Showing posts with label Hank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hank. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Friday, August 3, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Wanna Finish Divorcing Hank Baskett So I Can Go Get Laid!

We’ve seen Kendra Wilkinson tweet her anger at her ex and then apologize (sort of) to Hank for ruining his life (sort of). Divorce negotiations can lead to a lot of emotional outbursts.

Well, insiders say that Kendra is beyond eager to wrap up this divorce process so that she can go on with her life.

Part of that is because divorce is zero fun. But part of that is because Kendra wants to get laid again.

According to E!, Kendra Wilkinson wants to wrap up her divorce from Hank Baskett sooner rather than later.

According to an insider, Kendra is eager for the “divorce to be done and over with.”

Hey, we get it. Divorce is no walk in the park.

“Kendra and Hank’s divorce is not final yet,” the source reveals.

The insider adds: “It has been a back and forth process.”

That’s how divorces work — except for the extremely one-sided ones, anyway.

“And,” the source continues. “They have been sorting out the custody limitations and agreements.”

That is a standard part of the divorce process, but can be agonizing. What parent wants to agree to days when they cannot see their children?

Kendra and Hank are still busy negotiating, the insider explains, “which is prolonging the situation.”

“She understands that a divorce in general takes a great amount of time to process,” the source acknowledges.

“But,” the insider says, Kendra “is completely over it.”

The reality star has a host of reasons to want this painful process to end.

“Kendra has been more mellow recently,” the source reveals.

Kendra is a single parent for the first time, the source reminds the world, “and wants to prove that she is a great mom.”

Kendra wants to make it clear that she can handle it, the insider notes, “and deserves to have the kids 50/50 custody with Hank.”

Of course!

But there’s more than parenting in play. Kendra is a human being, folks.

The insider says that Kendra “is trying to be low-key right now until her divorce is finalized.”

Specifically, when it comes to her romantic life. So we probably shouldn’t expect to see her out in public with some boy toy on her arm … just yet.

“Kendra is focused on her kids right now,” the source emphasizes.

The insider goes on to note that Kendra “is not publicly dating.”

The word publicly may be significant, there. We are well aware that Kendra is horny by nature and has lamented that she pushes her sex toys to the limit.

As you may have guessed after Kendra asked her fans on Twitter for dating advice earlier this summer, Kendra’s unquenchable thirst for the D didn’t die with her marriage.

“She definitely wants to go out, party, and date people,” the insider clarifies.

As a reality star and public figure, however, it sounds like she’s trying to hold off on that until she can put this divorce nightmare behind her.

“She is 100% ready to move on from Hank,” the source says. “And date around.”

We’re sure that she’s looking forward to that.

We hope that she manages to snare a guy who can keep up with her appetite, though. Again, this is a woman who says that she wears out sex toys.

Best of luck.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Sorry for Ruining Your Life, Hank Baskett!

Earlier this week, Kendra tweeted and deleted accusations about Hank. She said that he recorded their conversations, blamed her for ending his football career, and blamed him for his own affair.

Kendra clearly thought better of it, deleting those tweets and instead putting up a heartfelt apology.

And, surprisingly, she even admitted responsibility for one of those things that Hank blames her for.

In some (yet again deleted) tweets, Kendra poured out her regrets by apologizing to her ex.

“I want to apologize publicly to Hank.”

One would assume that it was simply because she aired their dirty laundry, but there’s a twist.

“I was the reason your football career ended.”

That is … kind of a huge admission.

“I regret doing that to u and i hope you learn to forgive me one day.”

Honestly, given that the vast majority of football players endure massive, chronic brain trauma and other physical stresses that doom them to an early grave, she may have done him a favor.

But she doesn’t point that out. There’s a time and a place.

“I loved u and was always your number one fan.”

Kendra’s tweets continued.

“I was 24 when i got married. Now I’m 33.”

That’s publicly available information, but it’s not always easy to admit that you’re anything older than 29.

“I made a lot of mistakes through those young years and im sorry for making u feel the way i did.”

Well, we all know that Kendra can get a little … intense

“All i ever wanted was family because i never had a solid one.”

Viewers of Kendra on Top are all too aware of what Kendra’s mom is like.

“But me being immature was the reason i couldn’t give u more.”

The day before, Kendra had aired the couple’s difficult communications.

“He’s blaming me for his football career ending. He’s blaming me for cheating on me while I was pregnant.”

Hank allegedly hooked up with a transgender model while Kendra was pregnant with their daughter, Alijah.

This was years ago, and it is difficult to imagine how Kendra could have magically forced him to get an extramarital handie.

“I tried so hard. I did everything by the book and loved and i get s–t on. I’m so sorry for u all to feel awkward [right] now.”

