Showing posts with label Extramarital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extramarital. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Hank Blames ME For His Extramarital Handjob!

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett, after weeks of what we can only awkwardly characterize as "hype," split.

At first, things were looking more-or-less amicable.

That has now changed.

Kendra has gone from posting about being sad and single and needed to feel motivated and excited again to tweeting some accusations against Hank.

These aren"t what you"d expect — they"re not accusations about his behavior during their nearly 9 years of marriage.

These are accusations about his behavior towards her now that they have broken up.

Kendra hastily deleted most of the tweets that we are about to show you.

Take a look:

1. Kendra and Hank are over

Goodbye hank

And it looks like things have turned downright nasty

2. First, Kendra accuses Hank of recording her

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In most places in the United States, it is illegal to record someone speaking without their permission.

3. She says that he blames her for a lot of things

Kendra wilkinson tweets 02

I’m no sports expert, but it is my understanding that the Vikings making him a free agent was the end of his football career. That’s something that happens, sooner or later, to every athlete.

4. That wasn’t his most outlandish claim

Kendra wilkinson tweets 03

While Kendra was pregnant with their daughter, Alijah, Hank reportedly cheated on her with a transgender model, though he insists that he was, at worst, a passive participant. Other reports claim that the two went further than he claims. Regardless, it’s hard to see how a pregnant Kendra could have forced his hand (or any other body part).

5. Kendra was outta there.

Kendra wilkinson tweets 04

No one likes being recorded or disrespected. Especially by an ex. There are clearly a lot of emotions in play.

6. But Kendra wasn’t done

Kendra wilkinson brunette

Kendra deleted those tweets — which included some accusations. But then she tweeted out some further thoughts, which have ALSO since been deleted.

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Ted Cruz Accused Of Having FIVE Extramarital Affairs: Report

According to a new report from The National Enquirer, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is believed to have engaged in affairs with as many as five different women while married to Heidi Cruz, his wife since 2001.

According to the scandalous report, Republican political operatives are currently investigating the claims, which could have profound damage on the Texas senator’s bid for the White House.

“Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” an anonymous insider tells the tabloid.

“The leaked details are an attempt to destroy what’s left of his White House campaign.”

The news comes at a time when Cruz’s wife has taken center stage in his campaign following Donald Trump’s crass insults about her appearance.

The Enquirer has not identified the women involved, but has published blurred photos along with descriptions of the alleged mistresses.

One is referred to as a sex worker, and another as a well-known political consultant.

Many on Twitter believe the latter to be current Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson, though there is no conclusive evidence to support that claim.

Earlier this week, the Trump campaign threatened to “spill the beans” about an allegedly volatile situation involving Cruz and his wife.

Last week, the hacker group Anonymous revealed plans to expose a sex scandal involving Cruz

It is not known at this time if either group was referring to the current affair allegations.

We will have updates on this story as more information becomes available.