Showing posts with label Divorcing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divorcing. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Trump to Jeff Bezos Sorry to Hear Bozo"s Divorcing Great Work, Nat"l Enquirer!

President Trump had time to reflect on Jeff Bezos‘ divorce drama — and he let it rip on Sunday by trashing the Amazon honcho … while praising the National Enquirer. 
Trump just tweeted, “So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose ...
Trump to Jeff Bezos Sorry to Hear Bozo"s Divorcing Great Work, Nat"l Enquirer!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jeff Bezos Divorcing after 25-Year Marriage ... $137 Billion on the Line

Jeff Bezos has announced he and his wife are divorcing … and a record $ 137 BILLION is on the line.
Bezos said on Twitter after what he called a trial separation he and his wife, MacKenzie, have now decided to end their 25-year marriage.
Bezos, who is 54, made it clear the divorce is...
Jeff Bezos Divorcing after 25-Year Marriage ... $137 Billion on the Line

Saturday, September 8, 2018

CNN"s Van Jones and Wife Divorcing

5:30 PM PT — Jana and Van say, “Though we have decided to end our marriage, we still love each other very much. We will continue raising our kids together, running our businesses together and supporting each other’s growth. There is no beef or…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Wanna Finish Divorcing Hank Baskett So I Can Go Get Laid!

We’ve seen Kendra Wilkinson tweet her anger at her ex and then apologize (sort of) to Hank for ruining his life (sort of). Divorce negotiations can lead to a lot of emotional outbursts.

Well, insiders say that Kendra is beyond eager to wrap up this divorce process so that she can go on with her life.

Part of that is because divorce is zero fun. But part of that is because Kendra wants to get laid again.

According to E!, Kendra Wilkinson wants to wrap up her divorce from Hank Baskett sooner rather than later.

According to an insider, Kendra is eager for the “divorce to be done and over with.”

Hey, we get it. Divorce is no walk in the park.

“Kendra and Hank’s divorce is not final yet,” the source reveals.

The insider adds: “It has been a back and forth process.”

That’s how divorces work — except for the extremely one-sided ones, anyway.

“And,” the source continues. “They have been sorting out the custody limitations and agreements.”

That is a standard part of the divorce process, but can be agonizing. What parent wants to agree to days when they cannot see their children?

Kendra and Hank are still busy negotiating, the insider explains, “which is prolonging the situation.”

“She understands that a divorce in general takes a great amount of time to process,” the source acknowledges.

“But,” the insider says, Kendra “is completely over it.”

The reality star has a host of reasons to want this painful process to end.

“Kendra has been more mellow recently,” the source reveals.

Kendra is a single parent for the first time, the source reminds the world, “and wants to prove that she is a great mom.”

Kendra wants to make it clear that she can handle it, the insider notes, “and deserves to have the kids 50/50 custody with Hank.”

Of course!

But there’s more than parenting in play. Kendra is a human being, folks.

The insider says that Kendra “is trying to be low-key right now until her divorce is finalized.”

Specifically, when it comes to her romantic life. So we probably shouldn’t expect to see her out in public with some boy toy on her arm … just yet.

“Kendra is focused on her kids right now,” the source emphasizes.

The insider goes on to note that Kendra “is not publicly dating.”

The word publicly may be significant, there. We are well aware that Kendra is horny by nature and has lamented that she pushes her sex toys to the limit.

As you may have guessed after Kendra asked her fans on Twitter for dating advice earlier this summer, Kendra’s unquenchable thirst for the D didn’t die with her marriage.

“She definitely wants to go out, party, and date people,” the insider clarifies.

As a reality star and public figure, however, it sounds like she’s trying to hold off on that until she can put this divorce nightmare behind her.

“She is 100% ready to move on from Hank,” the source says. “And date around.”

We’re sure that she’s looking forward to that.

We hope that she manages to snare a guy who can keep up with her appetite, though. Again, this is a woman who says that she wears out sex toys.

Best of luck.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Actually Divorcing?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been together for a long time.

A really, really, really long time.

Forget being high school sweethearts — they’re actually middle school sweethearts, if you can believe it!

