Showing posts with label Recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recap. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

90 Day Fiance Recap: Flirting With Disaster

As we promised with last week’s 90 Day Fiance sneak peeks, there were some huge fights among a few of the couples.
If you need a reminder of exactly what went down, we have the scoop.
More than one fiancee was reconsidering the idea of getting married at all. …

90 Day Fiance Recap: Flirting With Disaster

Friday, November 16, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Paying with Jewish Barbie

For most of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2, fans have been watching Ronnie get pounded on by girlfriend Jen Harley.

The two have a very unhealthy relationship.

On Thursday night, however, we were left to wonder whether this muscle-bound reality star stepped out on his violent baby mama and pounded another woman.

With his penis. In her vagina.

Did he really cheat on Harley?!?

The situation to do so presented itself because Angelina brought along her friend Lindsay (aka “Jewish Barbie”) for a night out with the cast in Jersey.

While Pauly D and Vinny most certainly seemed interested in this special guest, Jewish Barbie set her sights on Ronnie from the start. That much was clear.

She Twerked for him. She joked about who’s bed she’d be sleeping in that night. She got Ronnie’s mojo going, big time.

During these interactions, though, Ronnie was also texting/fighting with Harley.

They starting having issues when she sent him photos of his ex (possibly Sammi Giancola?) to show him how happy women were without him.

Ouch, right?!?

Harley also allegedly told Ronnie she was going to find another guy to raise their daughter — all over text message!

Ignoring Snooki’s advice to “pass [Jewish Barbie] off” to Pauly or Vinny, Ronnie decided to tell Lindsay that the group had a hot tub at their place.

in the tub

Once they arrived there, the girls and guys mostly separated.

Upstairs, the girls played a game of “F-ck, Marry, Kill,” where Lindsay revealed she was interested in banging Ronnie. D’uh.

Meanwhile, the men were downstairs busting Ronnie’s chops about the entire ordeal.

They were totally joking around, but when they realized Ronnie was actually considering hooking up with Jewish Barbie,” they tried to talk him out of it.

“Women in hot tubs are Ronnie’s Kryptonite, okay?” The Situation told the camera. “When Jewish Barbie comes out in her bathing suit, he will be left powerless.”

Yup. That’s exactly what transpired.

borrow shirt?

As the episode came to a close and the credits rolled, Ronnie and Lindsay went to his room and he told her she could sleep in his bed.

“There goes my life,” he joked before the the episode faded to black.

Elsewhere this week… Snooki thought she was pregnant!

She got this idea in her head because she actually vomited after many days in a row of drinking.

It’s true: Snooki vomited!

“Nicole never throws up,” JWOWW said in shock, leading her and her friend to assume Nicole was expecting.

So they ran out to get a pregnancy test.

am i preggers?

“Me and Jionni are trying to have a baby, so maybe I’m pregnant!” Snooki said to the camera. “If it says no, I’m gonna be really upset. I really want a baby.”

(Editor’s Note: Maybe you shouldn’t have been drinking SO hard if you were trying. Just saying/judging.)

In the end, the test came back negative, and Snooki was bummed.

“Why did I throw up like that?” she wondered, apparently forgetting that she had been gulping down vodka seltzers for four days straight.



Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: Teresa Giudice Reignites Her Feud With Joe & Melissa Gorga

Wednesday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reignited the feud between Teresa Giudice and her brother, Joe Gorga, and it looks like we’re in for a season of backstabs between the brother and sister. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know the season premiere found Teresa opening up about Joe steering clear of their father in recent months, signaling that things were going south for the family. 

“My brother used to be around more when my mom first passed away, and I’m really nervous to say anything to him because when I brought this up in the past, it got ugly,” Teresa explained of the situation in a confessional.

“My brother and I have been doing really well for a while now, and I definitely don’t want history to repeat itself. Life is short. I just don’t want my brother to have any regrets.”

In true Teresa fashion, she brought it up during a family gathering. Thankfully, she did not throw some tables. She’s learned from her mistakes. 

Things started to get heated during the dinner party, with Joe’s father Giacinto yelling about his son not calling him, going as far as saying “F–k you” to him. 

“Are you going to be around more for this one? He wants you around more,” she said. “The kid that’s not around the most, that’s the kid you always want.”

Melissa who has feuded with Teresa in the past because of her association with her brother took to a confessional to complain about the whole thing. 

