Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Baylee Curran Has a Message for Her Haters

Baylee Curran would like the attention of her critics.

And she knows there are MANY out there.

The disgraced beauty queen finds herself all over the news this week because she claims she was at Chris Brown"s house early Tuesday morning.

She also claims Chris Brown forced her to leave that house by sticking a gun in her face.

Curran called 911 after allegedly getting violently thrown out of the singer"s residence, telling authorities exactly what Brown did.

In response, police swarmed Brown"s house and engaged in a 14-hour long standoff with the artist.

He refused to let them in.

At one point, Brown dropped a bag full of weapons and drugs out of a window, taunting cops in the process.

But authorities got the last laugh when they obtained a search warrant, entered Brown"s mansion and arrested Brown for felony assault with a deadly weapon.

Yes, felony assault.

Curran has since appeared on TMZ Live and Extra, sharing her story with various media outlets.

She says chaos ensued after she tried to take a close look at a piece of jewelry, despite not even making a move to touch it.

Baylee alleges Brown responded to her mere glance by screaming at her to get the "f-ck out," while holding a handgun in her face.

The artist is now out on bail, but is due back in court on September 20.

If you look through Curran"s Instagram account, you"ll see plenty of comments from fans of Brown, members of "Team Breezy" as they call themselves.

Baylee is aware of these comments and has a simple question for her haters:

Do you really think I wanted this? Do you really think I"d make this up?

If a gun was held up to your head, what would you do?!?

That"s what Curran says in the following video.

It"s just her and the camera and a very simple message for anyone who doubts her story.

Check it out below and then decide: Are you on Team Breezy or Team Baylee?

Baylee curran you think i wanted this