Showing posts with label Kills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kills. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Ex-Marine Kills 12 at Thousand Oaks Bar, New Video Shows Shooter

3:45 PM PT — An Instagram user just posted video from inside Borderline Bar & Grill during the shooting. In the video you can see a shadowy figure moving around as gunshots ring out — the IG user claims that figure is Long, and he was firing…


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thousand Oaks Shooting Kills 11 Bar Patrons, Police Sergeant

There has been another mass shooting in America.

Around 11:20 p.m. on Wednesday night, an unnamed assailant dressed entirely in black walked into the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California and opened fire with a handgun.

ventura car

According to the latest information from Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean, 11 victims were found dead inside of the establishment, while a 12th victim has been identified as Ron Helus.

Helus was a Ventura sheriff’s sergeant who responded to 911 calls from the bar and who entered with the intention of stopping the shooter.

He was killed for his heroic effort.

Holden Harrah, a 21-year old who was was among the hundreds inside listening to music Wednesday night as a part of a college night event, spoke to The Los Angeles Times about what she witnessed.

She told the newspaper that the shooter walk in the front door wearing a black hat, glasses and a black shirt. He also had a beard, she said, adding:

“He just pulled out a gun and shot my friend that was working the front desk,” he said.

the bar

Harrah managed to run out a side door and made his way outside.

“I heard more gunshots behind me. I was freaking out,” he said.

Authorities have not yet released the name of the shooter, who was also found dead inside the bar.

However, a a law enforcement source told The Times that he was 29-year-old armed with a Glock .45 handgun and some knd of smoke device.

He is believed to be a resident of Newbury Park and he drove his mother’s car to the establishment.

Approximately 10 others were shot, but not killed, the Associated Press reports.

fbi pairing

Dean told reporters in a press conference that the surviving victims inside the bar had “different levels of injury” and were transported to local hospitals.

“It’s a horrific scene in there,” Dean said. “There is blood everywhere and the suspect is part of that.”

He added that police think the suspect acted alone.

“It’s part of the horrors that are happening in our country and everywhere,” Dean also told reporters. “I think it’s impossible to put any logic or sense to the senseless,” he continued.

“This community in my 41 years had never experienced anything like this.”

bar image

Authorities report that the man was heavily tattooed, but apparently didn’t have identification on him.

His gun was purchased in Ventura County.

Helus died as a 29-year veteran of the department.

He was planning to retire next year and is survived by a son and his wife, whom he called before entering the bar, Dean said.

The attack was the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since 17 students and teachers were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February.

This tragedy came less than two weeks after a man killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.


The gunman has been identified as a 29-year old former U.S. Marine named Ian Long.

It is believed to have used a .45 caliber handgun with an “extended magazine,” authorities state, and that he shot himself.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Modern Family Kills Off "Major Character" and Fans Are Outraged

Fair warning: this post contains a Modern Family spoiler.

Whether or not it"s a major spoiler is a matter of some debate.

Modern Family"s co-creator promised that, in Season 10, a character of significance would die.

On Wednesday night"s episode, that happened … sort of.

See (and here"s the spoiler), the "major character death" was DeDe, Jack"s ex-wife, the mother of both Mitchell and Claire.

DeDe is not a main character — she"s just related to a bunch of them.

She did not appear in even a guest role in Season 3, Season 5, or Season 6.

Modern Family fans took to Twitter to express their outrage over all of that hype having been built up for nothing.

1. Modern Family killed a character

Modern family generic cover image

Don’t worry — it’s not anyone you know. It’s DeDe.

2. Here is DeDe, in case you forgot

Dede with son and sil

Here she stands beside her son and her son-in-law

3. People did a double take

Modern family death reaction tweet 01

When you hear “major character death,” you expect to AT LEAST recognize the name immediately

4. Fans called bull

Modern family death reaction tweet 02

Of course, we’re glad that the lead actors kept their jobs, but still …

5. This is a great reaction image

Modern family death reaction tweet 05

Nobody has time to get worked up over an occasional guest character’s death

6. This person warned their own followers

Modern family death reaction tweet 03

That’s a spoiler, but maybe not the kind that people cared about

View Slideshow

"Modern Family" Kills off Significant Character on Halloween Episode

“Modern Family” fans wondering who the “significant” character was to be killed off this season finally had their question answered Wednesday night. SPOILER AHEAD!!! The ABC sitcom’s co-creator Christopher Lloyd revealed one of the series’ familiar…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Texas Grandma Kills 12-Foot Alligator to Avenge Pet Miniature Horse

Animal lovers may have some serious mixed feelings about this story, but everyone can enjoy hearing about a badass grandma who is also a mayor.

