Showing posts with label Accusations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accusations. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kim Zolciak SLAMS Accusations of Photoshopping Her Kids

Just last month, Kim Zolciak was accused of photoshopping the butt of her 4-year-old daughter. Yikes.

Now, after new photos have surfaced that appear to show her kids before and after being digitally altered, Kim is blasting the accusations.

Kim calls the accusation “sick,” but even some of her own fans are convinced that she’s doing it.

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop accusation

An Instagram accounts called @wigzncigs is dedicated to exposing Kim Zolciak as an alleged fraud.

And they may have hit the jackpot.

They shared what they say are before and after photos of two of Kim Zolciak’s very young children, Kaia and Kane.

Though the differences are almost imperceptible, it does appear that the photos were modified.

If you can’t see the changes to both Kaia and Kane with the side-by-side images, perhaps seeing the contrast like this will help:

Kim Zolciak kids photoshop kaia and kane gif

“Check out the before & after,” the non-fan page writes.

“Kaia’s waist was taken in and her legs were made thinner,” the caption reads. “Kane’s ear was also made smaller.”

It certainly appears that way.

But Kim, who has been accused of doctoring photos of her children in the past, took to social media to express her outrage — and a firm denial.

“People are f–kin SICK!!” Kim exclaims.

She demands in her tweet: “Get the f–k out here!!”

“No post was taken down,” she asserts about the “before” photos.

“And,” Kim continues. “No photo has been nor will ever be edited of my children!”

As for the accusations, Kim writes: “I will no longer stand for this bulls–t!”

This is not Kim’s first time being accused of this.

This Halloween photo of Kaia and Kane brought on accusations that she had digitally manipulated the curve of her daughter’s butt.

Kaia Biermann, for the record, is four years old.

The idea of a mother being so obsessed with appearances that she tries to make her extremely young children look more “perfect” is stomach-turning.

Is this really what’s happening?

Even some of Kim Zolciak’s own alleged fans seem to think so.

“I’d love to believe you,” tweeted one person. “But I’ve seen a video of your IG pic/story, and it’s CLEARLY photoshopped-there are before and after shots. Sad, really.”

Others were less gentle, tweeting: “The photo was 100% photoshopped lol.”

Kim had defenders who sided with her, but her critics encouraged them to look at what they say is evidence of digital manipulation.

“Obviously you people haven’t seen the before and after,” a tweeter wrote to Kim’s defenders. “You can preach happiness and acceptance and joy…but damn girl, actions speak louder than words!”

Other fans spoke openly of their hope that her husband, Kroy, will step in and stop her from tweaking any more photos.

As we mentioned, @wigzncigs is serious about taking down Kim Zolciak.

Their Instagram bio reads: “Exposing Kim Zolciak-Biermann and her family for the liars & frauds they are! Ask, Believe, Deceive.”

The bio also links to, of all things, a petition.

The petition aims to implore Andy Cohen to cancel Don’t Be Tardy, on the grounds that they don’t like Kim Zolciak and think she’s fake.

Our first thought was that someone has way too much time on their hands.

Our second thought was to half-jokingly wonder if NeNe Leakes is somehow behind this.

(She’s not, but it would be so funny if she were using her massive paycheck to bankroll people to roast Kim)

But on a more serious note, if this “evidence” is somehow being faked or simply a misunderstanding, we hope that Kim can clear it up.

If Kim really is rounding out the butt and shrinking the ears of her very young children, though, that is … super f–ked up.

It’s one thing to have body image issues with yourself. It’s another thing altogether to project that onto your own babies.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Cristiano Ronaldo Denies Rape Accusations, "Goes Against Everything That I Am"

Cristiano Ronaldo is firing back against allegations he raped a woman at a Vegas hotel back in 2009 — saying, “Rape is an abominable crime that goes against everything that I am and believe in.” The soccer superstar is being sued by Kathryn Mayorga…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Travis Scott Responds to Accusations of Transphobia

On Friday, rapper and Kylie Jenner’s baby daddy Travis Scott dropped his new album, Astroworld.

But when it came to light that a transgender model had been conspicuously deleted from the album art, Travis came under fire and people began to wonder if he might be transphobic.

Travis has now broken his silence on the controversy and apologized to trans model Amanda Lepore.

Sharing a new message on Instagram, Travis Scott took to the captions to confirm: “EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ASTROWORLD!”

He shared a thoughtful message to make his feelings on the matter completely clear.

