Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Ummm... Did We Make a Mistake?

Til death do them part?

Or until common sense makes them realize that marrying someone you had never seen before your wedding day may not have been a great idea?

The couples on Married at First Sight wrestled with whether or not they made a huge mistake on Tuesday night’s installment of this Lifetime reality show…

As previously detailed, Dave Flaherty and Amber Martorana hit it off when they got hitched.

However, during their first full day as an actual couple, clear issue arose between the newlyweds.

The morning after their, ceremony, each half of the couple went to a friends and family brunch. Amber invited her relatives, but Dave merely invited his groomsmen and their loved ones.

“I’m concerned. I had anticipated his parents being there,” Amber explained, fearing his family didn’t like her and adding:

“Maybe getting married at first sight was not a good idea.”

Perish the thought, Amber!

Dave, meanwhile, wasn’t feeling especially positive about their relationship either.

As he packed for their honeymoon in Cancun, he grew concerned that his new wife was more “high maintenance” than he initially thought because she needed a second suitcase for her stuff.

We’re talking MAJOR obstacles here, people!

Despite their huge issues with each other, Amber was still eager to have a kid with Dave… even though they haven’t had sex yet.

“Maybe we’ll have a honeymoon baby,” she said.

Conversely, everything was going very well for Mia Bally and Tristan Thompson.

(No, not this Tristan Thompson, folks.)

The husband and wife were taking things slow, yet were really into their untion.

Moreover, they couldn’t stop complimenting each other and making one another laugh. How perfect, right?!?

Their families were getting along swimmingly and they were psyched to head to Cancun.

However, when they arrived at to the airport, they really did run into a major obstacle: They couldn’t get on their plane because Mia was detained by customs.

“I literally don’t know what’s going on right now,” Tristan said. “My wife Mia has been detained. I can’t talk to her, I hope she’s OK and hopefully I get clarity on th situation very soon.”

Ummm… what?

We’ll need to wait for next week to see how this situation gets resolved.

Finally, in less dramatic news, Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd appeared to be the most stable of the couples at the moment.

They were completely in awe that they were actually married to one another, seemingly unable to believe their good fortune.

“I think it’s going to last forever,” Danielle said. “It was the best case scenario for us.”

Bobby was so physically attracted to his wife that he wanted to rail her all the time.

His only complaint was he wished he could read her better. He wished her could understand her as if they had been together for many years.

Danielle agreed that she had work on expressing her feelings because she just had so many positive ones about her husband.

“I don’t know if I believe at love at first sight but waking up next to her is awesome,” Bobby gushed.

Prior to departing for Cancun, the pair realized they didn’t even have each other’s phone numbers, something rather critical for two people who may need to get in touch at some point.

But, hey, at least one of them didn’t get detained!
