Showing posts with label Laid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laid. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2018

Lyric McHenry Laid to Rest, Mourned by Magic Johnson

About three weeks after she was found dead in the most shocking and disturbing of manners, Lyric McHenry has been laid to rest.

Details on the funeral have not been made public, but basketball legend Magic Johnson is actually the one who confirmed that a service took place on Wednesday.

Johnson was close to the late 26-year old because she was very good friends with his son, EJ.

McHenry, in fact, was known to television viewers because she made multiple appearances on the first and only season of EJNYC, a spinoff of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills that aired in 2016.

It centered on the life of EJ Johnson and his circle of acquaintances; Lyric and her sister were prominent members of this latter group.

On August 14, however, McHenry’s body was discovered in the Bronx.

She was only wearing underwear and a pajamas top — and a small bag of cocaine was found on her person.

Friends and family members issued statements of sadness and confusion shortly afterward, all stunned by this development.

It was also originally reported that McHenry was 20 weeks pregnant at the time of her death, something no one close to her appears to have been aware of.

In the wake of her funeral, this is what Magic Johnson Tweeted:

Yesterday was a difficult day as we laid to rest Lyric McHenry, a daughter to Cookie and I and best friend to EJ.

We’ve known Lyric since she was a baby and shared many lifelong memories with her and her family. We were blessed to witness her become a caring and brilliant young lady.

Her talent was special and her potential limitless.

She will be sorely missed. May she rest in peace.

magic message

The Hall of Famer’s son has only said a very little bit about losing his best friend.

Back on August 27, EJ said simply via Instagram:

“I’m going to make this clear to everyone.

“There will be no mourning post because I’m not going to reduce a 25 year friendship to one Instagram post. Please respect my privacy and my process.”

McHenry graduated from Stanford University and interned with Barack Obama’s campaign many years ago.

Some of her loved ones have even wondered whether she was murdered because they simply can’t comprehend her having died from a drug overdose.

They still have so many questions regarding just what transpired the night/morning of McHenry’s passing.

“Lyric’s warmth, compassion and energy will be missed by many and the family would appreciate that all speculation surrounding the circumstances of death cease until the real facts are determined during the current investigation by the NYPD and the City of New York,” her family said the day after she died.

Considering the circumstances surrounding her death, they also fought back against chatter that McHenry was living some sort of shameful or sordid existence:

“Lyric who just turned 26 last week on August 6, was a brilliant, creative and lovely young woman who shared a deep passion for writing, film and a long-standing commitment to social justice.

“She was a Christian who grew up in Los Angeles and attended the Center for Early Education and graduated from the Marlborough School in Los Angeles.

“Lyric graduated from Stanford University in 2014 where she studied in Paris, France for a year and spoke fluent French.”

May she rest in peace.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Wanna Finish Divorcing Hank Baskett So I Can Go Get Laid!

We’ve seen Kendra Wilkinson tweet her anger at her ex and then apologize (sort of) to Hank for ruining his life (sort of). Divorce negotiations can lead to a lot of emotional outbursts.

Well, insiders say that Kendra is beyond eager to wrap up this divorce process so that she can go on with her life.

Part of that is because divorce is zero fun. But part of that is because Kendra wants to get laid again.

According to E!, Kendra Wilkinson wants to wrap up her divorce from Hank Baskett sooner rather than later.

According to an insider, Kendra is eager for the “divorce to be done and over with.”

Hey, we get it. Divorce is no walk in the park.

“Kendra and Hank’s divorce is not final yet,” the source reveals.

The insider adds: “It has been a back and forth process.”

That’s how divorces work — except for the extremely one-sided ones, anyway.

“And,” the source continues. “They have been sorting out the custody limitations and agreements.”

That is a standard part of the divorce process, but can be agonizing. What parent wants to agree to days when they cannot see their children?

Kendra and Hank are still busy negotiating, the insider explains, “which is prolonging the situation.”

“She understands that a divorce in general takes a great amount of time to process,” the source acknowledges.

“But,” the insider says, Kendra “is completely over it.”

The reality star has a host of reasons to want this painful process to end.

“Kendra has been more mellow recently,” the source reveals.

Kendra is a single parent for the first time, the source reminds the world, “and wants to prove that she is a great mom.”

