Showing posts with label Blames. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blames. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

NFL"s Jared Cook Accuses TSA of Stealing Luggage ... Blames Govt. Shutdown

Breaking News

Oakland Raiders TE Jared Cook claims TSA employees STOLE several valuable items out of his luggage at the airport on the way to the Pro Bowl … and he’s calling ’em out on video. 
“The great folks at TSA went through my bag and stole my shoes and some of my ...
NFL"s Jared Cook Accuses TSA of Stealing Luggage ... Blames Govt. Shutdown

Saturday, January 12, 2019

R. Kelly Thinks Daughter"s Brainwashed ... Blames Ex for Turning Her

R. Kelly is rationalizing his daughter’s powerful condemnation of his behavior — he believes his ex-wife cooked it all up, despite the fact he’s been estranged from their child for years.
Sources close to R. Kelly say … the R&B singer isn’t upset wi...
R. Kelly Thinks Daughter"s Brainwashed ... Blames Ex for Turning Her

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Marlon Wayans Calls Donald Trump "The Devil," Blames President For Deadly Wildfires

Marlon Wayans tells us Donald Trump should feel right at home at the scene of the destructive California wildfires … because the comedian thinks the President is “the devil.” We got Marlon on Saturday at LAX … and he…


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Donald Trump Blames Dodgers" Dave Roberts for Blowing World Series Game

Donald Trump is now a World Series baseball analyst — blaming Dodgers manger Dave Roberts for making a stupid decision that probably cost L.A. the game.  Trump’s beef is about Roberts pulling starting pitcher Rich Hill in the 7th inning –…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie Reveals Black Eye and Blames Baby Mama Jen Harley

“Jersey Shore” star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro got a nasty shiner and it appears he’s blaming it on his baby mama, Jen Harley. Ortiz-Magro posted the close-up of his black eye with the caption, “Sorry for lying to my friends and family, sometimes u love…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A-Rod and J Lo"s Driver Hits Paparazzi, Blames Flashing Lights

It was Escalade vs. Photog outside of Craig’s last night — with Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez caught in the middle … but it seems pretty clear the blame lies squarely with the paparazzi.  The power couple got in their waiting white SUV…


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Michael Moore Blames Donald Trump Presidency on ... Gwen Stefani

Before the days of Rudy Giuliani saying “Truth isn’t truth,” Donald Trump was a reality star. So what prompted him to run for office?

Michael Moore has a theory, and he shared it while promoting his new film on Trump.

Moore says that the blame for Trump’s run for office can ulimately be laid at the feet of … Gwen Stefani. What?!

In a lengthy interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Michael Moore shares his curious theory about what heralded our current political nightmare.

While it’s a bit of an oversimplification to blame Gwen Stefani … he basically blames Gwen Stefani.

See, Gwen was getting paid more to be a coach on The Voice than Trump was for starring on The Apprentice. Both shows were on NBC.

Moore’s theory is that Trump staged that first, infamous political rally as a stunt to remind NBC of his value as an entertainer.

And here we are in 2018, where every day is steeped in misery and dread. Is this all Gwen’s fault?

“He’d been talking about running for president since 1988,” Moore tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Trump spoke of the idea, like anyone who always believes that they could do better, Moore says, “but he didn’t really want to be president.”

“There’s no penthouse in the White House,” Moore explains.

Presidents work relentlessly at hours that they seldom get to choose. They are under constant scrutiny and carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.

“And,” Moore adds. “He doesn’t want to live in a black city” like Washington D.C.

“He was trying to pit NBC against another network,” Moore summarizes.

Moore says that all that Trump wanted was a little more money and attention, “but it just went off the rails.”

Trump’s stunt, if Moore is correct about his intentions, backfired disastrously.

While any hefty dose of anti-immigration rhetoric is going to be exciting to racists, Trump referring to Mexican immigrants as “rapists” was too openly hateful.

NBC severed their ties with Trump, leaving him without a show … but with crowds of enthusiastic fans who clung to his every word.

Obviously, Gwen Stefani is not actually to blame for our current existential misery.

Of course she was being paid more for her role on The Voice — she’s a huge star.

Trump was, at the time, just a famous buffoon whom most people didn’t consider to be a political figure at all unless they remembered his “birther” antics.

In fact, it was smart of him to secure the regular salary of a reality series. That’s a good idea for anyone who is famously terrible at running a business.

This also isn’t NBC’s fault. Cutting ties with him after his racist comments was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, too much of the electorate did not feel the same way.