She explains, apologetically, to her followers that she had freaked out when Hank (allegedly) started recording their conversation.

“When i was being recorded i felt threatened.”

Kendra Wilkinson apology tweet

In a non-deleted tweet, which is seeming scarcer and scarcer these days, Kendra writes:

“[I] am done tweeting about hank out of respect for my kids.”

People don’t think about this enough (though it’s been mentioned during recent Southern Charm drama), but celebrity children will one day grow up and have unlimited internet access just like everyone else.

A parent having a sex tape or whatever is just garden variety embarrassing. Seeing their parents feud … that’s something else.

“Love will always win and he’s a great guy…”

That sounds vague, like she just wanted to say something nice about Hank.

“We will all be fine after this hurdle is over.”

To be clear, we don’t think that she’s saying that she and Hank will be back together.

“Fine” can take a lot of forms, and so can families.

Kendra Wilkinson dick tweet

Kendra, being Kendra, also tweeted something of a very different nature.

“I think i just need some dick.”

That’s not a surprising admission. Kendra has openly described herself as “one horny-ass motherf–ker.

She had joked (we think) about wearing out the batteries on her personal sex toys (most electronic sex toys come with chargers these days) to explain her need for the real thing.

Some people have very high sex drives and feel like they’re losing their minds when they’re not having sex. Just like how some people cannot handle missing lunch.

Let’s hope that Kendra, um, gets everything that she needs.


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: Hank Blames ME For His Extramarital Handjob!

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett, after weeks of what we can only awkwardly characterize as "hype," split.

At first, things were looking more-or-less amicable.

That has now changed.

Kendra has gone from posting about being sad and single and needed to feel motivated and excited again to tweeting some accusations against Hank.

These aren"t what you"d expect — they"re not accusations about his behavior during their nearly 9 years of marriage.

These are accusations about his behavior towards her now that they have broken up.

Kendra hastily deleted most of the tweets that we are about to show you.

Take a look:

1. Kendra and Hank are over

Goodbye hank

And it looks like things have turned downright nasty

2. First, Kendra accuses Hank of recording her

Kendra wilkinson tweets 01

In most places in the United States, it is illegal to record someone speaking without their permission.

3. She says that he blames her for a lot of things

Kendra wilkinson tweets 02

I’m no sports expert, but it is my understanding that the Vikings making him a free agent was the end of his football career. That’s something that happens, sooner or later, to every athlete.

4. That wasn’t his most outlandish claim

Kendra wilkinson tweets 03

While Kendra was pregnant with their daughter, Alijah, Hank reportedly cheated on her with a transgender model, though he insists that he was, at worst, a passive participant. Other reports claim that the two went further than he claims. Regardless, it’s hard to see how a pregnant Kendra could have forced his hand (or any other body part).

5. Kendra was outta there.

Kendra wilkinson tweets 04

No one likes being recorded or disrespected. Especially by an ex. There are clearly a lot of emotions in play.

6. But Kendra wasn’t done

Kendra wilkinson brunette

Kendra deleted those tweets — which included some accusations. But then she tweeted out some further thoughts, which have ALSO since been deleted.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Hugh Dane, aka Hank the Security Guard from "The Office," Dead at 75

Dunder Mifflin fans have lost a member of their TV family — Hugh Dane, who famously played Hank the security guard on “The Office,” has died.  One of Hugh’s costars on the sitcom, Rainn Wilson, tweeted out the news Monday with a link to a…


Friday, April 27, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Goes Brunette After Split From Hank Baskett

Kendra Wilkinson is unrecognizable.

Now that Kendra is divorcing Hank Baskett after months of hints and build-up, she’s making other major changes in her life.

And she’s saying goodbye to her trademark blonde hair and going brunette.

Since parting ways with Hank after recent troubles in the couple’s marriage, Kendra has been hitting the slopes and spending quality time with her children.

But now she’s decided that it’s high time that she make a change in her life that she’s always wanted to try.

As she explains in the captions of her series of photos, Kendra is dipping her toes into the world of brown hair.

“Been wanting to experiment like this for a long time and here it is.”

Take a look.

Kendra looks great.

And you can practically feel her enthusiasm about this new ‘do emanating through the screen.

“So excited for this change.”

But she promises that she’s still the Kendra whom fans have come to know over the years.

“But I’ll always stay true to my roots.”

What Instagram post would be complete without a cringeworthy pun?

Fans took to her comments to praise her brunette style:

“Right?? Makes you look so much younger!”

“Sooooooo much better than [blonde].”

“Love’n your new hair color! I think the change is great!”