Kendra wants to make it clear that she can handle it, the insider notes, “and deserves to have the kids 50/50 custody with Hank.”

Of course!

But there’s more than parenting in play. Kendra is a human being, folks.

The insider says that Kendra “is trying to be low-key right now until her divorce is finalized.”

Specifically, when it comes to her romantic life. So we probably shouldn’t expect to see her out in public with some boy toy on her arm … just yet.

“Kendra is focused on her kids right now,” the source emphasizes.

The insider goes on to note that Kendra “is not publicly dating.”

The word publicly may be significant, there. We are well aware that Kendra is horny by nature and has lamented that she pushes her sex toys to the limit.

As you may have guessed after Kendra asked her fans on Twitter for dating advice earlier this summer, Kendra’s unquenchable thirst for the D didn’t die with her marriage.

“She definitely wants to go out, party, and date people,” the insider clarifies.

As a reality star and public figure, however, it sounds like she’s trying to hold off on that until she can put this divorce nightmare behind her.

“She is 100% ready to move on from Hank,” the source says. “And date around.”

We’re sure that she’s looking forward to that.

We hope that she manages to snare a guy who can keep up with her appetite, though. Again, this is a woman who says that she wears out sex toys.

Best of luck.


Monday, May 28, 2018

John Salley Says Dennis Rodman Laid Groundwork for N. Korean Summit

John Salley can’t understand the criticism over Dennis Rodman’s trip to North Korea, because he believes his former teammate is in no small part responsible for what could be an historic summit. We got John Sunday at LAX, and he was clear … he…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Need to Get Laid! Help a Girl Out?

Last week, Kendra Wilkinson lamented that she was feeling sad, single, and in need of a kick in the butt. Fans were worried.

But after enjoying Mother’s Day with her kids, she sounded better. And on Monday, it seems that she had new priorities.

Kendra really, really wants to get laid. And she’s looking for advice from fans.

Kendra’s split from Hank Baskett is clearly getting to her. And that’s okay. It’s part of the process.

On Sunday, Kendra shared how much she had enjoyed Mother’s Day, tweeting:

“Hope u all had a great Mother’s Day. Mine was amazing. This will be one I remember forever. My babies know how to make me smile n it’s as simple as good quality time n living in the moment.”

That’s so sweet!

On Monday, she was tweeting a different tune.

Kendra Wilkinson Wants to Get Laid

“What’s your opinion…” she writes. “Do i start dating/sex now or give myself more time? My heart is broken but i have needs. Lmaoooo.”

You know, plenty of celebrities get tons of dating advice and even sex advice from fans and followers. It’s usually unsolicited. But here’s Kendra, straight-up asking for tips.

It sounds like Kendra is still emotionally recovering from her split but her infamous sex drive is making the isolation … complicated.

One fan suggests that Kendra keep to inanimate tools to ease her frustration, writing:

“Use the vibrator for awhile and get your head straight.” The fan then shares her own cautionary tale: “Unfortunately I have back slid and given some to the ex cause the choices in men worry me.”

Kendra reveals that she has already been trying that.

Kendra Wilkinson is out of batteries

“All out of batteries,” Kendra divulges. “It’s time my friend.”

First of all, surely she knows that a lot of those are rechargeable with USB adaptors now, right? Most adult toys no longer need the same sorts of batteries as children’s toys.

But that’s beside the point. We think that what she’s really saying has less to do with power supply and more to do with wanting more.

A few decades from now, we’re sure that sex toys will be able to give people a more thorough and satisfying experience akin to physical intimacy with another person.

In the mean time, however, it sounds like Kendra is craving the touch of an actual, flesh-and-blood human.

She’s asking fans if she should take someone out for a spin or continue to keep her hands to herself because she’s still so emotionally fragile from ending her marriage.

Kendra Wilkinson doesn

When a fan suggests that she go out and live her best life because, unlike many women who divorce, she’s still young, she admits that she’s not sure where to begin.

Because, despite her youth, she is like so many of the newly divorced — she hasn’t dated in a long, long time. And she’s frankly not sure how to go about it.

Most people would start with a dating app, but Kendra’s celebrity status could make that complicated.

