Showing posts with label Veto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veto. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won Veto? Who Was the Replacement Nominee?

The latest episode of Big Brother picked up moments after the most awkward nominations ceremony in the history of the series. 

Sam had just nominated both Haleigh and Kaitlyn citing the fact that both of them were all over the younger men in the house, as though they were doing it for protection from the block. 

“I’m old-fashioned and, to me, being a lady is what makes me empowered,” Sam revealed in the Diary Room of her decision to nominate the pair. 

The basis for Sam’s plan was that the bonus life power expired this week and that it would allow the evictee the chance to re-enter the game. 

But Sam said that there was no way either of the women would stick around long if they returned to the game. 

Faysal, Rockstar, and Kaycee were not impressed by the combative nature of the speech … especially when you consider the fact that Sam did not allow either woman to speak to her before the ceremony. 

Sam continued to act erratically when Tyler went up to the HOH room for some clarity on what the next steps were.

She really wants to keep all of the information to herself during her reign, but Tyler managed to float the idea of putting Rockstar up. 

After Brett lied about the vote, Rockstar went crazy, and it’s painted a huge target on her. 

Kaitlyn turned to Faisyal to make sure he was going to save her if she threw the veto to him. He agreed, but moments later, he turned to Haleigh to tell her all about it. 

JC, Faisyal, and Rockstar joined Sam, Kaitlyn, and Haleigh for the veto competition.  It brought former winner Rachel Reilly back into the house to host. 

The competition found various objects smacking the living daylights out of the houseguests. But Faysal was the one to emerge as the winner, presenting him with a difficult decision. 

Kaitlyn subsequently went off on a tear-filled rampage when Faysal admitted that he also promised Haleigh he would keep her safe. 


Tyler turned to Sam one last time to get information on the veto replacement, but she refused to tell him anything. 

She backed this up in the DR by saying she did not want to be manipulated by anyone to make a decision. 

Faysal used the veto to save Haleigh, but things took a turn as Sam started to announce she was putting JC on the block. 

Um, what?

JC burst into tears, saying it was the wrong thing to do. Sam agreed and turned her attention to Rockstar, telling her to take a seat next to her ally. 

Sam then opened up about her power app, telling the nominees that they will have a chance to re-enter the game, but still, the house was divided. 

What are your thoughts on the latest episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS!


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results & Target Revealed!

Scottie Salton being crowned the third Head of Household on Big Brother Season 20 was always going to make for some uncertainty. 

He’s never been tied to an alliance. Instead, he’s coasted along the middle of the house and has lied to everyone about the way he’s voting. 

When Sunday’s episode concluded, Scottie nominated both Brett and Winston for eviction after he realized that they were both lying about voting against Steve in week one. 

The Level 6 alliance immediately turned their attention to the Veto with the aim of keeping their group intact for a while longer. 

Scottie, Winston, Brett, Rockstar, Tyler, and Rachel competed for the Veto on Saturday. Before the competition kicked off, Scottie was vocal that if anyone took either of the men down, he would put up the closest ally of the person who won Veto. 

Luckily for Scottie, the competition went in his favor, and he secured the coveted Veto medal. This only made the Level 6 alliance worry, and they got to work trying to throw Kaitlin under the bus as the ceremony loomed. 

But Scottie confirmed he would not be replacing a nominee and that the bros would remain on the block through to Thursday night’s eviction. 

The conversation quickly turned to Sam’s power and whether she would be using it to save Winston or Brett on Thursday. If it’s not used this week, it will automatically be used next week. 

Sam has been a wildcard, so there’s no telling what she has planned, but some of the other houseguests think the producers are trying to get her to use it. 

The power chatter has also paved the way for Kaitlyn’s game to unravel. Her former allies wanted to get some intel on why she sided with Tyler to take Swaggy C out of the game. 

Kaitlyn lied, saying that Sam’s power sketched her out because she could use it to get someone evicted who is not on the block. 

Bayliegh took that to Sam, who laughed the claims off. Sam reiterated that the power would benefit her or someone of her choosing, but stopped short of telling her when the power expired. 

With everyone starting to figure out that Kaitlyn is a serial liar, it’s becoming clear that she will be targeted in the coming weeks. 

What do you think of the latest round of spoilers?

Who would you like to depart the game this week? Should Sam use the power?

Hit the comments. 


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won Veto?

We think it’s fair to say that Kaitlyn Herman is one of the most unpredictable houseguests in the history of Big Brother. 

She’s been rubbing viewers the wrong way with some of her comments which have bordered on racist, voted against the alliance she helped create, and now she’s gunning for someone in her own alliance. 