They got together when they were just twelve years old because, as Tyler explained in that book they released a few years back, Catelynn had “the biggest tits in seventh grade.”

But it doesn’t matter why they got together, because they’ve obviously formed a deep, loving relationship.

They’ve been through so much together, including but certainly not limited to the abusive, drug-fueled marriage of his father and her mother and the birth of Carly, the child they placed for adoption.

Things were rocky between them for a while during those teenage years, but they stayed together and now they’re married with a daughter, Nova, and they’ve been open about their plans to expand their family.

Unfortunately, it looks like they’ve entered a bit of a rough patch in the last few months.

Catelynn had a miscarriage back in the fall, and both she and Tyler had a hard time dealing with it, understandably.

She struggled so much that she contemplated suicide, and when she realized how bad things were, she decided to spend six weeks in a treatment center in Arizona.

Tyler was very supportive of that, but when she decided to go back for another six weeks shortly after coming home … well, that was a bit different.

All of this went down on the last Teen Mom OG season finale — about three weeks after coming back, Catelynn told Tyler that she was still struggling and thought another rehab stay would be the best thing for her.

He urged her to try dealing with things at home first, since Nova had a hard time going without her mom for so long during her first trip to rehab.

But she’d already made up her mind.

In a surprisingly candid chat with his sister, Tyler complained about Cate’s decision, and he even compared her leaving for multiple trips to rehab to his father being in and out of his life when he was a child.

He said that he’d told Catelynn that going back to Arizona might be the best thing for her, but that trying treatment at home would be the best thing for their daughter.

Her response to that, according to Tyler?

“She’ll manage.”

He honestly seemed a little disgusted by her attitude about Nova’s wellbeing, and many fans were as well.

He was so upset that during that conversation, he even told his sister that maybe he and Catelynn weren’t right for each other anymore.

It was the second reference to a possible divorce in that single episode — earlier. she’d told him that maybe he should just leave her, since she’d been having so many problems.

Not a great sign, honestly.

But the episode aired, and Catelynn and Tyler tried their best to prove that these days, they were doing a lot better.

There have still been some pretty concerning signs though.

One was a tweet Tyler wrote last month in which he wrote that even though he was lying in bed next to his wife and listening to his daughter sleeping on the baby monitor, he still felt “so empty and so alone.”

Another has been the poetry he’s been sharing on social media, which is all pretty dark and has honestly made it seem like he could perhaps be suicidal.

But a couple of days ago, he shared a new poem … and if we were Catelynn, we’d definitely be feeling a little upset.

In this poem, Tyler called himself “that pathetic f-ck up who got famous just for f-ckin his girlfriend & gettin her knocked up.”

“That motherf-cker ain’t sh-t,” he continued, “that motherf-cker’s gotta take a hint, he’s gotta get it together if he wants his life to fit.”

“That motherf-cker’s gotta get a job even though I doubt that he could, & he’s gotta leave that broad if he ever wants to be heard.”

So … that’s not great.

In the caption for this post, he explained that these were the kinds of things he hears from people — from his haters, if you will.

It sounds like he doesn’t actually believe these things, he’s just turning insults around because he thinks it’s “ironically motivating.”

Still, if you take this and add in the other developments from the past week, things aren’t looking too great for the Baltierras.

As you may have heard, there was a big fuss because fans noticed that on Catelynn’s Instagram, she lists her last name as Lowell instead of Baltierra, her married name.

The thing is that her name has always been Catelynn Lowell on Instagram, and the name thing got more attention than a much more interesting little tidbit, which was that for a little while, she actually unfollowed Tyler.

Besides that, they didn’t spend Mother’s Day together — she was in Florida and he was in Texas.

He didn’t even write a big gushy message about her for the holiday, which, if you’ve followed this couple for any length of time, you know is very, very strange.

There’s been so much going on to point to a possible split that Catelynn felt the need to address the rumors.

In a statement, she wrote that they aren’t getting a divorce, and that “couples go through ups and downs, that’s normal life.”

“We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us!”

Which is even more suspicious, because while she did say they aren’t getting a divorce, she definitely implied they were going through some issues.

Come on, Baltierras, pull through!