Especially if she’s just, very understandably, looking for a hookup and not shopping for a new partner.

You can’t blame her for feeling a little lost and adrift. She married Hank in 2009. She’s out of practice.

Kendra isn’t asking us for advice, but what she’ll probably want to do is hang out with friends and meet people the same way that she would meet new friends.

That means going to parties or out for other social events with friends.

It also means that she should be prepared to strike out and go home alone, but just as prepared to stay out all night if she gets lucky.

(Or, more realistically, if someone she finds gets lucky)

A few fans decided to try their own luck by suggesting that she come to their town or city.

We have a feeling that she’s going to pass on that.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nicole Eggert Laid Out Scott Baio Accusations to Dr. Oz in Shelved Episode

We’ve heard Nicole Eggert’s accusations that Scott Baio molested her for years during her teens.

it turns out that Twitter wasn’t Nicole’s first choice as a platform to air her accusations — because she apparently told it all to Dr. Oz earlier this month.

There’s just one problem: Scott Baio is trying to shut down the episode, so it might never air.

Over the weekend, Nicole Eggert aired her accusation by quoting a tweet mentioning Scott Baio.

In it, she called him a “creep” and implied that he had in some way sexually mistreated her.

In subsequent tweets, as (obviously) people tweeted to her to ask exactly what she was accusing Scott Baio of doing, she accused him of having molested her, starting at the age of 14, when he digitally penetrated her.

This allegedly went on until she was 17. She says that it was at 17 when Scott Baio had sex with her.

(While 17 is a fine time for most folks to have sex, let us remind you that Scott Baio is a decade older than she is and also that we’re talking about, based upon her allegations, a situation in which he groomed and molested her for years leading up to that)

Scott Baio denies those allegations, and claims that his sexual relationship with her was consensual and happened only when she was 18. He also claims that she “seduced” him.

Part of Scott Baio’s denial itself was kind of creepy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

It turns out that it wasn’t just some social media whim that caused Nicole Eggert, the former Baywatch actress, to share her #MeToo story with the world.

TMZ reports that Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz everything about Scott Baio earlier this month. During that session, she revealed more details about what Scott said to her during her alleged years of molestation.

So why didn’t that episode, which was filmed on January 10th, air?

Scott Baio’s team sent threatening letters to Dr. Oz, denying the accusations and claiming that Nicole’s timeline doesn’t add up. We’re sure that it was all in legalese, but that was the gist of it.

It seems like Nicole felt like she had to take matters into her own hands — specifically, her thumbs, with which she presumably types her tweets — if she wanted to get her story out there.

As for the new, grim details?

Per TMZ‘s report, Nicole accuses Scott Baio of having spoken to her as if he were going to “prepare” her to have sex with boys her own age.

Remember that this allegedly started when she was 14, when Scott would have been 24 or 25.

A lot of sexual misconduct acts under a guise of something else. We’ve heard so many #MeToo stories about “massages” and “medical treatments.”

Plenty of consensual, healthy sexual intercourse happens under a guise, too. Euphemisms like Netflix and chill exist for a reason.

But not between a 14-year-old and a man ten years her senior, folks.

Nicole Eggert’s accusations go on:

Some of these alleged conversations happened at her house, while her parents were not home.

She describes what he allegedly said to her in order to convince her to agree to sex:

“How much he loved me and, hopefully one day when I was of age, we could be together, and that he understood I needed to go be with boys my own age and it was sort of like a goodbye action.”

Some sexual predators are obsessed with the build-up to sex and then lose interest. Nicole’s allegations seem to match that description.

Scott Baio strongly denies Nicole’s claims and says that other accusations have surfaced in the past but “gone away.” He seems frustrated that this one will not.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio admitted during a 16-minute video that he made to deny the allegations.

“[For] any normal, heterosexual, red-blooded, American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

He claims that this was when she was 18, but that denial is so creepy and really speaks to Baio’s cultural mindset.

It seems that he believes that any man who would turn down an invitation of sex (as he claims that Nicole made) must be gay. Or abnormal. Or maybe he just uses those words as synonyms. Oh, and he’d have to be un-American?

