Showing posts with label Episode. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Episode. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hasan Minhaj Netflix Pulls Episode in Saudi Arabia ... After Legal Complaint

Hasan Minhaj‘s Saudi Arabia episode is off the airwaves there after Netflix received and acted upon a legal complaint from the country that it found valid. 
The Financial Times reports that Netflix pulled Minhaj’s ‘Patriot Act’ episode titled “Saudi Arabia” ...
Hasan Minhaj Netflix Pulls Episode in Saudi Arabia ... After Legal Complaint

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: Teresa Giudice Reignites Her Feud With Joe & Melissa Gorga

Wednesday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reignited the feud between Teresa Giudice and her brother, Joe Gorga, and it looks like we’re in for a season of backstabs between the brother and sister. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know the season premiere found Teresa opening up about Joe steering clear of their father in recent months, signaling that things were going south for the family. 

“My brother used to be around more when my mom first passed away, and I’m really nervous to say anything to him because when I brought this up in the past, it got ugly,” Teresa explained of the situation in a confessional.

“My brother and I have been doing really well for a while now, and I definitely don’t want history to repeat itself. Life is short. I just don’t want my brother to have any regrets.”

In true Teresa fashion, she brought it up during a family gathering. Thankfully, she did not throw some tables. She’s learned from her mistakes. 

Things started to get heated during the dinner party, with Joe’s father Giacinto yelling about his son not calling him, going as far as saying “F–k you” to him. 

“Are you going to be around more for this one? He wants you around more,” she said. “The kid that’s not around the most, that’s the kid you always want.”

Melissa who has feuded with Teresa in the past because of her association with her brother took to a confessional to complain about the whole thing. 

“Who brings up a super sensitive, going-to-cause-a-problem conversation on Easter Sunday? Especially in front of my father-in-law, who is super upset as it is,” she asked.

“This is definitely not the day, the time, the place. Like, your timing sucks.”

“Not on Easter,” Melissa added.

“This conversation gets my skin crawling because I get instant flashbacks of the pain that Joe went through years ago over conversations that were similar.”

“I know my husband. When you push him, and you constantly say the same thing to him over and over again, I know he’s going to explode. Joe is a ticking time bomb. It’s going to happen.”

Joe made it clear that he was getting sick of the way Teresa was acting. 

“You gotta cut that out,” he snapped at Teresa.

“You always bring that up in front of Daddy. ‘Oh you work too much, you’re not around.’ Listen to me, if I was sitting in a bar all day, if I was sitting in restaurants, that’s a different story. But what am I going to do? When you put in 15 hours a day, hard work? I’m exhausted.”

“You know my life. You know the business, it’s crazy. I work hardcore, all day, every day, nonstop. Unbelievable stresses,” Joe added.

“My business takes all my freakin time. Is he going to pay my bills? No one pays my bills. What am I going to do, just give it all up?”

That was not all Teresa had to say, however. 

“I’m just saying, he bitches to me all the time,” she complained. “I got to hear him! ‘Your brother don’t call me. It’s been five days.’“

“Since I’ve lost my mom, holidays are more emotional. I’m just trying to make the holiday as best as I can for my dad. I just want to make him happy. He needs that,” Teresa said, addressing the cameras.

“Before I went away, I spent a lot of time with my mom. And right now all I can think about is how when I came home, I wished I spent more time with my mom. So it’s frustrating that my brother makes the effort to see my dad just on a holiday.”

Teresa’s daughter, Gia, turned to her uncle Joe with her take on what was going on. 

“It’s not fair,” said the teenager. “We get it so much from Nonno, you don’t even know. I know you have work, trust me, I know. But if you don’t call him for a day, he says something. … At least just try, in a week, just one designated day for Nonno.”

But there was no getting through to Joe who maintained that he was a busy man. 

“I don’t give a s—,” yelled Teresa. “You have to make time. In life, that’s how it is. Capeesh?”

While the fighting simmered down and everyone enjoyed the rest of the day, Joe confirmed in a confessional that he was mad at his sister. 