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Blake Lively: Did She Just Confirm She"s Divorcing Ryan Reynolds?

Last month, a rumor that Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively were headed for divorce made its way across the social media landscape.

At the time, the notion seemed somewhat ridiculous.

After all, Reynolds and Lively have long enjoyed a reputation as one of Hollywood’s happiest and most stable couples.

But to shock and chagrin of fans, reports of Blake and Ryan calling it quits just kept rolling in.

“The past few years, Ryan’s been working out of town while Blake stays home with the kids,” a source told Us Weekly.

“The distance between them has taken its toll.”

Reynolds employed his signature sardonic wit to shoot down the first round of reports:

“I wish,” the actor tweeted. “I could use a little ‘me time."”

Fans were relieved, of course, and the controversy was thought to be over and done with.

But earlier this week, Lively’s Instagram followers noticed that something was amiss on her page.

As Radar Online points out, not only had Lively deleted all photos of Reynolds from her page, she had also unfollowed him and changed her bio so that it read simply:

“What happened to Emily?”

Adding fuel to the fire, Lively then followed 28 accounts of women named Emily Nelson.

And like that, Emily Nelson became 2018’s answer to “Becky with the good hair.”

Fans assumed that Reynolds had been caught cheating and that Lively was determined to get to the bottom of his infidelity by hunting Nelson down.

Sadly, this high drama nosedived into a disappointing conclusion today when it was revealed that “Emily Nelson” is merely the name of a character Lively is playing in an upcoming film,

Yes, it was all an elaborate promotional stunt.

Whenever you roll your eyes about something like this, some smart ass always has to chime in with, “Well, I guess it worked! You’re talking about it, aren’t you?!”

Sure. In that sense, it worked.

But apparently the film in question – A Simple Favor – doesn’t open until September!

Does Blake really think this stunt is gonna stick with potential moviegoers for the next four months?!

She’d have to actually divorce Ryan to win our attention for that long.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Is She FINALLY Divorcing Ryan Edwards?!

Just last summer, Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer got married in one of the most depressng ceremonies ever captured on video.

It seemed like the couple was starting at rock bottom, but remarkably, it"s been all downhill ever since.

In the past month, Ryan has been arrested; he"s been accused of making violent threats, and he"s been caught cheating on Mackenzie.

Through it all, he and Standifer have kept up appearances, but it now looks as though they"re on the verge of self-destruction.

1. The Troubled Couple

Ryan and mackenzie are not happy

Ryan and Mackenzie were never exactly a match made in heaven. In fact, their marriage seemed doomed from the start.

2. A Terrifying Ride

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

On the ride to their wedding, Ryan was so high on heroin and Xanax that he lost consciousness while driving. He checked into rehab shortly after he and Mackenzie exchanged vows.

3. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

After he left treatment, their relationship seemed to slightly improve. In the months that followed, however, their situation has only gotten much, much worse.

4. A Growing Family

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Last month, Mackenzie revealed that she’s pregnant with Ryan’s baby. Unfortunately, the news came at a very dark time for Edwards.

5. A Major Rough Patch

Ryan edwards mug shot

News of the pregnancy came on the heels of reports that Ryan had been arrested and had been caught using Tinder to try and cheat on Mackenzie.

6. One Loyal Wife

Kenzie standifer

Remarkably, it originally looked as though Mackenzie intended to stick by Ryan’s side despite some seriously troubling behavior. But now, it seems she’s come to her senses…

View Slideshow

Chris Pratt: Divorcing Anna Faris Totally Sucks

In August of 2017, Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation. Because love is dead and we’re all just bags of meat on a space rock who will one day succumb to entropy.

Little by little, they’ve both opened up this month about how it feels now that they’re divorcing.

Chris has just come right out and said it: It sucks.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is coming out in June, for better or for worse, and as part of the press tour, Chris Pratt spoke to Entertainment Weekly.

And yes, he touched on his divorce. And he was blunt:

“Divorce sucks.”

It can ultimately make people’s lives happier, but the process … is not fun. Kind of like how surgery can save your life, but you’ll definitely spend a few days feeling like you’ve been cut open.