It’s always worrisome when even someone’s denial of sexual allegations reveals alarming things about how they view women and sex.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Hugh Hefner: Laid to Rest by Loved Ones, Closest Friends

Last week, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner died. He was 91.

He was an intensely controversial man, but he had no shortage of admirers.

Which is why the details of his funeral may surprise you. …

You’d expect a celebrity funeral to be, at the very least, the size of a normal funeral.

That would mean dozens to hundreds of attendees. 

Some celebrities have larger funerals for their many different costars and business associates to attend.

Obviously, Hugh Hefner made no shortage of business contacts during his long life and lengthy career.

On top of that, he lived a larger-than-life existence. He was known for wearing his signature red robe. He 

So it’s a little surprising to hear that his funeral was uncharacteristically low-key.

TMZ reports that Hugh Hefner’s funeral was on Saturday, at noon, in L.A.’s Westwood Village Memorial Park.

Hef’s four children, his wife Crystal Harris (who inherits none of his fortune), and some key Playboy staffers were in attendance. That was it.

It was a small, private ceremony. Nice, but downplayed.

Hef’s body was interred beside Marilyn Monroe’s, in a plot that he bought very deliberately in 1992 for $ 75,000.

And we have to talk about the fact that his body is resting beside Marilyn Monroe’s, even if it necessitates speaking ill of the dead.

Because … in no way is this not creepy.

When Hef launched Playboy, he obtained old photographs of Marilyn Monroe from before she was rich and famous.

As a teen, she had taken photos to obtain some much-needed cash. Hef bought the photos and the rights to distribute them and used them for his new business.

Marilyn, at the time, was terrified that it would ruin her career. 

Many people have called out that Hef’s desire to be laid to rest beside her is creepy to the max and even a sort of violation.

(Even though, you know, they’re not alive anymore … the creepiness of it all still lingers)

That’s hardly the only thing about Hugh Hefner’s history that makes people uncomfortable.

As revealed by Holly Madison, not everything was necessarily as it seemed within the Playboy Mansion itself.

Reportedly, Hugh Hefner offered drugs to his girlfriends to make them more open to sex.

He also allegedly fostered a competitive environment in which the women competed with each other for his favor.

Furthermore, Holly says that Hugh would routinely reduce his girlfriends to tears, talking down to them, which sounds like emotional abuse and a pretty standard tactic used by people who want to keep others dependent on their praise and affection.

Kendra Wilkinson praises Hef’s name to this day and refutes Holly Madison’s version of their time at the mansion.

But it’s not uncommon at all for two people in what seems like the same position (that’s not a sex joke) to have very, very different experiences.

Other criticisms of Hugh Hefner include that he historically presented himself as a supporter of women’s rights, gay rights, and rights for people of color while all the time building a business that profited from images of blonde white women that catered to men.

He would neither be the first nor the last figure to receive acclaim for being progressive while seeming to do more to use and profit from women than actually help them.

(Joss Whedon, anyone?)

Of course, those who have compared Hugh Hefner to the likes of Woody Allen or Bill Cosby … need to chill the f–k out and are definitely in need of a reality check.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hugh Hefner Laid to Rest in Private Ceremony with Kids, Crystal and Playboy Staffers

Hugh Hefner went to his final resting place Saturday, but only a select few of his closest friends and family were on hand for the ceremony … TMZ has learned. Our Playboy sources tell us … Hef’s 4 children, his wife Crystal Harris and some key…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Cardi B Schools TMZ Photog on How to Get Laid on Rodeo Drive

Cardi B would make a helluva hookup artist … just ask our photog!!! We got the rapper leaving Ace of Diamonds Monday night and our guy was minding his own business (not really) when, out of nowhere, Cardi dished some priceless advice about…


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Chester Bennington Laid to Rest in Private Funeral

Chester Bennington’s family and closest friends gathered for a private funeral near his home in Palos Verdes, CA. A couple hundred people attended the service Saturday afternoon at South Coast Botanic Garden — many of the guests were musicians…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher Laid to Rest Next to Each Other (PHOTO)

Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher have been laid to rest … right next to each other as planned.  Family and friends met at Hollywood’s Forest Lawn Memorial Park Friday morning to bury the mother and daughter duo … who died one day apart.…


Friday, December 30, 2016

Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds to Be Laid to Rest at Joint Funeral

On December 23, the entertainment world was stunned by the news that iconic actress and writer Carrie Fisher had suffered a heart attack while aboard a flight.

