Showing posts with label Barbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbie. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

We all know that reality TV shows rarely depict anything that could be accurately described as reality.
From the Teen Moms to the Real Housewives, just about everyone who’s appeared on a long-running reality series has complained at one point or another about being the victim of a bad...
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: I Never Banged Jewish Barbie! I Love Jen Harley!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Paying with Jewish Barbie

For most of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2, fans have been watching Ronnie get pounded on by girlfriend Jen Harley.

The two have a very unhealthy relationship.

On Thursday night, however, we were left to wonder whether this muscle-bound reality star stepped out on his violent baby mama and pounded another woman.

With his penis. In her vagina.

Did he really cheat on Harley?!?

The situation to do so presented itself because Angelina brought along her friend Lindsay (aka “Jewish Barbie”) for a night out with the cast in Jersey.

While Pauly D and Vinny most certainly seemed interested in this special guest, Jewish Barbie set her sights on Ronnie from the start. That much was clear.

She Twerked for him. She joked about who’s bed she’d be sleeping in that night. She got Ronnie’s mojo going, big time.

During these interactions, though, Ronnie was also texting/fighting with Harley.

They starting having issues when she sent him photos of his ex (possibly Sammi Giancola?) to show him how happy women were without him.

Ouch, right?!?

Harley also allegedly told Ronnie she was going to find another guy to raise their daughter — all over text message!

Ignoring Snooki’s advice to “pass [Jewish Barbie] off” to Pauly or Vinny, Ronnie decided to tell Lindsay that the group had a hot tub at their place.

in the tub

Once they arrived there, the girls and guys mostly separated.

Upstairs, the girls played a game of “F-ck, Marry, Kill,” where Lindsay revealed she was interested in banging Ronnie. D’uh.

Meanwhile, the men were downstairs busting Ronnie’s chops about the entire ordeal.

They were totally joking around, but when they realized Ronnie was actually considering hooking up with Jewish Barbie,” they tried to talk him out of it.

“Women in hot tubs are Ronnie’s Kryptonite, okay?” The Situation told the camera. “When Jewish Barbie comes out in her bathing suit, he will be left powerless.”

Yup. That’s exactly what transpired.

borrow shirt?

As the episode came to a close and the credits rolled, Ronnie and Lindsay went to his room and he told her she could sleep in his bed.

“There goes my life,” he joked before the the episode faded to black.

Elsewhere this week… Snooki thought she was pregnant!

She got this idea in her head because she actually vomited after many days in a row of drinking.

It’s true: Snooki vomited!

“Nicole never throws up,” JWOWW said in shock, leading her and her friend to assume Nicole was expecting.

So they ran out to get a pregnancy test.

am i preggers?

“Me and Jionni are trying to have a baby, so maybe I’m pregnant!” Snooki said to the camera. “If it says no, I’m gonna be really upset. I really want a baby.”

(Editor’s Note: Maybe you shouldn’t have been drinking SO hard if you were trying. Just saying/judging.)

In the end, the test came back negative, and Snooki was bummed.

“Why did I throw up like that?” she wondered, apparently forgetting that she had been gulping down vodka seltzers for four days straight.



Sunday, March 11, 2018

Salma Hayek Slams Mattel"s Frida Kahlo Barbie Doll

Salma Hayek is just the latest person blasting Mattel for making a Barbie out of Mexican artist and women’s rights icon Frida Kahlo — asking what many already have … how??? Salma called out the toy company Sunday over their newest Barbie release…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Nick Cassavetes and Daughter Barbie Grab Lunch Day After Custody Victory

Nick Cassavetes and his daughter are back together in L.A. … and grabbed some lunch to celebrate their reunion. “The Notebook” director and his 12-year-old girl, Barbie, were spotted at Jerry’s Deli in Studio City Saturday … just a day after an…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Nick Cassavetes Wins Custody of Daughter Barbie

Nick Cassavetes has won a major victory … he has his child back after claiaming his baby mama stole their child from him … TMZ has learned. Nick appeared in an Oklahoma courtroom Friday to square off with Heather Wahlquist over 12-year-old…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Woman Spends Thousands to Look Like Barbie: PHOTOS

Rachel Evans is not the first woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie.

She probably isn"t the most famous woman to want to look like a real-life version of Barbie, either.