“But at the end of the day, we’ve got a great kid who’s got two parents who love him very much.”

The couple shares a 5-year-old son, Jack. He remains the priority.

“We’re finding a way to navigate this while still remaining friends and still being kind to one another.”

That can be so challenging. It’s amazing that they’re keeping things amicable.

“It’s not ideal, but yeah, I think both of us are actually probably doing better.”

Anna Faris recently spoke to Women’s Health about the secret to keeping things healthy during this painful process.

“What Chris and I try to do is to communicate openly.”

That can be key for a successful marriage, but some couples allow a total breakdown of communication when they divorce. And that can be disastrous.

But Anna reminds people that not every divorce works the same way.

“We reiterate that there aren’t rules to this.”

It sounds like the key is keeping their priorities in order.

“We have a lot of love and friendship, and our big goal is to protect Jack.”

Every parent’s first priority should always be the welfare fo their child.

“I cherish my family, my close friends, my child — that makes the rest of it worth it.”

It wasn’t so long ago that an insider dished to Entertainment Tonight about how Chris and Anna are getting along.

“They still laugh and joke together and have seemed to have found a nice friendship as they co-parent.”

That sounds so healthy for them.

More importantly, it sounds really good for their young son.

“They are really committed to making this split as easy on Jack as they can.”

Of course, 5 is a time of massive transitions for children, but they know that.

“Helping him adjust to a big kid school is part of that.”


As soon as news of their split broke, rumors began to circulate that Chris Pratt was already dating someone else.

While there are many obvious reasons why it’s totally plausible to believe that he could land just about anyone, we should remember that this divorce isn’t happening because either Chris or Anna is a horndog.

Some joked after they announced their separation, saying things like: “This is why I’ll never let my man get hot.”

But that wasn’t the problem.

Sometimes, people just grow apart. It can be difficult when suddenly the person whose big break was starring on a sitcom is suddenly a movie star.

And no, despite rumors to the contrary, Chris Pratt is not dating Olivia Munn. They’re just friends.

It’s so good that Chris and Anna have found a way to make things work during their divorce.

So many splits turn acrimonious so quickly.

This is good for them, and even better for their son.

We imagine that this subject will come up a lot more, because we have two whole months until Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom comes out in theaters.

So Chris will be doing many more interviews. Obviously, a lot of people still have a lot of questions.

We continue to wish Chris and Anna the best.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Brooke Burke Divorcing David Charvet

Brooke Burke is calling it quits with former “Baywatch” star David Charvet … TMZ has learned. Brooke filed for divorce in L.A. County on Friday, pulling the plug on their nearly 7-year marriage. The couple had 2 kids together — a boy and a girl…


Brooke Burke Divorcing David Charvet

Brooke Burke is calling it quits with former “Baywatch” star David Charvet … TMZ has learned. Brooke filed for divorce in L.A. County on Friday, pulling the plug on their nearly 7-year marriage. The couple had 2 kids together — a boy and a girl…


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Is She Divorcing Ryan Edwards?!

There’s been a seriously overwhelming amount of drama going down with Ryan Edwards this week, huh?

It’s all been very interesting, but once you remember that he’s a real person with a real family and not just a character on a television show …

Well, it gets a whole lot more depressing, we’ll say that much.

To recap, Ryan was arrested earlier this week at his home in Chattanooga for violating his probation — because oh yeah, he was also arrested last year.

Unlike Mackenzie Standifer — or as Maci Bookout likes to call her, “his snake of a wife” — said, he was arrested last March, not last April, for simple possession of heroin.

He was pulled over and found with the drugs and with some needles, which is definitely not legal, so boom, arrested.

After that, he was put on probation, and a few reports have been claiming that he was required to take regular drug tests, but he missed his test this week, which was why he got arrested this time around.

This part still doesn’t make total sense, because if he was getting regular drug tests anyway, why would such a big plot point in this season of Teen Mom OG be about him failing to take a test to see Bentley?

Anyway, he was arrested, and whatever the exact reason, it’s not good news.

Also this week, there was another Tinder scandal — a woman came forward with screenshots of a flirtatious exchange she had with him, just like last time.