“Thank you David LaChapelle and Amanda Lepore,” Travis writes. “And everyone that came out to make all the covers and the vision come to life!”

Travis shares that he was unwilling to remain silent on the controversy, writing: “This is very important for me to speak up about:”

“Growing up I’ve been taught to accept everyone,” Travis reveals. “Not to cast people away but bring them in your home!”

Travis Scott Responds to Astroworld Album Art Controversy

“I have nothing but respect for the LGBTQ community,” Travis says, laying to rest any fears that he harbored bigoted beliefs.

Travis continues, writing: “I want to use my voice to make it clear that everyone on this planet is as equal and f–king awesome to the next.”

That is such a good, beautiful sentiment!

“Me and LaChapelle set out to create images that I grew up watching him create for years that inspire me today,” he explains, referring to the artist and photographer who created his album art.

“Yo, Amanda, you did upstage everyone,” Travis writes to trans model Amanda Lepore, who had joked that she had been removed because she’d upstaged everyone. “Even me.”

Travis Scott album cover variant

Travis then shared the version of his album art in which Amanda Lepore was included.

“I can’t wait for everyone to see the booklet that me and Dave put together,” Travis continues. “That includes all these images.”

“Thank you for being a part of it,” Travis writes to Amanda. “Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

Writing to both LaChapelle and Amanda and everyone who worked on the album art, he says: “Love you guys and THANK YOU ALL!!!”


Some conspiracy theorists may speculate that it was planned that Amanda would reveal that she had been a part of the album art.

Why? Because it created a controversy, and a controversy means added attention.

Accusations of transphobia means attention from trans folks, the broader LGBTQ+ community, and advocates. They also bring diehard transphobes looking to defend a fellow bigot (which Travis, of course, is not). 

And then entertainment news reports on it. It’s a free album promotion.

Then, Travis comes forward and makes it clear that he’s not a bigot, once again reminding everyone that his album exists.

We are not saying that we believe that this was a calculated ploy. But there are some people who do.

We should of course always be on the lookout for bigotry. There are, however, genuine situations in which people make choices for artistic reasons that have nothing to do with prejudice against anyone or their identity.

For Travis Scott’s album, LaChapelle created a series of photographs, depicting some sort of carnival that turns into a lust-filled, wild place at night.

We, too, look forward to seeing more photos that have yet to be released.

We are glad that Travis Scott’s response to the controversy was so affirming. It would have been easy for him to ignore it or simply give a terse reply.


Saturday, August 4, 2018

"Bachelorette" Contestant Leandro Dottavio Denies Sexual Harassment Accusations

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Leandro Dottavio says former ‘Bachelor’ contestant Bekah Martinez should have done some research before publicly accusing him of sexually harassing women more than a decade ago … when he was in…


Monday, July 23, 2018

R. Kelly Addresses Sex Abuse Accusations in 19-Minute Song

We have all read horror story after horror story about R. Kelly.

He allegedly seduces much younger women, isolates them, grooms them to accept abuse, and keeps them captive using violence and starvation to control them.

Multiple women who have come forward have also accused him of having groomed some women for this role since they were underage.

R. Kelly is being sued for sexual battery and false imprisonment.

Additionally, the #TimesUp movement has called to #MuteRKelly in an effort to force him out of the entertainment industry.

R. Kelly has now responded in a truly bizarre way.

Early on Monday, out of nowhere, he dropped a 19 minute song.

The song is titled "I Admit." In it, he seems to beg people to pity him. He also mocks the accusations against him and laments that they are endangering his career. He also name-drops an investigative reporter.

Take a look at these truly bizarre lyrics.

1. It begins with his sob story

R kelly i admit lyrics 01

The accusations against R. Kelly aren’t about him being “imperfect.” They’re about him allegedly abusing and terrorizing women and underage girls. Childhood struggles are sad, but not an excuse for monstrous deeds as an adult.

2. R. Kelly tries to minimize the criticisms against him

R kelly i admit lyrics 02

Sleeping with fans is fine. Allegedly keeping them locked up and isolated while punishing them with violence and starvation is not.

3. Here’s the chorus

R kelly i admit lyrics 03

While many people would be happy to hear him say these words in a deposition, interrogation room, or a courtroom, as a chorus, it’s mocking his accusers. And that is intentional.

4. Here, he sounds like he’s bragging

R kelly i admit lyrics 04

R. Kelly will seem to brag about his sex life more than once. You might think that a man accused of running a sex cult of brainwashed women would present a humble face to the world to avoid suspicion. R. Kelly does not.

