Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Kim Kardashian Wants To Turn Into a Human Barbie

Kim Kardashian has lost 70 lbs since giving birth to son, Saint last December, but she’s not stopping there.

Those who have been following Kardashian since she first rose to fame know that the 35-year-old has always been obsessed with being thin.  

Even while pregnant, she would half-jokingly post old photos of herself with the caption, “I miss you,” indicating that she longed for a trimmer figure.

“To say Kim’s obsessed would be an understatement,” a source told the UK’s Heat Magazine.

“She’s planning more secret surgery in her quest to be perfect, and no-one can talk any sense into her.  It’s out of control – she’s literally re-building her body.”

In a move that’s a little too much like Heidi Montag’s, Kardashian is considering knee re-sculpting surgery and rib removal.

“She says that every time she looks at her knees, all she sees are imperfections,” the source blabbed.

“She’s exploring if a knee lift could sculpt them into the ‘perfect’ shape. It bothers her that the lines don’t ‘flow’ exactly from her waist down her legs.”


Why stop there? Why not go to Switzerland and see if they can stretch out your bones?

“She’s also been asking a lot about having ribs removed, and what that might involve,” the source added.

It’s gotten to the point where her own family insists that she stop the madness.

“They’ve all said they’re really concerned about Kim building herself a whole new body, but what can they do? Kim’s entire life has now become about how she looks.”

(Actually, her entire life has always been about how she looks).

“Every hour in the day is either spent in hair and make-up or taking selfies and pictures, or having meetings with her beauty consultant about what she can get done next. It just gets more and more extreme,” the source said.

“She’s become consumed about this impossible ‘perfect’ quest, and although her whole family are terrified she’s going way too far, there’s nothing that can convince Kim to stop.”