In order to have a successful alliance inside the Big Brother house, you need to make sure that there’s trust, and that you consult with your allies about a move you’re about to make. 

For Kaitlyn, someone who prides themselves in being spiritual and in touch with the energy in the room, that thought could not be more lost on her. 

Watching the live feeds last weekend resulted in Kaitlyn covering her basis to execute a good old Big Brother backdoor. You know, the things that don’t usually happen until the midway point of the season. 

Faysal started to realize something was amiss when Kaitlyn picked him to play in the Veto competition. She had a conversation with him right after about it, and said that he’s already won a competition and that he should lay low. 

But for Faysal, he wanted to fight to keep the nominations the same because that would mean nobody from his alliance could wind up on the block … whether there’s a twist or not. 

The real reason for Kaitlyn having this conversation is that she did not want the man she’s pining over keeping the nominations the same or it would screw up the plan she cooked up with Tyler to have Swaggy exit the house on Thursday night. 

While Faysal played it cool with Kaitlyn, he took to the Diary Room to confirm that he would not be throwing the competition and would fight as hard as he possibly could. 

That meant Kaitlyn, Scottie, Winston, Rachel, Faysal, and Tyler were competing in the competition. 

Two faces from the past returned for the competition. Last season’s breakout duo Jessica Graf and Cody Nicks made their grand returns to hose the competition. 

It was all about a Big Brother dating app which would be used primarily for former houseguests. The purpose of the competition was to match former houseguests to the places they would like to date. 

The results from the competition:

Rachel – 5:49

Scottie – 18:20

Winston – 20:00

Tyler – 5:29

Faysal – 6:22

Kaitlyn – 13:12

Tyler won the POV!

Tyler then got to work coming up with a plan worth executing. He floated the idea of bringing Scottie off the block and hoping that he would vote with the Level 6 alliance to take Swaggy out of the game. 

Kaytlin opened up to Haleigh about the plan to take Swaggy out and she took the information to Rockstar who was also less than enthused about it. 

Kaitlyn then told Faysal that she was about to do something big and that he needed to be friends with her after it. In his head, he knew what was going on but refused to believe it. 

Kaitlyn put on the fakest tears ever and renominated Swaggy C after Scottie was saved from the block. It was one of the tensest veto ceremonies in the history of the series, but Kaitlyn’s wicked plan came to fruition. 

What are your thoughts on it?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday on CBS.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results Revealed as HOH Sets Target for Eviction

As we enter week two of Big Brother Season 20, it’s becoming clearer than ever that the house is divided. 

On one side of the house, we have Winston, Angela, Rachel, Tyler Kaycee, and Brett. On the other, we have Kaitlin, Haleigh, Bayliegh, Swaggy, Faysal, and Rockstar. 

There are players in the middle who are not doing much to benefit their games, but the most prominent are Sam and Steve aka the two nominees for the week. 

After Tyler nominated Sam and Steve for eviction, Faysal and Swaggy got to work on Tyler to try and get one of the bigger players out of the house so that the week was not a wasted HOH. 

Tyler was clear about his intention to keep the nominations the same, and that complicated things somewhat when it came to the veto competition, which was played on Saturday. 

Sam, Tyler, Faysal, Scottie Swaggy C, and Steve competed in the first veto of the summer, while JC got to present. The feeds went down for over three hours, and we learned that Faysal scored a victory. 

Things continued to get heated between him and Tyler because Tyler claimed that there was no way he would allow one of his nominees to be removed from the block. 

Faysal wanted to save Steve so that his side of the house would have another vote, but Tyler shut it down when he said that Bayliegh would go up in his place and out the door. 

That’s why when it came to the veto ceremony, both Sam and Steve remained on the block, meaning one of them will exit the Big Brother house on Thursday. 

The Level Six alliance are voting to keep Sam, but they still need a vote from the other side. There’s a lot of time for scheming between now and Thursday, but plans do change in the house in a heartbeat. 

The good thing for Sam is that she has a bonus life and will walk back in those doors the moment she’s evicted and will live to fight another week. Tyler is in the know about the power but wants Sam to keep it for further down the line. 

The reason? She can use it on any of the first three evicted houseguests. It’s a game-changing twist for sure, and one that could get her in good graces with some of the others in the house.

There’s a genuine possibility that Sam gets to keep her power this week and save herself another week if the Level Sixers continue the scheming. 

What are your thoughts on these latest spoilers? Would it be a wise move for Sam not to use her power this week?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS.  


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Veto? Who Is Going Home?

It’s been a tense few days in the Big Brother house ever since American Pie actress, Shannon Elizabeth was nominated alongside Big Time Rush star James Maslow. 