“Who brings up a super sensitive, going-to-cause-a-problem conversation on Easter Sunday? Especially in front of my father-in-law, who is super upset as it is,” she asked.

“This is definitely not the day, the time, the place. Like, your timing sucks.”

“Not on Easter,” Melissa added.

“This conversation gets my skin crawling because I get instant flashbacks of the pain that Joe went through years ago over conversations that were similar.”

“I know my husband. When you push him, and you constantly say the same thing to him over and over again, I know he’s going to explode. Joe is a ticking time bomb. It’s going to happen.”

Joe made it clear that he was getting sick of the way Teresa was acting. 

“You gotta cut that out,” he snapped at Teresa.

“You always bring that up in front of Daddy. ‘Oh you work too much, you’re not around.’ Listen to me, if I was sitting in a bar all day, if I was sitting in restaurants, that’s a different story. But what am I going to do? When you put in 15 hours a day, hard work? I’m exhausted.”

“You know my life. You know the business, it’s crazy. I work hardcore, all day, every day, nonstop. Unbelievable stresses,” Joe added.

“My business takes all my freakin time. Is he going to pay my bills? No one pays my bills. What am I going to do, just give it all up?”

That was not all Teresa had to say, however. 

“I’m just saying, he bitches to me all the time,” she complained. “I got to hear him! ‘Your brother don’t call me. It’s been five days.’“

“Since I’ve lost my mom, holidays are more emotional. I’m just trying to make the holiday as best as I can for my dad. I just want to make him happy. He needs that,” Teresa said, addressing the cameras.

“Before I went away, I spent a lot of time with my mom. And right now all I can think about is how when I came home, I wished I spent more time with my mom. So it’s frustrating that my brother makes the effort to see my dad just on a holiday.”

Teresa’s daughter, Gia, turned to her uncle Joe with her take on what was going on. 

“It’s not fair,” said the teenager. “We get it so much from Nonno, you don’t even know. I know you have work, trust me, I know. But if you don’t call him for a day, he says something. … At least just try, in a week, just one designated day for Nonno.”

But there was no getting through to Joe who maintained that he was a busy man. 

“I don’t give a s—,” yelled Teresa. “You have to make time. In life, that’s how it is. Capeesh?”

While the fighting simmered down and everyone enjoyed the rest of the day, Joe confirmed in a confessional that he was mad at his sister. 

“Teresa was always like this when we were kids,” Joe admitted. “When it came to me, she would rat me out. Why are you still doing this? It’s going to cause a big problem again, which we don’t need.”

As if that wasn’t enough drama, Margaret informed Danielle that she was going to an event hosted by Dolores and things got a little bit crazy. 

“She invited me to this thing–,” said Margaret BUT Danielle butted in. 

“And you coulda said, ‘No, I’m not coming because that will make Danielle very upset and very hurt. It’ll hurt her!’ Because you coulda said, ‘This would hurt me if the tables were turned.’ You coulda said anything but, ‘Yes, I’ll come."”

As Margaret tried to calm Danielle down, the former main cast member decided to storm off, but she came back with a parting shot:

“What is it that you two really have in common? You cheated on your husband, and she got cheated on?”

That has got to be one of the best one-liners in the history of the series, and just like that, it looks like another friendship is over. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Another Friendship Bites the Dust

The ladies of Orange County have been battling it out like never before on The Real Housewives of Orange County. 

Monday’s episode of chronicled the fraught friendship between Tamra Judge and Gina Kirschenheiter. 

The pair were still at odds over Gina dishing the goodies to Shannon about what was being said about her. 

But Gina wanted to let bygones be bygones and wanted Tamra to attend her birthday bash, but Judge had an agenda of her own. 

Tamra made her way over to Vicki’s house and revealed all about the growing tension between her and Gina. 

“So I got a call from Shannon who said that Gina told her that I was talking all this stuff about her in Jamaica,” Tamra told Vicki. 

But Vicki was so over what happened in Jamaica, saying:

“Hello! Jamaica why are we still talking about Jamaica. We are done we are home now. I told Shannon if she has to get on anti-depressants than do it. But Shannon is not mentally ill.”

In a hilarious segment, the two women decided against attending Gina’s party, and while it seemed more about Shannon being there, it was still pretty rude. 

As for Gina, she was moving out of her family home and into her own bachelorette pad following her decision to divorce her husband.