“Teresa was always like this when we were kids,” Joe admitted. “When it came to me, she would rat me out. Why are you still doing this? It’s going to cause a big problem again, which we don’t need.”

As if that wasn’t enough drama, Margaret informed Danielle that she was going to an event hosted by Dolores and things got a little bit crazy. 

“She invited me to this thing–,” said Margaret BUT Danielle butted in. 

“And you coulda said, ‘No, I’m not coming because that will make Danielle very upset and very hurt. It’ll hurt her!’ Because you coulda said, ‘This would hurt me if the tables were turned.’ You coulda said anything but, ‘Yes, I’ll come."”

As Margaret tried to calm Danielle down, the former main cast member decided to storm off, but she came back with a parting shot:

“What is it that you two really have in common? You cheated on your husband, and she got cheated on?”

That has got to be one of the best one-liners in the history of the series, and just like that, it looks like another friendship is over. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Young Sheldon" Star Raking in $18,000 an Episode

“Young Sheldon” is one of the biggest shows on TV … so it’s no surprise its child stars are raking in the same kinda bucks as Hollywood veterans. The ‘Big Bang Theory’ spin-off is currently in its second season. Montana Jordan — a 15-year-old –…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

"Modern Family" Kills off Significant Character on Halloween Episode

“Modern Family” fans wondering who the “significant” character was to be killed off this season finally had their question answered Wednesday night. SPOILER AHEAD!!! The ABC sitcom’s co-creator Christopher Lloyd revealed one of the series’ familiar…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Pretty Little Mamas Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Short and Sweet

The Pretty Little Mamas have been getting their fair share of hate online ever since the series debuted last week. 

But things took a crazy turn on Pretty Little Mamas Season 1 Episode 2 when this Pretty Little Liars and Teen Mom mash-up threw some Mean Girls into the mix. 

If you watch Pretty Little Mamas online, you know that the series premiere concluded with a blowout fight between Nikki and Nicole after the former brought some uninvited guests to a party. 

Nikki, who was still upset at the way Nicole treated her and her friends, dropped the bomb that there were a bunch of “burn book” websites that dragged Nicole through the mud. 

The person who told Nikki all about it was Nicole’s cousin. What happened to family first? That thought seemed to be lost on the cousin who told Nikki that Nicole’s father managed to get most of the websites shut down. 

There was still one site floating around the internet, and it did not exactly paint Queen B Nicole in the best light. 

Nikki took this news to Cheyenne, who subsequently took the news to Nicole. Nikki wanted to be the one to tell Nicole, presumably to try and get back in her good books. 

But for Nicole, this was yet another heinous act from Nikki. Nicole felt like Nikki was trying to sabotage her by not telling her about the website first. 

Nicole went on to say that Nikki was just as bad as the person who wrote the website. The reason? Because Nikki should have told her about it. 


Nicole is just one of those reality stars who thinks everything is about her. She’s the Kristin Cavallari of this narrative. 

When Nikki finally got to meet up with Nicole, she seemed ecstatic to get to tell the Queen B everything. Oh yes, Nikki had no idea Cheyenne already told their friend about it. 

What followed was the verbal beat down of Nikki. This tame reality series graduated into the big leagues with Nicole yelling at Nikki about being trash for not going to her first. 

All poor Nikki could do was sit down and accept the fact that she was never going to be part of this mean girl’s clique ever again. 

The final few minutes were some of the craziest to hit reality TV in quite some time, but the true test will be whether the series can maintain the momentum. 

We are so in if Nikki goes on a plan to knock Nicole off her pedestal. 

Aside from that, there’s not much to like about this series. The stars desperately trying to ramp up the action for the cameras. 

It feels forced, awkward and scripted all at the same time. 

What are your thoughts on this show?

Hit the comments below. 

Pretty Little Mamas continues Thursday on MTV.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 22 Recap: Bethenny Frankel vs. Carole Radziwill

It was the end of the line for Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 22, as the two women admitted it was time to move on. 

Radziwill was quick to reveal that Bethenny’s harsh comments about her in the confessionals were too hurtful to move on from. 

“The season made it over for me,” she told Frankel on Wednesday’s finale.

