Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8 Recap: Nick vs. Josh! Again!

If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you know the tension, awkwardness and anticipation rise with every passing week on ABC.

There was little doubt about this on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8, during which romance, insecurities and drama ran rampant.

Especially when you get Nick Viall and Josh Murray together.

Josh again had to defend himself against allegations made in Andi Dorfman’s new memoir on Bachelor in Paradise Season 3 Episode 8.

This time, the twins, Emily and Haley Ferguson, got involved.

After expressing their concerns to Nick after Josh got pissed that Amanda Stanton went to bed without telling him, Viall opened up:

“The fact that he’s cracked a little bit from something as simple as Amanda going to bed without telling him, that’s concerning, right?”

“So, it’s hard to believe that (Andi) wrote a fictional book about Josh that was all made up, but there’s some accurate things about me.”

“And, so I think it’s a very fair question to ask,” Nick explained, asking, “Did [Murray] come ’cause he thought he could repair his image?”

The twins thought Nick’s points were, well, on point.

Growing concerned about Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton together, and lacking for other storylines, the twins pulled their BFF aside.

“Tonight it’s been brought to our attention that, by a few of the people [here] now, that Josh’s intentions aren’t pure with you,” they said.

“We just want you to be careful,” Haley told Amanda.

Stanton felt confused because she didn’t know what was said, as the twins promptly peaced out of paradise because they hadn’t found love.

That’s right, they forfeited their roses and bounced.

In any case, Amanda confronted Josh, who replied, “to believe that kind of stuff is like looking in a gossip magazine, believing that.”

“It’s absolutely ludicrous,” he said, irritated.

When Amanda revealed that the twins cited an unnamed source as the person (or person) behind the Josh gossip, he got more irritated.

He assembled the whole gang to ream them out, and profess his innocence, telling them that “I am very frustrated right now.”

“Ever since I’ve been here, for some reason one person or multiple people have accused me of being fake … It’s very disrespectful.”

“It’s inconsiderate, and it’s a bunch of bulls–t to be honest with you,” Murray said, seething. “I don’t need to be here.”

“My dog’s been battling cancer for six months. I wasn’t gonna come here. I am looking for somebody … period.”

Then Josh asked if anyone doubted his authenticity, and Nick said he wasn’t sure, then brought up Dorfman’s book.

“You keep saying it’s a fictional book. All I know is on my part it’s not fictional … the stuff she wrote about me,” Nick said.

Josh responded to that by … threatening Nick:

“All I know is I’m gonna try to work on this right now, and you need to hope that everything’s good with me and her … period, man.”

Yeah. As Nick said, this is one scary ass dude:

“All he wanted to do was just murder me.”

As far as Amanda’s response to all this, she said that “I love the twins, and I respect what they have to say,” but it’s her decision.

Meanwhile, Caila Quinn realized things with Jared Haibon couldn’t work with Ashley Iaconetti creeping, so she wanted out too.

The drama continues tonight, because if there’s anything you need in your life, it’s FOUR HOURS of Bachelor in Paradise every week.

Follow the links above to watch the episode in full, and tell us if you think any of these lunatics stand a chance at finding love.