“I am realizing that Mrs. Kirschenheiter is no more,” Gina said before claiming this would be her first birthday as a single woman. 

Gina then told her new BFF Kelly Dodd that she was keeping her divorce on the down low from her children. 

The ladies subsequently met up at Emily Simpson’s for a fortune reading party, and things quickly got out of hand. 

“I have texted Shannon to ask how her surgery went. She did not answer, but I just wanted her to know how it went,” Emily said. “Hopefully you are on the up and up,” Tamra said to Emily about Shannon.

“I feel bad, but I am honestly over Shannon at this point,” said Gina who was still in hot water with Tamra.

“I am trying to help, and you are trying to help her, and now this whole thing is about me and you and do I think you are a sh***y friend.”  

All seemed to go quiet on the Shannon front until the fortune reader told the ladies that a “woman with an S in her name needed help.”

Okay then, Bravo to the producers for this random twist. 

The episode’s final moments focused on Gina questioning where Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki were after everyone but them arrived at her birthday party. 

We cut away to a scene with Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon together having a party of their own. 

“So I told you both what happened. The one thing that kind of upset me was that Emily said, ‘Because I grew up with a mentally ill mom, I saw some similarities with Shannon,’” Tamra said. 

That’s when Shannon lost it. 

“This is a person that threatened to kill Kelly! How dare she? Mentally ill? F**k her,” Shannon yelled as the episode faded to black. 

Oh yes, it’s on!

What are your thoughts on the latest big twist?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC continues Monday on Bravo!


Dancing with the Stars Recap: The Most Shocking Elimination EVER!

We’re just one week away from the Dancing with the Stars season finale, and Monday’s installment of the veteran reality series sent another two couples home. 

As has been the case with this series for quite some time, the viewer votes can help bridge the gap to allow more marginal performers to make it to the end. 

But we’re pretty sure the stunning blindside at the close of this two-hour installment will go down as one of the most shocking eliminations to date. 

Let’s break down the performances, shall we?

Bobby Bones and Sharna Burgess

Bobby and Sharna’s first performance was the Salsa to “GDFR” by Flo Rida. It was a random song choice for sure, and it only showed viewers that Bobby was one of the weaker performers. 

Poor Sharna has been trying to make Bobby a little less wooden over the weeks, but he’s peaked. They scored 21/30 for that one. 

Thankfully, their Jive to “Gimme Some Lovin” by The Spencer Davis Group was a little bit better. Len showed up in the rehearsal to make Bobby a little less wooden. 

For this performance, it definitely helped the couple out because they earned their highest score yet thanks to the judges. It was a 24/30.

Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten

Everyone loves a good love story, right?

Ever since Alexis and Alan turned up the heat to reveal they were an item, the viewers have lapped up every single performance. 

Their Waltz to “Water” by Bishop Briggs was not one of their best, and Len noticed the glaring issue right off the bat. They went for style over substance. 

Still, they garnered a 28/30 score from it, so not too shabby. 

However, their Jive to “Yes” by Merry Clayton brought them a lot of praise. It was a lot better than their first jive of the season, so it helped highlight the growth the couple has experienced. 

Yes, they got a perfect score!

Joe Amabile and Jenna Johnson

We’re beginning to think Joe may have had a better chance if he competed on Dancing with the Stars: Juniors. He comes across as immature, and that might have earned him some more leeway with a different set of coaches. 

He and Jenna went with a somewhat romantic number, and it snagged them 22/30. 

The good news is that Joe has started to improve, but it could be too little, too late. The Quickstep to “Check It Out” by Oh the Larceny was certainly one of his best-received numbers to date. 

However, it was a 24/30 score, and most of the other performers have pulled in multiple perfect scores. 

Juan Pablo Di Pace and Cheryl Burke

We’re not getting ahead of ourselves here: 

Juan Pablo and Cheryl have been the ones to watch all season long. Most of their performances have been flawless, and that continued with their Argentine Tango and Salsa. 

There’s nothing to say about them we’ve not said before. They’re outstanding, and they secured another two perfect scores. 

Surely they should have a guaranteed spot in the finale, right?

Evanna Lynch and Keo Motsepe 

Evanna and Keo started the season off in the middle of the pack, but they shifted the needle in a big way midseason. 