Four days later, Fisher passed away, marking an end to both a remarkable career and a frequently turbulent life.

In an almost unbelievably heartbreaking coda to a year defined by loss, Fisher’s mother, the entertainment legend Debbie Reynolds, died just one day after her daughter’s passing.

Now, in a fitting tribute to a mother and daughter who were so often inseparable in life, Fisher and Reynolds will reportedly be laid to rest in a joint memorial service.

“I think this is what they would have wanted” a source close to the family tells TMZ.

The idea for a joint service was reportedly inspired by Reynolds’ last words, “I want to be with Carrie.”

Insiders say mother and daughter will be honored at both a small, private ceremony for family and friends, and a larger, more public memorial service at which fans can pay their respects.

The relationship between Reynolds and Fisher was often turbulent, but those who knew the screen icons best say their many ups and downs only brought them closer. 

Fisher’s relationship with her mother inspired many of her autobiographical writings, including the fictionalized account of her family life, Postcards From the Edge.

The novel was later adapted into a film, with Meryl Streep playing the character based on Fisher, and Reynolds’ surrogate being portrayed by Shirley MacLaine.

Both Fisher and Reynolds spoke openly about their relationship, often providing a hopeful example to other families who had been affected by divorce, mental illness, and addiction:

“There have been a few times when I thought I was going to lose Carrie,” Reynolds memorably told Oprah Winfrey in 2011.

“I’ve had to walk through a lot of my tears. But she’s worth it.”

For better or worse, the relationship between Reynolds and Fisher was a frequent source of public interest, and a dual funeral seems the perfect way to remind the world that while both women experienced countless roadblocks in life, their paths always led them back to each other.

Insiders say further details regarding Reynolds’ and Fisher’s memorials will be released this week,


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Anton Yelchin: Laid to Rest in Private Funeral

Friends, family members and loved ones laid Anton Yelchin to rest on Friday.

According to E! News, a private funeral was held for the late actor at an undisclosed location, less than a week after he died in truly shocking fashion.

Only 27 years old at the time, Yelchin was headed out to meet some friends on Saturday night, June 18.

But his Jeep Grand Cherokee rolled backwards on his driveway, pinning the actor against a brick mailbox and a security fence on his property, a police spokesperson has confirmed.

Concerned about their pal’s whereabouts, those Yelchin were supposed to meet went over to his house to see what happened.

This is when they found his body.

The Los Angeles county coroner eventually came out and ruled that Yelchin’s death was an accident by blunt traumatic asphyxia from the force of the car against his body.

He did not suffer, at least.

Various outlets have reported that Yelchin died with one minute of impact.

The 27-year old was best known for roles in Alpha Dog and Charlie Bartlett, as well as his recurring role of Chekov in the new Star Trek franchise.

The next edition of this franchise comes out on July 22.

Since Yelchin’s sad passing, a Star Trek Beyond event in Cannes that would have featured Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana was canceled.

“His fellow actors are just so devastated,” a source tells E! News.

Said Paramount Pictures via statement:

“All of us are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend Anton Yelchin. Out of respect, we are withdrawing our participation in the previously announced Star Trek Beyond at Cannes Lions this week.”

Director J.J. Abrams, meanwhile, Tweeted a handwritten note that read as follows:

“Anton–You were brilliant. You were kind. You were funny as hell, and supremely talented.

“And you weren’t here nearly long enough. Missing you…” 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Charlie Sheen: I Can"t Get Laid Now That I"m HIV Positive!

Look out, world, Charlie Sheen is talking again.

The controversial (some prefer the term “batsh*t crazy”) actor garnered public sympathy last year when he revealed he was HIV positive during a candid interview with Matt Lauer.

Now, it appears that a return to the screw-everything-that-walks lifestyle that got him in this position has proven difficult.

“I’m not dating, I’m spending a lot of time with my family. Right now I couldn’t get laid in a women’s prison with a handful of condoms,” he said during a press conference, according to The Mirror.

“It doesn’t give me a great opening line: ‘Hey, I’ve got HIV – busy later?"” he continued.