Years ago, a Texas grandmother"s pet miniature horse vanished, and she long suspected that a particularly large alligator was the culprit.

Now, the grandmother — who is also her town"s mayor — has exacted revenge by luring and killing a 12 foot alligator.

Grandma gator 01

Judy Cochran only needed to fire a single shot to end the life of the 12-foot-long, 580 pound alligator on her ranch in Goodrich, Texas.

Cochran explains that this was no random alligator killing — it was personal.

"We think this is the gator that ate one of our miniature horses several years ago," Cochran explains.

"As big as this gator was," she says. "He could"ve easily eaten it."

She may have only needed one bullet to do the deed, but the preparation actually took a lot more doing.

Grandma gator 02

Texas has its reputation, but it isn"t The Purge. Or Florida. They have laws.

Cochran explains that Polk County, where she lives, allows only a narrow window for anyone wishing to hunt an alligator.

Sunday, September 16, falls within the September 10 – 20 window.

Additionally, she had to obtain a permit and the appropriate tags. Additionally, Texas law requires someone intending to shoot an alligator to first capture their intended victim on a hook.

Cochran did just that. As she explains: "We don"t just go to the ranch and hunt a gator."

Grandma gator 05

This year, Cochran became the mayor of the nearby town of Livingston.

She was in a meeting when her son-in-law informed her that she needed to head home, because the alligator had been snared.

They had tried a number of baits, including a pig"s liver. What finally worked was a seasoned raccoon carcass.

She couldn"t just abandon her job, so she finished work and then headed to the ranch where she fired the shot that ended the hooked alligator"s life.

Cochran fired the shot using her Winchester .22 Magnum.

Grandma gator 03

She plans to mount the alligator head in her office.

The rest will not go to waste, as she plans to enjoy the alligator"s meat for food and the hide for boots.

It is worth noting that she slew this alligator at the same spot where, nine years ago, her then-5-year-old grandson slew a slightly larger gator.

He achieved a measure of viral fame at the time, even appearing on talk shows.

it is expected that Cochran, who recently became a great-grandmother, will do the same. But she may be too busy being mayor.

Grandma gator 04

Obviously, there are issues with this story that make it controversial.

It sounds like alligators eating the miniature horse was just a theory, and even if so, difficult to pin on this particular alligator.

it is also, well, strange for anyone to seek revenge on an alligator.

A lot of people find it alarming that anyone is letting a 5-year-old hold a gun, let alone use one to kill something for fun.

Finally, some people are just surprised that this story didn"t take place in Florida.

Texas grandma kills 12 foot alligator to avenge pet miniature ho

Monday, August 27, 2018

Jacksonville Video Game Shooting Kills 3, Injuries at Least 11

Multiple people were killed, and nearly a dozen others were injured on Sunday afternoon, after a male gunman opened fire in Jacksonville, Florida during a video game tournament.

The fatal incident took place at a shopping complex knowm as Jacksonville Landing during a competition between numerous players of the John Madden football game.


According to CNN and other news sources, the suspect has been identified as 24-year old David Katz.

He is a white male from Baltimore, Maryland and his took his own life inside the establishment after using at least one handgun to murder two unnamed individuals.

Police have confirmed that Katz was a participant in the aforementioned tournament, but his motive has not yet been established.

(Previous reports that he lost control after being eliminated from the content have not been verified.)

The Landing is an open-air marketplace with stores, bars and restaurants in downtown Jacksonville, along the St. Johns River.

Because those playing at the time Katz opened fure were part of a qualifying event for a national tournament, there was a livestream of some of the games.

In one piece of footage posted to the website Twitch, several loud gunshots can be heard and the game abruptly stops.

madden game

We’re not going to play that awful footage here, but you can hear chaos in the background, as well as a multitude of curse words and one person shouting out:

“Oh f-ck! What’d he shoot me with?”

A series of 12 total gunshots can be heard in this video.

In addition to those killed, 11 people were transported to hospitals with injuries, including nine with gunshot wounds.

Memorial Hospital spokesman Pete Moberg told CNN that at least three patients transported there were in stable condition, while tournament participant Ryan Alemon told the outlet hat he observed “at least six bodies” of shooting victims “on the floor.”