The Contemporary to “Stand Up for Something” by Andra Day. Evanna dedicated the stunning performance to her late friend and director Simon Fitzmaurice, who helped shape Evanna into the fine young woman she is today. 

It landed her and Keo another perfect score!

Sadly, their follow-up performance wasn’t quite as solid according to the judges. The Foxtrot is fast-paced, so some of the best dancers struggle with it. 

They garnered a 28/30 score. 

Milo Manheim and Witney Carson

Milo and Witney have been up there with Juan Pablo and Cheryl from the get-go, so the big surprise here is that neither of the two performances got a perfect score. 

Milo dedicated the Argentine Tango to his mother, and it was one of the best of the night. Len admitted that it was difficult to grade a performance that came after Juan Pablo’s showstopper. 

Surely that’s not grounds to dock points for another solid performance. In any case, it was a 27/30 score. 

The couple’s Cha Cha was similarly solid, but they still missed out on a perfect score. Yes, we wish we were kidding here. 

They got a 28/30. 

Joe and Jenna, Alexis and Alan, and Juan Pablo and Cheryl were all revealed to be in jeopardy. It was a true stunner because Bobby and Sharna should have been in the bottom three. 

In the end, Joe and Jenna and Juan Pablo and Cheryl lost their places ahead of the finale. 

It was another installment that showed the importance of the viewer vote!

Dancing with the Stars concludes Monday on ABC. 


Teen Mom OG Recap: Wait, Is Amber Pregnant Again?

The newbies made the originals on Teen Mom OG this week.

On the latest installment of this MTV hit, viewers went back in time and watched as incoming stars Cheyenne Floyd and Bristol Palin met the women who have been in this spotlight forever:

Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell.

How did this interaction go? How much tension was present? And which young lady thinks she may be pregnant again?

Wait… WHAT?!?

You need to scroll down right now for our recap of storylines and developments:

1. Here. We. Go!

The new ogs

This is our rundown of the episode that aired on November 12, 2018.

2. We Gotta Start with Amber…

Amber reacts

Portwood felt ill and got very concerned that she was pregnant with another baby. (She had basically JUST given birth to her son on the show). “It feels like my stomach is just achy. I swear to God, if you got me pregnant,” Amber said to boyfriend Andrew Glennon after admitting that she felt queasy while in New York City.

3. No on the Pregnancy, But Yes on the Frustration

No on the pregnancy but yes on the frustration

It was a false alarm for Amber, but what rang true was her irritation over the way MTV handled the hiring of Bristol and Cheyenne. No one even told the three original cast members this was happening until an announcement was made to the public.

4. Where’s the R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

Catelynn lowell amber portwood and maci bookout

Amber talked to a producer about how it all transpired, saying in an emotional tone on air: “This show, to us, is like family, especially with the girls. There’s been a lot of things that have happened in 10 years from my f-cking life that I have let you guys watch, that has been really personal so I need that respect back … We would really like some f-cking respect.”

5. Wait, Lady, I’m Not Done!

Amber and andrew

“Hopefully we’re not dealing with Farrah sh-t, but I don’t think they’re anything like that from what everyone’s been saying,” Amber told this producer, referencing Abraham and the two new women and adding: “It’s simply the courtesy of letting the girls who’ve been doing this for 10 years, who built this franchise with them, know what’s going on on their show.”

6. Amber’s Emotions Ran High

Amber portwood with andrew glennon

This caused some to wonder if she really was pregnant, which prompted a pregnancy test. It came back negative. “I need to get on birth control,” Amber said. “There are things that I wanna do in my life… Having a baby right now would kind of stop that. It’s just not the right time to have another kid.”

View Slideshow

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: South Peach

It was only a matter of time.

Porsha continued to gush over her new man on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but Kandi Burruss had some intel on Dennis that she kept very private from her frenemy. 

When Porsha started talking about Dennis during a meeting, she was adamant that she was not all about waiting for a long time to get married. 

“We don’t have to wait forever!” Porsha said regarding marriage. “The whole two years, you wait a year, you’re engaged a year — I will do it.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you know that Kandi and Porsha have been at odds for over a year, and while they’ve made a peace treaty, they’re still dragging each other behind the scenes. 

It makes sense then that Kandi would insert herself into Porsha’s Dennis drama. 

“Is he already talking about marriage?” the Xscape hitmaker quipped. 