5. He again wants listeners to feel sorry for him

R kelly i admit lyrics 05

Difficulty reading — whether it’s illiteracy or dyslexia — is definitely a sympathetic struggle. But this seems like a transparent ploy to elicit sympathy in the face of the harrowing accusations against him.

6. And now he’s back to bragging

R kelly i admit lyrics 06

Perhaps he hopes to convince listeners that if he is “confessing” (these sound more like boasts) to these actions, surely he has not done anything worse.

View Slideshow

Friday, April 27, 2018

Tom Brokaw Adamantly Denies Accusations by Woman Accusing Him of Sexual Harassment

Tom Brokaw’s firing back at one of his sexual harassment accusers, referring to her as a former colleague with a grudge who has had “trouble with the truth.” In an email reportedly sent to a few NBC News coworkers, the former “NBC Nightly News”…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prince"s Ex-Wife Mayte Garcia Slams Sinead O"Connor for Violence Accusations

Prince’s ex-wife doesn’t buy Sinead O’Connor’s claims he was violent toward women and abused hard drugs … because she never saw a shred of evidence to support that. Mayte Garcia — who was married to Prince from 1996 to 2000 — tells TMZ he was…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Kate Upton Details Horrifying Accusations Against Guess Cofounder

These days, the world knows who Kate Upton is. She’s beautiful. She was in that commercial for a phone game that looks more interesting than it probably is. And she just got married in November.

Sadly, she also has a #MeToo story, accusing Guess co-founder Paul Marciano of sexual harassment.

Now, Kate Upton is sharing the details of her accusations from her time as a Guess model, early in her career. 

Kate Upton dropped her bombshell of a #MeToo story, starting with a single tweet.

“It’s disappointing that such an iconic women’s brand @Guess is still empowering Paul Marciano as their creative director #metoo.”

She followed that up on Instagram, sharing that tweet and adding:

“He shouldn’t be allowed to use his position within the industry to sexually and emotionally harass women. #metoo.”

So, in case it wasn’t immediately clear from her use of the #MeToo hashtag, she’s accusing Paul Marciano of being one of the various sex monsters who uses his power to get away with his misdeeds.

For his part, Paul Marciano denies everything.

“I have never been alone with Kate Upton,” he says, though that doesn’t necessarily mean much on its own in light of Kate’s description that you’ll read below.

“I have never touched her inappropriately. Nor would I ever refer to a Guess model in such a derogatory manner.”

You’ll see what he allegedly said about her below, also.

“I fully support the #metoo movement. At the same time, I will not allow others to defame me and tarnish my reputation.”

Well, at least he’s not using that absurd “has #metoo gone too far” rhetoric that some people keep spouting.

“I have pledged to Guess and its Board of Directors my full support and cooperation with a fair and impartial investigation.”

Photographer Yu Tsai, however, has confirmed Kate Upton’s descriptions of harassment.

Speaking to Time, Kate Upton talks about alleged sexual harassment she faced at the very beginning of her career.

“After the first day of shooting the Guess Lingerie campaign [on July 25, 2010], Paul Marciano said he wanted to meet with me.”

That seems normal. The rest does not.

“As soon as I walked in with photographer Yu Tsai, Paul came straight up to me, forcibly grabbed my breasts and started feeling them — playing with them actually. After I pushed him away, he said, ‘I’m making sure they’re real."”

Needless to say, that is unacceptable. (This is beside the point, but if he couldn’t visually determine if they were real or not, how would that matter for the photoshoot?)

“Despite doing everything I could physically do to avoid his touch throughout the meeting, he continued to touch me in a very dominating and aggressive way, grabbing my thighs, my arms to pull me closer, my shoulders to pull me closer, my neck, my breasts, and smelling me.”

Ewww! And, obviously, horrible.

“He then told Yu Tsai to leave us alone. I was able to send a quick text to Yu Tsai asking him to stay. He did, but that did not stop Paul’s constant grabbing. I was extremely shaken, surprised and scared.”

“At one point he forcibly grabbed the back of my head so that I could not move and started kissing my face and my neck.”

That sounds so gross.

“I remember not wanting to say ‘Get off of me’ because I didn’t want to open my mouth to say anything because I didn’t want him to be able to put his tongue in my mouth.”

A horrifying situation to contemplate. And I’d bet that there are people who read Upton’s words and can relate.

“I had two options: do everything I could to wiggle away and avoid his pursuit, or punch the CEO of Guess. So I decided to just wiggle away.”