Until the suspect was announced dead and no others believed to have played a role in the shooting, authories kept locals apprised of the situation via social media.

jax fl tweets

They told everyone to stay far away from the area; and they told those already there to take cover and to remain hidden until they received word it was safe.

“We ask you to stay calm, stay where you are hiding,” the Sheriff’s Office wrote at one point. “SWAT is doing a methodical search inside The Landing. We will get to you. Please don’t come running out.

A search is pending of the gunman’s vehicle, Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams said at a press conference.

Officers with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the FBI are assisting in Baltimore, he added.

jacksonville landing

Wrote one tournament participant, 19-year-old Drini Gjoka, on Twitter:

“The tourney just got shot up. [I’m leaving] and never coming back…

“I am literally so lucky. The bullet hit my thumb. Worst day of my life.”

“The nation once again looks to Florida with grief and heavy hearts,” former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was seriously wounded in a mass shooting, said in a statement, adding:

“The massacre in Jacksonville is a tragic reminder of the threats we face from gun violence, no matter who we are or where our day takes us.

“And it’s yet another devastating indictment of this country’s inability to keep our kids safe.”

GG posts

This shooting comes about one month after a shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland killed five people.

A month prior to that, 10 people were killed at Santa Fe High School in Texas.

Three months before that, 17 people were fatally shot at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

Expect many politicians to offer their thoughts and prayers and to do absolutely nothing in the wake of these tragedies.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Sen. Marco Rubio says Vladimir Putin Definitely Kills His Opponents

Marco Rubio doesn’t need convincing Vladimir Putin kills his opponents … he says it’s obvious. We got the Senator from Florida in D.C. Tuesday to get his take on Putin straight-up getting asked by FOX News host Chris…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Massive Blaze On Set of Bruce Willis, Ed Norton Movie Kills Firefighter

A huge building fire on the set of Bruce Willis and Ed Norton’s movie cost a firefighter his life Thursday night. The shoot was going down in Harlem when the 5-alarm fire broke out just before 11 PM. Norton is directing and co-starring with Willis…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Jill Messick, Ex-Rose McGowan Manager, Kills Herself; Family Blames Media and Harvey Weinstein

Horrible news out of Hollywood this week:

Jill Messick, a former Miramax producer who once managed actress Rose McGowan, committed suicide suicide on Wednesday, her family has confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

She was 50 years old.

This is terribly sad – but it may have gone largely unnoticed by the mainstream press if Messick’s family had not released a pointed statement in response to the tragedy.

Released by Messick’s loved ones to The Hollywood Reporter, the statement places the blame for this suicide on Harvey Weinstein… McGowan herself… and members of the press for how they covered the #MeToo movement.

Weinstein, of course, is the former head of Miramax who has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women.

McGowan has claimed for years that she is one of these women, while she’s now a leading voice for the #MeToo movement, which seeks to empower victims of rape and misconduct.

Messick, meanwhile, represented McGowan in 1997, at the time she says she was raped by Weinstein.

The late producer/manager later took an executive position at Miramax, then led by Weinstein.

“Jill was victimized by our new culture of unlimited information sharing and a willingness to accept statement as fact,” reads the emotional statement.

“She became collateral damage in an already horrific story.”

The full statement, which is available at The Hollywood Reporter, goes on to say that Messick was devastated after the film mogul’s attorney released an email in which Messick defended Weinstein.

“The speed of disseminating information has carried mistruths about Jill as a person, which she was unable and unwilling to challenge,” it says.

Messick’s relatives acknowledge that McGown told her about an incident with Weinstein…

… but they insist that Messick “stood up on Rose’s behalf” and “alerted her bosses to the horrific experience which Rose suffered.”

Continues the statement:

“She opted not to add to the feeding frenzy, allowing her name and her reputation to be sullied despite having done nothing wrong.

“She never chose to be a public figure; that choice was taken away from her.”

The family also mentions that Messick was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

After discussing with Messick and her management team what transpired with Weinstein, McGown is on record as saying she did not feel much support.

In their message to the public on Thursday, Messick’s loved ones criticized journalists for publishing the aforementioned ​correspondence between Messick and Weinstein.

“We must take a moment to consider the ramifications and consequences of what we say and what we do,” the family’s statement reads, concluding:

“Words matter. Someone’s life may depend on it.”

McGowan, for her part, has been on a mission to reveal the truth about Weinstein, the culture in Hollywood and everything else related to this ongoing sexual harassment scandal in entertainment.