With the pair growing closer, the target on both of them has ballooned of late, and with Ariadna Gutiérrez in power, they were both sent to the block at the nominations ceremony. 

Brandi Glanville, Omarosa, Marissa Jaret Winokur and Ross Matthews have been gunning to get Shannon out of the house for about a week now, and they got closer to their plan over the last few days. 

Before we got to the Veto competition, Omarosa started chatting with Shannon about where they both went wrong in the game. It resulted in the two ladies making up with each other. 

Omarosa then agreed to try and find a way to save Shannon from eviction. The reason? Omarosa has been vocal that she does not want the men to rule the game, and she fears that is about to happen. 

Despite Omarosa’s pleas, everyone seemed against the idea of saving Shannon from elimination. The common consensus in the house is that Shannon is going to win if she sticks around. 

Ari, James, Shannon, Ross, Omarosa, and Brandi. It was the Black Box competition that found the houseguests performing a solo task inside a dark room. 

James secured the veto win, and it seemed to secure Shannon’s fate as the next evicted houseguest. Last night, however, Brandi (of all people!) started to wonder whether it was really worth sending Shannon home. 

This seemed brought on by the way James was parading around the house boasting that he won a competition. James even floated the idea of using the Veto on Shannon if he had the votes to stay in the game. 

Brandi headed to bed, but not before she told Shannon she might have a plan to save her. Yes, we are very shocked to hear this, and so was Ari. Ari tried to shut Brandi down, but if you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you will know there is no way to stop Brandi from talking. 

With that, Metta even offered Shannon to work with her if she miraculously stayed in the game. That’s huge, but we’ll need to tune in on Friday to find out what James does with the Veto. 

There’s also the possibility that viewers will be voting instead of the house during Friday’s eviction. Julie Chen confirmed on Monday that viewers would be voting on a game-changing twist shortly. 

Shannon is likely a big draw for the show, so we would not put it past the producers to try and keep her in the game. She and Omarosa rising to power would make for a fun second half of the season. 

What do you think of the latest round of Big Brother spoilers?

Sound off below. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Veto?

Paul’s target for eviction this week is Cody. That much was confirmed at the close of Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother

However, Paul decided to make Cody squirm by revealing he was not getting a chance to play in the veto competition. 

On Saturday, Paul, Alex, Josh, Ramses, Elena, and Matt competed in the Power of Veto competition. Yes, that meant neither Jessica or Cody were picked to play. 

Ramses promised Paul he would throw the competition to him, but everyone agreed that he did not. Paul ultimately won the competition. 

This meant he had the power to decide who would be making their way to the block, and Cody is still the big target. 

As of this morning, Paul’s plan was to save Josh from the block and put Cody up. His reasoning was that nobody would vote Alex out. 

Josh has been all over the place since the beginning of the season, so there’s a small chance he could be voted out. 

Over the weekend, there were a string of arguments and most of them centered on who flipped and voted Jillian out of the game. 

Jason threw Kevin’s name around multiple times. He is correct in his assumption, but Kevin seems to be distancing himself from Jason. 

Alex continued to rally the troops in order to stay in the game longer. She questioned whether she could trust Jason and Ramses after all of the drama with the vote. 

So, she decided to build a relationship with Paul and the other side in the hopes of them keeping her safe if one of that side won the competition. 

Alex is very analytical, so she knows how to get in a good position in the game. 

Meanwhile, Cody came to the conclusion that there would be a battle back competition next week, and he may be right. 

CBS announced a special Friday episode would be airing next week, so it would make sense to air the battle back then. 

Cody seems to think he is winning the competition regardless of who is there, but Alex feels like Jessica is going to try to get the weaker players out to make it easy for Cody to win his way back into the game. 

The house is dividing, but Alex is playing both sides in the hopes of securing her safety in the game. 

What do you think of the latest developments?

Sound off below. 


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto & Final Nominations

Big Brother is at the stage of the game that everything is getting ridiculously predictable. 

The Final Four alliance continued to make their presence felt in the house and it has caused multiple arguments. 

Natalie and James are pretty annoyed that Nicole and Corey ditched them to form an alliance with Paul and Victor. 

With that in mind, James has stabbed pretty much everyone he’s been in an alliance with this summer, so there’s that. 

James may be great at making people think their in the wrong, but really, he is the one in the wrong. 

It was great that Victor saw through all the lies on Sunday’s episode. 

James and Natalie have pretty much been bickering non stop over the last few days in the house. 

This won’t help their case to make a deal with someone else before one of them is evicted. 

Really, the only way to survive is to literally offer to settle for second place, but would either of them do that?