And in the middle of all this, it was revealed that Ryan and Mackenzie are expecting their first child together.

See what we mean when we said this was an overwhelming amount of drama?

And to think, it’s already getting a whole lot worse.

As we said, Mackenzie made a statement in which she claimed that Ryan’s arrest was nothing to be worried about, that it was just a sort of follow-up arrest from the heroin thing that happened last spring.

According to her, he still needed to be booked an entire year later, and that’s why cops showed up to their house, handcuffed him, and got him that cute mug shot.

It didn’t really make sense, but we just assumed it was a lie — even if it wasn’t, in saying that he was arrested last spring before their wedding, she showed she was lying about the timeline of his drug use.

Who could forget that insane letter she read to Maci at the last reunion special, the one where she claimed she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until their wedding in May, two whole months after he was arrested?

We’re getting off track though.

The point is, Mackenzie made a point to tell us all that “everything is fine,” when obviously things are the opposite of fine.

And now, according to a new report from Radar Online, things seem to be so far from fine that she’s left Ryan.

A source close to her told the site that “Mackenzie boarded a flight to go to New York yesterday without Ryan.”

Not only that, but “she left her son during her scheduled time” to do so — she gets adorable little Hudson from Friday to Tuesday, and his father has him the other days.

Radar says that Mackenzie herself confirmed to them that she’s in New York, but she didn’t offer any additional details.

Could it be possible that she’s finally realizing how bad her situation is? That perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to be impregnated by an intravenous drug user who’s been trying so hard to cheat on her?

Could she be filming an additional little something for the show now that so much has happened?

Or are we way off — maybe she’s finding a dress for a third wedding Ryan won’t be sober for.

Whatever’s going on, we hope everything’s all right. But considering the circumstances, that does seem like a pretty high hope.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

90 Day Fiance: Molly Hopkins & Luis Mendez Are Divorcing

90 Day Fiance couple sometimes get their happily ever after. Since Molly Hopkins and Luis Mendez beat the odds and got married, it looked like they were home free.

Unfortunately, as we mentioned, Molly and Luis separated a few days after New Year’s Day.

Now, it’s official — Molly has filed for divorce from Luis.

At first, it was a classic boy-meets-girl story.


In this case, the “boy” was 26 years old and working in a bar in Santo Domingo.

The “girl” was much older than he and from Georgia in the US.

They met when she was on a trip to the Dominican Republic and they fell for each other.

And they decided to broadcast their story on 90 Day Fiance.

Aside from criticisms over being perceived to be using each other — Molly wanting Luis as a “boy toy” and Luis wanting US citizenship and perhaps Molly’s financial stability — they had other concerns.

The biggest was Molly hoping that Luis would be a good stepfather to her two daughters.

There was also Molly’s shady criminal history. Suffice it to say that her driving records are a little scary.

But apparently they found a way past all of that.

In July of 2017, Molly and Luis got married.

They made it! … Sort of.

Marriages, as we know, aren’t always a guaranteed happily ever after. Far from it, honestly.

Molly and Luis had some sort of spat and parted ways before the 90 Day Fiance Tell All Special … but they reconciled before the special itself aired.

That was not to last forever, though.

On January 5th, the couple separated.

Some fans who learned of the split hoped that they would reconcile. But that was not to be.

Now, Reality Blurb reports that Molly Hopkins filed for divorce from Luis Mendez on January 23rd.

The papers were filed in Georgia, of course. Molly used her married name, Molly Mondez, when doing the filing.

Like most divorces, she cited irreconcilable differences, writing:

“Plaintiff is entitled to a divorce from Defendant in the statutory grounds that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no hope of reconciliation.”

The 42-year-old is keeping their finances separate and hopes that Luis doesn’t make any moves to dispose of any shared marital property that they might possess.

A sad ending to a story that many had hoped would end with a new, happy family.

Luis doesn’t seem to be too broken up about the divorce — he’s nonchalantly posting topless selfies on Instagram and promising fans that he’d be happy to meet them after the divorce is finalized.

He did, however, rant and rave about TLC because he claims that he wasn’t paid for his time on 90 Day Fiance.

