad and daughter.

Which is fantastic, don’t get us wrong.

It’s healthy for Hannah to have a healthy relationship with both her parents.

Is it also healthy for her to team up with Jon and hurl shade at Kate? Probably not.

But it now looks as if Kate either had no idea this happened or had swept it very far under the rug.

We can say this because Mady Gosselin shared a pair of photos on her Instagram page over the weekend.

In the first one above, Alexis, Hannah, Leah, Aaden, Joel, Mady and Cara are all in the same place; all celebrating Halloween by smiling with some pumpkins in hand.

It’s not evident exactly where this snapshot was taken, but mother Kate wasn’t too far away.

“Aww Mad! Just saw this! What a fun time we had together today! I love you all so so much,” she wrote as a reply on her daughter’s Instagram account.

Kate and Jon have been at odds ever since their divorce in 2009.

Heck, anyone who watched these two anchor their TLC reality series way back in the day can verify that they’ve been at odds ever since they got married, really.

However, the latest ongoing source of contention has been the whereabouts and the custody of Hannah.

As documented a few weeks ago, Kate has filed numerous legal documents in order to basically prevent Hannah from living with Jon.

From what we can gather, Kate still has primary custody of all eight kids, but Jon has been battling to change this and Hannah is the main child thus far who has happily settled into her dad’s home on many occasions.

“She permanently lives with me,” Jon even said in a social media video this past August, responding to a follower’s question about why Hannah had been featured in so many recent photos with him.

Kate, naturally, has said this isn’t true.

She has called Jon a liar.

It has once again gotten very ugly between the former spouses.

We aren’t about to get involved here because we’re sort of scared of Kate.

And because we don’t know the exact arrangement that has been agreed upon between the parties and the court system.

But we are happy to see Hannah spending time with her brothers and sisters at least.

These kids are now all teenagers and this when permanent impressions really could be left on them by whatever cruel nonsense continues to exist between their mother and father.

We’d love to say we’re confident Kate and Jon will keep this in mind and find a way to be at least a little bit nice to each other.

But let’s be honest.

If that was remotely possible, it would have been realized and attempted many yeasr ago.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ariana Grande Spending Time in The Bronx With Mother After Split With Pete Davidson

Ariana Grande is turning to her family and friends for support after calling it quits with Pete Davidson … and she’s doing so in an unlikely place.  Ariana was in the Bronx on Saturday spending time with her mother and a male…


Monday, October 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Mother is HYPED for a Royal Grandbaby!

It’s official, folks — Meghan Markle is really pregnant. She is due in the spring.

After months of impatience and speculation, Kensington Palace has confirmed it to be true.

And now Meghan’s mother has released a statement of her own about her daughter’s happy news.

In a statement to Entertainment Tonight, Kensington Palace revealed how Meghan’s mom Doria Ragland has responded to the pregnancy.

“Ms. Ragland is very happy about this lovely news,” Kensington Palace shared with ET.

Obviously, this almost certainly isn’t new information to Doria. We imagine that she was one of the first people told.

“And,” Kensington Palace continued. “She looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild.”

That, of course, is no surprise. It’s a grandbaby and a royal baby, all in one!

The Palace declined to comment on whether Thomas Markle has been notified about his impending grandchild.

Just last month, Doria joined her royal daughter for a very special event.

Meghan’s first real project as Duchess of Sussex was promoting a cookbook that celebrates a beautiful blending of cultures.

Everyone likes food, and food can be a powerful symbol of pluralism, so it was a great project.

While in the UK, Doria has reportedly been introducing herself as “Meghan’s mum,” which is adorable.

It has been said that it was Prince Harry’s idea to have her come over and stay for a while.

She’s been a source of comfort as Meghan has had to deal with her other relatives.

Meghan’s pregnancy has passed the 12-week mark, the Palace has confirmed.

Meghan and Harry are currently at the start of a 2-week royal tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga.

Though Meghan’s pregnancy has been confirmed to be in good health, there have been warnings of Zika virus in Tonga and Fiji.

The Zika virus is transmitted through mosquitoes and can be devastating to a fetus.

Despite this, Harry and Meghan apparently intend to stick to their plans.