“Well,” Porsha replied with a stern look. “A little here and there.”

“Okay, I know we ain’t been tight, but I’ll just say, don’t always put out how badly you wanna be married,” Kandi said to her former BFF. “Kinda let him put it out there.”

“I think the advice that Kandi’s giving me is pretty general,” Porsha said to the Bravo cameras. “She probably would say that to anybody, but thank you.”

Kandi later intrigued viewers in a confessional by saying the following:

“Keep him under wraps, honey — if you can!”

Okay then. Does this mean Dennis cannot be tamed, and will not settle down any time soon? Quite possibly. 

In any case, Kandi elaborated further when she FaceTimed her husband to let him know about the trip to Miami. 

“After all the girls came back to the hotel, Porsha was telling us about her new boo,” Kandi said.

“She’s dating that dude that owns Cru. You know what I’m talking about?”

Todd was adamant that he had never been to the place, but his wife delved deeper into the drama. 

“I mean, I already knew that she was dating him, but I didn’t wanna say that you know what I mean?” Kandi continued.

“I didn’t wanna be like, ‘I got tea on somebody!’ She’s trying to be really hush-hush about it, so I’m just gonna let her tell what she wants to tell in her due time.”

That’s when Todd confirmed she needed to stay the hell out of it. Their relationship is not in the best place, but they’re somewhat tolerable towards each other of late. 

That’s a start, we guess. 

“Yes, I’ve heard things about her new boo,” Kandi dished in a later confessional. “I just know a few different women who have — you know — dated him. Just pace yourself, girl.”

Elsewhere, NeNe Leakes started to get back to work following Gregg’s cancer diagnosis. 

Cynthia, Kandi, Eva, and Marlo all decided it was a good idea to visit NeNe in Miami to support her, but when they arrived, Gregg was open and honest. 

He was struggling to eat and hadn’t been able to keep anything down for three days. His health continued to deteriorate at the opening of NeNe’s boutique, but the ladies were on hand to help him through it. 

What are your thoughts on all the latest action?

Hit the comments below. 

RHOA continues Sundays on Bravo. 


Friday, November 9, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Recap: Is Catherine Dying?!

Thursday’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy featured the return of Catherine Fox who was out of town dealing with her foundation and a health crisis. 

It also featured her husband, Richard at his darkest moment yet, and some relationship drama for that pesky ‘ship that is Jaggie. 

At the top of the hour, Meredith and Koracick were whisked off to L.A. with the aim of helping Catherine who summoned them to help out with a patient. 

Once at the building Mer and Kor (It has a certain ring to it, right?!) were ordered to room with technology that you would expect in a futuristic movie. 

They noticed a tumor in the vascular and nerve domains, and when the two surgeons wanted to know who the patient was, Catherine confirmed it was her. 

It was a stunning twist. But Catherine didn’t want to be taken away from the ribbon cutting of the building, so she was adamant about business as usual. 

The three went out for drinks, and while Catherine wanted to know whether her prognosis was grim, the doctors had no answers until results returned. 

She went on to say that she couldn’t tell anything to Richard. 

“I don’t know if he can handle this,” she said, which explained why she text Richard at the top of the hour to say she was spending more time in Los Angeles. 

Later, as the ribbon cutting kicked off, Koracick admitted to Meredith that Catherine was suffering from cancer, and he was scared that he could not save her. 

“I have no idea how remove it without paralyzing her or killing her,” he said with a sad look on his face. Grey’s really wasn’t lying with its “15 seasons of feels” promotional efforts.

As for Richard, he was going through some struggles of his own. Hell, he’s been spiraling since his sponsor died last season. 

At the hospital, Nurse Frankie had some major complications with her pregnancy. After stabilizing her, she died in the O.R., and it left Richard in a horrifying situation. 

He went to the bar and talked about his sobriety. The barman poured him multiple shots of vodka, and let him have at it. 

But this was not the type of support Richard was looking for, so he trashed the bar and found himself in jail. How far will he spiral after his wife’s cancer diagnosis?

As for Jaggie, things took an awkward turn when Maggie noticed a woman was texting him and learned that her knight in shining armor was romancing other women. 

Well, he got close with another woman while having his crisis of faith. This rubbed Maggie the wrong way, and she took it as him sleeping with other women. 

Maggie claimed she thought she would be the reason their relationship fizzled out, and Jackson countered that she was the first one to run in any given situation. 