It’s been speculated that non-American stars on the show may have to wait to be paid until they have their work visas, for legal reasons.

But Luis declared his threat to sue over it, saying that foreigners were simply used for free labor and discarded like trash. Yikes.

It’s probably safe to say that Luis has some regrets.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Shannon Beador: I"m Divorcing David and Taking EVERYTHING!

Star of The Real Housewives of Orange County Shannon Beador and her husband David have split, separating after 17 years together.

We’ve described what was an amicable separation, in which the couple was putting their children first. That was so admirable.

In the space of just one month, however, that arrangement has devolved into a very contentious divorce.

Shannon Beador has been having a rough go of it in recent years.

Back in 2015, David Beador cheated on Shannon. That’s not speculation — they’ve both spoken about it. David admitted to it.

(As we say every time, folks, if you don’t want to live monogamously, either don’t enter a committed relationship or enter a relationship with one or more people who don’t demand monogamy. Otherwise, you’re just being a jerk)

But what should have been the low point that led to an end to their problems wasn’t the end of their marriage’s troubles.

The Real Housewives of Orange County costar Vicki Gunvalson spread nasty rumors about Shannon Beador’s marriage.

Shannon then blamed Vicki for her weight gain, as she responded to the situation by stress-eating.

(Yes, Shannon later apologized, admitting that Vicki was not in fact some sort of witch who had cursed her to grow a softer tummy)

Other costars’ reactions to Shannon’s weight gain ranged from sympathy to fitness guru Tamra Judge’s fear that Shannon might die.

The biggest reaction to Shannon’s weight wasn’t a costar or her fans, though.

To hear her tell it, David Beador stopped loving Shannon when she got “fat.” He wouldn’t touch her and apparently couldn’t stand to look at her.

But, as we’ve described, Shannon and David have been keeping things amicable since their separation in October.

Though David moved out and began dating other women, the two have continued to to do regular family gatherings for the sake of their children.

Going out to dinner or to sportsball games, they’ve been smiling and making it clear that their children come first.

Some wondered if their separation would continue until their children were all a few years older and could grow accustomed to the idea.

RadarOnline reports that this has now changed.

Apparently, Shannon Beador has filed court documents of “dissolution with child.”

(That, to be clear, means that she wants to dissolve the marriage, not their three children)

Shannon also filed a custody declaration, an income declaration, and an expense declaration.

(RadarOnline‘s sources tell them that Shannon’s seeking full custody, and “generous” spousal support and child support. But that’s usually how divorces go)

She filed these documents last Friday, which just so happened to be the first of December.

As it turns out, that was not a coincidence. …

According to another RadarOnline report, Shannon Beador is done playing nice with David.

Their insider explains why Shannon filed these documents on December first:

“Shannon wanted to give David an early Christmas present, so she waited until December to drop the bomb on him.”

Dang. That sounds intense.

“She’s going after full custody and hopes to take him for everything he’s got.”

Are those war drums that we hear in the distance?

“She has so much support right now from all of her cast members and friends.”

That makes sense.

“They all hated David so much and are just beyond thrilled that she finally got rid of him.”

While we don’t expect for The Real Housewives of Orange County cameras to actually follow their divorce proceedings, we’re sure that it will be a big part of Shannon Beador’s future storyline.

But we don’t imagine that we’ll see David. The series is about housewives, not ex-husbands.

While we don’t know yet who will triumph in the divorce battle, we know who’s losing out when the parents begin a no-holds-barred war:

The couple’s three children.

To be clear, we’re not suggesting that they stay together or stay married for the sake of their kids. That’s a recipe for a toxic home environment and children who blame themselves for the misery of their parents.

But an amicable divorce is good for everyone involved. As satisfying as this upcoming court drama might be for fans and viewers, it’s going to take its toll on the Beador kids.

That said … sometimes, there’s just no choice.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Jeremy Meeks Makes It Official, He"s Divorcing His Wife

Jeremy Meeks is absolutely certain he’s done with his marriage … he’s filed to divorce his estranged wife … TMZ has learned. The so-called Hot Felon had filed separation docs back in July, breaking things off from Melissa Meeks …who he’d been…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Naya Rivera and Ryan Dorsey: Reconciling, Not Divorcing!