Speaking of annoying pests, it was reported that Samantha Grant showed up to Kensington Palace only to be refused entry.

“The palace doesn’t want to dignify any of it,” the Palace said when asked about Meghan’s evil half-sister.

The statement explained that they declined to comment “because it just adds fuel to the fire.”

“Samantha revels in the attention,” the palace admitted.

The Palace then affirmed: “Meghan is not corresponding with her sister or her father.”

Meghan has now known for weeks — perhaps even months — that she is pregnant.

This must have compounded the pain of her tragically unavoidable estrangement from her terrible father, Thomas Markle.

Before the wedding, Thomas was exposed making deals with paparazzi to pose for staged photographs in exchange for kickbacks.

After the controversy, he did not attend the wedding, and then began blabbing to every news outlet that would give him air time.

This is unacceptable behavior for anyone and scandalizing to the royal family — and deeply hurtful to Meghan.

She can now no longer trust her father with a phone call, for fear that he’ll repeat everything in an interview.

For this reason, she wouldn’t have been able to even share this happy news with him.

Though Harry and Meghan’s child will be a royal baby, they are not expecting a prince or princess.

Because Harry is not a direct heir to the throne, a son of his would be Earl of Dumbarton — an earldom bestowed upon him by the Queen on his wedding day.

However, Queen Elizabeth could intervene and declare that Harry and Meghan’s children are princes and princesses if she so chooses.

This would mean that they remain part of the royal family will all of its various perks, even if they would never realistically sit upon the throne.

Given Harry’s admission that being a royal is less than ideal, this may never happen.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister is Now Trashing Meghan Markle"s Mother

Gosh darn it, Samantha Markle!

Just when we were starting to like you.

Okay, fine, we weren’t starting to like you.

But we were starting to think we were maybe done with your senseless, misguided, cruel and self-serving bashing of Meghan Markle and we’d therefore never need to write about you ever again.

This was our hope after you actually apologized last week to half-sister Meghan Markle.

Alas, our excitement over being done with you forever was apparently short-lived.

Because now you’ve simply gone ahead and switched the target of your wrath from Meghan to her mother, Doria Ragland.

Responding to praise for Ragland and Thomas Markle (Meghan and Samantha’s biological father) from some random Twitter user, Samantha went off on the woman her dad once married.

“The world does not know that our dad raised her most of the time without the input of her mother especially from age 12 through high school and he gave her everything she had and is,” wrote this evil member of the Markle family.

She added of Meghan:

“She was never raised as an only child. Truth kids! He is amazing and successful and mags lie.”

Meghan and her dad, of course, have been engaged in their own feud ever since the latter did not attend his daughter’s wedding.

The Duchess has said very little on this topic, but Thomas has given many interviews in which he’s bashed his famous child as being ungrateful and selfish.

Samantha has taken many opportunities to defend him.

But she’s typically left Ragland out of her ridiculous rants.

Yes, she wrote something back in May about Ragland talking to Oprah at the Royal Wedding, impyling that she was merely using Meghan for her major connections.

However, this Twitter barrage was her most pointed attack against Doria by far.

“Everything that you think you know from tabloids is a lie. Dad pretty much raised her most of her life on his own and Doria was not around very much,” added Samantha, alleging that Doria “ghosted” Markle for “30 years.”

From there, however, Samantha made it clear that she still very much hates Meghan.

Referring to the health ailment that befell Thomas literal days before The Royal Wedding, Samantha Tweeted to a fellow Internet user:

“You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. She ignored my father through a heart attack. There is no excuse for it.

“You would be mentally ill to think that is OK. Maybe you were the one who needs the counseling.”

While this ugly family rivalry that continues to play out in public, Samantha isn’t shy about sharing her theories into why things are estranged.

For the record, she claims, Meghan isn’t ignoring her because she has said all this horrible stuff.


“She did not ignore everyone because they spoke out. Everyone spoke out because she started ignoring them. I apologized for my wisecracks. But not for pointing out that she is in the wrong.”


“[Meghan] has ghosted both sides of the family. She needs to earn our trust. It is the other way around. You don’t crap on an entire family and then run around crying that you cannot trust everyone.”

That’s one way of looking at it, sure.

Another way of looking at it is that Meghan hasn’t been going around crying at all.