Well, he has a point.

But the man has probably had enough sex to last a lifetime, dontcha think? More like 30 lifetimes?

“It is what it is, and I don’t want to make light of it, but it changes the whole approach on it, because it’s no longer about my interests and my folly, it’s about the other person, it’s about protecting them and just being open and responsible.”

Hmm, shouldn’t it always be about that?

Sorry, but it’s hard to feel bad for you, Charlie.

While he’s not currently seeing anyone, Sheen revealed that he test drove a new, superpowered condom from Sweden. With whom, it is unclear.

“In a nut shell, they sent me one, I tried it and said, ‘Let’s do this,"” he said.

“It’s exciting on so many levels, it’s the first change to the condom in 70 years,” he revealed. “It’s not just about changing in dialogue, it’s about changing the conversation and the appeal.”

During the interview with Lauer, Sheen insisted that he’s been up front about his status with all his sexual partners, but reports have surfaced that call his claim into question.

In fact, sources say Sheen hid his HIV status from a number of sexual partners – a crime in the state of California – and is currently being investigated by the LAPD.

Christina Grimmie Funeral: Star Laid to Rest in New Jersey

Christina Grimmie was laid to rest yesterday following a shocking attack last week in which The Voice finalist was shot and killed by a deranged fan.

The funeral service took place in her home state of New Jersey and was described as an “intimate gathering for her family and close friends,” a source told People.

The ceremony was paid for by Adam Levine, who was Grimmie’s coach on The Voice.

“I found out this morning, that Adam Levine personally called my mother and said he will pay for the funeral and her plane flight, and I was blown away,” Christina’s brother, Marcus Grimmie, announced on Facebook earlier this week.

After learning of the news that his former protege was shot and rushed to the hospital, the stunned Maroon 5 singer shared this message to Instagram:

“I’m sad, shocked and confused. We love you so much Grimmie. We are all praying hard that you can pull through this…this just isn’t fair.”

When the news broke of her death, he tweeted the following:

Yesterday, new details emerged about Christina’s killer, Kevin James Loibl, who killed himself after shooting the singer.

Co-workers of Loibl, who worked at Best Buy, described a disturbing obsession he had with Christina, for whom he’d changed his appearance in an attempt to become more appealing to his idol.

He got hair transplants, underwent Lasik eye surgery and went vegan to lose weight.

They say he’d vowed to one day marry her, but when he learned Christina was in a romantic relationship with her producer, he became unhinged.

This discovery seemingly led to the horrific actions he took last week during a meet-and-greet with fans Christina held following a concert.

Fans who wish to pay their respects may do so at a public memorial at the Fellowship Alliance Chapel in Medford, New Jersey, on Friday, from 3-8 p.m. EST. A memorial service will begin at 8 p.m.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Muhammad Ali Laid to Rest: See the Funeral Photos

Muhammad Ali has been laid to rest in Louisville.

Days after the beloved ex-boxer died at the age of 74, thousands of fans and many celebrities gathered in Ali"s home town to say goodbye.

Here"s a rundown of notable names, events and photos from the sad proceedings:

1. A Famous Pallbearer

A famous pallbearer

Will Smith and former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson were among the pallbearers who loaded Ali’s casket into a hearse and took part in a 17-car processional that took the legendary boxer on a final journey around his hometown.

2. A Huge Gathering

A huge gathering

All across the route, mourners chanted, “Ali! Ali!” and helicopters buzzed overhead. An endless array of fans stood on the streets, many of them carrying signs and posters.

3. Signs of the Times

Signs of the times

Ali was buried at Cave Hill cemetery. Many people laid flower petals on the ground there, as the processional’s 19-mile route stopped at landmarks in the three-time heavyweight boxing champion’s life.

4. Those in Attendance Included:

Those in attendance included

Billy Crystal, Bill Clinton, Bryant Gumbel, Lennox Lewis and many other big names. President Obama sent along a message, but was in attendance at his daughter’s high school graduation.

5. A Community in Mourning

A community in mourning

The service took place at the KFC Center in Louisville and was open to the public; it was also live streamed and a private viewing will be held for family members.