It has thus far ended the careers of such A-Listers as Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey and Louis C.K., among MANY others.

Weinstein’s attorney, Ben Brafman, previously responded to McGowan’s allegations in a statement to People Magazine that reads:

“Mr. Weinstein denies Rose McGowan’s allegations of non-consensual sexual contact and it is erroneous and irresponsible to conflate claims of inappropriate behavior and consensual sexual contact later regretted, with an untrue claim of rape.”

His spokesperson also has said that McGowan “chose to demand money” from the producer and worked and appeared with him later in her career.

On January 30, Weinstein’s lawyers released an email in which Messick said McGowan had told her she got into a hot tub with Weinstein “consensually” yet “regretted” it.

Her family here says the document was released without Messick’s consent.

“Harvey’s desperate attempt to vindicate himself, was devastating for her. It broke Jill.”

May Jill Messick rest in peace.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Stormy Daniels Kills It at Strip Club on Trump"s 1-Year Anniversary as President

Stormy Daniels made good on her promise to make America horny again … at least she made some dudes in a South Carolina strip club pretty horny. Stormy, who said she hooked up with Donald Trump back in 2006 and later denied it, played to a…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

O.J. Simpson Kills Many Drinks, Gets Booted from Vegas Hotel

Might O.J. Simpson be headed back to prison?!?

Before you bust out in a celebratory touchdown dance of some kind, allow us to explain…

Both TMZ and Radar Online report that the former running back and accused murderer was kicked out of the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas Wednesday night after allegedly getting drunk and then growing very belligerent.

Simpson has been residing in Sin City ever since his release from prison.

Sources say he’s been frequenting bars at the aforementioned hotel on a frequent basis during his most recent run as a free man.

Around midnight last night/this morning, though, Simpson became disruptive at the Clique bar, TMZ writes.

He yelled at various hotel employees for some reason and even broke a few glasses at the bar.

Here’s a picture of The Juice strolling through the premises, as captured by a TSN reporter on the scene named Brian Munz.


Security guards were reportedly called to the bar and removed Simpson from the establishment.

He’s since been banned permanently from the hotel.

How might all this play into the bigger picture?

Why might O.J. end up back in jail as a result of his inebriated actions?

As a condition of Simpson’s parole, he is not permitted to drink to intoxication in public, meaning he could be prosecuted for these actions and end up back in the slammer.

Is this likely to occur?

No, let’s not get our hopes up.

For starters, it’s unclear just what is spelled out in his probation.

And it would be very difficult to prove Simpson was actually drunk, at least in terms of whatever it says in his legal documents.

But a source tells Radar that Las Vegas police have a “permanent tail” on Simpson and are “waiting to pounce the minute he screws up.”

They’re aware that he may be free right now, but that he’s also a sociopath who has an anger problem and could very well violated his parole at any time.

A nation can collectively hope, at least.

Simpson was released from prison last month after serving nine years for a botched hotel robbery in 2007.

He also probably killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend many years ago.

We’re pretty sure he did, in fact.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Marseille Terror Attack: Man Kills 2 Women with Knife, Gets Gunned Down

A man stabbed 2 women to death with a knife Sunday at a train station in Marseille, France while yelling “Allahu Akbar” before he was gunned down by soldiers … and it’s being called a likely terrorist attack. The suspect used a butcher knife in…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kevin James Sitcom Randomly Kills Off Wife, Pisses Off Fans

There are things you expect from a sitcom starring Kevin James – a shlubby dude with an out-of-his-league wife, a laugh track punctuating some pretty cringey one-liners, etc.

And then there are things you don’t expect, like, say, swift and brutal deaths being laughed off with a callous brutality more common to Game of Thrones than CBS sitcoms.

Yes, if you watched last night’s episode of Kevin Can Wait, you may have been among the many viewers who were stunned by the fashion in which the show killed off the main character’s wife, Donna, played by Erinn Hayes, in order to replace her with Leah Remini.

The swapping of actresses was not unexpected.

Remini co-starred in James’ first sitcom, King of Queens, and her cameo on the first season of KCW was so well-received that producers quickly made the decision to replace Hayes with Remini.

When Hayes announced back in June that she would not be returning to the show, it was clear the deal was done.

The only question was: how would the show’s writers pull off the switcheroo?

Would they just drop Remini into the middle of the show and hope that no one noticed, a la Sarah Chalke on Roseanne?

Not really an option, as Remini had already appeared on the series and been established as a character separate from James’ wife.