She’s been going around riding Prince Harry in an attempt to have a baby and living her absolute best life.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Chris Lopez Gushes About Kailyn Lowry, Her Skills as a Mother

In the months before baby Lux was born, things had seemed to fall apart between Kailyn Lowry and her newest baby daddy, Chris Lopez.

Now, however, Kailyn and Chris are spending time together with their son. They’ve come a lon way from Chris burning Kail’s book.

In fact, Chris is taking to social media to gush about Kailyn’s parenting skills. Take a look:

Chris Lopez shared a sweet photo of baby Lux toddling across the grass, and had a lot to say about Kail.

“Sitting back,” Chris writes. “I got a lot of respect for his mother.”

That is such a welcome change to their co-parenting dynamic!

He says that he is impressed by how she manages “raising not only my son but her other boys as well.”

“I don’t know how she does it,” he admits. “Lol.”

Chris Lopez praises Kailyn Lowry parenting Lux

Chris continued, confessing that people who see children in photos and videos on social media are not getting the whole story.

“Bruh this lil’ man is a handful,” Chris admits.

“He not as sweet and innocent as y’all think,” he claims.

To be clear, Lux is definitely innocent. But babies and toddlers are still developing, which means that their emotions are out of control and their impulse control is almost non-existant.

“If anybody think parenting is easy is trippin,” Chris adds.

Chris affirms that he is not planning on fathering any additional children.

“No more for me,” Chris vows.

Chris then jokes: “He my birth control.”

Just to be clear, actual birth control is a pretty effective tool, also. Perhaps thoughts of Lux will prompt him to “bundle up’ during future dalliances.

(And, not for nothing, but vasectomies are reversible and have relatively short recovery times)

It’s wonderful to see that Chris Lopez and Kailyn Lowry are getting along well enough to co-parent.

In fact, based upon her social media activity, fans suspect that she’s banging Chris Lopez again.

(She teased fans with the implication that they’re banging again, while Chris, who is more privacy-oriented, was dismissive of the rumor)

But whether or not they’re flicking the light switch or whichever ridiculous euphemism for sex you prefer, even getting along as friends who share a son is a huge improvement.

We all remember how bad things were last year. …

Chris burned Kailyn’s book in an alarming display of anger on social media, claiming that she was keeping Lux from him.

She accused him of effectively ghosting her during her pregnancy and then being a deadbeat dad after Lux was born.

Oh, and she accused him of cheating on her. Overall, it did not paint a pretty picture and it didn’t seem like the two were ever going to make up.

This would have been sad for baby Lux. Having two parents whose relationship is deeply toxic is absolutely worse than having one parent. Children need stability and love.

We’re glad that they’re managing to get along and we hope that it lasts.

It’s also nice to see Chris posting very realistically about parenting. Kailyn recently bashed Kylie for making young motherhood look easy. Being a good parent, at any age, is the hardest job in the world.


Monday, September 3, 2018

Christina Grimmie"s Mother Tina Dies Two Years After Singer Was Killed

Two years after Christina Grimmie was murdered by a fan, her mother, Tina Grimmie has lost her battle with breast cancer. 

“We are saddened to announce the loss of our beloved Tina, also affectionately known as ‘Mama Grimmie’ to the millions of fans of Christina Grimmie around the world. She will be missed immensely,” the Grimmie family said in a statement via social media on Sunday.

“Tina fought a courageous and brave battle with cancer for many years, even until her final hours with family by her side,” the statement continued.

“While this is a bittersweet moment for us as a family, particularly after losing Christina two years ago, we rejoice at the thought that Tina and Christina are united once again in the presence of our Lord and Savior.”

In June 2016, Christina was shot by Kevin James Loibl after performing as the opening act for Before You Exit at The Plaza Live in Orlando. 

The singer was signing autographs for fans when the gunman opened fire. 

Christina was hospitalized following the shooting but died from the gunshot wounds. Her killer turned the gun on himself shortly after Christina’s brother Marcus tackled him. 

Loibl died at the scene as a result of his injuries. 

“Tina Grimmie was a powerful and shining example of motherhood, being an amazing wife while giving love and encouragement to others. Her laugh, energy, passion and joyful spirit will eternally be a part of all of us,” the statement added.

