Showing posts with label Sight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sight. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Married at First Sight: Mia Bally and Tristan Thompson Finalize Divorce

Late this summer, we reported that it’s over for Married at first Sight couple Tristan Thompson and Mia Bally.

These two had a contentious relationship on screen.

But their divorce has happened surprisingly quickly — and has now been finalized.

RadarOnline reports that the at-first-sight marriage between Mia Bally and (the other) Tristan Thompson is over.


According to court documents obtained from the Dallas County District Court, the hearing to finalize their divorce took place on November 5.

Mia Bally was reportedly present and agreed to the terms of the Final Decree of Divorce.

Tristan was not present at the time, but documents indicate that he also agreed to the terms.

The court documents read: “It is ordered that the Petitioner and Respondent are divorced.”

Mia Bally has what the court considers to be her sole separate property.

That includes the reciept of certain property, money, and vehicles — among other things.

Tristan has agreed to give her his interest in those properties.

By agreeing to this Final Decree, he has agreed to sign any documents required to surrender ownership of that property to her.

Mia has to do the same for Tristan, who will also get ana llotment of property, money, and vehicles as his sole personal property.

One of those pieces of property is his 2015 BMW.

They are each expected to pay any all taxes, bills, liens on any of their respective sole property, both now and in the future.

(In other words, Mia isn’t liable if Tristan owes, say, a tax payment on his BMW)

Also, Mia’s maiden name has been restored.

Name changes can be a tremendous hassle, to the point where some people don’t even change them when they get divorced.

But for many, it feels worth it.

All things considered, this has been a very speedy divorce process.

Mia filed for divorce from Tristan on September 4, 2018.

“The marriage has become insupportable,” Mia’s petition for divorce read.

The petition continued: “due to discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marital relationship.”

The petition concluded: “and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.”

All things considered, the two had an incredibly rocky relationship and it’s nothing short of amazing that their divorce lasted for only two months.

Married at First Sight made it pretty clear that Tristan had a difficult time trusting Mia.

There was Mia’s arrest when she was on her way to their honeymoon.

She claimed that she was only arrested because someone stole her identity. She later admitted that she had lied.

That very bumpy start continued when Tristan and viewers learned that Mia was using a dating app.

Ultimately, they decided to stay married … but then whatever they had fizzled out after the cameras stopped recording.

Marriages that went well until they soured can sometimes take years of contentious fighting before the divorce is finalized.

Maybe Tristan and Mia managed such a speedy, apparently amicable divorce because they never had that much passion.


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Not So Happily Ever After?


Shade has been thrown. We repeat:

Shade. Has. Been. Thrown!

ever afters

On the series premiere of Married at First Sight: Happily Ever After, Ashley Petta went on the attack, slamming Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman for their seemingly utopian marriage.

Overall, the spinoff followed a trio of couples from Married at First Sight, all of whom expecting kids and all of whom have come a very long way from the last time they graced our television set.

Bobby and Danielle, for example, have been married for 6 months — and the former is three months along in her pregnancy.

Still, as difficult as it may be to believe they still haven’t had a single fight. Not one, they claim. Not even the hint of one.

This actually worried the experts, who felt that Bobby was simply doing too much in the relationship.

“He’s really taken on everything,” Danielle said.

bob and danielle

Enter Ashley.

She hurled the aforementioned shade during the couples’ retreat after Bobby and Danielle both rated their marriage a 10.

Really, she said? Just, come on now… REALLY?!?

“There’s always room for improvement,” Ashley said. “There’s no such thing as perfect and anyone that says their relationship is perfect, I call bullsh-t.”

But what about Ashley’s own relationship with Anthony D’Amico?

This romance was proof, in Ashley’s mind, that no one has a perfect marriage.

ash and ant

“Watching our season was probably the worst part of our marriage,” Ashley admitted. “Anthony and I’s relationship was very rocky after the filming.”

Are they in a better place now? Yes.

But does Ashley wish her husband would communicate better? Yes.

“I don’t think Anthony’s a very good communicator,” she stated. “Sometimes I feel like if I didn’t ask him, I would never get the information.”

Finally, we close this recap with an update on Jephte Pierre and Shawniece Jackson, who are also expecting their first child…

Jephte Pierre and Shawniece Jackson

This husband and this wife confessed that, at one point, they were separated — and they still don’t wear their wedding rings, despite Shawniece being eight months pregnant.

What gives?!?

Jephte said that part of the reason they simply had to separate was because he slipped into a depression after their season aired. It got pretty serious and dire.

“It’s almost like you’re mentally drowning,” he said. “I felt weak. I felt vulnerable.”