“When you watch the confessional interviews, I’m seeing what you said about me. About not having a job, not having a husband…”

“I didn’t understand until I watched the show and I realized I was really, really trying to salvage our friendship and you didn’t seem that interested,” Radziwill continued. 

“And I only can imagine because you knew what you had said at all those confessional interviews.”

“I was trying all season to come back from this,” Radziwill said of Bethenny’s comments. 

“At the end, I was like, ‘Thank god we’re done with this season. Thank god we can go back. We can just regroup.’ And then I started watching the show…”

All of the above suggests that Radzwill was on board for another season of the Bravo hit, but it looks like things changed once she watched the season back. 

Bethenny’s comments “made me sad but also angry,” the departing cast member said.

For Frankel, Radziwill was just as bad what with her blog post and Instagram live to bash Bethenny. 

“The season would not have made it over,” Frankel said. “The bashing with the blogs and the bashing with a friend made it over. … It was really mean.”

Bethenny continued to claim that Carole had changed and that was the reason for the dunking of their relationship. 

“You’ve changed too,” Radziwill fired back. “You’ve become catty and gossipy. I didn’t change.

With this being Radziwill’s final episode, she did open up about her biggest regret: Not patching things up with Frankel. 

“My regret was that Bethenny and I could never get to a place where… I thought maybe by the end of the season we would be speaking and then reconnect,” Radziwill said.

“Because that friendship was important to me. And that never happened.” “I wish that we had had some kind of conversation so we could have put it into context,” she added.

“It was just hard. I tried. That’s my regret, that I failed.”

At the top of the episode, Carole got into it with Andy. He was furious that she said he was “full of shit.” 

Andy has the power to hire and fire on this franchise, so he was likely shocked at the way she spoke to him. 

Carole claimed Andy was scared of Bethenny Frankel, to which he replied:

“Yeah, I’m scared of her.”

It was ridiculous, but the most telling moment was Andy asking Carole about her regret from the season.

“Is yours telling me I’m full of shit?” he said with a serious look on his face. 

Could this be the REAL reason Carole is out of the series? 

As for the way this reunion concluded?

Tears. Lots of tears. 

Bethenny turned to look at Dorinda upon being asked what her biggest regret is, and said the following. 

“My biggest regret of the season is if I did say, ‘a drunk’ — because you and I heard it the same way when we saw it on TV — but if I called you ‘a drunk,’ I regret saying that to you on television.”

“Thank you, Bethenny,” Dorinda replied while crying. “That actually means a lot.”

“But I will say for the record, in the moment, we both heard it: ‘You’re drunk,"” Bethenny added. “But anyway, I own what was on the show, and that’s fine, and that’s my regret.”

“Um, I think — that actually means a lot to me,” Dorinda said, pointing at Bethenny. 

“It’s so stupid — it’s at the end of the show,” Dorinda continued, before meeting Bethenny for a hug. “It means the world to me.”

“I tried to be as compassionate as I could while I was there,” Bethenny replied. “And I saw it, and I was like, ‘Oof,’ you know? I really did.”

Dorinda then admitted she could not answer, and Andy moved on to Tinsley. 

She admitted that she was mad at herself for shouting “Shut your mouth and shut your f–king legs!” at Sonja. 

Sonja claimed she also regretted “opening that wound” with Tinsley. 

And that’s another season in the can!

What do you think of the conclusion?

Hit the comments below. 


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: There"s No C In Disease

In some ways, Kortni Gilson would make a great mother. 

But making a child with the loser that is Logan Fairbanks would probably result in her early exit from the Floribama Shore house. 

If you watch Floribama Shore online, you know that Logan has been the definition of stage five clinger ever since he was revealed to be Kortni’s boyfriend. 

Shortly after Floribama Shore Season 2 got underway, we learned that he had been reprimanded for stalking Kortni and her castmates. 

Well, things only got worse from there, and the MTV reality series is covering all of that right about now. 

Before Kortni made her way to the doctor, her mother showed up at the house to check in with her daughter. 

In a truly bizarre scene, she said that if Logan were to cause any problems for her daughter, he would be chained up at the farm. 