“Tina was truly a one of a kind soul and our hearts are heavy. We respectfully ask for some private time to process her passing. In lieu of flowers, we invite you to make donations to the Christina Grimmie Foundation in Tina’s honor,” the statement continued. 

Prior to her passing, Christina had been open about her mother’s health woes, admitting that she had survived breast cancer four times. 

“My mom has had breast cancer four times, now. And she just got put back on chemo again,” she told AXS in October 2014. 

Christina shot to fame in 2009 when she began uploading videos of her singing to her Youtube channel. The account racked up over 375 million views by 2013, further solidifying the fact that she was a talented young woman. 

She went on to appear on NBC’s The Voice in 2014, and immediately struck a chord with viewers thanks to her vocal range and bubbly personality. 

She ultimately finished in third place, behind winner Josh Kaufman and runner-up Jake Worthington. 

Since Christina’s death, her family has kept in touch with fans by releasing previously recorded music, and by launching a foundation in the star’s name. 

The foundation was started with the aim of supporting families who lost a loved one to gun violence and families with relatives diagnosed with breast cancer. 

We extend our thoughts and prayers to the Grimmie family at this difficult time. 


Monday, August 20, 2018

Pauly Shore is Renovating Mother Mitzi Shore"s Former Home

The former home of Comedy Store founder Mitzi Shore is getting a facelift, courtesy of her son, Pauly Shore.  Pauly’s remodeling the 3-story home. The stand-up comic now owns the property after Mitzi transferred it to him…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Bethenny Frankel: I"m Like the Mother of Dragons!

Important programming note:

The upcoming Real Housewives of New York Season 10 reunion special was filmed before Dennis Shields passed away.

This is important to note because the sneak peek featured here depicts nearly every cast member ganging up on Bethenny Frankel, something that obviously would not happen at the moment due to Shields" tragic passing.

(Shields and Frankel started dating in 2016 and remained very close up until the time he died of an accidental overdose; there was even talk that he had been thinking of proposing.)

In this clip, Ramona Singer tells the cameras she’s feeling relaxed and calm – although it seems as if this mood immediately once she hits the stage.

"Don’t say a f-cking thing, with your fake tits,” she yells at Bethenny early in the amazing preview.

“This is like Game of Thrones. I’m like the mother of dragons fighting multiple blondes,” Frankel says during the video.

When sharing a story with host and producer Andy Cohen in front of her fellow cast members, many of these women then slam her as a liar and scream in Bethenny"s direction.

When everyone keeps talking over each other, Andy goes off:

“I want to hear her f-cking answer,” he says.

Intense stuff.

Sort of scary stuff even.

At other times, Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley go head-to-head, making it evident that Bethenny is the only star with enemies on stage.

“I don’t get drunk and insult my friends’ vaginas,” Morgan awesomely yells at one point, to which Dorinda replies:

“Shut up, Sonja, keep your mouth shut.”

Anger is not the only emotion on display, however.

We also see women pay tribute to Jill Zarin’s late husband Bobby Zarin … but then they also question Bethenny’s motives when she chooses to attend his funeral.

(Bobby passed away in January, and despite Jill’s tense relationship with Frankel, entrepreneur still paid her respects in person.)

One more note before you click PLAY:

Luann de Lesseps was not present at the reunion due to her recent stint in rehab, but this absence will be addressed.

Part one of The Real Housewives of New York City reunion will air on Bravo Wednesday, August 22, at 8/7c.

The real housewives of new york reunion clip this is like game o

Married at First Sight Recap: Mother, May I Stay Married to Her?

Tristan Thompson brought out the big gun this week on Married at First Sight.

(Once again, we must note: Not that Tristan Thompson, not the basketball player who cheated on Khloe Kardashian left, right and every which way possible during her pregnancy.)

Instead, weeks after new wife Mia Bally got stopped by security at an airport due to a history of stalking, the other Tristan Thompson asked his mother,. Kathy, to speak to his shady better half.

Mia actually spent two days in jail as a result of the aforementioned incident, leading Kathy to say the following to her daughter-in-law:

“I mean, this is kind of difficult. I was a prison guard and I prayed for you because I know what they do to pretty girls.”