Jephte kept this a secret from Shawniece because she has a history of miscarriages and he didn’t want to upset her, risking another lost child.

But he’s psyched to be a father and Jephte has hope for the couple’s future.

“I’m excited to be a father,” he said. “The fact that I just get a chance to be a father is probably hands-down the biggest blessing.”

Married at First Sight: Happily Ever After airs on Lifetime Tuesday nights at 10/9c.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Married At First Sight Reunion: Who’s Expecting? Who’s Divorced?


A handful of bombshells were dropped on the Married At First Sight reunion special Tuesday night.

For instance, one couple is expecting a child… another is no longer together… and all involved have seen their lives significantly changed by their participation in this show.

Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman image

We might as well start with Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman, right?

These two basically enjoyed a perfect season, not even fighting a bit on decision day when Bobby got down on one knee and proposed to Danielle.

This helped Danielle feel confident that her husband was truly in love — and the twosome told viewers yesterday that they are yet to have their first disagreement.

Oh, and one more thing:


With their first child on the way, Bobby and Danielle confirmed that they’ll be a part of the spinoff series Married At First Sight: Happily Ever After? where they will join two other couples from the program who are expecting children.

Interesting twist, huh?

Tristan Thompson and Mia Bally dance

The news was less positive for Tristan Thompson and Mia Bally, however.

As previously reported, these newlyweds have filed for divorce.

And we now know why.

Once the cameras stopped rolling and the season ended, Mia walked out on Tristan for showing her pictures of his ex-girlfriend.

“He said I was not mentally strong or mentally tough,” Mia explained to the camera on this special episode.

After the dramatic walk out, the couple decided they needed to simply dissolve their marriage, arguing on the reunionset over who initiated the split, but this is on legal record:

Mia filed the paperwork.

dave f

Can we at least end on a happy note with an update on Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana?

No, actually.

Amber, who is now brunette, appeared on the reunion to announce that their romance had gone sour.

Amber moved out of Dave’s home after a few major fights, one of which included the unresolved issue of her previously dating one of his friends. Awkward!

“He just kind of felt more like he doesn’t know if he could fall in love with me,” Amber said. “I moved out. I felt like maybe he needs more time to know if maybe I’m the person he wants.”

amber image

Following the move, Dave simply couldn’t do it anymore.

Amber said she tried to save the marriage because she recognized her mistakes — but Dave had no desire to even go to counseling with her. He was done.

“I don’t think that we will be able to reconcile things,” Dave said. “We both hoped that it would be in a different place right now but I think that the reality is that it’s not.”

This revelation made Amber feel like a failure.

She said she was disappointed with herself.

Even though Dave’s choice might have been predictable, she was still very upset hearing it.

But, hey, at least Bobby and Danielle are having a baby! Good for them!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Married at First Sight Finale: Did Your Favorite Couple Stay Together?

And that’s all she wrote for another season of Married at First.

The Lifetime reality series concluded its latest examination of husbands and wives who barely know each other on Tuesday night, as many viewers tuned in to find out which twosomes would stay together…

… and which would finally realize, What the heck was I thinking marrying someone I only just met?!?

at first sight

Let’s begin our finale recap with a look Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana, shall we?

Amber very much aware of Dave’s apprehensiveness and hesitation about the future, which, naturally, only made her even more insecure.

However, she soon realized that she spent a lot of time focusing on Dave’s feelings rather than her own. Perhaps it was time for a self-examination, you know?

Forget what Dave was thinking, she reasoned and wondered.

“What if there’s someone better for me?” Amber said. “I haven’t really stopped to think ‘What do I really want? Is this marriage right for me?’”

amber with dave

In the end, the answer was yes to this final question.

She and Dave surprisingly chose to remain together and ended their storyline looking forward to having more time to work on their union.

But what about Bobby Dodd and Danielle Bergman? Well…

We mean, do we even need to say it?

The most predictable couple on the show never fought and were totally obsessed with each other during the entire process. It was both adorable and sort of sickening to watch.

Only one thing was holding them back overall and that Danielle’s inability to tell Bobby that she loved him.


“I’ve told Danielle time and time again how much I love her,” Bobby said. “The only thing I really need to hear is Danielle say that she loves me. It’s just something I always thought I would have by now.”


Especially considering how smoothly the marriage has gone.

When decision day arrived, Bobby did all he could to make Danielle happy and secure, even getting down on one knee, pulling out a ring and pouring his heart out to her.

“These eight weeks have been the absolute best eight weeks of my life,” he said. “I’m just glad that I got you. Ultimately, I want you to know that I chose you.”

Did it work? Did she reply with the L Bomb?


“I feel like I got a best friend and I’m completely head over heels in love with you,” Danielle said.