Michelle probably would have. 

Secretly, Natalie resents James for making her trust Corey and Nicole. 

To an extent, I agree with her, but she kind of deserves what she’s getting for putting her game in James’ hands. 

How can she expect to go much further when all of her decisions have been made by James?

Granted, she did win a HOH competition, but she ultimately took what James said to heart and followed through on his plan. 

Basically, James won HOH that week. 

A lot was riding on the Veto competition for the couple. They could have one of them taken off the block. 

Sadly, regardless how it played out, there was no chance Victor would allow any of his alliance to go home. 

The Final Four is pretty solid for now, but that will change somewhat after next week. 

All of the houseguests competed in the veto competition, but James and Natalie were left disappointed when Corey managed to eke out a victory. 

This led to much bickering over who should be sent packing this week. Victor was very much against James. 

Thanks to Nicorey, they’re saying James would be best to stay because he would be rattled by Natalie’s departure. 

For now, it appears that Natalie is heading to the jury house on Thursday night, but things can change. 

James has been campaigning for Natalie to stay, but it’s all for nothing right now. 

Elsewhere, Paul and Victor had a chat about who they would take to final three with them and it’s sounding like Nicole might be their ticket to the end. 

Nicole has not played much of a game, but she has a better chance of winning than Corey. 

It would be silly to take her to the end over Corey. Though she hasn’t played a game, she has managed to float on through, while getting her targets out of the game. 

That’s got to count for something with the jurors. 

What do you think of the latest spoilers?

Who do you want to be evicted?

Hit the comments below!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Veto Results & Final Nominations

It was an interesting weekend in the Big Brother house. 

Nicole put a plan in motion that was pretty fool proof. It’s crazy to think she’s managed to stay away from the block all season and only just started playing the game. 

She’s coasted on through without getting much blood on her hands. It’s a rare thing to be able to pull off inside the Big Brother house. 

Could Nicole Franzel really win the thing? If she continues actually playing the game and not letting her passion for Corey get in the way, it’s possible. 

As we already know, Nicole and Corey joined The Final Four alliance with Victor and Paul. 

It’s a basic name for an alliance, but there’s a good chance they will be the final four people in the house if things go their way. 

Nicole is scared at the thought of Victor flipping and sending Paul out of the house. There’s literally no chance it plays out like that. 

At the veto competition, Nicole fought to keep her nominations the same and she succeeded. 

Paul tried to get her to take him down and put Natalie up, but that would have meant Nicole showing James and Natalie that she’s against them. 

She does not want to show her cards just yet in the event that something changes, forcing her to send Paul out of the house. 

Say what you want about Nicole, but she is genuinely playing the game. Granted, she was pretty slow to the punch, but it’s intriguing that she’s at least playing it. 

There was talk of Corey using his bribe on Victor to vote Michelle out, so that Nicole could confirm where his allegiance lay, but that’s now been scrapped. 

James and Natalie seem none the wiser about Nicole and Corey siding with Victor and Paul. 

To be fair, I don’t think they’d really bother as long as Nicole kept her word to keep them safe this week. 

James isn’t one to keep his word, so it would have been karma if he was backdoored and sent out of the house. 

For now, it looks like Michelle will be sent packing on Thursday night, but things can change pretty quickly. 

Nicole and Corey are essentially handing Paul and Victor the game by keeping them paired up, but we’ll have to tune in to see what happens. 

What do you think about the latest drama in the house?

Hit the comments!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Has the Veto?

This season of Big Brother is beyond predictable. 

We need a power shift before it’s too late!

BB Nicole Bored

Zakiyah chose Paulie to play in the veto because he promised he would take her off. 

Considering the fact that he was one of the main people who orchestrated her downfall, he would never use it. 

Why would he want to ruffle feathers among his all-male alliance? 

The more disturbing thing is that Nicole knows the guys are running the house and there’s no way any of them are going to take her to the end. 

She’s about to have the same thing happen to her that happened on her original season. How ironic would it be if Paulie was the one to take her out this time?

She’s seriously going to hate the Calafiore brothers when she gets home!

The plan remained to take Michelle out of the equation, but Victor and Paulie had a chat about who they really want out. 

Plot twist: It’s Zakiyah!

With Victor as HOH and Paulie in his ear, would Victor really do what Paulie wants him to? 

Some of the other houseguests are already planning on flipping. 

The good thing is that James has the ability to stop two people from voting this week. 

Everyone tried to throw the veto to Victor so that he would have the final say in who stays on the block, but Paulie won it. 

This gave Zakiyah a little bit of hope, but there’s no way he’s using it. 