6. A Message from His Daughter

A message from his daughter

“I personally have been sad for a long time,” Laila Ali said on Today this week. “My father has been struggling with Parkinson’s disease for many years and it wasn’t easy to watch him suffer, so knowing that he’s not suffering anymore is what gives me comfort.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Ryan Gosling Says Women Make Him Better, Will Get Laid Forever

Divine, chocolate-covered Ryan Gosling hath spoken.

“I think women are better than men,” he told ES Magazine while in London promoting The Nice Guys.

Do you hear that?

That is the sound of men everywhere racing to the Self-Help section of their nearest Barnes & Noble.

“I’ve always liked women more,” Gosling went on.

“I was brought up by my mother and older sister. I found my way into dance class. My home life now is mostly women. They are better than us. They make me better.”

Go on, my beautiful Gosling.

“They are stronger. More evolved.”

And then, without the journalist needing to prod into his personal life (a topic which was off-limits), Gosling mentioned his growing family (albeit briefly).

“You can tell especially when you have daughters [Gosling has two, Esmeralda, 18 months and one-month-old Amada with girlfriend, Eva Mendes] and you see their early stages, they are just leaps and bounds beyond boys immediately.”

And yes, he does think a female president is just what the Oval Office needs.

“I think it needs a woman’s touch,” he said, careful not to elaborate further on his political views.


The Canadian-born actor has seen the way men behave around women, and thinks it’s time they got a taste of their own medicine.

“‘It’s our time as men to be on the receiving end of the stick. I grew up with women so I’ve always been aware of it.

“When my mother and I walked to the grocery store, men would circle the block in cars,” Gosling recalled.

“It was very scary, especially as a young boy. Very predatory; a hunt.”

Even at his manliest, Gosling still feels feminine.

“I’d say 49 per cent, sometimes 47 per cent,” he admitted.

“It depends on what day you catch me.”

ILY, Ryan Gosling.

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Worst Laid Plans

It’s safe to say Rick’s plan to keep walkers out of Alexandria went badly on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1.

Very badly. Terribly badly. Like, as badly as any plan could ever go. Ever.

The premiere of The Walking Dead Season 6 picked up with Deanna telling Gabriel he had been wrong about Rick.

Also, we saw Eugene being thrilled to see Tara… Enid holding Carl’s hand… Glenn lying about how and and Nicholas had been wounded in the woods… and Rick and Morgan committed to getting to know each other again.

As they were debating what to do with Pete’s body, these two discovered a bunch of walkers and were forced to save Ron, who had followed them to learn where his dad was buried.

Rick then proceeded to dig a grave, considering Pete’s son had seen and heard everything.

In Alexandria, Rick devised a plan to free the walkers they just trapped and lead them away from the city. Enter Carter, a local portrayed by Ethan Embry, who argued they should just build a wall around the community instead.

Deanna shot this idea down, leading Rick Abraham, Sasha, Daryl, Glenn and Nicholas to head off on Operation Free the Walkers.

Elsewhere, Tara was stunned to learn from Maggie that Nicholas had gotten Noah killed AND tried to murder Glenn. Why wasn’t Maggie pushing for exile?

Because she has grown close to Tara despite Tara’s history with The Governor, so there’s hope for anyone.

Eugene, meanwhile, was caught listening in to Carter talking other residents into actually killing Rick so they could reclaim their community. The organizer of this planned homicide was about to shoot Eugene when Rick, Daryl and Morgan walked; the former wrestling the gun away from Carter and aiming it at his head.

Morgan wasn’t a fan of this threat, though Rick did win some favor with him when he offered to let Morgan hold Judith and also invited him to move in with his family.

On to Rick’s plan: during a dry run, the walkers pushed a semi off a cliff, which prompted the survivors to just go ahead and act.

It was all going okay, too, until Carter got bitten in the face and Rick had to BREAK HIS NECK (in front of Morgan and Michonne) to ensure the victim’s screams draw the walkers away from the path everyone had worked to send them down.

Morgan and Michonne reluctantly followed Rick’s orders after this kill, making it look as if everything would end well… until a horn blared, drawing the walkers toward the sound – and we saw the sound was coming from Alexandria.


Hurry up and watch The Walking Dead online in case you missed this premiere in order to discuss all the developments with fellow fans.