She then said that the grizzly bears would lay waste to him. Yes, really. But this mother must be worried sick by Logan’s actions. 

When Kortni was out for some fun with her roomies, Logan showed up. He’s like that shark that appears when you least expect it. 

Kortni returned from the doctor with some news that was either good or bad, depending on whose side you are on.

After revealing to her friends that she would be taking on a healthier diet as opposed to drinking herself into oblivion like the Kortni we’ve watched on TV since the show debuted. 

She followed this up with a stunning bombshell:

She’s pregnant! 

As the shock started to set in, Candace was first to say that Kortni will make a great mother. 

But then Aimee noticed the look on Nilsa’s face, and it said it all. Kortni then confirmed she was pulling a prank and that she learned she was most definitely not with child. 


But this gave Kortni the drive to make things right with Candace. The pair has been bickering ever since Kortni failed to help Candace when she was arguing with Gus and Jeremiah. 

The two bonded over some Irish Car Bombs. From what we can find online, it’s an alcoholic drink that includes Guinness and Irish Cream. 

While the pregnancy plot is over, Logan is likely going to continue terrorizing this close-knit group of friends. 

Nilsa flat out refused to allow him to speak to Kortni when he called the house, leading to her uttering the following:

“Quit calling, you are not welcome here,” Nilsa screeched down the phone at him. 

Will this be enough to keep this shark at bay? 

In any case, Jeremiah was happy to offer to punch Logan if he persists in pursuing Kortni. 

The others in the house figured this meant there was a connection between the two that was not just platonic. 

A drunken Kortni seemingly admitted that if Jeremiah liked her in that way, then she would be happy to go there. 


Can you imagine the way Logan would react if they went there? 

Floribama Shore continues Mondays on MTV.  


Friday, August 31, 2018

Pretty Little Mamas Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Let"s Pretend

MTV’s Pretty Little Mamas debuted Thursday night, and it was filled with everything you would expect from a show that wants to be Pretty Little Liars meets Teen Mom. 

Nicole is the lead of the clique. She’s 24-years old, unlucky in love and a mother of one daughter. She has a new boyfriend Michael, but in true reality TV show fashion, their relationship is not all that. 

Nikki is 24-years-old, new to San Diego, and that means she’s new to Nicole’s group of friends. Nikki is a model who seems to be using the show to raise her profile. 

While that’s not a bad thing, she seems poised to be the person to cause the most drama. She’s still in a relationship with the father of her child, so there’s that. 

Then there’s Alyssa. She’s 25-years-old, and training to be a nurse. Her backstory seemed full of roses until we learned that her mother was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. 

Cheyenne is a 24-year-old mother of two. She’s married, has aspirations of moving out of her father’s home. Will Pretty Little Mamas be a hit and allow her to do so?

Chandlar was friends with the ladies back in high school, but Nicole told her that her boyfriend, Aaron sucked, and she needed to get rid of him. 

For Chandlar, this was a stab in the back, but it seems she’s warmed to the idea of ousting Aaron, the father of her daughter because he has a drug problem. 

Heavily pregnant, Chandlar visited the memorial of the group’s friend, Bree, who was murdered six years before. It was a surprising piece of information. 

The scene with the ladies meeting up at the memorial looked a little too staged to take seriously. It served as a mere way to have them all together in one scene. 

They all seemed to reconnect because they were reminiscing about the past, and while Chandlar knew she messed up by choosing Aaron over her friends. 

Nicole struggled to see why the ladies would welcome Chandlar back into their lives after everything, but we never got to see much more than that. 

The next big event was Nicole’s summer party, and she flipped the eff out because Nikki brought her friends with her. 

This was a big no-no for Nicole, who rounded up the girls to start hurling insults at both Nikki and the girls. 

What’s more one of the girls said that she was sure she matched with Nicole’s boyfriend on a dating app. 

Nikki was happy to take this news to Nicole who decided it was time for Nikki and her horrible friends to make their exit. 

The sad thing is that some of these women seem nice, but when they’re this catty, it makes them look like they’re playing it all up for the cameras. 