She says that Paul Marciano tried to insist that he walk her to her hotel room, but that Yu Tsai stepped in and volunteered to walk her to her room.

Upton says that she was afraid of what Marciano might do if the two of them were truly alone. She also says that he tried again.

“The next Guess shoot I worked on was about a month later. As soon as I went up to my hotel room, Paul started calling me asking to come up and see how my room is.”

That is not as subtle as it must have sounded in his mind.

“I politely declined several times. He continued to insist. He said he was already in the hotel lobby. He even called my room from the hotel lobby desk.”

She says that she finally turned off her phone, locked her door, and went to sleep. Unfortunately, she also says that her denials had immediate consequences.

“The next day, I learned that I had been fired from the shoot. Someone had called my agency to say I had gotten fat and would not be needed on set [that day]. I was devastated, especially because at this point no one from Guess had even seen me.”

That was not, obviously, the end of her career. But Upton says that she felt that, at any given moment, it could be. 

“It made me feel that if I cut off communication with him, I wouldn’t be booked again. Paul’s texting increased, telling me how excited he was to see me.”

The content of those text messages was pretty horrifying, too.

“He wanted me to change in front of him so he could see my naked body getting into his clothes. He asked if I thought of him when I was posing sexy on set.”

She also says that Yu Tsai was fired, perhaps in retaliation for shielding her with his presence. Upton says that photographer Ellen von Unwerth also interceded on her behalf to help her avoid being forced into an unwanted dinner.

It seems that her refusing to have dinner with him was the last straw for Marciano.

“After that he was extremely upset. I had a final shoot [in May of 2011], and he was outwardly rude and degrading the entire time.”

That alone would be unprofessional of him and unacceptable.

“He said I was ‘disgusting’ and started telling people how unprofessional I was by spreading rumors that I was drunk on set and partying every night, which of course I wasn’t. I was then told to leave because Paul had said, ‘Get that fat pig off my set."”

Kate Upton would later go on to see fame and success after her Sports Illustrated cover.

She says that Guess asked her back … but that Paul Marciano’s texting her that he would be on set and insisting that she not bring her boyfriend drove her to turn down $ 400,000.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Stassi Schroeder-Ariana Madix Feud Heats Up Amidst Bigotry Accusations

On last night’s Vanderpump Rules, sh-t got real.

And we don’t mean “drunk people yelled at each other about pasta” real – we’re talking “actual social issues of consequence were discussed on a Bravo reality show” real.

It all started when Stassi Schroeder asked the show’s newest cast member, Billie Lee, to appear on her podcast.

Prior to the interview, Billie – who is transgender – was cautioned by Ariana Madix that Stassi is sometimes insufficiently woke.

The accusation stems from remarks Stassi made on her podcast last year.

It seems Schroeder is one of the very few people who was upset when Moonlight beat out La La Land for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards.

Yes, ironically, Stassi was in the minority – and it seems she didn’t relish the feeling.

“Everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all that stuff — I’m like, why is it always just about African Americans?” Stassi asked, causing her audience to cringe themselves into oblivion.

“Why aren’t the Asians being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why aren’t Native Americans and Latinos being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why is it that it’s always just that?”

To be fair, Schroeder apologized for her comments and says she now understands the extent of how ignorant they were.

Obviously, a public “whoopsie” doesn’t erase all wrongdoing, and Stassi’s record in the months since is far from spotless.

But she’s trying – and she seemed genuinely upset about being derided as a bigot behind her back.

“She did an episode on her podcast, and she was like, ‘Well, I don’t know why those people always make award shows into a thing about politics and race,” Ariana told Billie prior to her interview with Stassi.

“I hope you school Stassi’s ass on her f-cking privilege because this bitch actually takes pride in being ignorant.”

“F-ck this,” Stassi said in response to Ariana’s warning.

“You know what? Saying that I’m racist — it’s a whole other level of vindictiveness. I didn’t articulate it properly, and I would actually just like you to go listen to it so you can make your own opinion.”

She added:

“To sh-t on my podcast, to sh-t on my values, to sh-t on all of that makes me really upset.”

Now, we’re in complicated territory here.

What Stassi said was beyond foolish, but was Ariana really concerned that Billie Lee would be triggered by another round of ignorant comments, or was she simply using a past slip-up to slander her rival?

Because if so, she’s being petty and exploitative, and she’s the one who owes her fans and friends an apology.

