Monday, August 29, 2016

10 Reasons Britney Spears Was Crying After the VMAs

Britney finally returned to the VMA stage on August 28, 2016. 

Her previous performance in 2007 was met with much criticism, as the star practically stumbled all around at the time.

The problem here? Not Britney as much as Britney"s timing.

See, she followed Beyonce on stage and no entertainer on Earth is really a match for Queen Bey these days.

Here is how Twitter responded to Britney"s performance and why she was likely soaked in tears afterward:

1. Beyonce, Get Off MY Stage

Beyonce get off my stage

Britney was given a tough act to follow by performing after Beyonce. Talk about throwing someone to the wolves. Poor Britney.

2. Fans Made Fun of Her

Fans made fun of her

Britney didnt want to go to a Beyonce concert. She wanted Beyonce to go to her one.

3. I’m the Steak!

Im the steak

Britney was no doubt in denial when she read the above tweet.

4. Bad Lip Sync Alert

Bad lip sync alert

Britney is known for lip syncing her performances, but there were several instances during her comeback performance that her lips didn’t move at the right time.

5. Ouff


Even Debra Messing weighed in on the performance.

6. An Ulterior Motive By MTV?

An ulterior motive by mtv

Why would MTV even think of putting Britney after Beyonce?

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