What are your thoughts on it the series premiere?

Hit the comments below. 

Pretty Little Mamas continues Thursdays on MTV at 9/8c.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 21 Recap: The Truth About the Countess

The ladies continued to battle it out on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 21, and as is always the case with these ladies, it was filled with crazy moments. 

From Dorinda Medley’s drinking to Luann’s drinking, it made for one of the most bizarre outings of this reality series yet, and we loved every single second of it. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York online, you know that Dorinda has been all over the place of late. 

With various outbursts and downright sucky behavior, her co-stars have wondered whether she’s been drinking. 

While she denied that she was drunk all season long, she did admit that she realized last fall there was an issue with her drinking. 

What’s more, she is now attending therapy every two weeks to keep herself in line. Andy wasted no time in playing back the clip of Dorinda going at it with Luann de Lesseps in Cartegena. 

That little outburst was crazy and proved there was something wrong, but Dorinda seemed to think she was sober at that point. 

Her co-stars thought otherwise, but Ramona did come to her defense. Ramona argued that someone who was fresh out of rehab had no right to comment on whether someone else was drunk. 

But Dorinda was still mad and wanted the countess to give her the apology she supposedly deserved. 

A fan even went as far as asking Dorinda whether she needed help, and her response was pretty telling. 

She said she hadn’t been arrested, so she was good until that point. Makes sense, we guess. 

“Luann hit a bottom,” Bethenny said.

“Some would argue that saying to your friend who just got out of rehab is an ex-Countess felon might be a bottom.”

“I disagree,” Dorinda replied. “Next question. Andy.”

Bethenny said that Dorinda should not expect an apology from Luann because, well, Luann is in a dark place. 

But that didn’t sit well with Dorinda, who felt like she tried and tried to make things right with Luann. 

The conversation quickly turned to Luann’s drinking, and the ladies opened up about their thoughts on that as well as her second visit to rehab.

“She had taken a bit of a turn, and I think the recent situation with her family certainly didn’t help the matter,” Bethenny said, referring to the lawsuit filed against her. 

That lawsuit we’re talking about here involved her allegedly being told to set up a trust fund for her children when she sold her house, which she apparently didn’t do. 

“The straw that broke the camel’s back and pushed her over the edge,” said Ramona. 

“Now I can bring it up because of everything,” Ramona said, “but in Mexico, I told her things that I knew for a fact about Tom, and she’s like, ‘Oh, my God. Oh, my God. If Noel knew. Don’t tell anybody because if Noel knew, he’d die!’ I go, ‘I’m not gonna tell anybody, but you need to know this and deal with it and figure it out."”

“You told her this off camera,” Andy questioned, and Ramona replied, “Yeah, in Mexico, before she fell. That’s why she fell.”

“Well, she had also had 18 tequilas,” Andy added. 

The housewives then detailed that Luann had been drinking on multiple occasions after the trip. 

Hell, even Bethenny who had been defending her all this time admitted as much. 

“I would say that she did not come to [the decision to enter rehab] entirely on her own,” she said.

“There were a few people there, and it was the right thing to do. It was a very, very emotional and crazy weekend.”

While drinking was the main topic of the conversation, we still got to hear more about the feud between Bethenny and Carole. 

Bethenny argued that Carole was the one who switched things up and left her out in the cold. Bethenny even said that she rarey got answers to messages and when she did, they were on word responses. 

That’s when Carole opened up about her thoughts. The issue allegedly stemmed from Bethenny trashing Adam, the younger man who asked to be compensated for charity work. 

Bethenny brought out her go-to response and dragged Carole for having no job. The two then compared messages, and they were equally as horrid to each other. 

It ended with nothing in the way of conclusion for them, and that’s because the final part airs next Wednesday on Bravo. 


Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 20 Recap: Bethenny Frankel vs. Her Co-Stars!

It was Bethenny Frankel vs. her co-stars on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 20, and it made for one of the most explosive reunions in franchise history. 

Ramona Singer, Dorinda Medley, and Carole Radziwill joined some sort of clique before the taping and vowed to take Bethenny down. 

