Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results & Final Nominations

It was an interesting weekend in the Big Brother house. 

Nicole put a plan in motion that was pretty fool proof. It’s crazy to think she’s managed to stay away from the block all season and only just started playing the game. 

She’s coasted on through without getting much blood on her hands. It’s a rare thing to be able to pull off inside the Big Brother house. 

Could Nicole Franzel really win the thing? If she continues actually playing the game and not letting her passion for Corey get in the way, it’s possible. 

As we already know, Nicole and Corey joined The Final Four alliance with Victor and Paul. 

It’s a basic name for an alliance, but there’s a good chance they will be the final four people in the house if things go their way. 

Nicole is scared at the thought of Victor flipping and sending Paul out of the house. There’s literally no chance it plays out like that. 

At the veto competition, Nicole fought to keep her nominations the same and she succeeded. 

Paul tried to get her to take him down and put Natalie up, but that would have meant Nicole showing James and Natalie that she’s against them. 

She does not want to show her cards just yet in the event that something changes, forcing her to send Paul out of the house. 

Say what you want about Nicole, but she is genuinely playing the game. Granted, she was pretty slow to the punch, but it’s intriguing that she’s at least playing it. 

There was talk of Corey using his bribe on Victor to vote Michelle out, so that Nicole could confirm where his allegiance lay, but that’s now been scrapped. 

James and Natalie seem none the wiser about Nicole and Corey siding with Victor and Paul. 

To be fair, I don’t think they’d really bother as long as Nicole kept her word to keep them safe this week. 

James isn’t one to keep his word, so it would have been karma if he was backdoored and sent out of the house. 

For now, it looks like Michelle will be sent packing on Thursday night, but things can change pretty quickly. 

Nicole and Corey are essentially handing Paul and Victor the game by keeping them paired up, but we’ll have to tune in to see what happens. 

What do you think about the latest drama in the house?

Hit the comments!