Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Kim Kardashian: I Was Naked When I Talked to Trump!

Kim Kardashian has been a divisive figure throughout her career, but she recently earned some much-deserved, near-universal praise for using her fame and influence for good.

Though generally left-leaning in her politics, Kim reached across the aisle back in June and contacted Donald Trump.

Her goal was to secure the release of Alice Johnson, a grandmother who had already served 22 years of a life sentence she received as a result of a non-violent, first offense drug conviction.

Whether or not you"re a fan of either Kim or the president, most folks seem to agree that the decision to release Johnson after more than two decades behind bars was an unqualified good.

Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, Kim spoke of her dealings with the Donald and revealed that she was au naturel at the time she received her first phone call from Trump.

"Did the president know that you were in just like a robe and nothing else because he probably would have released the whole prison if you"d told him that," Kimmel quipped.

Ah, yes, Trump is a pervert.

That joke never gets old … unless you"re one of his victims.

Kimmel didn"t go easy on Kim, but to her credit, she refused to allow herself to be backed into a corner.

Asked about Kanye West"s love of Trump, the mother of three refused to defend her husband"s controversial polticial views, and even threw what could be interpreted as mild shade:

"He"s not political so he doesn"t really dig deep into what"s going on," she said of Kanye.

"He likes kind of just his personality and how he made it to be president when everyone really underestimated him."

Yes, as many predicted, West"s love of Trump has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the fact that he sees in the president a fellow egotisitical blowhard.

As for her own views on 45 … well, Kim was a bit more cagey in that regard.

"I have nothing bad to say about the president," she told Kimmel, leading the host to reply:

"Right, because you"ve still got people on the list."

"I"m very focused," Kardashian replied.

Hey, if Kim wants to keep her views on Trump to herself for a good cause, we"re all for it.

Stay focused, girl.

Kim kardashian i was naked when i talked to trump