Would they go the dramatic route with a Very Special Episode exploring James’ efforts to cope with his wife’s untimely passing?

Well, only if your idea of drama involves jokes about free kung-fu lessons.

Yes, news of Donna’s death was conveyed to the audience with a bizarre scene in which James’ character receives a flyer mail from her gym.

His daughter remarks that they should stop sending him mail, as Donna “died over a year ago.”

James encourages her not to toss the flyer because it has “a coupon for a free kung-fu lesson” at the bottom.

Cue laugh track. 

Maybe the show will go into greater detail at some point, but for now, that’s all the information fans are getting.

Needless to say, many viewers were upset to see Donna disappeared like a suppressive person.

(Hey, we know Leah Remini can appreciate a good Scientology joke!)

On Twitter, the show was slammed as “savage” and “disrespectful” for offing a beloved character in such a dismissive fashion.

But maybe fans should be a bit more understanding.

After all, do you really want a scene in which Paul Blart, Mall Cop attempts to muster the acting chops to grieve the death of his TV wife?

Actually, come to think of it, we totally want that.

Make it happen, Kevin Can Wait!


Friday, September 1, 2017

Lil Yachty Ticketed by Same Police Dept. that Fired "Only Kills Black People" Cop

Lil Yachty probably didn’t know it … but the cops who pulled him over hail from the same police department that recently fired a lieutenant caught on dash cam video saying, “We only kill black people.” Cobb County police tell TMZ … the…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Aspiring YouTube Star Shoots and Kills Boyfriend in Stunt Gone Horribly Wrong

Monalisa Perez, an aspiring YouTube star from Minnesota, has been arrested after shooting her boyfriend in the chest and killing him.

But Perez says she did not intend to kill, or even injure, Pedro Ruiz III. 

The fatality was the result of a stunt for horribly, terribly wrong.

According to court documents, Perez shot Ruiz with a gold Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun, which is considered one of the most powerful pistols on the planet.

The incident took place on the grass outside of their home while he held up a hardcover encyclopedia to block the bullet.

The criminal complaint detailed how the shooting came about because Ruiz wanted to make a YouTube video in order to increase the pair’s following on their YouTube channel.

In a Twitter message posted not long before this tragedy transpired, Perez told followers what the couple had planned to to do:

Monalisa Perez tweet

To do so, Perez and Ruiz set up GoPro camera on the back of a car, placing another camera on a nearby ladder.

Once these were in place and the items were turned on, Perez picked up the aforementioned Desert Eagle and took aim at the encyclopedia Ruiz held in front of his chest.

The goal was for the book to block the bullet and for the couple to share the footage online.

However, the bullet instead traveled through the book and struck Ruiz in the chest.

Right away, Perez dialed 911 (around 6:30 p.m. local time on Monday) to report the she had accidentally shot her boyfriend in the chest, according to court documents.

But paramedics could not save him and Ruiz was pronounced dead at the scene.

Before going through with this stunt, Ruiz had practiced shooting books in similar fashion, showing his girlfriend how the bullets in these warm-up sessions did not penetrate the tomes.

Perez, who shot Ruiz from about a foot away, was charged with second-degree manslaughter.

She faces up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of $ 20,000.

“The case remains under investigation by the Norman County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota BCA,” Norman County Sheriff Jeremy Thornton said in a statement.

perez and bf

According to the couple’s YouTube channel, they have a three-year-old daughter and Perez is pregnant with their second.

This story may seem funny at first, but it’s a pretty major tragedy.

The two have been making YouTube videos together since May, typically filling their page with stunts, challenges, pranks and fails in an attempt to build traffic, go viral and make lots of money.

“Imagine when we have 300,000 subscribers,” Perez told Ruiz in the last video they made together and shared with followers. “They’ll be like, ‘Oh my god, hi!’”

Officials say the video of this fatal shooting will not be made public.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Times Square Crash Kills One, Injures 22; Suspect in Custody

A frightening and fatal incident took place this afternoon in Times Square.

Right around noon, a car plowed into a crowd that had gathered in this iconic New York City location, killing one pedestrian and injuring at least 22 others.

Thanks to the Associated Press, we have a look at the vehicle in question shortly after tragedy transpired:

car in square

New York Police Commissioner James O’Neill has identified the driver as Richard Rojas, a 26-year old who has two arrests for DUI on his record.

Rojas was driving a Honda sedan and he immediately jumped out of the car and started to run after he slammed it into a sidewalk.