“Oh my gosh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Beautiful!!!”

“Love the brown hair, your beautiful eyes really pop!”

“Welcome to the Darkside Hottie!!!!! I freaking love your Vengence Look!!!”

Of course, not everyone was a fan. Though they were definitely in the minority, some followers did not like the change.

“Back to blonde pls!!! I thought this was a random 50 yr old on my insta.”

“Whoever says this looks BETTER then her OG look is straight lying to her.”

“Looks good. You should’ve went red though ;)”

Several people suggested that she dye her hair red. Let her live her life, folks.

“I like better your hair blonde … That color makes you look older.”

Everyone’s a critic.

Each individual will have to decide for themselves if Kendra looks older or younger, since fans and followers have very different takeaways.

One might say that she looks the same age, but just with brown hair.

But her carefree attitude and the emotional relief that comes from putting an end to a troubled marriage could account for why some fans perceive her to look younger now.

In other words: it’s not the hair, it’s the Hank. Or Hanklessness.

Stress really can make a person seem more tired and therefore older, which could absolutely account for why fans see her looking so different here.

At the same time … she’s also posing in a youthful, carefree manner.

And one should always consider that perhaps a celebrity’s fans and followers are just, you know, being nice.

The critics who said that she looks older or less distinctive or whatever, conversely, may have simply being being unkind because saying rude things to beautiful celebrities on social media makes them feel better about themselves.

Also, beauty is subjective.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Hank Baskett Hints at Kendra Wilkinson Reunion, Gets Owned on Twitter

Hank Baskett played wide receiver for parts of seven NFL seasons.

But he isn’t best known these days for having great hands.

He’s instead best known for having received a hand job from a transgender model back in 2014.

Yes, Baskett was also married to Kendra Wilkinson for nine years and helped create two small human beings with the former Playmate, a son named Hank IV and a daughter named Alijah.

But Hank’s celebrity gossip legacy will always revert to what he admits transpired in a hotel room over three years ago.

As Kendra on Top viewers are likely well aware of, Hank has confessed on camera to meeting someone named Ava London back in the day…

… and then unexpectedly having his penis massaged by her, all the way to orgasm

It’s true: Baskett has even talked about how he went to the aforementioned hotel room to purchase marijuana and then, somehow, ended up being fondled to completion by London instead.

It’s one of the most unusual stories of infidelity — and we bring it up now for a reason.

Earlier this month, Kendra filed for divorce from Baskett.

She made it clear in the days leading up to this announcement that trust had simply eroded between the stars and that the love between them was no longer enough.

However, Hank was asked on April 13 by TMZ whether the relationship was truly over and he responded as follows:

“You always leave the door open for that, always.”

Would a reconciliation be under consideration due to the presence of the ex-couple’s two kids? Or because of the feelings that still exist between Baskett and Wilkinson?

“I would say both,” Baskett replied.

But this is not what Twitter would say.

In a nutshell, Twitter would instead say: LOL!!!!!!

One Internet user scoffed at Baskett’s response, saying he would only return to Kendra as part of a new “reality TV” deal, saying the “plan all along” for the twosome was to create enough drama for a network to try and work with them.

Another user, meanwhile, simply relied on NeNe Leakes to sum up how she feels about this reunion possibility:

no hank

But one other user takes the reactionary cake.

“Classic love story,” this person wrote in response to this report, adding:

“Boy meets girl. Boy married girl. Boy cheats on girl with granny. Girl takes boy back. Girl eventually files for divorce.”

This individual may want to hire a lawyer pretty soon… because he or she just straight up murdered Hank Baskett!

ouch hank

The day she filed for divorce, meanwhile, Kendra shared a selfie with Hank on Instagram and wrote along with it a very moving caption.

It read:

I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways.

I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because i did believe in forever, that’s why i said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way.

We are both amazing parents and our kids will be happy n never know the difference other than seeing mama smile. Sometimes love looks funny.

We certainly do with Hank and Kendra the very best.


Kendra Wilkinson & Hank Baskett Still One Big Happy Family Amid Divorce

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett aren’t doing “split weekends with the kids” like most divorcing couples, and they’re style seems to support what Hank told TMZ — that there’s still a chance. The estranged couple spent Sunday on the sidelines…


Kendra Wilkinson & Hank Baskett Still One Big Happy Family Amid Divorce

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett aren’t doing “split weekends with the kids” like most divorcing couples, and they’re style seems to support what Hank told TMZ — that there’s still a chance. The estranged couple spent Sunday on the sidelines…