Finally, we get to Tristan Thompson and Mia Balley

These two went through more than any other couple on the show, that’s for certain.

If you’ll recall, he kicked her out of the house… she threatened him with divorce … we learned that Mia was once arrested for stalking.

So it wasn’t exactly a shock that, going into decision day, both sides were apprehensive and confused about what to do.

“It’s a lot more downs than been ups,” Tristan said. “I care for her … but with everything that’s happened, we still have a lot of work to do.”

Incredibly, the two somehow chose to remain together and give their relationship another shot — on air, at least.

The finale was filmed many months ago, remember.

In September, long after shooting wrapped, Mia filed for divorce.

It’s probably for the best, don’t you think?


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Sex with Donuts!

Fans of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are undoubtedly familiar with The Fantasy Suite.

On Married at First Sight yesterday, however, viewers were treated to a slight twist on this infamous intercourse-themed location:

The fantasy sweet!

Allow us to explain….

Ever since we met them, Tristan and Mia have been battling some pretty huge obstacles, most notably the latter’s run-in with the law for stalking and the online dating profile she forgot to mention to her husband.

When we caught up with them here, the couple was coming off an intense week filled with fighting and communication issues involving their potential move to Houston.

How to take the edge off? How to change the subject?

By revealing their fantasies to one another, of course!

Along this seductive line, Mia told Tristan that she wanted him to “dress up like a donut and feed me donuts.”

Hey, no judgement here! Who doesn’t love donuts? And sex? Why not combine the two, right?

So Tristan donned some donut boxers and donut suspenders and walked into a room and told Mia he had “some sweets” for her.

“Why are you so crazy?” Mia laughed in response, making it evident these two were back on track.

ELSEWHERE, Amber Martorana remained very insecure in her relationship with Dave Flaherty.

She just thought she wasn’t his type, as he constantly made comments that make her feel uncomfortable. Not exactly the idea arrangement for a marriage.

On this week’s installment, Amber complained that her hair was falling out because she was bleaching it so much, which prompted Dave to suggest she return to her natural brunette color.

This was not what she wanted to hear.

“I do feel like Dave wants someone different from me, more lowkey,” Amber told the camera, adding:

“It’s not that I think I’m unattractive, it’s just that feeling of being judged.”

In response to the tension that existed between them, Dave tried to make his wife feel special by taking her on a surprise date night, complete with a horse carriage and private rooftop dinner.

However, Amber fixated on a remark he made saying she smelled good… and it was almost overpowering.

“Dave is always pointing out my flaws,” Amber said. “I can’t help feeling that I’m not good enough.”


Seems to us like someone needs to dress up like a donut and feed his wife some sweets soon, lest this relationship end in divorce.

Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd, though, faced no such problems.

They’re in love with each other, they just haven’t said it to one another yet.

The newlyweds spent a lot of time in the first few weeks of marriage getting to know each other on a deeper level, although Danielle often held back more than her husband.

“I’m learning Danielle doesn’t express herself as deeply as I do and that just leaves me with a lot of questions,” Bobby said.

Those feelings are there, however. It’s very apparent, especially because Danielle even said so herself.

“Bobby has far surpassed everybody that I have ever dated,” she said. “In 50 years, I want to look at Bobby and still be in love.

Sheesh, you two! Get a room already, will ya?!?

What’s that? You already have one at home?

Okay, fine. Then fill it with donuts and get to naked work!


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: The Ring is Off!!!

How many lies is too many in a marriage?

At what point do you just throw up your hands and throw in the towel on a romance?

These were the unfortunate question Tristan Thompson* had to deal with on Married at First Sight this week, as Mia Bally dropped yet another painful bombshell on her fairly new husband.

(*No, not that Tristan Thompson, not the basketball player who dunked his balls into any female basket who looked his way while Khloe Kardashian was pregnant. A different Tristan Thompson.)

Earlier this season, viewers watched as Bally was actually stopped and apprehended at an airport on the way to her honeymoon.

It then came out that she had been arrested in the past for stalking an ex-boyfriend. Oops! Her bad!

But Tristan, partly with the blessing and through the advice of his mother, was finally beginning to trust Mia again…

… until a friend shows him the screen shot of Bally on a dating app.

“This entire marriage, I feel like I’ve been completely honest with Mia and I’ve told her just to give me the truth,” Thompson told the camera, adding after finding out this terrible news:

“And it seems like she’s gone out of her way to hide things from me.

“I honestly don’t know what to believe or what to feel right now. I thought we were done with all the secrets and lies.”

When confronted with her profile, Mia said it was from before her marriage and that she was dedicated to her husband.

She said she had deleted the app and had no idea why her profile remained, blaming Tristan for not trusting her. But how can he right now?!?