It was bizarre, and Frankel struggled to get a word in edgeways. It got so bad that Andy Cohen had to jump in to shut the ladies up. 

“I wanna hear her f***ing answer and then you can respond!” Andy yelled at the ladies because he wanted to hear how Bethenny’s answer was going to pan out.

“‘Don’t say I’m f***ing fake with your fake t**s,” screamed Ramona who was tired of Bethenny looking down on her. 

“Ok,” said Bethenny in a somewhat subdued response as Sonja Morgan leaped to her defense.

“And what are Ramona’s? One hundred percent real?” Sonja quizzed. 

“I had them when I was 55, she did them when she was 30,” said Ramona in one of her silliest responses to date. 

“Ok, well they’re both fake,” Sonja confirmed. 

At one point, Andy revealed that former cast member, Jill Zarin emailed him to let him know that she was dating a man from Ramona’s past. 

“That’s true, we went on four dates,” Ramona insisted.

“I wasn’t even divorced yet; my foot was just in the pool of getting divorced. I wasn’t ready for a relationship.”

“Well that’s wild,” Andy revealed after not getting the response he expected.

The conversation then turned to Bethenny’s reunion with Jill following their huge falling out, and how it was filmed at Bobby’s funeral. 

Ramona said it was bizarre that Bethenny had the production crew up there. 

“We all went without really wanting to film it,” she continued. 

“I don’t wanna be filmed at Bobby’s funeral,” Dorinda barked. “Morbid. I want to be informed so I can avoid the cameras at a funeral.”

“Actually we were invited by Jill. We wanted to cover the funeral,” said Andy after he realized that the women were pinning everything on Bethenny. 

Ramona then claimed that Bethenny was on only “jumping out of the car to be on camera” with Jill. 

“Good. And I’m glad she did because I wanted to see that,” he said, snapping at Ramona. 

“It was a beautiful moment,” Sonja said, but it was not enough to appease the other women. 

“I didn’t really think it was a genuine thing. It just didn’t feel natural, someone had just died — you don’t use someone’s death to do this,” Ramona said after calling Bethenny “opportunistic.”

“Well that’s not how Jill feels,” Sonja responded.

“You know what the most important thing is? Jill was happy,” said Bethenny.

“It’s not about Ramona. Jill was so happy, so you should be so happy for her.”

Bethenny did not want to have lunch with Jill just yet, and Dorinda had the most perfect response:

“I guess no cameras.”

“That makes sense,” said Carol while grinning from ear-to-ear. 

“Whether you guys like me or hate me is irrelevant, I am very grateful, and the people are grateful, thank you for donating,” Bethenny said of the people who helped her relief efforts in Puerto Rico. 

“You create animosity with all of us,” Ramona yelled at her. “You just don’t support us. You don’t like to engage us or compliment us. And it’s really, really upsetting to us.”

“You’re very negative. You’re the mean girl, the bully.”

“You have only been nasty to me for years,” Bethenny barked back. 

Bethenny then opted to get personal and dragged Ramona’s business ideas, and why they did not make the show. 

“Oh my God, I can’t take her lies anymore! I may walk off for her lies! Oh my God,” Ramona screamed. 

“I put myself through college, unlike Bethenny who had a rich father who put her through college, had her own car… I’m self-made, OK,” said Ramona of her past. 

“I’m not terrible to you! Take a mirror; you’re such a bitch to me!” Ramona said after Bethenny claimed she was terrible to her. 

“You don’t have friends. You’ve lost her now,” Ramona said while pointing at Carole. 

Bethenny then took it upon herself to drag Carole:

“Can I just talk to her directly, woman-to-woman, is it possible, Carole? This isn’t very heated; we’re OK right now. We will call you when we need you.”

“Such a bitch,” Carole said to Andy. 

While Luann de Lesseps was not at the reunion, she was still being dragged through the mud.

“When a white person puts on an afro, and then you start bronzing the skin…” Andy said, adding: “Diana Ross didn’t even wear an afro.”

The conversation then turned to the excessive drinking shown on-screen for Dorinda throughout the season. 