Fair point. Fair concern.

But what about Mia’s marriage to her son?

Does Kathy still approve?

After looking into Bally’s eyes and listening to her side of the story, Kathy came around and gave Mia her blessing.

“I felt at ease that she was sincere and she was telling the truth,” Tristan’s mom said, focusing on how quickly the reality stars had said they were in love with each other.

Yes, love.

“Tristan doesn’t throw that word around casually at all,” she said. “It’s kind of quick for me.”

Elsewhere on this week’s episode…

Dave and Amber introduced each other to their friends… and it didn’t exactly go well.

First, Amber asked her pal Zachia and her husband over for dinner, with Dave taking exception to how Zachia liked to bust her man’s balls.

Was it good-natured? Maybe.

But she wouldn’t even let him have a drink and continually made comments to let everyone know that she the one in control in the relationship.

“Dave has to know Amber and I are forever,” Zachia said. “They may actually get annoyed that I’m going to be here all the time.”

married dude

Dave wasn’t down with this.

He said Amber’s friends “wouldn’t fit in well” with his group of friends, but this was of no concern to Amber… because she didn’t even want to meet Dave’s friends!

“I have my own friends already so I don’t feel like I need other friends,” she said to her husband, who was clearly taken aback.

In the end, though, this was much drama over nothing because the couple did chill with Dave’s pals a bit and they were nothing but nice and supportive of Amber.

Finally, we arrive at the tale of Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd.

And it’s a kind of boring one because these two just get along so darn well!

“I’ve been married for two weeks and it feels easy,” Bobby said, while Danielle added she can’t find anything she doesn’t like about Bobby.

Like, nothing. At all.

“Anytime Danielle says anything positive about me, it makes my heart skip,” Bobby said.

And that was it. 

No issues here over groups of friends or over one side getting taken into custody for totally creeping on a former lover.

Good for them!


Friday, July 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Mother Seeking Custody of Sophia After Assault Charges!

There’s a lot going on with Farrah Abraham at the moment, huh?

And not one single bit of it is good.

This week, her dog died — a Pomeranian named Blue that she and Sophia had gotten five years ago.

As if that wasn’t sad enough, Farrah made the situation sad in a different way by filming a video of Sophia crying over the dog’s lifeless body and throwing it up on Instagram.

On top of losing poor, poor Blue, it was just decided that she’d face charges for assaulting that hotel employee last month in Beverly Hills.

You remember what happened: she started arguing with other guests at the hotel, and she got so annoying that a security guard came to kick her out.

She allegedly became violent with the guard, hitting him in the face with her arm and then grabbing and pushing his face with her hand, and police were called.

When officers arrived, she told them to “f-ck off” and “go f-ck yourselves” multiple times, and when they took her to jail, she stayed there until the next afternoon.

She’s been charged with battery and with resisting arrest — both misdemeanors.

And on top of that, Farrah has been pretty messy lately, more than usual, even.

Her frozen yogurt shop got shut down, she’s been feuding with other reality stars, she’s been messing with her face again

It’s a tough time to be an Abraham.

Since Farrah has been having such a tough time right now, her mother, Debra Danielsen, has been talking to anyone who will listen about how maybe she should have custody of Sophia instead.

And since Farrah could be facing up to 18 months in jail with her new charges, she just might have a point.

In a new interview with Radar Online, Debra discusses what’s going on with her estranged daughter.

“It’s sad to say,” she tells the website, “but you can’t disrespect other people and get away with it. It’s important for Farrah to learn she needs to respect other people.”

She also says that she agrees with the charges, so it sounds like she’s totally cool with her golden child spending some time behind bars.

Us too, Deb.

Thanks to all of this new criminal nonsense, and also because of who Farrah is as a person, Debra says she has “no doubt” that Sophia would have a better life with her.

“I would have Sophia in a great school,” she explains. “She can socialize and be a kid, just like Farrah. She needs to be a regular kid.”

“Go to school and achieve academically. She loves science.”

Doesn’t that break your heart, that Sophia loves science? Because realistically, how much science is she able to study while being homeschooled by Farrah?

Debra also believes that Sophia is too young to be traveling so much and going to the kind of events that Farrah attends.