Trump is not Gwen’s fault. The Trump Regime is the fault of Donald Trump, of the society that paved the way for him, and of everyone who voted for him.

Moore’s theory may also ignore that Trump had apparently been plotting this since 2012, even registering trademarks in the buildup to his 2015 announcement.

Notably, Trump’s trip to Russia is believed by many to have helped to fuel his desire to run for office.

Moore may be right in that Trump never planned to win, but we’re not sure that Gwen’s salary was the impetus that he believes it to be.

As always, however, Michael Moore’s perspective is an interesting one to hear, even if you do not agree with him.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Roy Hibbert Blames Guns, Not Violent Games for Madden Shooting

Ex-NBA star Roy Hibbert is a big video gamer and was clearly upset about the tragedy at the Madden tournament in Florida … but tells TMZ Sports don’t blame violent video games, GUNS are the real issue.  “The conversation shouldn’t be on…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Johnny Manziel In Concussion Protocol, Blames Complications from Rx Meds

The Montreal Alouettes have placed Johnny Manziel in the concussion protocol following a massive hit he took on Saturday — though the QB says it’s Rx medication that’s making him feel off. Manziel took a monster shot at the goal line in Saturday’s…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Farrah Abraham Blames MTV for Insanity of Jenelle Evans

Farrah Abraham holds a grudge better than someone holds a camera in front of the former Teen Mom star for a live sex show.

In light of Jenelle Evans flipping out on a motorist and getting arrest, an incident captured on a recent Teen Mom OG episode, the former MTV personality has placed the blame for this situation squarely on…

… the company that fired her?

How did Farrah make this connection?

Good question!

Scroll down for the answer!

1. Wait… What Happened?!?

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

In April 2018, Evans pulled a gun on a fellow motorist who was driving near her in North Carolina. Her son, eight-year old Jace, was with her at the time of the confrontation.

2. Who Called the Cops?

Jenelle raging on the road

Evans, actually. She dialed 911 to report that her kid was injured after a some dude “purposely slammed on the brakes” in front of her. This maybe was possibly true. But it also left out some key facts.

3. For Instance?

Jenelle evans eye roll

Well… based on report from the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center CFS, this other driver claimed that Jenelle “hit his truck, ran over his mailbox and pulled a gun on him.” Oh. Okay then. That sure is different from what Jenelle insinuated originally.

4. How Dare This Guy?!?

Jenelle evans and a green screen

Onlookers, meanwhile, said that Evans became irate while driving behind this man and then took it upon herself to follow him to his house, where she threatened him physically.

5. According to a Witness:

Jenelley evans

“A crazy lady followed [the man] to his house, fixing to get shot. She was driving blocking traffic, he tried to pass her on the inside like everyone else and she flipped out.” That does sound like our gal!

6. Bring It On!

David jenelle eason

The driver himself says that Evans ended up on his property and he taunted her to “bring it on.” Evans obliged, brandishing a firearm!

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham Blames "Teen Mom" Producers for Jenelle Evans" Gun Incident

Farrah Abraham says if you’re looking for the real villain in “Teen Mom 2” star Jenelle Evans’ gun incident … you should start with the people who put the show on the air. The ‘Teen Mom’ alum was leaving Mastro’s in Bev Hills Friday night…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jameis Winston Apologizes for Uber Sexual Assault, Blames Alcohol

Jameis Winston has broken his silence on allegations he sexually assaulted an Uber driver in 2016 … and now says he’s “eliminated alcohol from my life.” Moments after the NFL formally suspended him for 3 games over an incident in which a female…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Hank Blames ME For His Extramarital Handjob!

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett, after weeks of what we can only awkwardly characterize as "hype," split.

At first, things were looking more-or-less amicable.

That has now changed.

Kendra has gone from posting about being sad and single and needed to feel motivated and excited again to tweeting some accusations against Hank.

These aren"t what you"d expect — they"re not accusations about his behavior during their nearly 9 years of marriage.

These are accusations about his behavior towards her now that they have broken up.

Kendra hastily deleted most of the tweets that we are about to show you.

Take a look:

1. Kendra and Hank are over

Goodbye hank

And it looks like things have turned downright nasty

2. First, Kendra accuses Hank of recording her

Kendra wilkinson tweets 01

In most places in the United States, it is illegal to record someone speaking without their permission.

3. She says that he blames her for a lot of things

Kendra wilkinson tweets 02

I’m no sports expert, but it is my understanding that the Vikings making him a free agent was the end of his football career. That’s something that happens, sooner or later, to every athlete.