But Rachel"s story is still worth telling because it"s interest, it"s sad, it"s made her into a viral sensation… and the photos that accompany her transformation are pretty incredible.

See for yourself:

1. This is Rachel Evans

This is rachel evans

Or it WAS Rachel Evans, we should say, before she fell into a depression as the result of losing a son at a very young age.

2. Response to Tragedy

Response to tragedy

Around the same time this child died, Rachel’s relationship was falling apart. She says she developed an eating disorder in response and hated the way she looked at the time.

3. Start of the Transformation

Start of the transformation

“Because I was skinny, some people called me Barbie,” Rachel has said. “So I decided to embrace it, knowing it would make me a happier person inside and out.”

4. A New Woman

A new woman

Along with working out to improve her figure, Rachel underwent Botox and quickly became hooked. She loved her new look.

5. An Addiction is Born

An addiction is born

“It was like ironing out a shirt to erase the creases,” she has said. “After that I noticed other wrinkles I hadn’t noticed before, so I got more and more done. I gradually increased the face treatments and started having fillers in my cheeks and lips. By my early 40s, I was having non-surgical facelifts on top of all the other treatments to maintain my youthful look.”

6. A New Identity is Formed

A new identity is formed

“I feel like Barbie, I think like Barbie and I am Barbie,” says Rachel, adding that she is on the lookout for her Ken. “I think me and Barbie are the same person. I am a human doll.”

View Slideshow

Monday, May 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner Drops $20k on Barbie Art for Glam Room (PHOTO)

Kylie Jenner added some flair to her glam room with a couple pieces of art featuring the most glamorous gal of all — Barbie. Our Kylie sources say she dropped around $ 20,000 for 2 Barbie prints by contemporary artist Beau Dunn. We’re told Kylie’s…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner Channels Barbie in RACY New Photo Shoot!

Kylie Jenner has been doing this thing, don"t know if you"ve noticed, where she seems to truly enjoy flaunting her body.

Like, she"s really, really into it.

So it just makes sense that, for her latest photo shoot, she modeled for Flaunt magazine in what may be … well, it"s not her raunchiest photo shoot yet, but it"s still pretty scandalous.

For the shoot, which for some reason was titled "So Many Margaritas, So Little Feeling," Kylie did her best Barbie impersonation.

She"s got the long blonde wig, the pink swimsuits, the pink makeup.

But we don"t remember Barbie ever getting this nasty.

1. Classic Barbie

Classic barbie

We weren’t kidding about the Barbie vibes, see?

2. So Scandalous

So scandalous

Notice how her legs are so shiny, they almost look plastic?

3. Just Lounging

Just lounging

Uh oh, see that big scar on her thigh? Probably from thigh implants. SMH.

4. Less Barbie, More Ass

Less barbie more ass

Did Barbie ever rock a thong? We’re thinking no.

5. So Shiny!

So shiny

Seriously, what’s up with her legs? Is she wearing tights? Was she oiled up? Why is this happening?

6. Juicy


Kylie shared this one on her Instagram page, and captioned it “Life in plastic, it’s fantastic.” Like the “Barbie Girl” song, remember? But also like plastic surgery.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Guess Who This Barbie Girl Turned Into!

Before this lil speedster was living life in the fast lane, she was just another drivin’ doll growing up in Surrey, England. Can you guess who she is?


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Amy Schumer Set to Star in Barbie Movie, Haters Unite

There are plenty of people who don’t care for Amy Schumer, and that’s fine.

Maybe she’s not your cup of tea. Maybe you don’t like her sense of humor, or maybe you think she’s been too offensive at times.

All that’s fine. This is your life, make your own choices.

But if you don’t like her because of the way she looks, or if you’ve expressed your negative feelings about her by making fun of her body?

Well, you’re probably just an asshole.

And unfortunately, judging by the reaction to this new piece of Schumer news, the world is just filled to the brim, absolutely overflowing, with assholes

Amy is reportedly in talks to star in a new live-action movie about Barbie.

The movie is supposed to have a PG rating, so it wouldn’t have any of Amy’s usual raunchiness, but she is said to be doing a rewrite of the current script.

As for the basic plot, it will be acknowledged that Amy doesn’t have the classic unrealistic Barbie proportions. Remember, Mattel recently released Barbies that come in more varied, more realistic body types?