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hank Williams

Justin Bieber and Hank Williams


Friday, April 13, 2018

Hank Baskett Says He"s Open to Reconciling with Kendra Wilkinson

Hank Baskett is taking the high road in his divorce from Kendra Wilkinson … defending her against haters, and admitting he’s fully open to reconciliation.  The normally reticent ex-NFL player opened up on the split when we saw him…


Hank Baskett Says He"s Open to Reconciling with Kendra Wilkinson

Hank Baskett is taking the high road in his divorce from Kendra Wilkinson … defending her against haters, and admitting he’s fully open to reconciliation.  The normally reticent ex-NFL player opened up on the split when we saw him…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Hank Baskett Keeping Kendra Wilkinson Divorce Amicable

Hank Baskett is definitely keeping his cool when it comes to Kendra Wilkinson filing for divorce … and the proof is in the pudding. Hank filed his response just hours after Kendra filed for divorce and it looks like they’re on the…


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett Reunite Days After Divorce Filing

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett aren’t letting their pending divorce get in the way of their kids — ‘cause the two of them reunited just days after she filed for divorce. Kendra and Hank both attended their 3-year-old daughter Alijah’s soccer…


Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett Reunite Days After Divorce Filing

Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett aren’t letting their pending divorce get in the way of their kids — ‘cause the two of them reunited just days after she filed for divorce. Kendra and Hank both attended their 3-year-old daughter Alijah’s soccer…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Files for Divorce from Hank Baskett

Kendra Wilkinson pulled the trigger on ending her marriage to NFL star Hank Baskett … she just filed for divorce. Kendra filed papers Friday to end the matrimony. She cites irreconcilable differences as the reason for the divorce…


Kendra Wilkinson Mourns "Last Day of Marriage" to "Beautiful" Hank Baskett

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Confirms Split From Husband Hank Baskett in Emotional Video

Kendra Wilkinson says she and NFL star husband Hank Baskett are officially no more in an emotional video. Wilkinson posted several videos Monday after rumors swirled in recent months of ongoing issues in their relationship that signaled a…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Will Always Love Hank, But...

With her marriage teetering on the verge of non-existence, Kendra Wilkinson has once again taken to social media in order to vent, rant and sort of rave.

Except the subject of said raving is…

… estranged husband Hank Baskett?!?

Kendra, Hank, Kids

As previously reported, Kendra and Hank are in a dark place.

Multiple outlets have alleged their relationship is basically over and that the ex-centerfold is ready to file for divorce.

What, specifically, has driven the stars apart?

Sources go back to 2014 and the hand job Baskett has admitted to receiving from a transgender model named Ava London.

These sources say the couple has never really recovered from Hank’s infidelity and that Wilkinson has “lost trust in her marriage,” according to People Magazine.

But that doesn’t mean Kendra no longer loves Hank, as she told a follower on Twitter last night.

In response to a question about whether she’s happy with her husband, Wilkinson replied as follows:

“I will always love Hank. Always.”

loving hank

It’s worth noting that this is likely very true, but it’s also an example of Kendra clearly not being content in her relationship.

Notice that she did NOT say she is “happy” with Hank, just that she will always have love for him.

Kendra went on to say an awful lot via her Twitter account on Thursday evening, some of it abstract and vague, some of it clearly addressing the problems in her marriage.

“The universe doesn’t stop for you,” she wrote at one point, waxing philosophical and adding:

“Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. At the end if all u have is faith ,love and positive outlook then it’s a good day.”

universe tweet

At another point, she Kendra was far less vague and far more direct.

“I can’t stand marital advice. Lol,” she Tweeted, acknowledging that she’s been receiving plenty in the wake of recent reports and then joking:

“The @DalaiLama is the only one who can give me any type to real shit advice. Lmaoooooo.”

dali l

There was also this:

“If you’re choosing to be happy every second then you’re masking some pretty heavy shit. Happiness does live in pain and tears but u can’t live there. Gotta be patient n giving n loving through ups n downs.”

So maybe there is hope after all for the marriage?

It’s really hard to say right now, but Wilkinson previously went on a long diatribe about her state of mind, one that we interpreted as a sign that a divorce was imminent.

See what we mean below:

As for where Hank stands in all of this drama?

He has not spoken out directly, but an insider tells Radar Online that “the kids are the only reason that Hank stuck around for this long” in the first place.

His son and his daughter are the only reason he has even been putting up with Kendra’s “bullshit,” this source states.

Both Baskett and Wilkinson are determined to co-parent in a healthy and stable manner, no matter what happens.

Just probably not as husband and wife.

“Now that his kids are a bit older, Hank realizes that he does not need to be with Kendra in order to be a good father and a good role model to them,” Radar writes, concluding:

“Neither one of them are happy right now, and the kids know this.”