On one matter, Stassi is inarguably correct – an allegation of bigotry is a serious thing, and such charges should only be leveled out of genuine concern about someone’s beliefs, not to settle a personal score.

See? We told you this situation is way more thought-provoking than what you’re used to seeing on Bravo.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for next week’s episode, in which the cast will presumably debate the virtues of nuclear disarmament.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nicole Eggert Laid Out Scott Baio Accusations to Dr. Oz in Shelved Episode

We’ve heard Nicole Eggert’s accusations that Scott Baio molested her for years during her teens.

it turns out that Twitter wasn’t Nicole’s first choice as a platform to air her accusations — because she apparently told it all to Dr. Oz earlier this month.

There’s just one problem: Scott Baio is trying to shut down the episode, so it might never air.

Over the weekend, Nicole Eggert aired her accusation by quoting a tweet mentioning Scott Baio.

In it, she called him a “creep” and implied that he had in some way sexually mistreated her.

In subsequent tweets, as (obviously) people tweeted to her to ask exactly what she was accusing Scott Baio of doing, she accused him of having molested her, starting at the age of 14, when he digitally penetrated her.

This allegedly went on until she was 17. She says that it was at 17 when Scott Baio had sex with her.

(While 17 is a fine time for most folks to have sex, let us remind you that Scott Baio is a decade older than she is and also that we’re talking about, based upon her allegations, a situation in which he groomed and molested her for years leading up to that)

Scott Baio denies those allegations, and claims that his sexual relationship with her was consensual and happened only when she was 18. He also claims that she “seduced” him.

Part of Scott Baio’s denial itself was kind of creepy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

It turns out that it wasn’t just some social media whim that caused Nicole Eggert, the former Baywatch actress, to share her #MeToo story with the world.

TMZ reports that Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz everything about Scott Baio earlier this month. During that session, she revealed more details about what Scott said to her during her alleged years of molestation.

So why didn’t that episode, which was filmed on January 10th, air?

Scott Baio’s team sent threatening letters to Dr. Oz, denying the accusations and claiming that Nicole’s timeline doesn’t add up. We’re sure that it was all in legalese, but that was the gist of it.

It seems like Nicole felt like she had to take matters into her own hands — specifically, her thumbs, with which she presumably types her tweets — if she wanted to get her story out there.

As for the new, grim details?

Per TMZ‘s report, Nicole accuses Scott Baio of having spoken to her as if he were going to “prepare” her to have sex with boys her own age.

Remember that this allegedly started when she was 14, when Scott would have been 24 or 25.

A lot of sexual misconduct acts under a guise of something else. We’ve heard so many #MeToo stories about “massages” and “medical treatments.”

Plenty of consensual, healthy sexual intercourse happens under a guise, too. Euphemisms like Netflix and chill exist for a reason.

But not between a 14-year-old and a man ten years her senior, folks.

Nicole Eggert’s accusations go on:

Some of these alleged conversations happened at her house, while her parents were not home.

She describes what he allegedly said to her in order to convince her to agree to sex:

“How much he loved me and, hopefully one day when I was of age, we could be together, and that he understood I needed to go be with boys my own age and it was sort of like a goodbye action.”

Some sexual predators are obsessed with the build-up to sex and then lose interest. Nicole’s allegations seem to match that description.

Scott Baio strongly denies Nicole’s claims and says that other accusations have surfaced in the past but “gone away.” He seems frustrated that this one will not.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio admitted during a 16-minute video that he made to deny the allegations.

“[For] any normal, heterosexual, red-blooded, American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

He claims that this was when she was 18, but that denial is so creepy and really speaks to Baio’s cultural mindset.

It seems that he believes that any man who would turn down an invitation of sex (as he claims that Nicole made) must be gay. Or abnormal. Or maybe he just uses those words as synonyms. Oh, and he’d have to be un-American?

It’s always worrisome when even someone’s denial of sexual allegations reveals alarming things about how they view women and sex.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bill Cosby Performs, Jokes About Rape Accusations

In 2017, Bill Cosby stood trial for the 2004 sexual assault of Andrea Constand. Ultimately, the Cosby jury deadlocked and the judge declared a mistrial.

In a few months, Bill Cosby will face his retrial. We guess that we can hope that, this time, justice will be served.

But … you remember how Bill Cosby threatened to perform again? He’s made good on that promise with a show, just last night.

With less notice than you’d expect, the ad for the show went up on Cosby’s Facebook page.

“Bill Cosby Returns tot he stage for a special performance to honor jazz great Tony Williams.”