Jackson went on to say that he was made he and April had the crisis of faith at different times, and that was enough for Maggie to call the time of death on the relationship. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC. 


Jersey Shore Recap: "She"s a F-cking Psycho!"

We nearly saw Vinny Guadagnino’s penis on the latest episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

But while this veteran castmate thankfully kept his junk in his pants, Vinny let it all come out when discussing his feelings toward former fling Angelina Pivarnick.

Seriously, the guy just WENT OFF on her. Scroll down to find out why…

It’s been clear for a few weeks now that Angelina still has a thing for Vinny, following their hook up eight years ago.

(Yes, eight years ago! These people have been in our lives for a very long time.)

On Thursday night, however, Vinny made it clear that Angelina lust for him was not reciprocated after the group went out for dinner and Angelina would not leave him alone.

At one point, after taunting Vinny and alleging that he’s the one obsessed with her, Angelina grabbed Vinny’s crotch.

And he was so NOT down with it.

“I hate that girl. I’m done with that girl, seriously. She went too far. I’m done being nice to her,” he screamed in response, adding:

“She’s f-cking psycho.”

Snooki and JWOWW were encouraging Angelina (who’s engaged, by the way) to simply “hate f-ck” Vinny, but even they backed off once they saw the state Guadagnino was actually in.

The final straw was when Angelina said Vinny was attracted to her because, in her mind, she reminded Vinny of his mother.

“You’re obsessed with me,” Angelina told Vinny over dinner, turning the knife in deeper by continuing:

“You literally love me. Just admit it to everybody here that you’re obsessed with me. You should just confess your love in front of everybody.”

Vinny called her “delusional” and told her to “shut up” multiple times; nevertheless, Angelina persisted. And then she crossed a line.

“You want a woman like your mom. That’s what you want,” she said. “That’s why you love me so much, because I remind you of your mother.”


“How dare you? How dare you?” Vinny later vented to the camera.

“I don’t care if Angelina compared herself to Kim Kardashian. I don’t care if you compare yourself to f-cking Beyonce. Do not ever compare yourself to my mother.”

He also made it as clear as could be to Angelina herself, telling his past lover:

“All I begged you to do is stop talking to me. You f-cking bring up my name every second.”

Still, Angelina kept interrupting.

“You’re obsessed with me. You love me. You literally love me. You wanna marry me. You literally wanna marry me,” she said.

Vinny eventually snapped, yelling “COME AT ME, BRO!” — until The Situation calmed everyone down by asking about dessert.\

Speaking of The Situation:

He invited JWOWW to attend his speech at his former rehab facility.

She was still sort of drunk from the night before, but she downed some Gatorade, tossed on some sweat pants and agreed to support her friend.

On his way there, Mike told Jenni a story about his struggle with drinking and how his now-wife stood by his side throughout the worst of times.

“There was one time where I was attempting to get sober,” Mike explained.

“I had a doctor and a nurse at my house. They were detoxing me, and after I think four or five days, I had the ‘f-ck its,’ they call it, where you’re like, ‘F-ck it, I don’t want this anymore. I wanna go party. I wanna feel better.’

“So I jumped in my car, and Lauren jumped in her vehicle. I was trying to get away from her, so there was a bit of speeding going on, a little bit of a car chase.

“Eventually, a cop pulled up beside me, and I actually said to the cop that there’s a crazy fan following me.”

Continued The Situation:

He didn’t entertain it. He was just like, ‘Mike, you’re crazy.’

“But I actually said that [about] my girlfriend, who’s behind me trying to help me. That’s a good story for people to hear that because that was my crazy times. I could not escape her. She was determined.

“I turned around and went home and went through the detox process.”

And now Mike and Lauren are married.

We don’t often say this when it comes to Jersey Shore, but: How sweet, right?!?


Thursday, November 8, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Is The Coven Doomed?

The body count continued to rise on Wednesday’s penultimate installment of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. 

Before we get to the batch of deaths, let’s speak about The Cooperative aka the elusive company we’ve heard so much about throughout the current season. 

In an unsurprising twist, we learned that the company had 100 people who were controlling the world and that they would shut the whole thing down if they got the order. 

Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton were just some of the names supposedly attached, and we also learned that it was all a mere code name for the Illuminati. 

But how did we get to that ludicrous revelation? 