Yeah, you can now buy Curvy Barbies, Petite Barbies, and Tall Barbies. The movie will play on that.

Amy’s Barbie character lives in Barbieland, where all the different Barbies live. You know, Dentist Barbie, Babysitter Barbie, Dog Walker Barbie, Gymnastics Barbie …

But her version of Barbie will get banished from Barbieland because she doesn’t quite fit the perfect Barbie mold. She is forced out into the real world, she learns about herself, etc.

Sounds cute, right? But so many people are furious about this casting.

“I just saw that Amy Schumer will play Barbie in an upcoming movie,” one jackass tweeted. “Now they should get Jonah Hill for Ken and I’ll be there on opening day.”

“So Amy Schumer’s gonna play a FAT Barbie with a gut and two chins and a pie fetish,” another wrote.

Yet another douchebag tweeted “More fat f-cks making the news. Amy Schumer as Barbie? The mental illness in Hollywood is mind-boggling.”

But as disappointing as those reactions were, there were still some decent people in the world who hated this news for less superficial reasons.

“Dear Hollywood,” one person asked, “please stop shoving Amy Schumer at us. Sincerely, everyone on planet earth.”

“There are plenty of women of many sizes who aren’t racist,” another commented. “They should consider them before Amy.”

“Donald Trump as POTUS. Amy Schumer as Barbie. Tyga as still alive … Smg 2016… what else?” read one admittedly hilarious tweet.

For what it’s worth, we’re kind of excited to see what Amy does with this.

How are y’all feeling?


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ashley Graham -- Thick Thighs Save Lives ... Just Ask My Barbie Doll (VIDEO)

Ashley Graham isn’t shy about size and neither is her new Barbie. Ashley was leaving Avalon in Hollywood when she gave us the download on Mattel’s new anatomically correct homage. Skinny chicks might be busy ‘minding the gap’ … but Ashley says…


Ashley Graham -- Thick Thighs Save Lives ... Just Ask My Barbie Doll (VIDEO)

Ashley Graham isn’t shy about size and neither is her new Barbie. Ashley was leaving Avalon in Hollywood when she gave us the download on Mattel’s new anatomically correct homage. Skinny chicks might be busy ‘minding the gap’ … but Ashley says…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kim Kardashian Wants To Turn Into a Human Barbie

Kim Kardashian has lost 70 lbs since giving birth to son, Saint last December, but she’s not stopping there.

Those who have been following Kardashian since she first rose to fame know that the 35-year-old has always been obsessed with being thin.  

Even while pregnant, she would half-jokingly post old photos of herself with the caption, “I miss you,” indicating that she longed for a trimmer figure.

“To say Kim’s obsessed would be an understatement,” a source told the UK’s Heat Magazine.

“She’s planning more secret surgery in her quest to be perfect, and no-one can talk any sense into her.  It’s out of control – she’s literally re-building her body.”

In a move that’s a little too much like Heidi Montag’s, Kardashian is considering knee re-sculpting surgery and rib removal.

“She says that every time she looks at her knees, all she sees are imperfections,” the source blabbed.

“She’s exploring if a knee lift could sculpt them into the ‘perfect’ shape. It bothers her that the lines don’t ‘flow’ exactly from her waist down her legs.”


Why stop there? Why not go to Switzerland and see if they can stretch out your bones?

“She’s also been asking a lot about having ribs removed, and what that might involve,” the source added.

It’s gotten to the point where her own family insists that she stop the madness.

“They’ve all said they’re really concerned about Kim building herself a whole new body, but what can they do? Kim’s entire life has now become about how she looks.”

(Actually, her entire life has always been about how she looks).

“Every hour in the day is either spent in hair and make-up or taking selfies and pictures, or having meetings with her beauty consultant about what she can get done next. It just gets more and more extreme,” the source said.

“She’s become consumed about this impossible ‘perfect’ quest, and although her whole family are terrified she’s going way too far, there’s nothing that can convince Kim to stop.”

Thursday, March 17, 2016

This Woman Spent $500,000 to Look Like Barbie

Move over, Valeria Lukyanova.

It"s time to make room for Nannette Hammond.

While Hammond certainly isn"t the first woman to take extreme measures in order to resemble Barbie, she may very well be the first mother of five to do so.