Believe it or not, folks, after the dozens of rapes that he’s accused of committing, there are still folks who follow him on social media. And they’re fans.

“Actor & Comedian Bill Cosby returns to the stage for a special performance honoring Jazz Great Tony Williams on Monday, January 22, 2018 at LaRose Jazz Club located 5531 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. This event is open to the public and tickets can be purchased at the door.”

As for what the appearance is all about:

“Bill Cosby will honor his fans with a historic performance with the Tony Williams Jazz Quartet and he will be performing a special comedy concert that will culminate the evening.”

At the actual show last night, which was extremely last-minute in nature, Bill Cosby didn’t shy away from his recent disgrace.

He joked about how he “used to be a comedian.”

He admitted that he gets a very different reaction when he goes places than he used to.

Worst of all, he joked about his alleged sexual assaults, saying: “There’s a perfectly good word called ‘stop’, Not ‘oh-oh-oh-oh-oh’.” A sickening line, particularly from a man who allegedly drugged his victims first.

(Plenty of women have trouble saying “stop” or “no” when they fear for their safety, but surely it would be next to impossible for someone who’s been drugged)

Afterwards, Bill Cosby was asked if he thinks that his retrial will go differently in the #MeToo era of people, you know, realizing that sexual assault is a real thing.

This was his facial expression:

He replied: “I don’t know.”

We can only hope that jurors are wiser than they were over the summer.

Now, you might be asking yourself who would go to such an event.

You’d think that all but the most aggressive misogynists would give up trying to proclaim Bill Cosby’s “innocence” after his accusers passed two dozen. Or three dozen.

(His accusers now number at approximately 60. He doesn’t have the most accusers, but it’s not a competition and many would question the agenda of someone who disbelieves sixty women in favor of the guy from their childhood Jell-O commercials)

After the deadlocked jury, Bill Cosby’s retrial date was set for this fall.

In September, it was pushed back to April 2018.

Since then, there has been a lot more conversation about sexual assault, victim-blaming, and why women remain silent for years when their careers, families, or even lives may be on the line.

Those who want justice for the approximately five dozen women who accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault are hopeful that the jurors will keep in mind the realities of sex crimes.

Most of those women, due to statute of limitations laws that many feel are harmful, can’t bring Cosby to trial. But Andrea Constand can.

Both sides should agree that it’s good that the prosecutor vowed to try Cosby again.

Those who believe Andrea Constand (and the 59 others) surely want a guilty verdict. Those who believe Cosby want him cleared in court.

Honestly, both sides should also agree that going on stage for performances while he is so reviled and has yet to even be acquitted … is in poor taste.

Especially if he’s going to joke about his alleged sexual assaults.

But some wonder if this is part of one last hurrah. If he might be anticipating a conviction, and wanted to go on stage a couple of times before that happens.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

James Franco Responds to Sexual Misconduct Accusations on Stephen Colbert"s "Late Show"

James Franco had some hand-wringing moments with Stephen Colbert as he tried to address accusations on social media that he sexually assaulted and harassed women. ‘The Late Show’ almost felt like “Dr. Phil” as the actor took issue with several…


Monday, December 18, 2017

Gene Simmons Denies Accusations of Sexual Harassment

Gene Simmons is known for his on-stage tongue antics (long before Miley was even born), for his band KISS’ absurd and recognizable makeup, and for some surprisingly conservative views for a guy who once seemed rebellious or radical.

And now he’s one of the latest powerful, famous men accused of sexual misconduct. He’s being sued by an anonymous woman.

He’s issued a statement and, to no one’s surprise, he’s denying the whole thing.

Gene Simmons is being sued by an anonymous woman who is a radio personality.

According to the lawsuit, details of which were published by the Orange County Register, Gene Simmons’s misconduct took place in a green room, while this woman was interviewing her.

The lawsuit alleges that Simmons reached over, grabbed the woman’s hand, and “forcefully placed it on his knee and held it on his knee.”

The woman apparently withdrew her hand immediately, but alleges that Simmons continued his “unwanted, unwarranted sexual advances,” reaching again for her hand.

Defendant Simmons turned standard interview questions into sexual innuendos, which made plaintiff Doe extremely uncomfortable

According to the documents, Gene Simmons grabbed her hand again, made a creepy noise, commented about how she must use lotion, and made some sort of gross sexual innuendo.

He apparently also flicked his finger against her throat, which is one of the weirdest things that we’ve read about since reading about Harvey Weinstein ejaculating into a plant.