Yesterday, Paul went to Nicole and asked who they should get rid of. 

She didn’t want to say, but she noted that Michelle has been rude to some of the other houseguests, so it would make sense for her to go. 

Who do you think should go out of the two nominees?

Hit the comments!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Nominations & Veto Result!

Alliances in the Big Brother house are changing. 

With Paulie as HOH, it meant that the plan to take Frank out of the game would have have to wait for at least one more week. 

BB Frank and Michelle

Paulie is currently solid with Nicole, Corey, Zakiyah and Michelle, so there was no way he was putting either of them on the block. 

He was part of the plan last week to keep Tiffany in the game, but everyone who kept her regretted the decision. 

Frank found a way to get Tiffany on his side and the two enemies are now in cahoots with one another. 

This alliance obviously came out of nowhere, but it kind of makes sense. Who would expect those two to be working together?

Frank even done damage control with Da’vonne, but it’s clear that he’s still gunning for her. 

Paulie nominated Natalie and Tiffany for eviction. Tiffany is his target. 

He doesn’t trust a word she says, so he and his alliance agree that it’s time to target her and stick with it. 

Tiffany then won her first competition. Yes, the Road Kill!

After deliberating with Frank about who to put up, she went with Corey. 

This doesn’t come as a surprise because he’s a big player, but she kept her win quiet and it has the rest of the house wondering who could have won. 

Frank will no doubt use her win to his advantage further down the line. 

Corey informed Natalie that if he won the veto he would take her off so that the winner of the Road Kill didn’t have a say in who would be the replacement nominee.

Natalie was ecstatic, but would he really follow through with his plan?

Corey did win the veto, but we don’t know what he will do?

We’ll find out the answer on Monday. 

This has been a hugely entertaining weekend on the live feeds. 

What do you think about the latest drama?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Power Of Veto?

Things in the Big Brother house can change pretty quickly. 

Jozea is a prime example of that. He seemed to think that he was sitting pretty in the game, but then he was nominated with Paulie. 

Big Brother POV

He still maintained that he was super safe and that Paul would use the POV to take him off the block. 

That whole plan got ruined when Paul was nominated after the Road Kill twist shook up the game, so Jozea knew that he was in trouble if he didn’t win the POV for himself. 

We can reveal that Paul won the POV

He obviously used it on himself. 

This sent shock waves through the house as the other newbies worried about who the replacement nominee would be. 

They had a feeling that one of the veterans would be making the decision over who would go up. 

Their worst fears were confirmed when Bridgette was put up on the block.

That means the final nominations are Paulie, Jozea and Bridgette. 

It was a bold move, but if it means that we get rid of Jozea, then I’m all for it. 

Jozea has got to be the worst player in Big Brother history. You don’t enter the game and tell everyone your a god and expect to be safe. 

He seems like the type of character that the producers have egged on so that we had a huge villain early on. 

It was a smart move on their part, but it means the eviction on Thursday will no doubt be a landslide vote to evict him. 

As it stands, Paul hasn’t managed to convince the rest of the house to take Paulie out of the equation. 

There’s still time, but with the veterans controlling the votes, there probably won’t be any flip flopping, unless they want it to happen.

Who do you want to leave the Big Brother house?

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Power Of Veto?

Things in the Big Brother house can change pretty quickly. 

Jozea is a prime example of that. He seemed to think that he was sitting pretty in the game, but then he was nominated with Paulie. 

Big Brother POV

He still maintained that he was super safe and that Paul would use the POV to take him off the block. 

That whole plan got ruined when Paul was nominated after the Road Kill twist shook up the game, so Jozea knew that he was in trouble if he didn’t win the POV for himself. 

We can reveal that Paul won the POV

He obviously used it on himself. 

This sent shock waves through the house as the other newbies worried about who the replacement nominee would be. 

They had a feeling that one of the veterans would be making the decision over who would go up. 

Their worst fears were confirmed when Bridgette was put up on the block.

That means the final nominations are Paulie, Jozea and Bridgette. 

It was a bold move, but if it means that we get rid of Jozea, then I’m all for it. 

Jozea has got to be the worst player in Big Brother history. You don’t enter the game and tell everyone your a god and expect to be safe. 

He seems like the type of character that the producers have egged on so that we had a huge villain early on. 

It was a smart move on their part, but it means the eviction on Thursday will no doubt be a landslide vote to evict him. 

As it stands, Paul hasn’t managed to convince the rest of the house to take Paulie out of the equation. 

There’s still time, but with the veterans controlling the votes, there probably won’t be any flip flopping, unless they want it to happen.

Who do you want to leave the Big Brother house?