“There are too many pedophiles out there who take advantage of minors,” she argues. “It’s a scary world out there.”

“Sophia is so precious. She is a blessing. I would not put my child on display.”

But even though she feels so strongly about this, she says that she won’t fight Farrah for custody — not because she doesn’t want it, but because as a grandparent, she simply doesn’t have the right.

“There are laws in this country that prohibit grandparents from protecting grandchildren,” she claims.

“Sometimes it’s in the best interest of the minor a grandparent could step in. Why? To give the parent a time out to take care of themselves. There is no harm in that.”

She says that even if she had a team of lawyers, she legally wouldn’t be able to get Sophia, which honestly seems a bit off to us.

There are so many grandparents who have taken custody of their grandchildren in situations like these.

That’s why Jenelle Evans’ mother has custody of her son.

Debra may be unsuccessful, but if she’s that worried about Farrah’s ability to parent, there’s absolutely no reason why she can’t at least try to get custody of Sophia.

But there could be a chance Deb is making that excuse because she doesn’t want Farrah to cut her out of her life completely, which she could very well do if a custody battle were to begin.

“I do believe it can be fixed,” she said of her relationship with Farrah.

“Farrah, I love her very much. She is my daughter. I have sacrificed and given my life to her. I wish her nothing but well.”

Who would do a better job at raising Sophia?

Honestly, it’s hard to say.

We believe Debra when she says that she’d get her into a nice school, which would be so much better for her than being dragged around the world with Farrah.

But on the other hand … Debra raised Farrah.

She’s also filmed abusing her on Teen Mom more than once.

We’re not exactly confident in her ability to raise a child, either.

Best of luck, Sophia. You’re going to need it.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Losing Custody of Sophia to Her Own Mother?!

Farrah Abraham is not a good mother.

It’s not even really a matter of opinion at this point.

Odds are that you’re extrememly familar with many of her questionable parenting choices, but if not — and even if you are, really, because don’t act like you’re too good to check out this train wreck — let’s review some real quick.

Remember earlier this year when she revealed that she and her nine-year-old daughter Sophia take nude photos of each other and save them on their phones?

Or how about the time, also earlier this year, when she got butt injections and had Sophia film the whole thing on her phone?

Or hey, how about that time that she thought it was a good idea to advertise her porn on the kid’s Twitter account?

Farrah’s spoiled her child with hundreds of dollars, cash, from the tooth fairy, she tried waxing her brows when she was a toddler, she’s left her for months at a time to do reality shows or perform in strip clubs or even to just do whatever.

After all, this is the girl who, when discussing how she wasn’t seeing her kid that much, actually said the words “It’s healthy that we have a braek. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.”

Sophia was four years old at the time.

On top of all of that, it’s become increasingly obvious that Farrah just has no idea to how raise a child, and she’s also never had any interest in learning.

That became clear when she made the decision to homeschool Sophia so that she could work on her child modeling career and galavant around the world with Mommy Dearest.

There have also been some disturbing moments that Farrah just never dealt with, like when Sophia started telling her that she wanted to die so she could see her late father, Derek Underwood, in heaven.

Or on last season of Teen Mom OG, when they were at a restaurant with Farrah’s mother, Debra Danielsen, and Sophia started growling and punching herself.

There’s just an overwhelming amount of evidence that Farrah is the worst mother.

But you know who probably wouldn’t be any better?

Good ol’ Debra herself.

Still, in a new interview with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Deb actually tries to make the case that Sophia would be better off in her care.

“I would go after Sophia in a heartbeat to save her and make her happy, she says. “Sophia loves me no matter what brainwashing other people do to her.”

“That harms her and you shouldn’t use a child as a battleground.”

She’s referring to the falling out that she and Farrah had over her new husband, Dr. David — the whole family went on vacation together last year, and it sincerely did not go well.

Since then, Farrah has said that as long as David is in the picture, she won’t have a relationship with her mother, and Sophia has said the same.

And regardless of whether or not Farrah is coaching Sophia to hate David or if she really doesn’t like the guy, it seems like they kept their promise.

In the interview, Debra says that “I think that if people are harming children by separating them from the people they love, the people who have been there for them, then we ought to allow our courts to get in there and save that child.”