Oh, and at a photo op after this interview from hell, Simmons allegedly grabbed her butt.


Gene Simmons is speaking out against these allegations and against the lawsuit, writing on Facebook:

“Friends, I intend to defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media.”

Again, it is not surprising that he’s denying everything.

“For the record, I did not assault the person making these accusations in the manner alleged in the complaint or harm her in any way.”

He’s fighting the allegations in public but also gearing up to fight the actual lawsuit.

“I am conferring with my lawyers with the aim of vigorously countering these allegations.”

And he believes that he’ll be ultimately vindicated.

“And I look forward to my day in court where the evidence will prove my innocence.”

He may be right about the lawsuit’s outcome — sexual misconduct is often difficult or even impossible to prove in court.

Even while remaining anonymous, the woman suing him is taking a big financial risk.

Ultimately, we don’t know what, if any, effect this will have on Gene Simmons.

The more passionate a man’s fanbase, the less likely he is to face real consequences, even in the court of public opinion.

Just look at Johnny Depp — everyone knows what he did and has seen the evidence that his management knew what he’d done, but he still has a career and die-hard fans. Oh, and he’s starring in a Harry Potter movie and even JK Rowling is defending him.

Only time will tell if Gene Simmons’ remaining fans will abandon him.

Though, honestly, anyone who still likes the guy after he said that depressed people should just kill themselves is probably going to stick with him through anything.

We should point out that it’s always possible that other women could come forward.

It’s rare for a man to engage in this sort of behavior with one woman and not with others.

So let’s all keep our ears metaphorically to the ground for other women coming forward about disgusting interactions with Gene Simmons.

There are a lot of factors at play — some women are ashamed of not telling anyone, or blame themselves for the way that someone else treated them, or fear public reactions (especially from someone’s fans).

Only time (and the court) will tell how this pans out for Gene Simmons.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose Says He Didn"t Commit "Wrongdoings" Amid Harassment Accusations

Charlie Rose seemed the worse for wear as he walked home Monday after getting benched from all of his gigs, and he seemed to take issue with the characterization that he did something wrong. A photog got Rose entering his New York City apartment…


Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon: Married at First Sight Couple Split Amidst Cheating Accusations

It’s all over for Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon.

The Married at First Sight couple has confirmed via social media that they are getting a divorce.

But they aren’t doing so in amicable fashion.

Having gotten married (at first sight, no less) on Season 5 of this controversial reality show, clear trouble for Downs and Duhon was afoot a few weeks ago when the former Tweeted:

“Just got a call from the woman who’s been sleeping with my husband…the same woman who he called on the honeymoon.”

She later Tweeted a follower:

“He admitted it.”

YIKES, huh?

We’d file for divorce under that circumstance if we were Sheila, too.

downs tweets

However, Duhon disputes this account.

On Sunday, he denied that his wandering penis played any role in the break-up, while also denying said penis wandered into any other woman’s vagina.

“Prior to any statements made about me, we were no longer living together and I already filed for divorce,” he wrote, adding:

“This was known to both parties, my lawyer, and the lawyer for the show.

“The reason that led me to file for divorce from Ms. Downs was thoroughly understood by all parties as well.”

duhon note

Simply put, he claims:

Infidelity was not a reason, nor did I ever admit such a thing. Thank you to those of you who have shown support throughout this tough time.

On the fifth season finale of this Lifetime series, Duhon expressed his doubts about the romance, while the newlyweds got into an explosive fight.

As you can see, not much has changed between them over time.

Sheila Downs and Nate Duhon kiss

Following Duhon’s denial, Downs tried to get the last word late on Sunday.

“I see that instead of finally operating in integrity, [Nate] chose to continue to lie,” she wrote on Instagram.

But this wasn’t all.

Buckle in for a lengthy post in her own defense…

My husband & I had problems. Yes. He was dishonest and there were women throughout our ENTIRE marriage.

Admittedly, I didn’t know how to handle that; and as you saw on the show, I handled it poorly at times.

I’m not proud of that, but I am extremely proud of the woman who acknowledges that and has made a conscious effort to change the things I didn’t like. When I got married, I meant FOREVER.

I unfortunately was the only one. If you watch the show back, my meltdown on the balcony was because Nathan said that he wanted a divorce.

That was the first of probably 40+ times.

And then came the women and the nights he would ignore my calls, block my number, engage in illicit activities, or not come home at all. On the cruise, we were intimate.

We admittedly had problems, but I was fighting for my marriage only to have a woman who had reached out to me before call me AGAIN with receipts..

