Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Adam Levine and Miley Cyrus: Feud Gets WORSE Between "The Voice" Co-Stars!

Miley Cyrus may be new to The Voice team, but she’s reportedly behaving as though she’s been on the NBC hit show since day 1.

Stories about on-set tensions between Cyrus and veteran Adam Levine have been going on since Cyrus was added to the judges line-up back in April.

Now, a production source tells Radar Online, things are going from bad to worse.

“Adam and Miley are at each other’s throats this season and Adam acts like he cannot stand her,” the source said.

“He does not talk to her when the cameras are not rolling, and seems like he really wants nothing to do with her.”

What makes this feud unique?

 “Miley showed up like she owned the place and Adam seems just really tired of her interjecting every single time he is speaking!” the source claimed.

And even though Alicia Key is also a new addition, she’s formed an alliance with Levine.

“Alicia has taken Adam’s side in his stance against Miley,” the source added.

“They have kind of made a pact to help each other out and side with each other to make sure that Team Miley does NOT win this season!”

That seems like something that two adults would do.

Back in April, Us Weekly reported on the same thing, pointing out that both parties basically act like children. 

“They both have short attention spans. They find each other annoying,” a source told Us.

“Adam would get agitated when Miley would interrupt him, and she enjoyed getting under his skin.”

Levine was rumored to have a fairly tumultuous relationship with his old co-star, Christina Aguilera, but the two have since buried the hatchet.

 And of course, there’s Levine’s buddy, Blake Shelton, who just wants everyone to have a good time.

Shelton told Chelsea Handler earlier this summer that although he didn’t know Cyrus well, he does know her dad, Billy Ray.

“I’ve known her dad for years, and so it’s like — ‘I’m gonna call your dad! I will tell your dad what an a**hole you’re being right now, so you better settle down, missy!"”

YA BURNT, Miley. Also, you’re grounded.