“Of everyone here, the whole season I’ve been the one who has called attention to your drinking in a constructive way,” said Bethenny of the claims that she was the one causing all the drama. 

“It’s not constructive to call someone a drunk on television, Bethenny,” Carole interjected.

“It’s not constructive calling someone a narcissist multiple times on television, but that didn’t stop you from calling me one,” Bethenny yelled in response. 

“Do you think that you have a relationship with alcohol that is sometimes unhealthy?” asked Andy to Dorinda. 

To the surprise of everyone, Dorinda confirmed that she thought she had a problem, but said she can’t really handle alcohol. 

“It’s just denial,” Bethenny said. 

“I actually think I was suffering from a depression,” Dorinda said.

“I really didn’t know my place anymore, I had total empty nest syndrome, I was sort of down, and I was heavy — mentally, physically.”

Dorinda then said that she had to make some changes, and tried to implement them. 

“But it didn’t give, after that you were drinking in the morning,” said Bethenny. 

“I’ve spoken to you in the morning where you sound drunk and out of your mind,” said Dorinda. 

“‘I’m sure,” Bethenny responded. 

Yeah, that was one of the craziest episodes yet, but what will the second part bring? 

Hit the comments!


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 6 Recap: Rumors

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 6 confirmed what we all expected:

Shannon Beador’s relationship with her delusional ex-husband, David is in tatters. 

The 53-year-old revealed that David thought she was doing everything in her power to try and turn the tide against him in the courtroom. 

“David’s shown quite a bit of anger towards me,” she said after saying that David thought she was using the abusive texts he sent her as leverage. 

The evidence is evidence. However, it may appear, so we can’t even begin to imagine why the loser thought Shannon would not use them. 

On the way to court during Monday’s episode, Shannon was so scared to face him that she ran a red light while on the phone to her mother about what was going to happen at the court. 

Shannon has been open up about David’s abuse and kept all of the details in the court filings, but this further scared her. 

“I feel like I’m walking into the unknown,” she said after saying she worried about how it “might set him off.”

She then met up with her lawyer Ben and continued to worry about what could happen. 

“I don’t know what David I’m going to see today,” she said. 

“My wish is that a weight is going to be lifted off my shoulders after this court date. My reality is telling me, nah, it’s just gonna make things worse,” she admitted, adding: “He’s not going to be happy no matter what decision is made.”

Things went Shannon’s way in the courtroom, and she called Tamra Judge to let her know her thoughts on it after admitting she was “shaken up, emotional, and just very uneasy.”

That would certainly make one think it did not go her way, but it really did. 

“I don’t even have any words for it,’ she said through tears. “‘The judge ordered him to pay me a lot of money every month — $ 30,000-a-month.”

However, we quickly learned why Shannon was so shaken up. 

“We went out in the hallway, and David came around the corner where I was talking to Ben, and he just went off on Ben and me.”

“And Ben had to scream for the bailiff. He was so livid. He came around the corner and said, ‘You f*****g happy Ben?’”

It certainly sounds like an awkward encounter, to say the least, but Shannon opted to throw her devious ex a bone. 

She said that she agreed to lower the $ 30,000 pay down to $ 22,500 “because that’s what I need at this point.”

“So we went back into the courtroom, and he was shaking with anger. If anything, I was fair in cutting down the order. I just want him out of my life,” she continued. 

It’s great that Shannon has her friends at her side, but we learned early into the episode that the texts could be the thing that saved her case. 

She said they were so bad “I guarantee you I will never have to talk to him again.”

“‘F**k you, you f*****g b***h,” and “You f*****g disgust me, you fat a**. Get off your f*****g lazy fat a**. Did you get out of bed today, you f***ing b***h"” she said of the torrent of abuse. 

“That’s what I get, all the time,” she said with a sad look on her face. 

“Believe it or not, I had David over to my house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But he says that he lived through 17 years of hell with me,” said Shannon in a confessional. 

“So, I’m sorry you feel that way. Thank God you’re out.”

While things with her and David were over, the ladies wanted her to return to the dating scene. 