The episode kicked off with Dinah Stevens doing the work of the devil to get her talk show picked up for 13 episodes. 

The lengths voodoo witches will go to in order to get their voices heard is pretty darn crazy. In any case, Michael and Mead made their way into Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies and wasted no time in killing the witches. 

Cordelia, Myrtle, Mallory, Madison, and Dinah all escaped unscathed, but both Queenie, Zoe, and some other unidentified witches perished. 

They met up in Misty’s shack determined to find a way to bring their sisters back from the dead. But Cordelia was blindsided when she tried to save her girls and learned that they had been wiped from existence. 

Remember Madison learned Michael had that ability during her trip to the Murder House? Well, she only told her Supreme about it after  Michael obliterated the coven. 

In all honesty, Cordelia’s reaction by slapping Madison was ridiculous. What else would the witches have done to stop all of this? 

They’re fighting a losing battle, and Mallory might be the key to finding a way to save the world and everyone who is still alive. 

Mallory used her abilities to return to Siberia in 1918 with the aim of changing time and saving the Romanoff family from being murdered. 

Anastasia was a witch and tried to build a wall to save her family from being murdered, but she got sidetracked and couldn’t complete the spell in time. 

Mallory showed up to try and reverse what happened, but the power of the two was not strong enough to save the family. 

So Mallory returned to the land of the living without being able to complete the mission. The witches are seriously getting their asses whooped right about now. 

The episode closed with Michael confirming to The Cooperative that he was the Antichrist and that they would be following his order from that point on. 

Okay then. 

What are your thoughts on the latest installment? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story: Apocalypse concludes next Wednesday on FX. 


The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Danielle Staub Stirs the Pot

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back!

Wednesday’s season premiere of the Bravo hit started the process of filling in the blanks for fans and set up the season’s big villain: Danielle Staub. 

Teresa Giudice, in particular, was all about switching up her look for a bikini fitness competition and that meant doing some exercising and clean eating. 

“With Joe being away right now, there is a lot of stress raising four daughters on my own, and working out is a great stress relief for me,” she explained to viewers, adding:

“So I definitely kicked it up a notch and entered a bikini fitness competition.”

Teresa was visibly more toned than she was when we last saw her, so she’s definitely doing something right. 

And while many have been quick to claim Teresa’s relationship with Joe is on thin ice, then the premiere may have proven just that. 

“I wanted to do this when Joe was home, and he always said to me, ‘You’re not doing that.’ He was like, ‘You’re not going on stage in a bikini,"” she said to her personal trainer. 

“It’s another year until he comes home, so I was just like, ‘I’m just doing it. I don’t care what he says."”

“So have we told him yet?” her trainer questioned.

“No,” Teresa responded with a grin. 

“Since Joe’s been away, I have gotten used to my independence. I haven’t been independent like this — I don’t think ever, but I am doing this fitness competition for me,” Teresa said in a confessional.

“I don’t care what anybody thinks — my husband or anyone. Sorry, Joe!”

It’s certainly intriguing that Teresa managed to adapt without her husband, and her wording does seem to imply that it’s her way or no way going forward. 

Now that we know Joe is facing deportation from the United States, it certainly raises questions about whether Teresa would go to Italy with him. 

This is all assuming the appeal is denied, of course, but still, there’s going to be a lot of drama on the new season of this series if it chronicles Teresa continuing to veer away from married life. 

Teresa is the woman who is prone to lash out when her buttons are pushed, but this new iteration of her was sober and very empowering. 

How long will that last? We give it a handful of episodes. 

Elsewhere, we finally got some much-needed insight into Dolores Catania’s relationship with her ex-husband, Frank, who was allegedly disbarred as an attorney. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know that Andy Cohen quizzed Dolores on the most recent reunion episode, and Dolores had no clue what he was talking about. 

“Frank broke my trust 20 years ago when he cheated on me, and over the past 20 years, Frank and I have built that trust again,” Dolores dished in a confessional.

“But now it’s gone, because when Frank was disbarred, Frank didn’t tell me about it, and I found out in the most public way possible,” she continued. 

“I was embarrassed, and I looked like a liar. And that’s what pissed me off the most.”

“Since Frank lost his law license, I worry. Are we financially okay? Because we have two kids in college,” she added.

And while Dolores is still mad at Frank, they have a new business venture that’s helping them out. 