4. That wasn’t his most outlandish claim

Kendra wilkinson tweets 03

While Kendra was pregnant with their daughter, Alijah, Hank reportedly cheated on her with a transgender model, though he insists that he was, at worst, a passive participant. Other reports claim that the two went further than he claims. Regardless, it’s hard to see how a pregnant Kendra could have forced his hand (or any other body part).

5. Kendra was outta there.

Kendra wilkinson tweets 04

No one likes being recorded or disrespected. Especially by an ex. There are clearly a lot of emotions in play.

6. But Kendra wasn’t done

Kendra wilkinson brunette

Kendra deleted those tweets — which included some accusations. But then she tweeted out some further thoughts, which have ALSO since been deleted.

View Slideshow

Monday, May 21, 2018

Rep. Steve Scalise Blames Texas School Shooting on Not Enough Religion

GOP House Whip Steve Scalise says maybe if there was more faith, religion and God in schools across America the mass shooting at a Texas high school last week could’ve been prevented. The congressman was at Reagan National Airport on…


"Let"s Make A Deal" Friend-Zone Couple Blames Wayne Brady, Still Heading To Mexico

The dude who got epically friend-zoned on “Let’s Make A Deal” is blaming it all on the game show’s host, Wayne Brady. We got Steve Heiss and his “gal pal,” Jessie Rabideau, out in L.A. Friday where Jessie tried to play off her…


Saturday, May 5, 2018

R. Kelly was Secretly Recorded, Blames Woman Suing him for STD

R. Kelly was schooling the 20-year-old woman who sued him for allegedly getting her high on drugs and booze and then giving her an STD, saying she needs to accept the fact that she was somehow in the wrong. The woman, who is suing Kelly under the…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Camille Cosby Blames Husband"s Guilty Verdict on "Mob Justice," Racism

Camille Cosby is standing by her man.

No matter how many women he almost definitely raped.

One of those women is named Andrea Constand, and Bill Cosby was found guilty on three counts of aggravated sexual assault against her late last month.

He faces a decade in prison as a result of the verdict.

The outcome came about 10 months after Cosby’s original trial ended with a deadlocked jury, amid numerous other allegations of sexual assault against Cosby.

Overall, approximately 60 women have accused the comedian of drugging them and taking advantage of them.

But Camille Cosby isn’t having it.

She has released a stunning, lengthy statement that defends her husband and blames a combination of racism and media biased for his guilty verdict.

“‘We the people’ are the first three words of our nation’s Constitution, but who were those people in 1787?” began Cosby in her three-page statement, which was released Thursday morning by spokesman Andrew Wyatt.

To what is Camille referring here?

The color of the skin of our Founding Fathers and how African-Americans have essentially not been giving a fair deal ever since this nation was founded.

Continues the 74-year old:

“Now enters an American citizen, Bill Cosby.

“The overall media, with their frenzied, relentless demonization of him and unquestioning acceptance of accusers’ allegations without any attendant proof, have superseded the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee due process and equal protection, and thereby eliminated the possibility of a fair trial and unbiased jury.”


Wow, huh? There’s a lot to take in there.

“Once again, an innocent person has been found guilty based on an unthinking, unquestioning, unconstitutional frenzy propagated by the media and allowed to play out in a supposed court of law,” she also says.

“Bill Cosby was labelled as guilty because the media and accusers said so… period. And the media ensured the dissemination of that propaganda by establishing barricades preventing the dissemination of the truth in violation of the protections of the First Amendment.

“Are the media now the people’s judges and juries?”

No, of course.

In this case, an actual judge and actual jury decided Bill Cosby’s fate.

Camille is arguing, however, that their decision-making was influenced by the many articles written over the past several months regarding accusations against her husband.

And she doesn’t believe any of the alleged victims.

“Since when are all accusers truthful?” Camille asks, referencing Constand and adding:

“I firmly believe her recent testimony during trial was perjured; as was shown at trial, it was unsupported by any evidence and riddled with innumerable, dishonest contradictions.”

In her statement, Camille likened her husband to martyred Emmett Till and other black men falsely accused of rape by white women:

“These are just two of many tragic instances of our justice system utterly and routinely failing to protect African Americans falsely accused in so-called courts of law and the entirely unfair court of public opinion.”

She wants to see a “criminal investigation” opened into the actions of the “district attorney and his cohorts,” who she labels as exploitive and corrupt.

“Someday the truth will prevail,” concluded Camille. “It always does.”

Constand’s lawyer, Dolores Troiani, issued a brief response Thursday morning.