“I think Shannon definitely needs a kick in the a** to start dating. She needs to get laid,” said Tamra who seemed more excited by the prospect of it than Shannon herself. 

“I think that what I’ve come to realize is that what I’m looking for is a partnership,” Shannon told matchmaking experts. “I’m not going to go and meet a guy at a bar and then make out with him at that night. I need to know somebody before we’re going to touch lips.”

“She loves sex — she does,” Tamra instead insisted. “She needs a guy who can get it on.”

‘I don’t know if I’m ready to date,’ Shannon countered. ‘The whole thought panics me. Just panics me.”

Meanwhile, newcomers Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter were still bringing all the drama thanks to Gina’s husband yelling at Emily for being a little too loud at a party. 

“No guy should be yelling at any woman,” insisted Tamra. “He’s having a party in his house. Did he expect everyone to be quiet?”

Kelly Dodd had a whole different outlook on the matter. 

“No wonder why he was upset — everyone was drinking, having fun, gambling… and they don’t swear. S**t. I’m going straight to hell.”

We’re happy to report that Kelly was having a joke with Vicki Gunvalson. 

Okay then. 

What did you think of the latest episode?

Hit the comments. 

RHOC airs Mondays on Bravo.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 5 Recap: Orange County Hold "Em

Shannon Beador has been through the mill of late. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 Episode 5, she opened up to both viewers and Kelly Dodd about what it was like to end her 17-year marriage to David. 

“I want to have a partner … [but] I don’t know if I’m ready,” she said as she contemplated the future. 

Beador went on to confirm that she’s still struggling with her body. 

“I think that part of the reason why I can’t imagine myself with somebody or dating somebody is because I’m not comfortable in my body,” she told fellow Housewife Kelly Dodd, tearing up.

“If I were to take my clothes off, I don’t want to see it, so I don’t want somebody else to see it.”

“I know I’m a good catch, but it’s hard for me to say,” she added.

“I was just told for all these years that I’m selfish and I’m worthless, and I’m fat. I know I’m not, but when you hear it for so long…”

As for Dodd, she was facing similar battles because she recently got divorced, and that’s likely why these two women are so close now. 

“I’ve heard all of those things for so long too, Shannon,” she said to her friend. 

“There’s not days I don’t cry or [feel] depressed. I’m lonely. I don’t have anybody having my back. It’s sad. I want somebody that’s there for me.”

“It looks like I go out and have a good time with guys, but the reality is, I just got out of a 13-year marriage, and I am not used to being alone,” Dodd said in a confessional. 

“Kelly and I have gone through hell and back,” Beador said.

“Who would have thought that I’d be sitting, having a nice conversation. And her supporting me, shows you how you can evolve.”

“The best and right thing is happening for the both of us,” she said.

“I’m just grateful we’ve reached the point in our relationship where we totally understand each other. You have such a big heart, and I’m really grateful that we’re at this place.”

“I’m grateful to you too. I mean, who knew?” said a shocked Kelly. 

While that particular friendship was flourishing, there was still beef between Vicki and Kelly. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Kelly was mad Vicki and her boyfriend was going on double dates with her ex-husband.

Tamra and Shannon tried to play the peacemakers at Emily’s party, but it was clear the rift was growing between them. 

Poor Emily didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she invited them over to the party. The odd thing about Emily is that she doesn’t seem like a real housewife. 

It’s almost like the producers thought throwing her in would shake things up and add a new dynamic. Instead, her scenes are really difficult to get through. 

As for Tamra, she was still trying to find the balance between looking after her husband, Eddie, and keeping all of the women from ripping each other apart. 

Eddie’s still not better, and the doctor is determined to give him a drug that will essentially stop his heart and then he will be shocked back to life. 

It’s a horrifying reality and one that anyone would be terrified of it. The most surprising aspect is that he’s allowing it all to be filmed in front of the cameras. 

Maybe this is more about raising awareness than being a storyline for a Bravo reality series. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 13 has been somewhat subdued. There have been many arguments, but they all seem to center on the same thing, and that’s problematic. 

We need the OG of the OC to bring the drama back!

What are your thoughts on the new episode?

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Mondays on Bravo. 