“There’s a cloud … that is stopping me from falling in love with you! … And now this too? I’m done,” Tristan shot back at one point.

Relationship expert Dr. Jessica Griffin was called in via video conference later on, helping Tristan work through his anger even after he removed his wedding ring.

“I still have the faith and belief in Mia, and I still have the faith and belief in us,” Thompson said.

dave/amber pic

Dave and Amber, meanwhile, were asked to do what no couple should really ever do:

Rate each other on a scale of 1-10.

The latter gave the former a perfect score, but Dave only awarded Amber a 7.5, citing her insecurities and creating an understandable argument.

“She stresses herself out because she kind of lets her insecurities take over in some areas,” Dave explained to the other men.

“And I have to constantly be her support system. And I haven’t needed it yet, but there’s almost a sense of ‘What if I have a bad day?"”

He added that he is yet to see Amber act like a “rock star wife.”

sight dude

Amber, meanwhile, reacted to this rating as you might expect.

“It makes me feel bad,” she said. “To me, hearing this rating means that the insecurities I had about being a bad wife are true.”

In response, Dave simply told Amber that she could do laundry in exchange for him doing other things around the house.

(This may sound silly, but she promised to do the laundry when they first moved in … and had not done it once.)

“I never wanted to be like a wife that has to do extra stuff for her husband. This is one of the reasons why I always never really wanted to get married,” Amber said.

While she later apologized, the remark really stung Dave.

We end once again with Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd, who gave his wife a perfect rating of 10 and who remains totally smitten with his partner.

The guy makes her breakfast, packs her a lunch, cooks her dinner, cleans for her and essentially worships every inch of the ground on which she walks.

“This is definitely my ideal vision of marriage … having someone that will cater to me,” Danielle said.

To show her appreciation, Danielle ended up trying to cook dinner for Bobby.

And that’s it. That’s the extent of the recap we have for these two, who are so happy and so cute and so in love that they are horribly boring to watch.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Mother, May I Stay Married to Her?

Tristan Thompson brought out the big gun this week on Married at First Sight.

(Once again, we must note: Not that Tristan Thompson, not the basketball player who cheated on Khloe Kardashian left, right and every which way possible during her pregnancy.)

Instead, weeks after new wife Mia Bally got stopped by security at an airport due to a history of stalking, the other Tristan Thompson asked his mother,. Kathy, to speak to his shady better half.

Mia actually spent two days in jail as a result of the aforementioned incident, leading Kathy to say the following to her daughter-in-law:

“I mean, this is kind of difficult. I was a prison guard and I prayed for you because I know what they do to pretty girls.”

Fair point. Fair concern.

But what about Mia’s marriage to her son?

Does Kathy still approve?

After looking into Bally’s eyes and listening to her side of the story, Kathy came around and gave Mia her blessing.

“I felt at ease that she was sincere and she was telling the truth,” Tristan’s mom said, focusing on how quickly the reality stars had said they were in love with each other.

Yes, love.

“Tristan doesn’t throw that word around casually at all,” she said. “It’s kind of quick for me.”

Elsewhere on this week’s episode…

Dave and Amber introduced each other to their friends… and it didn’t exactly go well.

First, Amber asked her pal Zachia and her husband over for dinner, with Dave taking exception to how Zachia liked to bust her man’s balls.

Was it good-natured? Maybe.

But she wouldn’t even let him have a drink and continually made comments to let everyone know that she the one in control in the relationship.

“Dave has to know Amber and I are forever,” Zachia said. “They may actually get annoyed that I’m going to be here all the time.”

married dude

Dave wasn’t down with this.

He said Amber’s friends “wouldn’t fit in well” with his group of friends, but this was of no concern to Amber… because she didn’t even want to meet Dave’s friends!

“I have my own friends already so I don’t feel like I need other friends,” she said to her husband, who was clearly taken aback.

In the end, though, this was much drama over nothing because the couple did chill with Dave’s pals a bit and they were nothing but nice and supportive of Amber.

Finally, we arrive at the tale of Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd.

And it’s a kind of boring one because these two just get along so darn well!

“I’ve been married for two weeks and it feels easy,” Bobby said, while Danielle added she can’t find anything she doesn’t like about Bobby.

Like, nothing. At all.

“Anytime Danielle says anything positive about me, it makes my heart skip,” Bobby said.

And that was it. 

No issues here over groups of friends or over one side getting taken into custody for totally creeping on a former lover.

Good for them!


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Surprise! I"m a Stalker!

The truth came out on Married at First Sight this week.

And now viewers are left to wonder:

Will Tristan Thompson bail out on his marriage to Mia Bally?

