Monday, August 8, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Has the Veto?

This season of Big Brother is beyond predictable. 

We need a power shift before it’s too late!

BB Nicole Bored

Zakiyah chose Paulie to play in the veto because he promised he would take her off. 

Considering the fact that he was one of the main people who orchestrated her downfall, he would never use it. 

Why would he want to ruffle feathers among his all-male alliance? 

The more disturbing thing is that Nicole knows the guys are running the house and there’s no way any of them are going to take her to the end. 

She’s about to have the same thing happen to her that happened on her original season. How ironic would it be if Paulie was the one to take her out this time?

She’s seriously going to hate the Calafiore brothers when she gets home!

The plan remained to take Michelle out of the equation, but Victor and Paulie had a chat about who they really want out. 

Plot twist: It’s Zakiyah!

With Victor as HOH and Paulie in his ear, would Victor really do what Paulie wants him to? 

Some of the other houseguests are already planning on flipping. 

The good thing is that James has the ability to stop two people from voting this week. 

Everyone tried to throw the veto to Victor so that he would have the final say in who stays on the block, but Paulie won it. 

This gave Zakiyah a little bit of hope, but there’s no way he’s using it. 

Yesterday, Paul went to Nicole and asked who they should get rid of. 

She didn’t want to say, but she noted that Michelle has been rude to some of the other houseguests, so it would make sense for her to go. 

Who do you think should go out of the two nominees?

Hit the comments!