“I loved playing with those Barbies,” Hammond says for why she has spent $ 500,000 on plastic surgery.

“Growing up, I felt shy and self-conscious about my looks and wanted to be just like the dolls.”

Nannette adds that she collected over 50 of these items as a child.

Hammond, 42, says she is now "happy and secure" with her look… but that doesn"t mean she"s done changing it up.

“I want to age gracefully,” she explains. “When the time comes for me to have a facelift, I won’t hesitate to get one. It’s worth every penny to look like this.”

For the record, the new Human Barbie is 5’3” and has size 28H boobs.

What do her kids, ages 16 through five, think of their mother"s appearance?

“[They] are just so proud of me and what I’ve achieved through surgery,” Hammond says. “They think I look great.”

Learn more about Nannette Hammond below and sound off: What do you think of someone who does this?

Nannette hammond is the new human barbie

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Barbie Gets a Makeover: Check Out These Curves!

Well done, Mattel!

Following pressure to make Barbie into more of a role model, to make her body better reflect those of actual female bodies, the company has given its iconic doll a makeover.

As of this spring, tall, curvy and more petite versions of Barbie will be available in a number of skin tones and hair types.

“Barbie has always given girls choices – from her 180 careers, to inspirational roles, to her countless fashion and accessories,” Evelyn Mazzocco, Mattel’s senior vice president of global girls and games brands, said in a statement.

“We are excited to literally be changing the face of the brand – these new dolls represent a line that is more reflective of the world girls see around them – the variety in body type, skin tones and style allows girls to find a doll that speaks to them

Over the past few years, sales of Barbie have dropped significantly.

According to Time Magazine, in 2012, Barbie global sales fell by 3%. They dropped another 6% in 2013 and then a whopping 16% in 2014.

The new dolls, which are now available for preorder on Amazon and, will feature 22 different eye colors and 24 hairstyles.

The new Barbie is a response to the widespread belief that the original doll’s shape only recognized one size as acceptable.

“We believe we have a responsibility to girls and parents to reflect a broader view of beauty,” Mazzocco says.

As we said at the outset of this article: Well done, Mattel.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Taylor Swift: Is She Really Akin to "Nazi Barbie?"

Ask Selena Gomez about Taylor Swift and you’re likely to hear her toss around words such as loyal, kind and giving.

Ask any celebrity who has joined Swift on stage during a concert about the singer and they’ll probably respond with words such as talented, fun and generous.

ASk Camille Paglia, a culture critic and self-proclaimed feminist, about Taylor Swift and… well… you’ll get a very different kind of response.

In an article penned for The Hollywood Reporter, Paglia argues that the group dynamic between Swift and the beautiful members of her “Squad” do not empower women in any way, shape or form.

Instead, claims Paglia, this is an example of elitism.

“Girl squads can help women advance if they avoid presenting a silly, regressive public image,” writes Paglia.

She goes on to note the “tongues-out mugging of Swift’s bear-hugging posse,” adding:

“Swift herself should retire that obnoxious Nazi Barbie routine of wheeling out friends and celebrities as performance props.”

We’re pretty sure Taylor just likes to hang out with her friends.

We’re also pretty sure once you compare anyone to a Nazi, you lose any semblance of a point.

Paglia goes on to explain that friendship squad such as this serve more to exclude women who aren’t members, as opposed to uniting the women of the group.

“If many women feel lonely or overwhelmed these days, it’s not due to male malice,” Paglia says. “Women have lost the natural solidarity and companionship.”

The columnist claims Swift’s “twinkly persona is such a scary flashback to the fascist blondes who ruled the social scene during my youth.”

Ummm… okay then.

Is there a doctor reading this who can order Paglia a chill pill?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Human Barbie Wants to Be a Human Singer Now

This is not a joke or a prank.

We swear this is real.

Valeria Lukyanova, the troubled model who has undergone endless amounts of plastic surgery to become known as Human Barbie, is apparently sick of posing in skimpy outfits and… well… that"s about all she"s done for years now.

The Ukrainian doll doppelgänger is therefore embarking on a new career as a singer, releasing a track called “Jack Your Barbie” that, once again, actually does exist. This is a real single.