“Our gyms do great, but that’s not stable. So now, Frank and I are flipping houses together. We’ve done this in the past.”

“Frank hires the people to do the construction, and I would sell them. I was the realtor. Right now, we’re on our second flip. The first one sold, and the money’s good!”

Oh, and if you’re wondering, Dolores is still dating her boyfriend, and he’s totally not concerned about Frank. 

If the boyfriend were not part of the equation, one would think that Dolores and Frank were still an item. They live together, have a lot of chemistry, and still have the arguments people in love have every other day. 

Hell, even someone as wild as Danielle Staub picked up on it last season and used it to her advantage multiple times. 

Danielle is the type of person to cling to a storyline for dear life in order to get her face back on the small screen again. 

Her antics last season never landed her the regular cast member status, so look for her to amp up the crazy a few notches this year. 

The good thing here is that everyone seems to be picking up on Danielle’s stirring. Teresa and Margaret were open and honest with Dolores about Danielle quizzing them about Frank being disbarred. 

Dolores seemed like she was going to flip the eff out at Melissa Gorga’s 39th birthday party, but the new house flipper left the situation entirely and stood at another part of the room. 

Oh yes, this feud is going to be fun!

What are your thoughts on the premiere?

RHONJ Continues Wednesdays on Bravo!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Twin Tweaks

Vick Gunvalson and Shannon Beador went under the knife. 

Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County chronicled each of the two women’s cosmetic surgery procedures.

Vicki went with a lower face and neck life, which was scheduled to last five hours. Yes, that’s a long time to go under the knife. 

There was an especially scary moment at the top of the hour when Vicki was asked if she wanted to be resuscitated if her surgery went south. 

“‘I do want to be resuscitated. I’ve got a lot of things to do this week,” she said with a grin in response. 

You can always rely on the OG of the OC to throw in some comic relief to an otherwise serious scene. 

The nurse went on to admit that the drugs could pose some side effects, and Vicki was not done making fun of it. 

“It makes your hoo-ha buzz?” she quipped.

“Because I’ve had so many surgeries, I kinda sorta know what the hoo-ha buzz is.”

If you wanted to know what procedures Vicki had in the past, then she was all too happy to dish the goodies in a confessional. 

She had work done on her chin, nose, tummy, eyes, and her breasts. We’re inclined to believe she already knew all about the side effects. 

As for Shannon, she opted for an eye procedure because she wanted to look the best as she continued her return to the dating game. 

Vicki woke up shortly after her procedure and continued to have some of the wittiest responses ever. 

“Am I pretty? Do I look like Vicki?” she questioned.

“Yeah you look like Vicki wrapped up in a towel,” Steve told her. 

“And ten years younger,” yelled a nurse. 

Steve then took the love of his life to the Monarch Beach Resort because she wanted to recover in luxury, but she was cautious that anyone laid eyes on her. 

As for Shannon, she made her way home after the surgery and was visited by Kelly Dodd and Gina Kirshenheiter when she got home. 

Things took an awkward turn when Gina started talking about the Jamaica trip, admitting that there was “a lot of talk about your mental health.”

Gina continued to talk about it, even going as far as throwing Tamra under the bus for talking smack about her supposed friend. 

Shannon seemed happy to know what was being said but admitted in a confessional that her recovery was no the time or the place to open up about it. 

In true Real Housewives fashion, it didn’t take long for Tamra to get wind of what was being said. 

“I would like to hear your side before I lose my s***,” said Tamra to Gina as she sharpened her blade. 

We are obviously kidding about the blade part, but Tamra was pissed. 

“I said your best friends are concerned for you,” Gina countered, before saying that she wanted to make Shannon aware that she was being spoken about. 

“I didn’t expect this from Gina at all, she is New York Gina with her loyalty, and you are going to throw me under the bus? Oh no,” said Tamra.

But Gina was adamant she was not trying to cause drama, and swiftly realized that the issue here was Shannon. 

Shannon apparently took what Gina said and made it into something it wasn’t. 

While Tamra was furious with her friends, she got a little bit of good news in her home life. 

Eddie was still struggling with his heart defect but found out he was going to be treated for it. 

He was tired of not being able to do what he wanted but vowed to be back to doing normal things as soon as possible. 

“Like b**ing your wife?” laughed Tamra.

Okay, that’s all for another week.

What did you think of all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 