He didn’t get very far, however, as police officers and even a few civilians chased Rojas down.

Law enforcement insiders tell TMZ that Rojas admitted to smoking marijuana Thursday morning before he got behind the wheel.

His previous driving-related arrests were in 2008 and one in 2013, while he was also arrested earlier this year for menacing.

Here’s a video of Rojas being taken into custody:

Officers, meanwhile, have announced that the woman who died was 18 years old, but they have not yet released her name to the public.

Based on preliminary information about the crash, “at this time it doesn’t appear to be terror-related,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement.

He added that Rojas is an ex-member of the Navy.

Multiple witnesses in the area talked to CNN about what they saw and/or experienced, with Elizabeth Long explaining that she was walking near Broadway and 43rd Street when she saw the car speeding toward her.

“Fortunately I was able to duck into a building as it sped by and crashed,” Long wrote on Instagram.

An emergency management official described the vehicle as “out of control” prior to the crash.

times square pic

Police say the car struck 23 pedestrians and that 22 people of them were taken to nearby hospitals, including the 13-year-old sister of the deceased victim.

Officials added that four people are in critical condition, three others suffered serious injuries and the other 15 individuals have less serious injuries.

Rojas was driving south on 7th Avenue when he made a sudden U-turn onto a sidewalk at 42nd Street.

He then drove on the sidewalk for three-and-a-half blocks, hitting numerous pedestrians until crashing at 45th Street, according to law enforcement.

He allegedly punched an officer in the face while he was being detained.

more square

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was at the scene getting briefed by New York Police Department officers, said in a statement:

“Today’s events at Times Square were nothing short of horrific. I was briefed at the scene by Commissioner O’Neill and saw firsthand the professionalism and diligence of New York’s first responders.

“As facts continue to emerge, my heart goes out to the victims of this terrible tragedy, as well as their families.”


Developing story…


Times Square Crash Kills One, Car Slams into Pedestrians (PHOTO + VIDEO)

At least 1 person was killed when a car slammed into Times Square pedestrians. The Honda sedan went up on a sidewalk on 7th Street between 42nd and 43rd street — hitting multiple pedestrians. Up to 20 people might have been injured … and first…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Todd Heap Accidentally Strikes, Kills 3-Year Old Daughter with Car

Todd Heap, a former stand-out tight end who played 12 seasons in the NFL, is now living through the worst possible nightmare for any parent.

The Mesa Police Department in Arizona has confirmed that Heap accidentally struck and killed his three-year-old daughter with his truck on Friday.

According to official police records, Heap said the child was in her driveway when he went to move a truck and hit her just before 4 p.m. local time.

Authorities told an ABC affiliate that there were no signs of impairment or suspicious circumstances behind the incident.

It sounds at the moment like it was just an awful, awful accident.

The Mesa Police Department told Fox 10 Phoenix that Heap’s daughter was taken to a local hospital, where she later died.

Prior to being drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in 2001, Heap attended Mountain View High School in Mesa and then went on to play at Arizona State University.

He spent 10 seasons with the Ravens and then joined the Cardinals in 2011 and 2012 before injury forced his retirement about halfway through his second season with Arizona.


Heap’s daughter was the youngest of his five children with wife Ashley.

The ex-All Pro is yet to comment on the situation, but we cannot imagine what he is going through.

In 2014, Heap was inducted in the Baltimore Ring of Honor, the highest distinction the Ravens can give to a player.

He finished his career with 499 receptions, 5,869 yards and 24 touchdowns.


Upon learning of this sad news, various members of the NFL family reached out to Heap and asked for prayers via social media.

Here’s a look at what many of them have said:

heap tweets

We join everyone who has reached out to Heap to offer their thoughts and condolences.

Our hearts go out to him and his loved ones during this impossible time.

May his beloved toddler rest in peace.


Todd Heap Accidentally Hits, Kills 3 Yr. Old Daughter With Truck

Former NFL star tight end Todd Heap accidentally hit and killed his 3 year old daughter while moving his truck in the driveway of his Arizona home today … according to police. Mesa Police responded to an emergency call for a pedestrian hit by a…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Kenny Smith Kills Smush Parker"s Kobe 3-On-3 Dream (VIDEO)

Kobe Bryant will NEVER join Lamar Odom and Smush Parker in Ice Cube’s 3-on-3 league … that’s according to Kenny Smith who says if Kobe still wanted to hoop, he’d do it in the NBA. We got Kenny out at LAX and asked him what the chances were that…