Remember last November, when Naya Rivera filed for divorce from Ryan Dorsey?

Well, pop those “congrats on your divorce” balloons and find a discreet way to eat that celebratory divorce cake, because it sounds like this divorce has been officially canceled.

Who ever heard of an on-again, off-again marriage?

We’re kidding — they happen all of the time. Especially, for some reason, among celebrities.

But first, let’s remember how they got to where they are.

Naya Rivera dated Ryan Dorsey for quite a while before she starred on Glee.

Despite the two having been so close for so long, Naya Rivera broke things off with Ryan after she became famous.

In her memoir, Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing Up, Naya also revealed that she discovered, post-breakup, that Ryan had gotten her pregnant.

Naya shared that she had chosen to get an abortion at that time, and has since been praised for being open and honest about abortion when the majority of the many millions of American women who receive abortions each year are shamed into silence by cultural conservatives.

Naya and Ryan would get back together again, four years after their 2010 breakup.

In Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in 2014, Naya Rivera and Ryan Dorsey got married.

This came as quite a shock, as not only was it a surprise wedding, but it came only three months following Naya’s breakup from Big Sean.

(It’s almost cute that that was shocking at the time — now it’s 2017 and Kylie Jenner wound up pregnant just a month after she started dating Travis Scott as a rebound after ending her lengthy relationship with Tyga. A wedding after three months somehow seems less dramatic, now)

Normally, she might have been accused of infidelity leading up to her reconciliation with Ryan Dorsey.

But infidelity was allegedly more Big Sean’s department. And it was Big Sean who broke off their engagement … which Naya reportedly learned about through his publicist.


But, again, Naya and Ryan had been together for years before. So it might not be accurate to describe her reunion with Ryan as a rebound.

Sometimes it takes being with the wrong person to realize who was right for you all along.

Or not-so-right, as it turns out.

Though Naya Rivera and Ryan Dorsey had welcome their first child into the world in late September of 2015, the couple called it quits late in 2016.

It was November, not quite two months after their baby Josey Hollis Dorsey’s first birthday, that Naya Rivera filed for divorce.

The divorce seemed to be reasonably amicable at the time.

Though Naya was seeking primary physical custody of their child, a public statement indicated that they planned on co-parenting Josey and they seemed, you know, pretty civil.

Keep in mind that a lot of divorces are filled with hyperbole, vitriol, and outright lies.

Others are filled with horrifying accusations that could curdle your stomach.

As, we imagine, would have been the case if Naya Rivera had continued dating Mark Salling before his arrest for child porn.

Naya’s statement about Mark Salling at the time of his arrest was, uh, ill-advised and left a lot of people scratching their heads.

But, honestly, who in the world actually knows what to say in a situation like that?

Anyway, Gossip Cop reports that Naya Rivera has filed a motion to dismiss her petition for divorce.

It appears that she’s calling off the whole divorce altogether.

We certainly hope that this means that Naya and Ryan are reconciling.

They always seemed like a good fit, and now there’s hope on the horizon. Again.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kelly and Michael Dodd: Divorcing!

Kelly Dodd has proven to be very impulsive during her time on The Real Housewives of Orange County. Whether she’s throwing shade or crazy rumors around about her cast mates, she makes for pretty good TV. 

But, there’s a whole new storyline headed her way that will make for some solid episodes of the Bravo reality TV series. That storyline involves her divorce from Michael Dodd. 

That’s right, you guys. Kelly is apparently divorcing Michael, and we are not entirely surprised. Their relationship has been all over the place since they married 11 years ago. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will already know that their relationship has been a rocky road. While Kelly has a mouth on her that cannot help but say negative things about her co-stars, Michael is considerably more subdued. 

Maybe he knows there could be repercussions to everything he says because he’s aware everything he says could be edited by RHOC producers to construct a coherent (we kid) storyline. 

“Our marriage is over, I’m out of there!” Hurricane Kelly dished to the Daily Mail about the split. 

“We’ve had problems for years, and I’ve had enough, I’m done with our marriage.”

“We aren’t good together, maybe we’ll be better to each other when we are divorced and are friends,” she added.