On last week’s installment of this controversial reality series, Mia claimed to Tristan (a different Tristan, mind you, not the loser who cheated on Khloe Kardashian) that she was in the dark about why she was stopped by authorities at the airport on the way to the couple’s honeymoon.

Three counts of alleged stalking and one count of alleged credit card fraud? Huh? What?!?

Mia played ignorant at first when confronted with these issues. She said it must have been a case of mistaken identity.

She told her new husband that she had no idea from where they came.

But Bally finally broke and came clean about her past on Tuesday evening.

“She does know the accuser, and they did have a brief relationship,” Thompson told the relationship experts that set the couple up initially, adding in a sit-down with them:

“And this is why she was embarrassed to tell me. And even though I appreciate her honesty, it still really hurt that it took her all week just to come clean and tell me.”

Well, yeah.

That’s some tough news to try and handle.

Bally, when discussing this topic with Dr. Jessica Griffin, tearfully explained her arrest was related to a man she “rebounded” with after her most recent breakup with an ex-boyfriend.

“It was wrong of me. I shouldn’t have done that,” she said of the relationship.

“I don’t have contact with that person, I don’t care to associate myself with that person at all. But I’m hoping it hasn’t ruined the chance for me and Tristan in the future.”

Why did Mia lie about her sordid past to Tristan? For “self-preservation,” she explained. Because she was scared and desperate, basically.

“I feel betrayed,” Thompson told Pastor Cal. “To me, marriage should be built on trust and honesty … but Mia’s been lying to me, and it’s hardly been a week.

“With that trust broken, I’m just not sure if I’m able to stay in this marriage.”

So… is this the end?

Is the romance over?


Tristan actially told Mia that he loved her — and then she revealed the two had sex even though she was previously reserved physically. But we guess guilt over took that heistance and… BAM!

“He’s my rock. I’ve been more physical than I would in any other relationship ever,” Mia said.

Elsewhere on this week’s episode…

… there was more sex talk.

You see, Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd haven’t had any real problems in their relationship to date.

They had great chemistry from the start, yet were waiting until the right time to have get it on in terms of intercourse.

“We’re just going to do what feels right,” Bobby said. “Sex should just happen.”

(Editor’s Note: So should love and marriage, but you realize you signed up for a program that thrusts two strangers into this legal union, right?)

Finally, however, Danielle chose to make the first move and simply make the pounding happen.

She explained that she usually isn’t so aggressive, but was SO attracted to Bobby that she stepped outside of her comfort zone. Bobby, in turn, remarked that he’s into spur of the moment romance, so this seemed to be his style.

“We freaking did it on the honeymoon,” Danielle blushed as she told the camera.

As for Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana? They were’t doing very well.

It all started going badly when the former had a major meltdown at a salsa lesson. He was not into dancing said he wanted to “kill himself” during the lesson.

Yikes, right?

“My arms are going to start throwing punches … I’m f-cking done with this,” he said.

Amber wasn’t exactly into this reaction, but she did her best to remain calm and play it cool.

“Watching Dave overreact today, it’s hard for me to see. We’re supposed to be doing this to bond and have a good time, and I’m just feeling really uncomfortable,” she said.

Things managed to get worse from there.

At dinner, the couple brought up their religious values, always a touchy subject.

Dave is pretty darn religious, while Amber is far more secular.

She brought up her concerns when the topic arose, saying it was a “bigger issue” for Dave than her, and adding that many people who are religious are “hypocritical.”

Yikes again, right?

In response, he called her “judgmental.”

So… was this the end for this marriage?


Despite their differences and despite Dave’s disdain for salsa dancing, the couple remains committed. At least for now.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Ummm... Did We Make a Mistake?

Til death do them part?

Or until common sense makes them realize that marrying someone you had never seen before your wedding day may not have been a great idea?

The couples on Married at First Sight wrestled with whether or not they made a huge mistake on Tuesday night’s installment of this Lifetime reality show…

As previously detailed, Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana hit it off when they got hitched.

However, during their first full day as an actual couple, clear issue arose between the newlyweds.

The morning after their, ceremony, each half of the couple went to a friends and family brunch. Amber invited her relatives, but Dave merely invited his groomsmen and their loved ones.

“I’m concerned. I had anticipated his parents being there,” Amber explained, fearing his family didn’t like her and adding:

“Maybe getting married at first sight was not a good idea.”

Perish the thought, Amber!

Dave, meanwhile, wasn’t feeling especially positive about their relationship either.

As he packed for their honeymoon in Cancun, he grew concerned that his new wife was more “high maintenance” than he initially thought because she needed a second suitcase for her stuff.

We’re talking MAJOR obstacles here, people!

