Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Jenelle Evans: I WILL Win Back Custody Of My Son!

Jenelle Evans might be pregnant with her third child, but that doesn’t mean she’s losing focus when it comes to her oldest, Jace.

The seven-year-old currently lives with Jenelle’s mom, Barbara who has full custody.  

Jenelle, however, is ready to win her son back.

“We haven’t even had, like, one real court date trial for Jace’s case,” Jenelle, 24, told Us Weekly.

“It’s been going for a year and a half and my lawyer has been going to court for me and my mom’s lawyer has been continuing it.

“She continued it three different times … hopefully we get this all resolved in October when the court date comes.”

Jenelle gave up custody of Jace to Barbara back in 2009 due to her lifestyle choices, but now that she and boyfriend David Eason are in a great place (and expecting a girl together), Jenelle feels she’s ready to have Jace with her full-time.

Understandably, Barbara is reluctant to hand over custody.

“I think she’s just too attached right now,” Jenelle claimed.

“I mean, I don’t understand what the issue is with him being back with me and I don’t see what the big deal is. But I think she’s just making up excuses because she’s attached.”

Or she wants what’s best for her grandson?  

“Like right now, if I bring it up to her she’s like, ‘Well let’s see what the judge says, well let’s see what the judge says.’

“So she won’t even discuss it with me.”

Girl, Babs saved two lives when she took your son to live with her.

“I’m trying to be nice because that’s my mom, but at the same time it’s like I want to cuss her out every time I see her because she doesn’t even want to talk to me about it,” Jenelle continued.

“And at the same time I’m like, ‘Why are you doing this? You’re my mom!’”

Jesus, this girl is the WORST.