“But right now we are both miserable, and it’s not good for either one of us, let alone our daughter.”

When you think about it, it’s not like they did not try. The duo was initially set to divorce back in 2012, but they mysteriously got back together before Kelly started filming with RHOC. 

But, the drama never really died down, and the police were called to the couple’s home six times in July after some very big arguments that had some people concerned. 

“I filed for divorce against Michael in 2012, and we never had any resolution the case is just sitting there. So I’m going to ask my attorney to file a motion so I can get a bifurcated divorce.”

“I want out of my marriage as soon as possible. We can figure out the financials of our divorce down the road,” said Dodd.

In any case, it seems like their relationship has seen better days and Kelly is now ready to get out before they get hurt some more. In fact, she’s trying to get a bifurcated divorce.

That would allow her to be legally divorced before the details have been finalized. Could this be a tactic to make sure she actually gets out of the marriage this time around?

Maybe she knows there’s a chance they could end up rekindling their relationship and the speedy divorce would probably make that more difficult. 

Kelly has been an utter delight on RHOC. Her witty comments and her no BS attitude have helped reinvigorate the series somewhat. She runs her mouth without thinking anything through, and that makes for TV gold in our eyes. 

It’s unclear whether the show is filming right now, or if there will be a miraculous time jump between seasons and a lengthy opening message from Kelly about what happened. 

Either way, we cannot wait to get all the details on the matter!

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Audrina Patridge Divorcing Husband of Files for Divorce, Restraining Order Against Husband

Audrina Patridge is divorcing her husband of less than a year, on the heels of an alleged domestic violence incident … TMZ has learned. The former ‘Hills’ star filed to divorce Corey Bohan on Wednesday. The split appears to be triggered by alleged…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer: Divorcing Already?!

Talk about a total shocker!

Just kidding — literally anyone with the tiniest bit of sense could have seen this coming.

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer, those Chattanooga lovebirds who just got married back in May in that romantic parking lot wedding, may be headed for a split.

We know, we know, it’s tough to hear.

But honestly, if Ryan is on Tinder asking women for vagina pics, maybe this is for the best.

According to a report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, things are so bad between them that Ryan has left their home and blocked Mackenzie’s humber.

“This was going on for a while, even before the Tinder stuff broke,” a source explains. “But he has not stayed at home for the past few days.”

Not only that, but he’s been telling multiple Teen Mom OG crew members that he plans on filing for divorce.

And before you roll your eyes at those dramatics, the source insists that “he did not just say it in passing.”

“It was mentioned multiple times to multiple people on the crew.”

Since he was obviously super, super high at the time of the wedding, couldn’t he just get the thing annulled? That definitely seems possible, right?

While he’s having these issues with his brand new wife, he’s been living back at his parents’ house.

“They told Ryan he could stay at their house while he and Mackenzie were having issues,” the source says, “but they said if he was coming for other reasons, they aren’t having it.”

… Other reasons like drugs?

But while it might be easy to blame all of their issues on Ryan, it sounds like Mackenzie isn’t exactly a walk in the park, either.

The Ashley’s sources claim that she’s been getting pretty greedy with MTV lately.

“Mackenzie requested that MTV pay for her and her friends to go on vacation to ‘get away from it all’ and film, of course.”

Apparently “MTV considered it, but yesterday they decided against it and said they will not pay for it.”

Looks like we may finally know why this 20-year-old divorced mother agreed to marry Ryan after he endangered their lives by driving high, huh?

Those sweet, sweet Teen Mom paychecks.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that she’d think MTV would pay for a vacation for her and her friends — seriously, who cares about watching a Teen Mom’s baby daddy’s wife filming by themselves?

And Mackenzie’s greed isn’t only about the vacation.

As a source says, “The crew has been filming Mackenzie over the last week or so, give or take.”

“She has not made it easy and at times she’s refused to talk about the Ryan drama on-camera, but has stated that she will talk if they pay her more.”

These Teen Mom insiders say that they’re not sure if they did pay her more, or even how much of all this delicious drama will make it to the show.

But the drama has been filmed, and that’s good enough for now.