Despite their huge issues with each other, Amber was still eager to have a kid with Dave… even though they haven’t had sex yet.

“Maybe we’ll have a honeymoon baby,” she said.

Conversely, everything was going very well for Mia Bally and Tristan Thompson.

(No, not this Tristan Thompson, folks.)

The husband and wife were taking things slow, yet were really into their untion.

Moreover, they couldn’t stop complimenting each other and making one another laugh. How perfect, right?!?

Their families were getting along swimmingly and they were psyched to head to Cancun.

However, when they arrived at to the airport, they really did run into a major obstacle: They couldn’t get on their plane because Mia was detained by customs.

“I literally don’t know what’s going on right now,” Tristan said. “My wife Mia has been detained. I can’t talk to her, I hope she’s OK and hopefully I get clarity on th situation very soon.”

Ummm… what?

We’ll need to wait for next week to see how this situation gets resolved.

Finally, in less dramatic news, Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd appeared to be the most stable of the couples at the moment.

They were completely in awe that they were actually married to one another, seemingly unable to believe their good fortune.

“I think it’s going to last forever,” Danielle said. “It was the best case scenario for us.”

Bobby was so physically attracted to his wife that he wanted to rail her all the time.

His only complaint was he wished he could read her better. He wished her could understand her as if they had been together for many years.

Danielle agreed that she had work on expressing her feelings because she just had so many positive ones about her husband.

“I don’t know if I believe at love at first sight but waking up next to her is awesome,” Bobby gushed.

Prior to departing for Cancun, the pair realized they didn’t even have each other’s phone numbers, something rather critical for two people who may need to get in touch at some point.

But, hey, at least one of them didn’t get detained!


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Can We F-ck Now or What?!?

Six strangers got married on television on Tuesday night.

And millions of viewers thought it was totally normal.

Welcome to the Season 7 premiere of Lifetime’s Married at First Sight!

The concept of this unique program is right there in the title, as three Dallas-based couples came together on this opening episode to say “I Do,” despite having never laid eyes on each other before.

But this didn’t stop one twosome from wanting to get laid pretty much right away.

Isn’t that right, Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana?

A 36-year old Division Order Analyst and 37-year old portfolio manager, both Amber and Dave had similar “lifestyle and lifetime goals,” according to the show.

They’re each very into routines and each want to start a family sooner than later.

Granted, Amber threw up at her bachelorette party… but she was excited on her wedding day to meet the man she was all set up to wed.

“This is easily one of the most intense moments of my life,” David said on his big day, relieved to find Amber very attractive — and shocked to learn they belonged to the same gym.

She said “one of the worst guys (she has) dated” attends that gym, and it would be “embarrassing” for Dave to find out.

The newlyweds totally wanted to bone right away, too, although Amber had promised her mom she wouldn’t French Kiss her new husband at the ceremony.

Still, they both were eager to get back to their suite and have sex for the first time.

As for Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd?

The former wanted a southern gentleman in the market for a wife and a family and a chance to settle down.

Who doesn’t, right?!?

Dodd’s family was in support of this strange union, but Danielle’s family was far more hesitant, with her mom refusing to even go wedding dress shopping with her daughter.

Thankfully, however, she showed up for the wedding.

“I just feel so relieved,” Danielle said when her mom walked in for the event. “I can finally be excited about the most important day of my life.”

Fitting right into that gentleman mode, Dodd made a point of stopping on his way down the aisle and greeting everyone on Danielle’s side, particularly her mom.

“I got my southern gentleman,” Danielle said. “I am very, very happy.”

And Bobby was psyched as well, most notably when he got to kiss his wife for the first time at the altar.

“It was the best kiss I ever had,” he said.

And these two also wanted to head straight to Pound Town, as Danielle told viewers she got a bikini wax for the occasion.

“It’s not wrong if you’re married,” she joked.

Finally, we move on to Mia Bally and Tristan Thompson.

No, not that Tristan Thompson.

Both Mia and Tristan were deeply faithful and very good looking people, hence the idea that they would hit it off.

Not that Bally’s loved ones were on board at all.

“I don’t really feel good about the process, I think it’s crazy,” Mia’s sister said during Bally’s bachelorette party, adding:

“What if you don’t like each other, you don’t get along, he doesn’t want to work it out? I’m going to support you regardless…

I just don’t want you to get f-ced over. I don’t want you to get your heart broken again! It sucks, and you know that!”

Still, Mia’s family wasin attendance for the wedding.

During the ceremony, Tristan was excited to learn his wife was a fan of the Dallas Cowboys.

The newlyweds then exchanged heartfelt vows, but when Tristan tried to kiss her, she made him give her a peck on the cheek instead of anything on the lips.