She said the truth has already prevailed and, smartly, left it at that:

“Twelve honorable people – a jury of Cosby’s peers – have spoken. There is nothing more that needs to be said.”

Bill Cosby has said nothing publicly since he was convicted on April 26.

He will be sentenced at some point in the next two to three months.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kanye West Basically Blames Black People for Slavery

Look, we really don’t want to do this.

We don’t want to write about Kanye West.

The rapper is either suffering from a mental breakdown, in which case he needs professional help…

… or he’s just saying crazy and disturbing stuff to build up publicity for his next two albums, in which case: eff you, dude.

But the rapper, who can’t stop fawning over Donald Trump, said something so ridiculous during a visit to TMZ headquarters on Tuesday afternoon that we can’t help ourselves.

We have to write about it.

We would not be doing our job as a celebrity gossip website otherwise.

In an outlandish nutshell, West said African-Americans only had themselves to blame for being enslaved.

“I am in hip-hop, but I’m not just in hip-hop,” Kanye opened, while talking to the hosts of TMZ Live.

He then continues:

“I’m a black person in the black community, but I’m not just that. I feel like one thing is that people try to minimize me… I’m always going to represent that, but I also represent the world.”

Okay, we guess.

Go on, ‘Ye…

“You hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said, to the consternation and confusing of those around him, adding:

“Like, that was there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all? It’s like, we’re mentally in prison. I like the word ‘prison’ because slavery is too direct to the idea of blacks.

“Like Holocaust is Jews, slavery is blacks. So prison is something that unites us as one race, whites and blacks being one race. The human race.”

Where do we even begin with nonsense such as this?

For historical fact, the Civil War ended in 1861.

Backtrack 400 years and the the year is 1461, three decades before Christopher Columbus set foot on America and about three-hundred years before America defeated Great Britain in the Revolutionary War.

So we have no clue where Kanye got his “400 years” from.

Putting that aside, however, it should go without saying that even the mere hint of slavery as a “choice” made by black people is incredibly offensive.

Which is why TMZ employee Van Lathan (pictured below) stepped in.

“Do you feel that I am being free and that I’m thinking free?” Kanye asked the room, which promoted Lathan to say the following:

I actually don’t feel think you’re thinking anything. I think what you’re doing right now is actually the absence of thought. The reason that I feel that is because Kanye, you’re entitled to you’re opinion.

You’re entitled to believe whatever you want, but there is fact and real world real life consequence behind everything that you just said.

While you are making music and being an artist and living the life that you earned by being a genius, the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives.

We have to deal with the marginalization that’s come from the 400 years of slavery that you said for our people, was a choice.

Frankly, I’m disappointed, I’m appalled and brother, I’m unbelievably hurt by the fact that you have morphed into something, to me, that’s not real.

Now, yes, this all took place in front of TMZ cameras and could all have been some staged publicity stunt.

But even so, Lathan says everything perfectly here.

It’s not “freedom” of thought, as Kanye likes to say, to just spout anything that enters your head.

That’s sort of what a mentally imbalanced person does, screaming anything and everything without stopping to think if it actually makes sense.

This is why Kim Kardashian is allegedly trying to organize an intervention for her husband.

It’s especially galling, as Lathan also points out, for a mega rich celebrity to be saying this stuff because, let’s face it, Kanye West is going to be just fine.

He won’t be negatively affected in any real way by Donald Trump’s policy, but low-income African-Americans will be.

It’s easy for Kanye to sit in his ivory tower and saddle up on his high horse and show support for Trump or say something dumb like slavery was a “choice.”

He’ll just go home to his mansion, laugh at his number of Twitter followers and make love to his millionaire wife.

For someone who considers himself to be oh so “real,” Kanye lives in nothing resembling the real world.

After his exchange with Lathan, West walked across the newsroom and said to him: “Bro, I’m sorry I hurt you.”

So there he goes. There’s a start.

If Kanye rethinks pretty much every attitude he has on life and says the same thing to the rest of the country, we may actually get somewhere.


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Instagram Model Fires Back in Dog Sexual Assault Suit, Blames Owner

Instagram model Deyana Mounira says she’s the victim of a dog s**t lawsuit because she did nothing sexual to Hef, the dog, and claims this video proves Hef’s owner actually sexually harassed HER. TMZ broke the story … Deyana was sued by…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

FSU QB Deondre Francois Busted for Weed, Blames Girlfriend

The 2018 off-season continues to be a nightmare for Florida State QB Deondre Francois who was just busted for weed in Tallahassee … but it could have been much, much worse.  Long story short … cops raided his home on April…