Lukyanova teamed up with Ukrainian DJ Sender for the EDM song, which she released via SoundCloud a few days ago.

"True house music fans should know that "In the beginning there was Jack and Jack had a groove,"" she told Billboard, quoting Chuck Roberts" words from the 1987 track "My House" by Rhythm Control.

"I want your Barbies to jack."

Well… okay then!

We"ve shared the new song below, but consider yourselves warned: the same way you can never unsee these Valeria Lukyanova photos, you can never unhear these words and this beat.

Lukyanova is apparently working on multiple original songs with Sender, some of which will feature her singing in "ancient forgotten languages…meant to induce a meditative state in the listener," according to a press release.

It adds that performances will be created to increase "the rhythm and [change] the consciousness of the audience."

We don"t really know what that means.

"When I"m singing, it"s like a deep trance for me. Music will help people relax and make a journey into their hidden places inside," she also told Billboard.

"I hope it feels for them like something familiar but forgotten. You need to close your eyes and go deep within, like nothing exists but you and the music."

For the final time, a reminder: this is meant to be a real song…

Valeria lukyanova jack your barbie

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova: Check Out My "Ordinary Home Clothes"!

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova is back and wants us to check out what she describes her “ordinary home clothes,” which are predictably ridiculous.

The Ukranian model whose doll-like appearance, insane proportions and WTF-worthy quotes have made her an Internet fad, is currently in Thailand.

Despite the exotic location, she’s keep it laid back in her “ordinary home clothes,” or so she says … we would love/hate to see what’s not ordinary.

Sporting no pants and a top that barely contains her life-size, sex toy-looking assets, the “entertainer” shows some serious skin to say the least.

Human Barbie says she is inspired not by Barbie, but by “alien civilizations, fantasy characters, Amazon warriors, which look like real goddesses.”

Yup, that’s the kind of individual we’re dealing with here.

Lukyanova is enjoying some MUCH NEEDED downtime before releasing her first single and launching her new DJ career (seriously) later this fall.

What kind of tunes can we expect her to be bumpin’?

“The music will have special Vibrations. With certain cosmic sounds and special frequency, people will get a powerful psychic charge,” she says.

“For getting his true essence, healing and finding his calling, each set will be something definite, will have a special message and unique energy.”

“I’m creating a special music with Eugene Sender and my management Nadia and Elena help to give the correct direction. We are on the same wavelength.”

“And it’s important when you work with team.”

Noted, Human Barbie. Noted.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Toddler Defends Illicit Nail Polishing, Tells Dad to Blame Barbie

Over the year, Barbie has become a lightening rod for controversy.

Many critics blame the doll for a rash of eating disorders, due to her unproportional, unrealistic figure.

But the adorable little girl featured in this video blames Barbie for something else entire: the nail polish found all over her body.

Sophia is sat down in this footage and then dressed down by her father, who wants to know why his child’s Barbie doll is pained with blue Disney nail polish.

"She told me to," the sad little girl responds. “She said it a hundred times.”

Sophia fights back tears throughout her defense, reiterating over and over that she was peer-pressured by Barbie into breaking house rules.

Does her dad buy this line of defense? Does it get Sophia off without a punishment? Watch, laugh and find out for yourself.

Little girl defends illicit nail polishing tells dad to blame ba

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Normal Barbie is Now Prepared to Get Her Period

The creator of the Lammily doll has updated his product.

Artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm made headlines last year when he came out with a “normal” version of this famous item, one with a thicker waist, cellulite and freckles.

The goal at the time, according to Lamm, was to present young women with a more realistic model of themselves.

Now, kids can purchase a Period Party accessory pack for their non-Barbie in order to learn about menstruation.

The "Period Party" includes pad and liner stickers meant to fit in doll-sized underwear (also included), along with a calendar and dot stickers to keep track of a menstruation cycle.

"On average, a woman between the ages of 12 and 51 spends a total of six years on her menstrual period, yet, while being a huge part of female life, this perfectly healthy, natural process is still surrounded by taboos," reads the pamphlet that also comes with this pack.

Lamm is aiming to get rid of the stigma often attached to menstruation.

"Let"s start an open and positive conversation about our periods," adds the pamphlet. "Learn the facts. Debunk the myths. Celebrate life!"

Normal barbie is now prepared to get her period