“She didn’t kiss him. I don’t like that,” Tristan’s uncle said in response.

But Mia later insisted to the camera that she was just trying to go slow… because she really wanted to go fast and knew that could be dangerous.

“He seems like a dream so far,” she said. “I feel that we would make cute babies … that’s for sure.”

Following the nuptials, both husband and wife calmed down a bit, while Mia’s dad warned his new son-in-law not to pork his daughter on their wedding night.

For real.

Nevertheless: “Dude, God is real. Oh my God, she is amazing,” Tristan said when everything was over.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Shawniece Jackson Reveals Pregnancy, Married at Sight Relationship Fate

Shawniece Jackson is having herself a week.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Married at First Sight cast member revealed to People Magazine that she’s pregnant with her first child, confirming this exciting news just hours before the Season 6 finale of the series on which she starred.

And Jackson admitted that she and husband Jephte Pierre weren’t exactly planning on the child.

But that doesn’t mean she isn’t psyched about the impending kid’s arrival.

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was absolutely shocked,” Jackson told People, adding:

“I was in the emergency room because I felt awful and had no idea what was wrong. They came back and told me all my symptoms were from pregnancy and that I was pregnant.

“I was totally shocked.”

Again, though, shocked and pumped.

Continued Jackson, making us laugh:

“I’ve always felt like that’s my purpose in life – to recreate some little Shawnieces in life. I think it’s the greatest gift a woman can have. Life is a beautiful thing!”

So that’s the latest on what’s happening inside of Jackson’s womb.

But what about inside of her relationship?

On the Married at First Sight finale, she and Pierre had to decide whether they wanted to remain hitched or not.

Suspense was very much in the air, especially after Jackson said she was more nervous on this decision day than she was on her wedding day.

Jephte started the important conversation off.

“I think you’re a great person and have a big heart and I think we were meant for each other so I’d like to stay married,” he told his wife.

This made Jackson break down in tears. 

In a good way, however.

“I want to stay married because I believe in us,” she replied, explaining her feeling even further as follows:

“We both challenge each other. We both make each other stronger and together, we’ll be unstoppable.”

Even the experts cried at these kinds words were exchanged.

They were then followed by Pierre’s prescient message, uttered before learning that his wife is expecting:

“I think this is the best decision I’ve ever made. If I would have children with you right now, I know I’d be able to trust you in building that future.”

And built it they both will!

Congratulations to the happy couple on their blessed news!


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon: Married at First Sight Couple Split Amidst Cheating Accusations

It’s all over for Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon.

The Married at First Sight couple has confirmed via social media that they are getting a divorce.

But they aren’t doing so in amicable fashion.

Having gotten married (at first sight, no less) on Season 5 of this controversial reality show, clear trouble for Downs and Duhon was afoot a few weeks ago when the former Tweeted:

“Just got a call from the woman who’s been sleeping with my husband…the same woman who he called on the honeymoon.”

She later Tweeted a follower:

“He admitted it.”

YIKES, huh?

We’d file for divorce under that circumstance if we were Sheila, too.

downs tweets

However, Duhon disputes this account.

On Sunday, he denied that his wandering penis played any role in the break-up, while also denying said penis wandered into any other woman’s vagina.

“Prior to any statements made about me, we were no longer living together and I already filed for divorce,” he wrote, adding:

“This was known to both parties, my lawyer, and the lawyer for the show.

“The reason that led me to file for divorce from Ms. Downs was thoroughly understood by all parties as well.”

duhon note

Simply put, he claims:

Infidelity was not a reason, nor did I ever admit such a thing. Thank you to those of you who have shown support throughout this tough time.

On the fifth season finale of this Lifetime series, Duhon expressed his doubts about the romance, while the newlyweds got into an explosive fight.

As you can see, not much has changed between them over time.

Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon kiss

Following Duhon’s denial, Downs tried to get the last word late on Sunday.

“I see that instead of finally operating in integrity, [Nate] chose to continue to lie,” she wrote on Instagram.

But this wasn’t all.

Buckle in for a lengthy post in her own defense…

My husband & I had problems. Yes. He was dishonest and there were women throughout our ENTIRE marriage.

Admittedly, I didn’t know how to handle that; and as you saw on the show, I handled it poorly at times.

I’m not proud of that, but I am extremely proud of the woman who acknowledges that and has made a conscious effort to change the things I didn’t like. When I got married, I meant FOREVER.

I unfortunately was the only one. If you watch the show back, my meltdown on the balcony was because Nathan said that he wanted a divorce.

That was the first of probably 40+ times.

And then came the women and the nights he would ignore my calls, block my number, engage in illicit activities, or not come home at all. On the cruise, we were intimate.