Now had my husband already begun living a single life?? Absolutely!

On Twitter, meanwhile, Downs had even more to say about the situation:

It’s really pathetic how far Nate is going to try to save face.

I’m many things, but I am NOT a liar.

I stayed in my marriage BC of my COVENANT WITH GOD. Nate cried & told me he wasn’t ready & I deserved better almost a year ago.

I should’ve let him go then..& for real the worst thing you can say is that we had 4 counselors??

That is correct we went to 1 ONCE who just wasn’t a fit, 1 was a hardcore fan of the show (kinda a problem), one was nice as can be but a space cadet, & then we found the one!


We aren’t taking sides here.

And cheating is always wrong.

But we are curious how God feels about His covenant with you when it gets finalized on a reality TV show after you literally just met the man you’re marrying.

We. Are. Just. Sayin.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Tyrese Says He Wore Black to Court Because it was a Funeral for Accusations Against Him

Tyrese believes there was a death in the courtroom Thursday … and a figurative funeral was held for all the accusations about him being a bad dad. We got Tyrese leaving the L.A. courthouse with his wife, Samantha Lee, and asked him about his…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Minka Kelly Hits Back at Homewrecker Accusations: F--k Off!

When nasty rumors surface — and they can happen to any of us, not just to celebrities — a lot of people hold their heads high and ignore it. A lot of the time, that’s the right call.

But what do you do when someone goes on your own social media account and accuses you of being a homewrecker?

If you’re Minka Kelly, you call them out. And you don’t mince words.

The stunningly gorgeous Minka Kelly is dating the shockingly handsome Jesse Williams.

Minka Kelly is perhaps best known for her role on the hit series Friday Night Lights.

Jesse Williams, in turn, is best known either for his role on Grey’s Anatomy or perhaps for using his fame as a platform for Black Lives Matter, advocating to bring an end to police killings of unarmed, nonviolent black people across the US.

Also, Jesse Williams has piercing blue eyes that make him very distinctively recognizable.

These two very quietly began to date over this past summer (yes, summer is over, even though it still feels like the endless hellscape of early August).

The thing is that this was just a few months after Jesse Williams and Aryn Drake-Lee divorced after five years of marriage.

Some people wondered if Jesse Williams had put the cart before the horse and begun dating Minka Kelly before things fell apart between him and Aryn Drake-Lee.

In other words, they wondered if Jesse Williams had performed some Kevin Hart shenanigans. Not the part about being blackmailed with a sex tape — just starting a new relationship before the old one actually ended.

While it’s true that many marriages fall apart due to cheating, that’s not always the case.

And just because someone manages to find a new relationship quickly doesn’t mean that they and their new datemate were cheating during the old one.

Still, people wonder. We suppose that they couldn’t help it.

What someone certainly could have helped, however, was doing the social media equivalent of accusing Minka Kelly, to her face, of being a homewrecker.

Because one Instagram user commented:

“I hope the cheating rumors aren’t true. It would be disappointing.”

That’s about as polite a way of phrasing a very rude accusation as we can think of.

But it’s still super freaking rude.

We have to imagine that the commenter didn’t imagine that Minka Kelly herself would respond.

Minka Kelly replied, addressing the rumors that she was a homewrecker:

“They’re not. Hate for you to be disappointed. Glad I could clear that up for you. Now f–k off.”

You know, that’s a hostile reply, but it’s pretty warranted, right?

We should note that Jesse Williams also addressed these rumors.

Jesse Williams had a cameo in Jay-Z’s Footnotes for 4:44, in which he was also extremely blunt about his feelings about the rumors.

“I was in a relationship 13 years.13 real years, not 5 years, not 7 years, 13 years and all of a sudden mother f–kers are writing think-pieces that I somehow threw a 13-year relationship — like the most painful experience I’ve had in my life like with a person I’ve loved with all of my heart — that I threw a person and my family in the trash because a girl I work with is cute.”

Remember, no matter how Jesse and Minka might feel about each other now, the “homewrecker” narrative would boil down to him finding her cute and the two of them hooking up because of it.

So we don’t think that he’s insulting his actual, real-life relationship with Minka Kelly, here.

Instead, he’s just insulting the theories about the two of them.

That’s pretty fair, right?

And you know what? Even if the two of them had started dating while Jesse was still married, that would be Jesse’s wrongdoing — not Minka’s. We need to stop pretending that a third party can “steal” a partner from their spouse.

That’s not how this works.