“In the United States of America, we do not protect children or children’s rights.”

She explains that “When you separate a child from the main caregiver, the sole caregiver, that’s their security, that’s their mental stability and suddenly you plunge them into a different environment and say bad things about these people, that’s not helping.”

“That’s not good for anybody,” she adds. “I don’t condone that. I don’t care if it’s a divorce. I don’t care if it’s grandparents. I don’t care if it’s anybody. That’s not good for the child.”

Was Debra Sophia’s main caregiver before all of this? It’s definitely possible.

Farrah’s always done a lot of traveling, but Sophia has just recently begun going everywhere with her, so it makes sense that she’d have stayed with her grandmother in years past.

Debra seems to confirm that when she says “I just think that Sophia is doing a lot of traveling and through different time zones.”

“She needs some stability and children need a place to call home and some stabilization and I think Sophia would really benefit from that.”

But as intensely as she feels about all of this, it sounds like she’ll only try to go for custody as a last resort — what she wants most of all is for Farrah to just get it together.

“I just love Farrah,” she says, “and I support her and I hope that she comes around and i want her and Sophia in my life.”

So … that’s a lot to take in, huh?

It’s hard, because Debra does make some good points, and not many people would disagree that Sophia probably isn’t in the best situation right now.

But at the same time, Debra is the one who raised Farrah. Why would anyone trust her with another child?

Ideally, there would be a sane adult in Sophia’s life who could step in and save her. Someone who isn’t so obsessed with fame and fortune, someone who actually has her best interest at heart.

Preferrably someone who hasn’t already ruined a child (sorry, Deb).

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be anyone like that available.

Thoughts and prayers for Sophia, please.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Pays Heartbreaking Tribute to Dying Mother

Back in January, Mackenzie McKee revealed that her mother, Ange Douthit, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

In the months since, she"s frequently updated fans on Ange"s condition, and while Mackenzie is generally optimistic, she"s also realistic.

No one in Mackenzie"s family is under any delusions about what the future holds, but rather than give into their grief, they"ve opted to make the best of every remaining day with Ange.

Fans have drawn inspiration from Mackenzie"s love and gratitude for her mother, as well as for Ange"s strength and determination to continue living in the present moment.

This week, Mackenzie shared the most recent update on Ange"s ongoing battle, and fans have reacted with a tidal wave of kindhearted and supportive sentiments.

1. Mackenzie and Ange

Mackenzie mckee with mom

Mackenzie first shared the sad news of Ange’s diagnosis back in January. Since then, the strength that both mother and daughter have demonstrated has served as a source of inspiration for millions.

2. A Moving Story

Mackenzie mckee and angie douthit

These days, Ange is facing the end with her daughter by her side. Fans have marveled at the courage demonstrated by both women.

3. Sharing Their Strength

Mackenzie mckee with angie douthit

While many families would no doubt prefer to keep such struggles private, the McKee-Douthit clan has been happy to serve as a source of strength to others who might be struggling.

4. The Latest

Mackenzie mckee image

Yesterday, Mackenzie offered fans an update on her mother’s condition and revealed a special way in which she and other family members are paying tribute.

5. Give Her an Amen

Mackenzies mckees mom

“The doctor gave my mom 4 to 13 months, today marks 6 months…. can I get an AMEN, a retweet, a hallelujah #alwaysbekind,” Mackenzie tweeted.

6. Strength and Kindness

Mackenzie mckee is strong

Yes, it seems “always be kind” is Ange’s motto, and now, her daughters are using those words to pay a very special tribute to their beloved mother.

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Saturday, June 30, 2018

XXXTentacion"s Mother Reveals His Mausoleum at Burial Site

XXXTentacion’s been laid to rest and won’t soon be forgotten by his loving family and fans, but just to be sure … he got a huge monument in his honor. X’s mother, Cleopatra Bernard, just shared a photo of the rapper’s mausoleum with the caption…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trump Comparing Murder Victim to Tom Selleck is Not Offensive to Mother

Donald Trump’s cringeworthy comment comparing a murder victim to Tom Selleck didn’t upset anyone that truly matters … so says the deceased man’s mom. Agnes Gibboney — the mother of Ronald da Silva, whose portrait Trump compared to Selleck…