We admittedly had problems, but I was fighting for my marriage only to have a woman who had reached out to me before call me AGAIN with receipts..

Now had my husband already begun living a single life?? Absolutely!

On Twitter, meanwhile, Downs had even more to say about the situation:

It’s really pathetic how far Nate is going to try to save face.

I’m many things, but I am NOT a liar.

I stayed in my marriage BC of my COVENANT WITH GOD. Nate cried & told me he wasn’t ready & I deserved better almost a year ago.

I should’ve let him go then..& for real the worst thing you can say is that we had 4 counselors??

That is correct we went to 1 ONCE who just wasn’t a fit, 1 was a hardcore fan of the show (kinda a problem), one was nice as can be but a space cadet, & then we found the one!


We aren’t taking sides here.

And cheating is always wrong.

But we are curious how God feels about His covenant with you when it gets finalized on a reality TV show after you literally just met the man you’re marrying.

We. Are. Just. Sayin.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kim and Kanye"s Surrogate Out of Sight, But Still Sharing Pregnancy Progress

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are in the homestretch for baby #3’s arrival, and acting like the old pros they are in the birthing game … even though this is their first time using a surrogate. As we’ve reported, the couple’s baby girl is due…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

"DWTS" Star Maksim Chmerkovskiy Got His Golf Clubs Jacked in Plain Sight

Maksim Chmerkovskiy is out one set of expensive golf clubs … after someone drove by and jacked his gear straight out of his trunk. Law enforcement sources tell us the ‘DWTS’ dancer was parked outside a Hollywood Hills home Wednesday night, when…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Eniko Parrish Won"t Allow Kevin Hart Out of Her Sight!

After a lot of denials, Kevin Hart admitted that he screwed up. In a public video, he apologized to his wife and children … without being specific about what he’d done wrong.

Maybe he figured that he’d embarrass his family further if he said the word “cheating.” Clearly, he’s ashamed and is willing to do anything to make it up to them.

And apparently that includes putting up with his wife, Eniko, keeping him on a very short leash.

Based upon Eniko’s Instagram post celebrating “8 years” together and the power of math, it looks like Eniko and Kevin Hart’s relationship began before his previous marriage ended.


Kevin’s ex blasted him as a cheater and liar, which honestly sounds kind of fair, from her perspective.

But Kevin and Eniko are married now and, until very recently, things seemed all sorts of happy.

Until, reportedly, a blackmailer tried to extort a seven-figure sum from Kevin, claiming to have a sex tape of him with his alleged mistress.

Kevin decided that he’d rather keep his money and fess up.

Since this story became public, Montia Sabbag has identified herself as Kevin Hart’s alleged mistress. We don’t know who the blackmailer with the video is.

(Montia is gorgeous, but whether she’s jeopardize-your-marriage-and-public-standing levels of hot is a personal matter)

Some would say that, because of how their relationship began, Eniko deserves this, now.

We … don’t really agree.

HollywoodLife reports that Eniko is keeping a close eye on Kevin Hart

“Eniko is keeping extra close tabs on Kevin, especially during her final weeks of pregnancy.”

Yeah, we’d imagine so.

“Eniko is making Kevin call, text, or facetime with her constantly, throughout the day, whenever they are apart.”

Oh … that’s next-level.

(And, in most relationships, it would be toxic and a huge red flag — we’ll get to that in a bit)

“After his latest blunders, Kevin has agreed to check in with Eniko practically every hour they are apart to give her more security in their unstable relationship.”

You know, “blunders” is exactly the word for it, right?

Not only having the affair, but letting someone record it.

And we can see why she would need a lot of reassurance.

We imagine that it will take more than constant check-ins to repair the damage that Kevin’s blunders have done.

But at least it’s a start.

“She has zero trust in him right now.”

According to this source, Eniko has some very specific concerns.

“The last thing she wants is for Kevin to be absent for the delivery of their child or worse, for him to be caught stepping out on her again while she is in the hospital.”

Honestly, unless Kevin Hart has way less self-control than we suspect, that doesn’t seem like a mistake that he’s likely to make any time soon.

And nobody wants to miss the birth of their child. Well, except Anthony Scaramucci.

It’s important to note that this kind of behavior is usually toxic and a huge red flag in relationships.

If your significant other is checking in with you like this, it’s usually a sign of emotional abuse and you’re usually dealing with someone with control issues.

In many cases, you may want to leave the relationship before it turns violent.

In this case, it sounds like Kevin has signed up for this in an effort to apologize to his wife and to restore trust.

So it’s probably mostly okay.

Just keep in mind that anyone doing this preemptively … well, that’s a huge red flag.
